VA - Johnny Depp's defamation case against ex Amber Heard, who countersued #3

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BBM: oh, that Amber… she loves not wisely, but too well, don’t’cha know?

She just can’t help herself… and only the man is responsible to say ‘no’ to this hideous idea.

If he doesn’t save her from herself by leaving their dumpster fire of a relationship, well then; who?
Me thinks she doth protest too much.
First time commenting on this thread.
Thank you all for the updates and excellent commentary!
I’m a long time Websleuther, following Missing Persons ( mostly Colorado)and sadly subsequent murder trials.

It never occurred to me until a few days ago that WS would have a thread on this trial and I’m so glad I found it and can follow along with y’all.

I’m approximately 10 years older than JD so of course I’ve always been aware of him as an actor. Mostly from Edward Scissorhands/ Gilbert Grape. Never seen any Pirates movies. So not what you’d call a big fan or follower.
Just had a general perception of him as a cool nice guy, a bit eccentric but well loved and respected.

I never knew a single thing about AH or the UK trial until a month ago.
I have no idea how I became so morbidly curious and invested in this current trial lol. It’s not the salacious tabloid details that interest me. I just have to say that IMO it appears to me that JD has been wrongly accused and is definitely a victim of defamation.

Too many reasons to list why I’ve come to this conclusion, but mainly I just don’t see anyone else in JD’s entire life ever seeing this behavior AH claims.
AH seems to be very sick, troubled and hell bent on revenge JMO. Scary.

Anyway, didn’t mean to ramble.
Look on YouTube for her interview with Letterman
2014 02 17
AH talks about her Dad breaking horses, being his “crash test dummy” yada yada , having a colt that she loves, etc.

Man, she gives me the creeps.
Good to see you here @Cindizzi
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Here are my two biggest reasons I think Amber is lying. The bruise on her arm doesn't look like someone was grabbing her. Grabbing an arm will leave finger marks within the bruise. To me it looks like she hit it on something like a cupboard. And that Johnny was taking quaaludes. Impossible unless he had them left over from the 1970's, when they stopped being made. And if she made all of this up, she truly is a horrible and selfish person.
Did anyone else notice that her very distinctive coffee flask is centerstage in the "cocaine breakfast" photo? The same flask/mug she was drinking from during the TMZ video where she surreptitiously filmed him assaulting cabinets.

Everything is so neatly set out in that photo, too. Drink undrunk, cocaine unsnorted...

Who would lay out FOUR lines of coke for one person to snort, and just leave it there?

Then you have the police cam footage from May 21st where nothing looks out of place, no smashed glass or spilled wine etc. She has claimed that he went on a brutal rampage and trashed the place. And there are photos taken which are meant to be proof of it, but the timing/metadata is off, because how come none of that shows up in the two police cams?
Many thanks to those posting the trial summaries and love reading all the comments here! I have been trying to follow along but have been so busy with work. As I am trying to catch up, I have a few thoughts I was wondering about but they may have already been discussed.

One thing that really shocked me about Dr. Hughes's testimony today was that she said you can assess a relationship without talking to both partners!!?? Really?? To me, she lost all credibility there.

Also, when JD's team did their cross of her this morning and played the tape where AH was belittling JD and telling him she didn't punch him, was that the first time Dr. Hughes heard that tape? To me, she had a look on her face that seemed mad and as if she came to realize she was duped by AH.

Not sure if this Newsweek piece about a recent Paul McCartney concert has been posted yet:

Paul McCartney appears to back Johnny Depp, shows video of actor at concert
Speaking of Sir Paul…

Heather Mills lied about Paul McCartney's abuse, ex-publicist says
Other things I noticed: She didn't wear eye make up today, because she knew she was going to be 'crying' on the stand. (And tissues were placed helpfully on the stand for her, but weirdly she never used them once, and there didn't seem to be any actual tears).

On previous days her hair was clearly done professionally from a salon (IMO) with intricate braids, sweeping chignons etc. Today she wears it falling loose on one side and roughly pinned back with a few haphazard dime store bobby pins on the other. Very calculated move, imo.
Other things I noticed: She didn't wear eye make up today, because she knew she was going to be 'crying' on the stand. (And tissues were placed helpfully on the stand for her, but weirdly she never used them once, and there didn't seem to be any actual tears).

On previous days her hair was clearly done professionally from a salon (IMO) with intricate braids, sweeping chignons etc. Today she wears it falling loose on one side and roughly pinned back with a few haphazard dime store bobby pins on the other. Very calculated move, imo.

Pinned back on the side of the jury.
How does this sentence make logical sense?

"I was walking out of the bedroom, he slapped me across the face, I turned to look at him, and I said, 'Johnny, you just hit me, you hit me!' "

How could he slap her across the face if she is walking away from him and hasn't turned to look at him yet?
How does this sentence make logical sense?

"I was walking out of the bedroom, he slapped me across the face, I turned to look at him, and I said, 'Johnny, you just hit me, you hit me!' "

How could he slap her across the face if she is walking away from him and hasn't turned to look at him yet?

in my imagination this means zero sense, like trying to say he clotheslined her as she was passing him (slapped her in the face) at a right angle?

if so, who would elect to do such a thing? It scarcely seems inclined to leave any kind of mark, or be a way to knock someone for more than a glancing blow, akin to a fly swatter maybe… I’ve passed someone like this just walking down the city street, and the back of my hand collided with the ring on the back of theirs square on, it did leave a bruise… but how do you naturally both (a) walk past a person, and (b) slap them? This would mean he’d have to have his palm/wrist canted the wrong way 180 degrees, wouldn’t it?

what am I missing in my mental reconstruction, other than the type of ‘Liar liar pants on fire’ JD has claimed in her recitation of him chasing her ‘into’ bathrooms; where IIRC, she’s got herself pushing him/the door when it’s only logical/scientifically possible for her to be pulling it, etc….

