VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #16 *ARREST*

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Yes he did. And I have faith since Longo's Dept. the FBI and the SA's office all support

(Regarding whether Longo said abduction charge was from forensics)

Unless I missed something, I don't think so. What he said was (I'm quoting from an article, I don't have the transcript)

'This afternoon we reached that point where the commonwealth [Virginia’s attorney’s office] felt we had sufficient probable cause to seek an arrest warrant. So we appeared before a magistrate, DS Mooney did, very late this afternoon. And we obtained an arrest warrant for Jesse Leroy Matthew Junior of Charlottesville charging him with class 2 felony, abduction with intent to defile.’

The article also says he declined to answer questions about whether the new charges were based on new evidence.
I'm sure there are some out there ready to fry him. Always are and I'm sure he and family have had death threats. Happens all of the time in such cases, even those not so public.

The warrents served might well have been premature. I think the chief was sure enough personally from experience to move aggresively. Don't know enough to say whether how JM was treated was not right. I personally think LE missed an opportunity to get info from him when they slapped him with warrents for his car, phone and apartment. Some coffee, doughnut and a invite for a friendly chat from a trained psychologist interviewer would have been a good idea with someone keeping an eye on him instead of everyone focusing on the car.

Longo does owe the public info. He has a missing person out there. His people haven't found her Much of the info he got in catching LM was from the public, not from wonderful detective work. Doubt he's say much of anything if he didn't have to do so, but he does.

Whether JM actually raped the woman or not is not something that will ever be ascertained unless he admits it. The case was not brought to court, and he is presumed innocent. That he got involved in such a case and was so named is something of interest. He clearly had problems with boundaries and other women coming forward seem to indicate the same Wouldn't be surprised if others say he stepped way over lines of propietry. But, he did not get convicted of rape. To say one way or the other is pure opinion. Liberty U is a school with a much stricter than most colleges by far in conduct code, so getting expelled there for conduct unbecoming is no surprise. That the actual accusation is rape is something to take into heavy consideration.

From the interviews, it's clear he goes around picking up women. We'll see who step up and says he went over the limits. That often happens in such cases. Not just being creepy, but actually causing harm,

Yes, that is why we have these boards, and it's good some of us keep an open mind.

Hopefully, the jurors keep the presumption of innocense in mind so that he has a fair trial if it come to that.

I don't agree. It is obvious LE cannot make JM talk to them. He wasn't going to talk to LE when he was at the apartment and that is why he left. He has no intentions of talking with them or cooperating even then. That is blatantly obvious. Nothing stopped him from talking to them at the apartment or when he came in with his already made up list of defense lawyers.

Why some seem to think that LE can talk to someone that doesn't want to talk to them, I don't understand but no one can be made to talk to LE. He wasn't going to talk then or ever and he will never tell what he has done with Hannah's body, imo.

I really wonder just how many women he successfully picks up. He was able to this with Hannah because she was so intoxicated or drugged that she couldn't even stand up by herself. They said he always comes in alone. He seems to be very pushy/aggressive. Advancing himself upon women who do not want his advances. I haven't seen one woman come out and say 'oh I just loved how JM was always pawing me all over in the bars.'

I disagree. Longo does not owe the public anything when it comes to revealing what evidence he has against JM just like no other police department does. He is doing his job. Now that the suspect has been arrested his main goal is finding Hannah and that has always been his top priority other than finding and arresting the one who abducted her.

I couldn't care less if the case wasn't ever brought to trial on the rape charges in 2002. We see this happen countless times when the victim is either fearful to press charges, embarrassed or knows they will be accused by the defense attorney that the victim asked for it. It did happen, IMO and just because he was never tried for it doesn't make him innocent.

The school wouldn't have ever expelled JM (one their star football players) if they did not believe it happened. Campus rapes are an epidemic and between the rape victim being afraid/intimidated to press charges, and the colleges wanting to suppress it because it creates bad publicity a lot of these rapists get away scott free to go on to do it again.

