VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #5

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Not open for further replies. one thinks I have a good theory? LOL!

Awww, it's a good theory;) I just happen to think the high 5 was because he was regular in the downtown area and they knew him. It'd have to be a pretty big conspiracy goin on. IMO
totally agree with your whole post, but especially the above. i've told 'white lies' to excuse my whereabouts before... usually when i feel i may get in trouble for the real reason i'm not where i'm supposed to be! for instance if i slept in on a weekday i'd more than likely text the boss "stuck in traffic, see you shortly" rather than "forgot to set my alarm and can't be bothered rushing". i'm sure everyone has done similar at some point in time, especially when they were younger.

it seems perfectly plausible to me that if hannah was going to another party but had been held up on her 'mission' she would text and say "i'm lost" in the event people were expecting her and/or wondering where she was. i don't think it necessarily means she was actually lost at the time, more just wanting to buy herself some time without explaining the real reason she wasn't there already...

But she texted the exact location where she was, which makes me wonder if there really was a party down there (her friends didn't question why she was all the way down by the mall). But then we see her scrambling all over the place, so she doesn't appear to have a clear sense of where she is headed. And I have to wonder, why would she choose to willingly run off with this stranger, instead of meeting up with her friends at the party?

I'm just so confused by her actions.
I don't mean this to knock anyone's theories, I love theories! IMO though, I don't think he was her dealer. I only say that, because I feel like if he was her dealer, someone somewhere would have said somewhere. I don't think her dealer would target/kill her. Something just tells me this was a predator.
I don't mean this to knock anyone's theories, I love theories! IMO though, I don't think he was her dealer. I only say that, because I feel like if he was her dealer, someone somewhere would have said somewhere. I don't think her dealer would target/kill her. Something just tells me this was a predator.

Could be, but then again, maybe he's not the abductor/killer. Maybe he dropped her off somewhere and then something happened to her.
Has anyone Googled "downtown mall Charlottesville" there is a much bigger crime problem than everyone claims.
I don't understand why people are so shocked that she would talk to this man. He doesn't look that imposing. He's dressed kind of basic, khakis and a polo and probably was very friendly. I've been approached by men like this dozens of time while out. Unless the guy was acting unusual, I wouldn't necessarily think he had nefarious motives. I would think he was hitting on me, would politely carry on a conversation with him, and then move on.
I don't mean this to knock anyone's theories, I love theories! IMO though, I don't think he was her dealer. I only say that, because I feel like if he was her dealer, someone somewhere would have said somewhere. I don't think her dealer would target/kill her. Something just tells me this was a predator.

Do you think she was just looking for someone, anyone, to party with besides her friends? I have never been a partier, so I can't comprehend the thinking behind her actions.
I wish we could hear some eyewitness accounts of what Hannah's demeanor was that night. It's so hard to tell from the videos. Assuming she didn't know Dreads, why did both he and WG take notice of her and follow her, even though the mall was fairly crowded with other pedestrians? She must have been very obviously impaired and looked like an easy target.
Why on earth did she leave her friends??? Just can't imagine why this would happen, unless she had secret plans or overheard someone say where a person she was interested in was that night, and went in search of him/her. How does dinner, drinks and dancing with close friends turn into this??
Could be, but then again, maybe he's not the abductor/killer. Maybe he dropped her off somewhere and then something happened to her.

Possibly. I think a lot of people think dealers are always this kind of seedy person, and a lot of times they are. But for a girl like her, she could get almost anything without getting too seedy. Someone would have also hooked her up with the connection, and I feel like police would have gotten to the apartment way before now if that were the case. I personally just don't see it. They may have known each other another way, or not at all. I just don't get a "dealer" type vibe from the situation.
Has anyone Googled "downtown mall Charlottesville" there is a much bigger crime problem than everyone claims.

