VA - Johnny Depp's defamation case against ex Amber Heard, who countersued #11

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I rewatched the jury instructions. To find defamation by "implication," the jury is allowed to take the article as a whole, and if they take the article as a whole, I think they must find that the article is about sexual violence and the #metoo movement. It's reasonable to think that she is talking about speaking out against sexual violence that JD did to her and institutions protecting JD.

I think if you take the article as a whole, you can reach defamation by implication on all three counts. That has to be why she was scrambling to come up with incidences of sexual abuse in this case.

I don't know what will take the jury so long if they understand that they can do defamation by implication. I think that unless she proved she was speaking out against JD sexually assaulting her during the marriage, she has defamed him because she said she spoke out against it and it's what incurred her the wrath. I think she's also lying because she didn't lose the Lorelle job and she didn't lose the Aquaman job as she states in the article.

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I can't remember what thread it was mentioned in last week, that AH didn't turn in/over her devices? How does she get away with that? Did she say she used a burner phone and doesn't remember the phone number? Do companies/data providers of burner phones keep track of text messages? Do you know if her emails were turned over?

How can a case go to trial if one party is hiding major evidence? It is so unfair. I don't understand how she keeps getting away with things. Couldn't they have subpoenaed IO Tillman, RP and her sister's phone records to see if they were a conspiracy on certain dates in the penthouse? Why wasn't this told to the jury that she refused to turn over her devices? So many questions. TIA

I relied only on LegalBytes "Asked & Answered" YT video (posted about 2 weeks ago) for my understanding of the metadata issues... combining her explanation with the legal document here:

The real puzzle is why any organizations, businesses, etc would continue to support AH... particularly the ACLU!

We can all choose to believe (or disbelieve) a human being (man or woman) but to DEMAND we all wear blinders while doing so is an insult to human beings. Much akin to proselytizing.

From what I saw during the trial, AH had a self perceived expertise in many areas of life. At the age of 26.....and with limited scholastic enhancements. ( Makeup classes?)

She was an 'expert' in all things about addiction.
She was an 'expert' in all things about relationships.
She was an 'expert' in all things about Hollywood and careers.
There is a "HUGE" difference between 'hit' and 'punch', and by God you better know it.

And above all else.....NEVER walk away from her when she is trying to make her point.

What absolute hell to live with
Add pledge and donate.
I can't remember what thread it was mentioned in last week, that AH didn't turn in/over her devices? How does she get away with that? Did she say she used a burner phone and doesn't remember the phone number? Do companies/data providers of burner phones keep track of text messages? Do you know if her emails were turned over?

How can a case go to trial if one party is hiding major evidence? It is so unfair. I don't understand how she keeps getting away with things. Couldn't they have subpoenaed IO Tillman, RP and her sister's phone records to see if they were a conspiracy on certain dates in the penthouse? Why wasn't this told to the jury that she refused to turn over her devices? So many questions. TIA
Someone here already provided the pdf for the failure to comply with devices. But I think that's why Bryan Neumeister could not authenticate the ''bruise photos'' because he didn't get the photos from AH's device or anyone's device. The photos were sent to him to analyze and that's why he came to the conclusion that ''there's no way for any forensic expert to validate any of these photos''. MOO

Edit - I think the failure to comply devices is an ongoing thing unless she has provided them and we just don't know. Maybe someone can correct me if I'm wrong.
I'm not sure that AH flew back to LAX. I googled "Amber Heard LAX" and there are a lot of pictures when she did show up at LAX on previous occasions, including last year.

I would think someone would have gotten wind of that, and media sure would have been on the lookout, especially with all the publicity.
Kind of hard to show up incognito I think.
I guess she forgot to contact TMZ.
From what I saw during the trial, AH had a self perceived expertise in many areas of life. At the age of 26.....and with limited scholastic enhancements. ( Makeup classes?)

She was an 'expert' in all things about addiction.
She was an 'expert' in all things about relationships.
She was an 'expert' in all things about Hollywood and careers.
There is a "HUGE" difference between 'hit' and 'punch', and by God you better know it.

And above all else.....NEVER walk away from her when she is trying to make her point.

What absolute hell to live with
Oh, she was also an expert in 'obscure poets and authors' ---coincidentally in the same ones that Johnny loved.

which is why she had to lie and tell the jury she didnt really know much about Johnny before she met him---but we know she was auditioning for months for that big film role to play Johnny's lover. obviously she had researched him intensely.

Apparently she was also very into 'science' according to her because that's what she and Elon Musk had in common. :rolleyes:
I relied only on LegalBytes "Asked & Answered" YT video (posted about 2 weeks ago) for my understanding of the metadata issues... combining her explanation with the legal document here:

Thank you SO much! I can't copy/paste any section but I HIGHLY recommend reading pages 4-6. It's a quick read. It's unbelievable the games that AH's team played. IMHO
Can someone point me to the thread & post# where this was already answered? I was hoping for a quick answer since there are so many posts to search. Thank you in advance!
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I was thinking about the kitchen cabinet video again last night, and found it unimaginable that if somebody were being abused that they could stand there and be taping their partner violently smashing Cabinets around them! It just doesn’t make sense, because you would think that she would be so scared once he was in that mood that she would want to run, not stand there and film!
I could be wrong but I believe AH claimed she became the public face of domestic abuse. Most likely she was referencing the photoshoot at the courthouse when she publicly got her TRO and then sent a bruised face picture to People magazine to publish on the front cover of the Jun 13th edition of the magazine.

