VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #6

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Quoting myself from up thread, hoping someone knows the answer to my question.

It is my opinion that Longo implied at the presser yesterday that JM is under surveillance and they know where he is always.

He did not say that outright.

Perhaps other posters have a differing opinion.
Gosh, I hate to further speculate...but I have been doing it all day, so here goes. It was mentioned earlier in a post that a video showed her walking back and forth looking out at a parking lot at one point. Later, she is seen "hugging" JM. I am wondering if she knows him because he is a dealer of marijuana or something. Maybe that is why he did not come forward. Maybe the worst thing he did was deal her a bag of weed. Dunno....all I do is speculate. Would love to know if any of her friends know this guy from such encounters. I still think he is going to turn out to be the killer..but just trying to give other scenarios.
I definitely agree she was certainly disoriented, however, I think there may be to much emphasis on the on the location the text at 1:20. If all accounts are accurate, given the time it takes to get from the jeweler to tempo restaurant would put JM and HG there around 1:15- assuming they were served immediately there were a few drinks mentioned- putting them past 1:20 and no way even remotely near Wertland. Unless, they were at tempo first - and WG would be lying.
Jmo I know most people are in love with the police chief lol...but I was not wild about how he gave so much info about POI, except his name, as if daring someone else to reveal it, so Le would not be "responsible" for his name being out there if he is innocent, and something happens to him.

Anyway Jmo, I know many will disagree.
YES, except I think she was not very drunk or lost. There has been a lot of exaggeration about that but she is moving pretty well and purposefully, and we have a lot of video time of her not drinking.

On the other hand we know she is going to a party and is no stranger to drinking (and this is reasonable, she is European and has been living with and experiencing alcohol for several years. Yes she lives in VA, but is in Europe every summer.)

Nice story,but not buying it.LE believes she left in his car.Where is Hannah? You have an interest in protecting LJ which is clear to me.

We also know she is extremely sharp, worldly, witty. This is a smart woman, studious. No evidence of any interest in drugs, but like most college students knows how to party.

Her room has 20 or 30 booze bottles on top of the cabinet. How did she accumulate those, being under age? Well, people OF age buy it for her, of course. (PD should ask her roomies about that, "Hey, where'd all those bottles come from...?)

There are no drug deals, ruffies/spiked drinks, sex slave rings!

So what is she doing?

She's going to a party, and she is not going empty handed. She is going to buy something to bring, which is not a big deal to her except the silly US drinking age.

She goes right to McGrady's, looks twice in the beer garden for someone she knows, doesn't find him. Looks for his car, then looks for a third time at the front door. She goes further to the mall, and then finds him. First, they pass by each other going opposite directions and she doesn't see him. Then LJ wheels around to go the same direction, then off video passes the other group, calls out, "Hey, Hoo!" He doesn't know her by name, nor does she know him by name, only by sight. Hannah turns around and spots him, lets him catch up and discreetly tells him she needs some drinks for the party. (WG sees all this and bails.) LJ walks with her toward Tempo, now on the second video. He pops in, buys it, brings it out they part.

She heads back on Waters to try to find the party and gets to her neighborhood, but can't remember what apartment the party is in, texts she's coming but "lost". She is not LOST lost, she just can't find the party.

Then something bad happens.

LJ probably isn't involved beyond helping her out with the purchase but he isn't going to talk. He is black and she is white, young, connected. The police are not his friend. In his mind he might even get shot before this thing gets solved. Heck, they already took his car and ransacked his house! At the least the DA would need to give him immunity for buying for her (which he probably did in the past as well, for her and others.) But probably he still won't talk, and if you think about it from his perspective it makes sense.

I do hope they find her soon, sounds like a one-of-a-kind person. The world needs her.

I am not buying your story.I think you have an interest in protecting LJ and that speaks volumes to me.
She heads back on Waters to try to find the party and gets to her neighborhood, but can't remember what apartment the party is in, texts she's coming but "lost". She is not LOST lost, she just can't find the party.

Then something bad happens.

LJ probably isn't involved beyond helping her out with the purchase but he isn't going to talk. He is black and she is white, young, connected. The police are not his friend. In his mind he might even get shot before this thing gets solved. Heck, they already took his car and ransacked his house! At the least the DA would need to give him immunity for buying for her (which he probably did in the past as well, for her and others.) But probably he still won't talk, and if you think about it from his perspective it makes sense.

I do hope they find her soon, sounds like a one-of-a-kind person. The world needs her.

That's why the violent rapes in her neighborhood are key.
A couple problems...
She texted her friends earlier to come find her because she was lost.
Also, alcohol off stops at midnight in VA. There was no way she was buying alcohol to take anywhere at that time of the night.
Honestly no two news or LE sources have provided consistent descriptions of the texts, or released them in totality for that matter. The WaPost link above is old and has the info out of sequence.

I really don't think she was lost at McGrady's and at the downtown mall.

As to the alcohol "off" SHE wasn't buying, but LJ told his grandmother he bought her alcohol. Are you saying that is impossible?

Fair questions though.

The other thing that makes me wonder is what about actual calling of friends? If friends are not texting her back and she was truly distressed, why not press the little phone icon and actually voice call or face time?

If it is accurate, as said at the link above, that she texted friends more than once about being lost and also at one point was asking them to come find her... then I really do believe she was confused and lost and was not using being lost as an 'excuse'. There's no reason she would ask her drunk friends to come find her if she was actually trying to blow them off, IMO.

