VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #7

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So did we ever find out if JM was at football practice on Saturday morning? Last night, there was a poster (whose name I can't remember) whose son plays on the team and she was going to ask him.
Seriously? People are killed for their cell phones these days. That the shirt didn't meet the pants means the shirt didn't cover her phone if she tucked in her waist band.

Seriously, People carry their cell phones in their hands and those people are not killed daily for phones. If I tuck a phone in my pants it is safer there then in my purse that is hanging/dangling off of my shoulder, seriously.
Interesting! I hadn't considered that autocorrect could be at play. I am constantly sending nonsensical (or worse, sensical but autocorrected to be wrong) texts. Also, I forgot that the battery isn't removable. Don't cell phones send signals even when off if the battery is alive? Isn't this what got some criminals in trouble in the early days cell phones -- that they thought turning their cell phone off was enough to hide their movements?

And if she used Swype, she could also have mis-swyped - especially if under the influence (and walking!) - and since it turns everything into what it 'sensed' you saying it's very easy to miss it!

For some reason I find I end up with a lot more inadvertent SMS errors using Swype than I ever did in the dinosaur days of texting or when using T9, especially if I'm walking also.

I'm sure it'd be a serious mess adding in alcohol and/or being disoriented and/or being scared or creeped out into the mix also! :scared:

Except in the rare instances I actually watch to see what it's predicting while I'm Swyping, like if I can't remember if I taught it a particular word, or am sending a more serious message and/or to someone a little less friend-ish/close, I definitely end up with some odd things here or there thanks to it.

My funniest Swype issue, though, was when halfway through a message to people I was leaving to go be with Christmas morning, I hit the 'language' key (which is just two left of the space bar - and between the comma and the 'number' switchover key) which is shockingly easy to do, at least on my version!

And oops - doing to many things at once trying to get out of the house, and not reading before I sent, they got part of a message they understood and then it switched into Korean! :lol: That alone would have confused them (if they knew Korean - which they don't!) but it'd have been an equal mess if they did, since I was swyping in English so who knows what it would have even 'read' the word as anyway, and they'd certainly not have been actual sentences! LOL
Mark Furhman was just on Fox and said there are issues in the timeline (sorry I didn't catch what all he said they were), as well as he said the police know that HG was in JMs car, he didn't elaborate on how he knew that (whether through educated guess, or first person information) and the interview got cut short as the satellite cut out on Mark.
Crazy late night thought, could H be hidden somewhere in or near the hospital where DG works?
How about near his g/ mother's home?
I asked this before but unsure if I got an answer. Does anyone who attended UVA know if they teach awareness to incoming freshman? Do they have a volunteer escort service women can call at night? What about the blue emergency lights/phones?

I went to a school where rape had happened a few times over the years and our school was incredibly proactive in informing it's students. It was also a huge party school. I was never allowed to walk alone- my MALE friends made sure of it every single time, no matter the inconvenience to them.

In response to the above, yes UVA definitely teaches awareness to incoming freshmen, especially after the MH case. Yes they have a free ride program available to students. There are blue light phones but only on campus/grounds. Where she lived was not on campus but about 4 blocks away from the undergrad campus. It is actually closer to the medical center. Even though she had only lived in her new apt for a few weeks, the area in which she lived was only a block or two from the "Corner" which is an area across from campus with restaurants, Starbucks etc. The first party she went to sounds like it was a block from her house and only a block from the Corner, which I'm sure she was very familiar with because it's where students go to eat and hang out because it's walking distance.
When she left the party and started walking, it seems that she would have realized pretty quickly that she was lost/heading in the wrong direction and turned around if she had not been pretty drunk/high. She was within a block of Main Street when she left that party and a block of her house.
Seriously, People carry their cell phones in their hands and those people are not killed daily for phones. If I tuck a phone in my pants it is safer there then in my purse that is hanging/dangling off of my shoulder, seriously.

I respectfully disagree. I'm not saying skilled pick-pocketers can't slip a hand into your purse for your phone, but I'm surprised you can't imagine how a thief could quickly grab a phone from your waistband, if it was visible, and then just start running?

Doesn't really matter to me since this is way off topic, just find your opinion interesting.
From the UVA PD Crime Reports: Pay close attention to September 14th. It says that the female student was sexually assaulted in the early morning hours of September 13th. That is the same night that Hannah disappeared.

The memo linked to here says "early morning hours of Septmber 14th" -- not 13th. That's 24 hours after Hannah disappeared.
Nobody is getting killed over a cell phone. They are a dime a dozen. The type of person who would even try to mug you for a cell phone is not the same type of person that did something to Hannah.

I think you guys are really trying to over think this whole scenario.

Hannah and JM went and got drinks. JM got her in his car and back to his apartment willingly. From there the specifics are not really important, but whatever happened caused Hannah's death.
JM disposed of her and now its a case of recovery and proving it.

It all seems pretty cut and dry to me.
My kids' small, private school background checks everyone who volunteers in any capacity.

