VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #10

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Here's a thought. Doesn't the DMV take pictures for passport photos?
I don't know, but I do know that it would be far easier to get them elsewhere. I get my family's passport photos taken at the neighborhood Walgreens, because I do not care for the DMV.
It appears that "light blue" is not a colour of 1997 Nissan Sentra. The closest I can find is "Silver Mint", which I suppose *might* look blue. (I googled)

DMV doesn't use the auto manufacturers color chart ,they use basic colors on registrations
Has anyone out together an outline of events/facts for this case? There's so many posts in this ongoing thread, it would excellent to have an outline. Thanks!

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In one of the PC's a guy the chief referred to as "Jim" said they spoke to him (if I'm not mistaken) but implied dissatisfaction with the results and said he still wanted to speak to him. They gave the impression that he wasn't telling them anything.

or maybe he said he had no idea what she did after they left the bar and they did not want to hear that as an answer. They want to nail someone so why not him.

I would feel more comfortable if they kept this stuff to themselves until they actually had forensic evidence that he is involved.
So let me get this straight. JLM goes to the DMV to renew his license after the police show up at his apartment, seizing and searching his orange coupe? Was he driving on an expired license or something, then? :thinking:

His apartment has been on craig's list for a month now and he recently was seen moving some stuff out. It's possible he needed to change his address and renewed while he was there.
I feel like for what ever reason they purposely gave an old description of JM.

But are they considering anyone who may currently fit that description? Especially one who is friends with JM?

I don't like the way this was done.... seems like they were looking to find something to get him with... what was a high rate of speed? - going 35 in a 25mph?
If he's guilty of harming Hannah, then I all for a death sentence, so don't get me wrong...

Apparently it was a high enough rate of speed that the surveilling officers called off the pursuit for their own safety and the safety of others on the road. It had to be a heck of alot faster than 35 mph.
Still fairly new to WS... really struggling to keep up with these threads... has anyone compiled a timeline? I would likely be more able to follow that..

I have never seen one move so quickly (though I generally stick to the Canadian threads which don't get as much attention in the U.S. new).
He might have noticed that he lost his driver's license. Some people are notoriously bad at hanging onto their things, including ID. Did he go to DMV after police searched his car and place? He's been in so much trouble for not having driver documentation that he might finally have gotten through his head that he had better have all his paper work and ID and that he could have charges filed for driving around without a license if he can't locate his. Too bad for him, he didn't think about not driving recklessly from the PD.

And I am sure LE is going to check that out and see if he had been driving around without a current license since December of last year.

If he just renewed them I imagine they will stack on that charges as well.
Interesting that they were looking for something specific....could they have gotten a tip from someone or found something during one of the searches? Maybe they are getting closer to finding out what happened?

This is what was so interesting to me about them going back earlier. I said when it was first reported that usually when they go back a second time they are looking for something specific...and a lot of times that is because they found something elsewhere and they want to match it.
A wanted poster for a traffic violation.

I hope you are not comparing reckless driving with a traffic infraction. Vehicular manslaughter is also technically a "traffic violation".

Thus far, the way this young man is behaving is very odd to me. He refuses to come forward. He fails to talk. He doesn't make his FB private or get rid of it. Instead he replaces his pictures with odd black squares. He drives recklessly, endangering the public, when LE is trailing him.

This sounds more like the behavior of certain POI's in other cases before they were arrested. Like scott peterson, for example. This is not typical of how innocent people behave. Regardless of race.
I'm very much undecided about whether JM is responsible or not, there's just too much we don't know. And aside from missing information, there is also conflicting information, this whole case has been screwy from the start. However, I really, really hope Longo has more than what he has stated in the press conferences.
Same here - and for the same reasons. Last week after watching the surveillance video from Sal's, I stated that I didn't see how "dreads" could have caught up to Hannah as she walked through the Downtown Mall, but of course I was wrong about that. Since then I haven't bothered to speculate much. It really doesn't matter if my guesses are right or wrong; it only matters if LE finds Hannah, and, if a crime was committed, that the perpetrator be captured and brought to face justice.

But I don't think it's speculating to say that CPD have more evidence and information than what they have released publicly. That doesn't mean it's enough for an arrest or conviction, but we certainly don't know all that they know. The public never does and never will, and it needs to be that way.
I doubt it was covert. They were likely right behind him, hoping he would try to lose them.

I wonder if LE was right up on his bumper, driving in that obnoxiously intimidating way they do when they are behind you, looking you up, waiting for (or trying to get) you to do something stupid, like forget to signal or go a few MPH over the speed limit. It happened to me once near the University here, and the guy eventually pulled me over because I didn't have my registration sticker on my license plate. When he did pull me over, he seemed non-plussed that the car was actually registered, I'd put cruise control on and hadn't sped, I was sober, and he had no reason to ticket me. Anyway, my heart was pounding and even though I was doing nothing wrong that I knew of, I had to fight the impulse to peel off. ETA: He also yelled at me because I pulled over "too fast" when he put on his lights.
He actually said it was OVERT. Not being argumentative, but I heard him repeat it again on his Today show interview this morning.

In my opinion this demonstrates that JM knew he was being followed and intentionally travelled at a high rate of speed to lose the tailing officers.
Someone also posted the fact that if you are asked to answer questions, but refuse without invoking your 5th amendment right, that can actually be used against you.

I have heard for years this saying, can and will be used against you...but just yesterday on the threads someone posted a youtube video explaining that is will ONLY be used against pretty much cannot use it for your own defense of what you said as that is considered heresay.

I'm sure I'm opening up :worms: but it was a lightbulb going off in my head that what you say cannot be used to help your defense unless YOU got on the stand and repeated it. Which Def Attys aren't likely to do.

BBM. But M preferred to leave the police station by driving in a reckless manner, refusing to pull over and causing a car chase. That is not quite laying low. He gave them a reason to arrest him, all because of that. What the heck was he thinking to commit a driving violation (driving recklessly or speeding and then refusing to pull over) when he had just been told to lay low?

BBM. No he didn't. According to LE, after having left the police station, he was later observed by LE who were following him, to leave an Albemare county residence at high/reckless speed.

Re link: think it was Chief Longo's TV interview this morning, looking for it, but this thread is moving too darn fast!
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