VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #1

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Does anyone know ... how far of a walk was it from the party she left to the mall? And then from the mall back to her apartment? Doesn't she have a car? Seems like she was all over the place.
Why in the world was this woman out alone so late at night? I'm not blaming her at all, I'm just really curious. When I was in college, if nobody was going out/doing anything, I just didn't go out! I wanted company (not necessarily protection)! Is this something people do a lot at that age?
I wonder why they think that eye witness is 100% credible.

This sighting came in pretty early, before it fit the facts in the case. I suspect that is why. It was mentioned very early on in this thread and was discounted by locals because of the text about her location at 1:20am. This was before the O'Grady's footage was released.
An athletic 5' 11" female does not seem like the most likely target of a sex assault, perps seem to choose smaller victims because they are easier to grab and dump and perp feels like a big man, imo.
Wonder if " modelling scouts" have ever approached H, perhaps at the mall or after one of her sporting events ?

I agree, but at the same time, there are many factors at play here. Streets may have been abandoned, so even a struggle may have gone unnoticed. Plus, she was (reportedly) inebriated. Maybe someone bad offered her a ride and she took it? Maybe she even knew/had seen before/had heard of this person, so sort of trusted them?
Why in the world was this woman out alone so late at night? I'm not blaming her at all, I'm just really curious. When I was in college, if nobody was going out/doing anything, I just didn't go out! I wanted company (not necessarily protection)! Is this something people do a lot at that age?
She had been at a party, and had supposedly left that party to meet her friends at another one. Initially, she did not venture out in to the night alone, though it appears she did later.
I'll throw it out there that maybe she was going to meet someone at that outdoor stripmall and was running to catch last call (which is normally at what, 1:20a, 1:30a?)

If so that would mean she has a fake ID due to her being under drinking age or maybe bars are lax about IDing college students in the area? Not that crucial just of note..
Does anyone know ... how far of a walk was it from the party she left to the mall? And then from the mall back to her apartment? Doesn't she have a car? Seems like she was all over the place.

According to Googlemaps, it's roughly 1.5 miles by the route she took. If she took the more direct route via Main Street, it's only about a mile.
Does anyone know ... how far of a walk was it from the party she left to the mall? And then from the mall back to her apartment? Doesn't she have a car? Seems like she was all over the place.

Lots of college kids don't take their cars to college with them, especially in freshman/sophomore years. I didn't have mine at college consistently until I had to have it for an internship in my jr. year.

Unless you mean you've heard she had a car?
Why in the world was this woman out alone so late at night? I'm not blaming her at all, I'm just really curious. When I was in college, if nobody was going out/doing anything, I just didn't go out! I wanted company (not necessarily protection)! Is this something people do a lot at that age?

I wondered, too, why did she go off by herself after she left the party? Running around the city alone in the wee hours of the morning, seemingly frantic at one point ... what was she doing?
According to Googlemaps, it's roughly 1.5 miles by the route she took. If she took the more direct route via Main Street, it's only about a mile.

Ahhh, ok. Well that sounds more reasonable. I was imagining huge city blocks like NYC or something, with her wandering for miles ... obviously I've never been to Charlottesville. ;)
They're college kids. It was the weekend. I'm impressed she was reported missing before classes on Monday. People probably thought she was sleeping in. Or crashing with a friend. Chances are, people probably tried to text her, got no reply and assumed she was busy. It was probably not until several friends said "Hey, have you heard from Hannah?" before they realized she wasn't with any of them.

Kids have different groups of friends too. For instance (totally just for example here), she could have been hanging out with her Ski Club friends, then decided to meet up with friends from a class, or someone she knew from town, or whatever. 21,000-ish students, any number of whom she could know that wouldn't necessarily know each other.

I could see calling a friend multiple times and having the phone go to voicemail after a night of partying and just assume she'd gone somewhere without her charger, or gotten home and forgotten to plug it in, or lost her phone at a bar or a party, or had turned it off to sleep, etc.
Lots of college kids don't take their cars to college with them, especially in freshman/sophomore years. I didn't have mine at college consistently until I had to have it for an internship in my jr. year.

Unless you mean you've heard she had a car?

Nope, I didn't hear she had a car. I was just unclear how far of a distance she walked, it sounded to me like it was quite a good distance, but I see now that it was just over a mile. ;)
Nope, I didn't hear she had a car. I was just unclear how far of a distance she walked, it sounded to me like it was quite a good distance, but I see now that it was just over a mile. ;)

I was unclear on that as well. Thanks for the maps, everyone!
If she was seen at Fellini's at 1 am, there is no way at all that she was at 14th and Wertland at 1:20...unless she ran the whole way. So perhaps that is why they know the text was wrong. My gut is saying that she was going to meet someone too....that is really far to walk and such a sketchy way to go.

Given that the police have indicated Hannah appeared very inebriated in the surveillance video, I am assuming she was unsteady on her feet, moving in a jerky fashion, and exhibiting other hallmarks of drunkeness. That being the case, the fact that she was running with no obvious reason (nobody that drunk tries to sober up by going for a jog, IMO) leads me towards the conclusion that she was drugged, either voluntarily or without her knowledge or consent, and acting erratically and illogically. Alternatively, she may have had enough to drink that she was in a blackout or without use of her faculties. I only pray that a predator did not come across her if she was in that vulnerable state.

The idea that she was running to meet someone or make a last call at a bar just seems too far fetched, as it requires a level of conscious and pointed activity of which she did not appear capable at that point. The extreme inebriation provides a much more logical explanation for her odd behavior than conjuring up a complicated scheme to meet up with a mystery person in a mystery place for a mystery reason. JMO
Does anyone remember Shannon Gilbert who said someone was chasing her and she was running? It was in the same area that they found all the bodies? OMG I can't remember the details, but they eventually found her deceased also. She told her driver that someone was after her, that's what this reminds me of. Sometimes when drugs are involved people hallucinate.
Given that the police have indicated Hannah appeared very inebriated in the surveillance video, I am assuming she was unsteady on her feet, moving in a jerky fashion, and exhibiting other hallmarks of drunkeness. That being the case, the fact that she was running with no obvious reason (nobody that drunk tries to sober up by going for a jog, IMO) leads me towards the conclusion that she was drugged, either voluntarily or without her knowledge or consent, and acting erratically and illogically. Alternatively, she may have had enough to drink that she was in a blackout or without use of her faculties. I only pray that a predator did not come across her if she was in that vulnerable state.

The idea that she was running to meet someone or make a last call at a bar just seems too far fetched, as it requires a level of conscious and pointed activity of which she did not appear capable at that point. The extreme inebriation provides a much more logical explanation for her odd behavior than conjuring up a complicated scheme to meet up with a mystery person in a mystery place for a mystery reason. JMO

Which brings me full circle back to the question, "how did she send a coherent text in that state?"
Does anyone remember Shannon Gilbert who said someone was chasing her and she was running? It was in the same area that they found all the bodies? OMG I can't remember the details, but they eventually found her deceased also. She told her driver that someone was after her, that's what this reminds me of. Sometimes when drugs are involved people hallucinate.

LISK (Long Island Serial Killer)
Why the statements about mental health from the UVA Pres?

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