I don't think he goes around picking up women. He TRIES to pick up women by pushing himself on them and touching them inappropriately even when they want nothing whatsoever to do with him.

Of course the jury will start off with the presumption of innocence but that has nothing to do with posters at WS. The presumption is at the very beginning of the trial and the presumption goes away when the evidence is entered showing why he should no longer be presumed innocent but guilty.

Yes, That happens with me often. Or a voicemail wil pop up that was sent a few days prior.

"There are plenty of guys out there looking for girls incapable of saying no."
That alone is a predator, IMO, and clearly against the law.

JM did not just happen upon her in a bar. He saw her walking, clearly drunk, and did a 180 to follow and approach her. I believe his "intent" started at the moment he saw her, and is clearly seen in the video.

I've looked at that video so many times and don't see where it looked like he is zeroed in on her... I guess once he takes the left to the other side of the mall he would have seen her, but initially it looks to me he high-fives the one girl then looks pretty much ahead until he turns.
This video of the Sal's footage may start a little ahead of some others- look how he seems to hi-five the one girl approaching him.
Maybe JM told her he was taking her to a party.. She didn't know where she was so gave a cross street reference as she was starting to feel uncomfortable.. Like a clue for anyone.. I think she was starting to figure out he was not taking her to a party.. Then phone gets taken from her and turned off cause he figured out what she was doing

Except that LE said that they are sure the text that she was lost at 14th and Wertland DID NOT come from that location.
(Regarding whether Longo said abduction charge was from forensics)

Unless I missed something, I don't think so. What he said was (I'm quoting from an article, I don't have the transcript)

'This afternoon we reached that point where the commonwealth [Virginia’s attorney’s office] felt we had sufficient probable cause to seek an arrest warrant. So we appeared before a magistrate, DS Mooney did, very late this afternoon. And we obtained an arrest warrant for Jesse Leroy Matthew Junior of Charlottesville charging him with class 2 felony, abduction with intent to defile.’

The article also says he declined to answer questions about whether the new charges were based on new evidence.

Yes and added that to the two (2) traffic violations from saturday
I think he's a predatory rapist /possible killer that goes where the victims are easy to pick up.. An opportunist to some extent.. Just like the pedophiles who drive school buses or lead boy scout etc. After a while they get good at it empowered learn new tricks but eventually screw up and get caught.
I only found this

As of Tuesday afternoon, the state lab was still analyzing evidence it has received from Charlottesville police, including nearly two dozen items and eight 'known samples that we would use for comparison purposes,' said Jeffrey Ban, director of the Department of Forensic Science's Central Laboratory in Richmond.
Ban said that the department has expedited the case and hoped to provide authorities with results in the 'very near future'.
Just thinking out loud...if one of my friends was lost and I knew she was drinking - I would probably head out to find her...But, like a PP said, that is through my older responsible eyes. If I was partying, I might not want to leave the party or maybe would've forgotten about the text until the next morning.

Wasn't it 2 days later that someone became concerned about her not returning to her apartment? I find that odd that no one was concerned enough to try to "find her" when she didn't return the next morning. My college daughter had a "wild roommate", who engaged in dangerous behavior. She said that she always knew where the roommate was going and would receive frequent texts throughout her encounters. She said if there was ever a time that she wouldn't have been home in the morning and had not text her about it, she would have been looking for her or reported it to someone. In fact there was a time the roommate text her about being lost, drunk and alone at an abandoned gas station at 3:00 in the morning and my daughter located her immediately. I feel strongly that there was some kind of communication occurring, unless her phone was lost or stolen, but this information is probably being withheld from the public. I can't imagine with all the texting out there now, SOMEONE wasn't in contact with Hannah and knew her intentions, activities, whereabouts up to the moment she was incapacitated.
Except that LE said that they are sure the text that she was lost at 14th and Wertland DID NOT come from that location.