I can't quite buy that she sent multiple texts asking for help, and her roommates still didn't notice she was missing until SUNDAY.
Would someone point me to the video of the poi putting his arms around HG? Haven't seen that. Thanks.
Following this a bit, since I live in Harrisonburg which is about an hour away from C'ville. I just needed to add that I have seen many people here comment about race relations in this area, all in a negative light. I was born and raised here and lived most of my 33 years locally (even a few years in LE) except for about a decade globe trotting in the military, along with living for a bit in New York and LA. Let me just say the race relations here are no where near what many on here are making them out to be. In fact in the above two mentioned cities race relations are infinitely worse, then anywhere around here. Many people think south and automatically their mind goes to Selma, Alabama circa 1960s, that is not here. And yes I know many minorities, heck my wife is a minority and I have rarely if ever heard them complain or even mention race relations around here. Just a putting it out, some on here are really blowing that possible aspect of this case way out of proportion.
From surveillance video police have found, it appears that Graham simply was walking in the wrong direction while trying to meet up with friends. Police detective James Mooney said that in her text messages to friends, Graham indicated that she was lost and disoriented, at one point saying she was on Main Street when she actually was on Preston Avenue.
Graham also indicated that she believed she was walking back toward her home when she was actually headed the opposite way, authorities said. She also texted friends asking for someone to come find her after she realized she was lost. She last texted friends at 1:06 a.m., about the time that the man in dreadlocks encountered her.
Longo, the police chief, said it is clear that Graham walked to the mall on her own — more than a mile from her apartment — and that police believe she could have left the mall in the man’s vehicle after joining him at Tempo, a restaurant and bar.

On the video, it looks like she may have been either reading or sending a text when she stopped at the corner of the Irish Pub. Wonder if she was the one who realized her mistake about Main vs. Preston, or how that was discovered? I can't figure out why she didn't try to get help/directions at the bar. Wasn't it reported that she was denied entrance there? Surely they can't be THAT cold blooded to deny a young, drunk girl help on a late night.

It's such a shame someone wasn't able to come to her rescue if she was texting for over an hour about her predicament--I guess you never really think something this bad could happen to you or to your circle of friends.

It's pretty obvious that someone would be "distressed" at the mall after walking for over an hour and having no idea how to get home--she probably did some circles during that time.

If it is accurate, as said at the link above, that she texted friends more than once about being lost and also at one point was asking them to come find her... then I really do believe she was confused and lost and was not using being lost as an 'excuse'. There's no reason she would ask her drunk friends to come find her if she was actually trying to blow them off, IMO.
Jumping off here... then why did the police chief say she had a purpose and was intentionally meeting him? Am I bleary or did I not see that quoted? This would not be the first contradiction in what LE says, obviously.
There is a table of three men in that video (referring to the pub video) It looks like they are talking about her. You can see there heads and gestures. When she crossed back over the street to leave one of them leaves the table. Maybe they should really look into where that young man goes. You can see someone leave out that direction at the very end of the video, but it is too short to see it.

In the video after HG walks up the ramp, a guy sitting at the table (dark shirt or jacket with white inner shirt) gets up and walks out, then you see a guy leaning against the railing like he's talking to someone, the guy has a dark shirt/jacket on, I don't know if HG is still at the pub or has left.
Guilty or not...I'd certainly lawyer up if I were in his shoes. He's already been tried and convicted in the court of social media and public opinion. He'd be a fool not to have representation.
Anyone find a link yet as to JM lawyering up?
I don't understand why someone would text vs CALL in crisis. Oh, how I wish I could undo this for Hannah.
I'm new to the forum but have been following the case. This may have been thought of or brought up already- but where is the restaurant copy of JM's drinks from tempo restaurant? Even if he paid in cash the restaurant should have this- especially if it's upscale. I would think it would have a time stamp on it- which could help us figure out if the logical timeline makes sense and exactly when they left the restaurant. If it took 4 minutes to get from the jewelry store to tempo, and they were there no more then 15 minutes it still puts it past 1:20 that Hannah apparently sent that text she was lost. Something doesn't add up -- including if WG is telling the truth completely.

Actually, all the articles I am reading say her last post was at 1:06 right before LM approached her and they then went to the bar.

From surveillance video police have found, it appears that Graham simply was walking in the wrong direction while trying to meet up with friends. Police detective James Mooney said that in her text messages to friends, Graham indicated that she was lost and disoriented, at one point saying she was on Main Street when she actually was on Preston Avenue.
Graham also indicated that she believed she was walking back toward her home when she was actually headed the opposite way, authorities said. She also texted friends asking for someone to come find her after she realized she was lost. She last texted friends at 1:06 a.m., about the time that the man in dreadlocks encountered her.
Longo, the police chief, said it is clear that Graham walked to the mall on her own — more than a mile from her apartment — and that police believe she could have left the mall in the man’s vehicle after joining him at Tempo, a restaurant and bar.
Jmo I know most people are in love with the police chief lol...but I was not wild about how he gave so much info about POI, except his name, as if daring someone else to reveal it, so Le would not be "responsible" for his name being out there if he is innocent, and something happens to him.

Anyway Jmo, I know many will disagree.

If he turns out to be innocent of abduction/murder, then this will go down as a perfect example of why witnesses can be too afraid to come forward to LE if someone they interacted with disappears. I agree that it was premature.
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