VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #7

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Why would anyone worry about what he wants? Do you think he cares about what books his victims would like to be reading?

I dont like what he did either but he hasnt been convicted of anything yet and even if he is I dont see any problem with his friends sending him some books to read. We all make mistakes, maybe not to the extent he did but it isnt our place to sit in judgement of others until we have first taken a very close look at ourselves.
So, your interest is making money on the murders of 4 people?

Where did I say anything about making money. What is your interest in being a member of websleuths? You enjoy reading about these cases I assume? Whats the difference?

We have been on this case since day one and many of us here have become good friends and we are having conversations accordingly, youre free to join in but I dont appreciate people coming in here insulting others right off the bat.
I dont like what he did either but he hasnt been convicted of anything yet and even if he is I dont see any problem with his friends sending him some books to read. We all make mistakes, maybe not to the extent he did but it isnt our place to sit in judgement of others until we have first taken a very close look at ourselves.


A mistake is writing 2009 on your check instead of 2010. Premeditatedly killing four people is not simply a "mistake".

A mistake is writing 2009 on your check instead of 2010. Premeditatedly killing four people is not simply a "mistake".

Since we are going to the dictionary tonight...

Main Entry: 1mis·take
Pronunciation: \mə-ˈstāk\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): mis·took \-ˈstu̇k\; mis·tak·en \-ˈstā-kən\; mis·tak·ing
Etymology: Middle English
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 : to blunder in the choice of <mistook her way in the dark>
2 a : to misunderstand the meaning or intention of : misinterpret <don't mistake me, I mean exactly what I said> b : to make a wrong judgment of the character or ability of
3 : to identify wrongly : confuse with another <I mistook him for his brother>

Funny that this definition doesn't seem to specify that the word only applies to minor errors or errors in dates.

See also:

And apparently Sam did say going to Farmville was the worst mistake of his life. FWIW.
Ooops, I just murdered four people. Sorry, just a mistake.

A mistake is writing 2009 on your check instead of 2010. Premeditatedly killing four people is not simply a "mistake".

We do not know the facts of the case. That remains the bottom line. And again if it does turn out that he murdered them, for whatever reason, I personally do not believe it is our place to judge him, there are any number of reasons why a person might snap and do what Sam allegedly did and I am quite certain that each and every one of us has what it takes to do the same given the right situation and circumstances.

In any case Sam is a human being and I get no real pleasure in the suffering of others even those who may seemingly deserve it most. Forgiveness is not easy, forgiving those who least deserve it is even harder but I am certain that learning to do so is the only true way to peace and happiness and freedom from that which otherwise consumes and destroys you.
Since we are going to the dictionary tonight...

Main Entry: 1mis·take
Pronunciation: \m&#601;-&#712;st&#257;k\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): mis·took \-&#712;stu&#775;k\; mis·tak·en \-&#712;st&#257;-k&#601;n\; mis·tak·ing
Etymology: Middle English
Date: 14th century
transitive verb
1 : to blunder in the choice of <mistook her way in the dark>
2 a : to misunderstand the meaning or intention of : misinterpret <don't mistake me, I mean exactly what I said> b : to make a wrong judgment of the character or ability of
3 : to identify wrongly : confuse with another <I mistook him for his brother>

Funny that this definition doesn't seem to specify that the word only applies to minor errors or errors in dates.

See also:

And apparently Sam did say going to Farmville was the worst mistake of his life. FWIW.

Well heck since we are looking up words and all:


1. trolling
Being a prick on the internet because you can. Typically unleashing one or more cynical or sarcastic remarks on an innocent by-stander, because it's the internet and, hey, you can.

Ok here's a somewhat controversial claim...

You are safer in SickTanick's living room than in Farmville VA.

Ok here's a somewhat controversial claim...

You are safer in SickTanick's living room than in Farmville VA.


I'd wager that you can at least get better weed in Sick's apartment than in F'ville.
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