If they're sure then that means pings indicated phone was somewhere else.
Remember that supremely "religious" guy who murdered his wife Jennifer and daughter Abby in Co some years ago and he was caught on video,using his work dumpster to get rid of items. His wife was found in landfill...daughter never found. Wife found his online *advertiser censored*...
Do you by any chance know why there was a gag order? I tried to follow the case, but because nothing was released I felt it difficult to know more about it.

You are correct about the media exposure. Also this current case is tied to a very prestigious university. I'm glad it's getting publicity, but on the other hand, it makes me feel so sad deep down inside for all of the other women missing around here. It's like no one cares.

Apparently a gag order of sorts was put on that case for some reason. Also , sadly AA women don't get the press that white college coeds do. Nor do white women who are not college coeds or from families of "distinction" that have large mass followings like a college crowd.
Nope, there hasn't been any explanation for that window of time.
Thank you. So, she could have been somewhere else drinking (but you would think whoever she was with would say so...), and that could explain her increasingly intoxicated state. Sometimes alcohol can sneak up on you.
Not sure that that's feasible, seems if she was at another party, the people there would have spoken up by now. That hour is bugging me...
Funny you say that, and very good sleuthing! For some reason the other night I was laying in bed and the Mickey Shunick case popped into my mind, and about her bring 1st placed in a cemetery. I looked up cemeteries around cville, and there are many very close to the area of interest. It's a long shot, but never hurts to look.

Ok, but, Jesse's grandmother is a Carr. I feel that's the reason he chose that name.
I grew up in a very small, very religious town and I actually saw a lot of the opposite--a girl was forcibly raped, then declined to press charges because of the humiliation of publicly being outed as a non-virgin (either simply by virtue of having been raped, or because of previous sexual activity). Feminine virtue was an obnoxiously big deal, and the possibility of being labeled a *advertiser censored* and socially shunned in such an isolated, close-knit community was, for some of my friends, worse than surviving rape. charges filed, because the girl won't testify.

Not saying false accusations don't happen; they do. But keep in mind, the pressure can push the other way.

wow, that sounds like something that would happen in somewhere like Yemen or something, or back in the 60s, times change for women and yet some things don't :(
I only found this

As of Tuesday afternoon, the state lab was still analyzing evidence it has received from Charlottesville police, including nearly two dozen items and eight 'known samples that we would use for comparison purposes,' said Jeffrey Ban, director of the Department of Forensic Science's Central Laboratory in Richmond.
Ban said that the department has expedited the case and hoped to provide authorities with results in the 'very near future'.

State of Virginia forensic labs were terribly backlogged for years...and only recently had received extra manpower funding from the state to get back on track. However, this case will be moved to the front of the line.
Wasn't it 2 days later that someone became concerned about her not returning to her apartment? I find that odd that no one was concerned enough to try to "find her" when she didn't return the next morning. My college daughter had a "wild roommate", who engaged in dangerous behavior. She said that she always knew where the roommate was going and would receive frequent texts throughout her encounters. She said if there was ever a time that she wouldn't have been home in the morning and had not text her about it, she would have been looking for her or reported it to someone. In fact there was a time the roommate text her about being lost, drunk and alone at an abandoned gas station at 3:00 in the morning and my daughter located her immediately. I feel strongly that there was some kind of communication occurring, unless her phone was lost or stolen, but this information is probably being withheld from the public. I can't imagine with all the texting out there now, SOMEONE wasn't in contact with Hannah and knew her intentions, activities, whereabouts up to the moment she was incapacitated.

It all depends how close you are and what type of friends you are with your roommates. My junior year I lived in a 4 bedroom house with my best friend and two other random people. We never knew what the other two were up to at all because we were purely roommates and not friends at all. We only all sat down for pre planned roommate meetings every few months when someone got mad about a mess or noise another person was making or something.

I guarantee one or both of them was gone for days at a time before and we had no idea. Just assumed we were on different schedules or something because if a bedroom door is closed they could or could not be in there. Apartments are different then dorm rooms where the other person's absence is more noticeable (no doors to hide behind).
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