However, that cover was first published online on June 1st!!! Just 4 days after the TRO was filed. Amber can perjure herself all she wants about how she wanted things to stay private, it wasn't her fault etc., but it's obvious she went hard on the publicity to ruin his reputation (while he was abroad and couldn't respond) and to gain leverage in the divorce. She even gave People magazine an exclusive interview to go along with the sob story picture. How can anyone with common sense not see this for what it was: a horrendous hit job to burn Johnny for wanting to leave her.

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp: Photos Show Alleged Domestic Abuse

I could be wrong but I believe AH claimed she became the public face of domestic abuse. Most likely she was referencing the photoshoot at the courthouse when she publicly got her TRO and then sent a bruised face picture to People magazine to publish on the front cover of the Jun 13th edition of the magazine.

However, that cover was first published online on June 1st!!! Just 4 days after the TRO was filed. Amber can perjure herself all she wants about how she wanted things to stay private, it wasn't her fault etc., but it's obvious she went hard on the publicity to ruin his reputation (while he was abroad and couldn't respond) and to gain leverage in the divorce. She even gave People magazine an exclusive interview to go along with the sob story picture. How can anyone with common sense not see this for what it was: a horrendous hit job to burn Johnny for wanting to leave her.

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp: Photos Show Alleged Domestic Abuse

View attachment 346624

It is just me or does it look like there is some brown shading under the eyes, towards the nose, more easily visible on the nasal side under her left eye?

If that is to implicate that she had a black eye, it is poorly done as an attempt to suggest injuries and does not correlate at all with the courthouse steps photo.

I mean this as a comment on the evidence that has been presented.
Among the overwhelming majority of people demanding “justice” for the Pirates of the Carribean star is a demographic that has become some of his most outspoken supporters: women who have survived domestic violence themselves.

“I’m a survivor. And as a real survivor, I can tell you that you shouldn’t believe Amber Heard,” dozens of tweets and videos from victim-survivors have read.
Did anyone else notice she got caught on another exaggeration? She claimed she was a level 3 Sommelier. Then it turns out she's a level 2, studying for level 3. But even when she admits that, she equates it as being the same thing. Pledge = donate, Level 2 = Level 3 sommelier, hit =/= punch...
Did anyone else notice she got caught on another exaggeration? She claimed she was a level 3 Sommelier. Then it turns out she's a level 2, studying for level 3. But even when she admits that, she equates it as being the same thing. Pledge = donate, Level 2 = Level 3 sommelier, hit =/= punch...
Academy Award Winner = journeyman actress, same thing I suppose in AH's world.
I could be wrong but I believe AH claimed she became the public face of domestic abuse. Most likely she was referencing the photoshoot at the courthouse when she publicly got her TRO and then sent a bruised face picture to People magazine to publish on the front cover of the Jun 13th edition of the magazine.

However, that cover was first published online on June 1st!!! Just 4 days after the TRO was filed. Amber can perjure herself all she wants about how she wanted things to stay private, it wasn't her fault etc., but it's obvious she went hard on the publicity to ruin his reputation (while he was abroad and couldn't respond) and to gain leverage in the divorce. She even gave People magazine an exclusive interview to go along with the sob story picture. How can anyone with common sense not see this for what it was: a horrendous hit job to burn Johnny for wanting to leave her.

Amber Heard and Johnny Depp: Photos Show Alleged Domestic Abuse

View attachment 346624

This proves she defamed JD with malice because her title "I spoke out against sexual violence..." and her second statement "Two years ago I became a rep for domestic violence..." makes a reader conclude that she spoke out against the type of domestic violence that is sexual in nature. References in her op-ed to #metoo, support that she means sexual violence in this op-ed, not DV.

So the defamation is that simple to me, even if JD did sexually assault her or abuse her. She did not accuse him of that when she "Came out" about the alleged abuse, so she's lying in the article about what happened two years ago.
During the closing, AH team stated that the legal fees were $6 million. I had made a post about that immediately after it was said, because I was shocked and in disbelief.
Seems outrageous to me, but who knows?
In many civil cases, the client pays a hefty down payment, but makes a deal for a high percentage of the money won in the verdict. If no winnings, then no more money paid to the attorneys.

So if she wins 20 mill in damages, she could owe 50% to her attorneys. But if she wins nothing on countersuit, she could owe nothing more at the end.

Depends upon their original agreement.
From what I saw during the trial, AH had a self perceived expertise in many areas of life. At the age of 26.....and with limited scholastic enhancements. ( Makeup classes?)

She was an 'expert' in all things about addiction.
She was an 'expert' in all things about relationships.
She was an 'expert' in all things about Hollywood and careers.
There is a "HUGE" difference between 'hit' and 'punch', and by God you better know it.

And above all else.....NEVER walk away from her when she is trying to make her point.

What absolute hell to live with
This is a perfect comment.
From what I saw during the trial, AH had a self perceived expertise in many areas of life. At the age of 26.....and with limited scholastic enhancements. ( Makeup classes?)

She was an 'expert' in all things about addiction.
She was an 'expert' in all things about relationships.
She was an 'expert' in all things about Hollywood and careers.
There is a "HUGE" difference between 'hit' and 'punch', and by God you better know it.

And above all else.....NEVER walk away from her when she is trying to make her point.

What absolute hell to live with
Imo, he was dealing with a mere child. Men and their hormones, or whatever they are. Ugh. imo.
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