I graduated from UVa a few years ago. I didn't see the Downtown Mall as a super safe place at night, but then again I am super paranoid. So that's JMO.
I had to jump ahead to catch up, so I'm sure I missed valuable information and thoughts, but this is the bottom line as I see it... Dreads tell the police that that he picked her up in the mall, took her to the bar, purchased alcohol, took her back to his place... whatever ... she left or he took her somewhere ... doesn't mean he is responsible for disappearance. innocent until proven guilty ... sucks, right? Makes my stomach hurt.
Do you think she was just looking for someone, anyone, to party with besides her friends? I have never been a partier, so I can't comprehend the thinking behind her actions.

I have to agree with the LE who said she looked like she was walking with purpose. She didn't look lost to me. She didn't look like she was looking for anyone either though. I can't shake the feeling that her state of mind was altered, either by substance or more biological and someone took advantage of that. I wish I could know more of what WG saw and why he thought she was in distress.
I'm just catching back up, but yesterday I felt pretty suspicious that WG and dreads were a team. I also think the high 5s were odd. He stopped and waited for those women to high 5.

And...WG started following hannah before she had even passed him fully.

I don't think this is necessarily a one man operation, particularly given all the abductions of young women in the area.

Okay, I'm going to post my far fetched theory since everyone else is. LOL!

I can't get over the weirdness of that lady seeming to high five the dreadlocks guy. I can't seem to shake the idea that that might have been a signal. It's weird to me that the two ladies approach, separate as they walk up to dreadlocks guy and dreadlocks guy stops, she high fives him, and then he suddenly starts moving with purpose. THAT's what makes me raise my eyebrow. You can see him at the edge of the screen looking like he's just sort of milling around waiting. And then the lady high fives him and all of a sudden he's off! And he's not ambling, IMO. He's walking with a purpose like he knows EXACTLY where he's going. Some people have suggested that she only high fived him because he approached her so she didn't know how to respond but there's no hesitation in her gait. She high fives him and keeps on moving.

I never really thought the white guy in the doorway was all THAT suspicious but the more I watch the more I think it's odd how SLOWLY he saunters out to follow Hannah. He's moving nowhere near the same clip she is and if he was concerned about her wellbeing, you'd think he'd move much quicker in order to keep up with her. Obviously if a block later the dreadlock guy has PASSED him so that he is now walking next to Hannah (as we see in the jeweler footage) he's walking slow.

So, my theory is that the woman who high fives the dreadlock guy was signalling him that a target was in the vicinity. Dreadlock guy high tails it over to where white guy is stationed. White guy follows Hannah so he doesn't lose her...trails her at a rate so as not to seem suspicious, hence the slow pace. Dreadlock guy passes white guy, catches up with Hannah and proceeds to charm her into the bar/car/apartment or whatever the sequence is that's next that we haven't quite determined.

Notice the woman who high fives him has a cell phone out. Maybe she was texting white guy who also has a cell phone out. Maybe she's telling him there's a target coming up and to step aside and wait for her to pass.

Far fetched? Maybe. ;) But you have to admit it is so weird how quickly and with such purpose dreadlock guy starts moving right after the high five when prior to that he was basically just standing there. Given that Hannah doesn't even enter the picture from top right until dreadlock guy is almost to the point where he's turning to cross the mall, there's no way he saw her in advance and that that's what triggered his move. SOMEONE let him know that she was coming.
Awww, it's a good theory;) I just happen to think the high 5 was because he was regular in the downtown area and they knew him. It'd have to be a pretty big conspiracy goin on. IMO

I can't imagine that a local who was a regular in the downtown area would use the same location to find victim. How dumb would that be??! Everyone would know who he was and pinpoint him immediately.

I think he was unknown. To everybody except his accomplices. You'd have to be REALLY stupid to make yourself known to the point of being a regular and THEN abduct and (most likely) murder a young girl and not expect people to point you out.
Do you think she was just looking for someone, anyone, to party with besides her friends? I have never been a partier, so I can't comprehend the thinking behind her actions.
I think she was at least a little familiar with him. Maybe a friend of a friend? I could be completely wrong, but that's just the feeling I have.
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