My husband is the president of our local little league, and has been in similar positions for years. He is in charge of background checks for coaches, assistants, team moms, concession stand people - any volunteer. The guidelines really only speak to crimes against children, sex crimes, and violent felonies. There are coaches with DUI, vehicular manslaughter, and other non-felony convictions. Based on what has been posted here I am not surprised he would pass a youth sports background check. I am not saying I agree with it, just that I'm not surprised he would be allowed to coach given his current record.

Do they rerun them every year if it's a regular volunteer / known person? That's the part I haven't seen / experienced. Except that we rechecked the sex offender one, and then do rerun them completely every couple of years.

Definitely similar to what I see as far as what most places consider an issue record wise also. I'd think the not typically rerunning a full check yearly in many places is probably actually related to that (the list of offenses that would be a "no") since in most cases those types of charges would be far more likely to be known when they occurred anyway and thus handled long before another check were to be run.

If it's a someone in a position to drive, in which case a DUI or driving related one would also be an issue (and in driving positions, records were checked yearly and new proof of insurance was required)

And I definitely agree with you as far as it pertaining to JM and what we have seen to be on his record at this point likely not excluding him.
Has any information been released about what was found in the search?
Nobody is getting killed over a cell phone. They are a dime a dozen. The type of person who would even try to mug you for a cell phone is not the same type of person that did something to Hannah.

I think you guys are really trying to over think this whole scenario.

Hannah and JM went and got drinks. JM got her in his car and back to his apartment willingly. From there the specifics are not really important, but whatever happened caused Hannah's death.
JM disposed of her and now its a case of recovery and proving it.

It all seems pretty cut and dry to me.

Nobody has said this had anything at all to do with her cell phone.
Do they rerun them every year if it's a regular volunteer / known person? That's the part I haven't seen / experienced. Except that we rechecked the sex offender one, and then do rerun them completely every couple of years.

Definitely similar to what I see as far as what most places consider an issue record wise also. I'd think the not typically rerunning a full check yearly in many places is probably actually related to that (the list of offenses that would be a "no") since in most cases those types of charges would be far more likely to be known when they occurred anyway and thus handled long before another check were to be run.

If it's a someone in a position to drive, in which case a DUI or driving related one would also be an issue (and in driving positions, records were checked yearly and new proof of insurance was required)

And I definitely agree with you as far as it pertaining to JM and what we have seen to be on his record at this point likely not excluding him.

In the places I'm familiar with (3 little leagues - 2 in VA and 1 in FL), background checks are done for each person, every single year. Doesn't matter how long you have been with the program, it gets done every year. Our school (small private school) updates them yearly as well.
There are tons of rural areas in Virginia that one could easily hide a body.

With 30+ hours lapsing between the time she was last seen to being reported missing, she may not even be in VA.
I'm hoping today is the day they find HG! I am so addicted to this forum and fb lately. I haven't been this intrigued with a case since Casey Anthony. I'm from New Orleans I can't remember how I heard about HG but watching the video of wg following her is prob what really freaked me out about this whole situation. Hope everyone has a good day!!
I keep going back to HG appearing to be looking for someone at the pub. Then she walks down the mall. JM makes a u turn and walks faster to catch up with her. JM puts his arm around her waist. That is the part that confuses me. If she did not know him, I think she would have pulled back. If she knew him, he puts his arm around her waist and maybe says, dang HG where you been? Dang HG you sporting tonight or anything friendly. I just can't get past her not pulling away if he was a stranger. They meet up and go directly to the tempo for a drink. That just feels to me she knew him. She went from walking with a purpose to having a drink.

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This bothers me, too. She sent a text to someone in particular. She said she was lost. She asked to be looked for. Did anyone bother to look for her? Did no one know where she intended to go when she left the party? Was she that secretive, or that much of a loner? She seemed quite sociable to me. JMO

Her friends may have been just as impaired.

There's also this...

At 1:06 a.m. she texted friends that she was lost. She sent other texts, but police have said none of them reflected fear or panic.

Maybe they thought she was actually ok? Or messing with them? Or...?
In response to the above, yes UVA definitely teaches awareness to incoming freshmen, especially after the MH case. Yes they have a free ride program available to students. There are blue light phones but only on campus/grounds. Where she lived was not on campus but about 4 blocks away from the undergrad campus. It is actually closer to the medical center. Even though she had only lived in her new apt for a few weeks, the area in which she lived was only a block or two from the "Corner" which is an area across from campus with restaurants, Starbucks etc. The first party she went to sounds like it was a block from her house and only a block from the Corner, which I'm sure she was very familiar with because it's where students go to eat and hang out because it's walking distance.
When she left the party and started walking, it seems that she would have realized pretty quickly that she was lost/heading in the wrong direction and turned around if she had not been pretty drunk/high. She was within a block of Main Street when she left that party and a block of her house.

Do you know if they enforce the can't use SafeRide thing if you're drunk policy? It says that's the case on the UVA SafeRide page, but I'm curious if maybe it's not real closely abided to?

Loved seeing that special taxi, don't have to pay in the moment, service thing - that was new to me!
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