Like the CourtTV lady said above, it sounds wrong because it IS wrong, IMO.

It almost seems like she’s got a mega problem with any type of believable mental structure dealing with spatial orienteering, it seems: and she can’t make it make sense, because the laws of physics or the very least biology would help to debunk her. prove my logic wrong, somebody.
I just had a check on the old Twitter, #Amberisaliar was the first up when I pushed the search button. I didn't even type anything in :D.

Disturbingly there is a thread on there with quotes from movies and the one that massively stood out (I didn't read them all) was one from The talented Mr Ripley.

Marge Sherwood: "The thing with Dickie...its like the sun shines on you and its glorious. And then he forgets you and its very,very cold.

Tom Ripley: "So I'm learning".

Marge Sherwood: "When you have his attention its like you're the only person in the world,that's why everyone loves him so much.

Apparently the film plot featured scenes where the character showered you with gifts and then disappeared :eek:. I've not seen it so this is hearsay ;).

There are more references to movie quotes,one on netflix called ' I am a killer' where the question is asked " Do you know how much force it takes to break a human hand?".

Can she be sued for plagiarism?.....asking for a friend.

h’m, maybe someone on JD side should be spending the bye week running all her verbal spew through Google/something like TurnItIn, if the latter exists for movies.
It's interesting because in one of the recordings, JD actually says "let me speak to the demon" to AH. It makes me wonder if she's the one who actually had more of a Jekyll and Hyde personality. More projection.

I believe JD when he talks about "the monster" being his struggle with addiction.
I don't envy them.

I know witnesses are told to direct their answers to the jurors (which I understand but find strange and unsettling in general). If I was serving on this trial today, there would probably now be another recording of someone else (besides JD) throwing up in this trial.

Glad you mentioned that, because I both thought the clip we had terminated in a toilet flush, which seems oddly at variance with AH claim, in which the way she discussed its frequent occurrence, I thought she implied he was doing it literally in bed lying down, in danger of aspirating on his own vomit… doesn’t she have any of those on record?

The one we got, sounded more to me, a former smoker of 12 or so years ago, very much like he, a current daily smoker of something reputedly vile, trying and eventually succeeding in coughing/choking up phlegm… which (sorry for TMI) still happens to me many mornings (allergies); and also, occasionally, hits me in a way that makes me gag as I’m trying to cough it out…
Good Morning!

I woke up to more pages to catch up on. So many good posts…good to see others joining in.

Guess we can expect more of the same from Heard today…going through her scripted well rehearsed pages prompted from a much softer Bredehoft than we have seen through this trial…btw, surely the jury has noticed this too. There will probably be more staged photos shown, more stories she will tell that seem to have a similarity to some movies, more fake crying although I expect her to take a tissue to wipe her dry face today. Don’t know what strange attire and hair she will show up with today, but I assume it will be something not fashionable or revealing…and of course sans eye make up…again, surely the jury has noticed this this change also.

Depp will probably keep his head down doodling, drawing or whatever, not looking at his abuser telling her story.

Her team will most assuredly keep her on the stand with direct today as there will be a week’s break next week and would not dare leave those thoughts of her that will happen on cross in the jury’s minds.

It will be another long day and many more posts here!


While this case has something for everyone to :rolleyes: at, WS still aims to be above the fray of the rest of the internet by following these key TOS:

- derogatory nicknames are not allowed.
- bashing anyone’s appearance is a violation.
- social media comments are not allowed.
- if you “saw” it or “heard” it but don’t have a link to substantiate it, it is considered rumor and subject to removal.

Thanks for checking yourself before you click send.
IMO the problem is, she needs to get herself and her tales to a specific interpretation/level of “Monster!!” to be believed; but very little that happens organically in their relationship has in fact supported this hysterical, yes quite possibly histrionic. interpretation of hers.

hence the manufacturing information, and information that doesn’t in fact line up.

<modsnip - rumor>
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Good Morning!

I woke up to more pages to catch up on. So many good posts…good to see others joining in.

Guess we can expect more of the same from Heard today…going through her scripted well rehearsed pages prompted from a much softer Bredehoft than we have seen through this trial…btw, surely the jury has noticed this too. There will probably be more staged photos shown, more stories she will tell that seem to have a similarity to some movies, more fake crying although I expect her to take a tissue to wipe her dry face today. Don’t know what strange attire and hair she will show up with today, but I assume it will be something not fashionable or revealing…and of course sans eye make up…again, surely the jury has noticed this this change also.

Depp will probably keep his head down doodling, drawing or whatever, not looking at his abuser telling her story.

Her team will most assuredly keep her on the stand with direct today as there will be a week’s break next week and would not dare leave those thoughts of her that will happen on cross in the jury’s minds.

It will be another long day and many more posts here!


Well, it’s definitely true and funny (odd, not ha-ha) that she’s doing nothing to support her contention she’s on the edge gagging to wear revealing dresses she’s been repressed from wearing for years … I don’t think she’s opted for so much as a skirted suit for more than a single day, although now I do grant this would honestly not be the likely time.

sigh about the ‘Elaine keeping her trapped on cross’, but yay for being able to share more with you all in the interim to get through it…
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Johnny Depp v. Amber Heard: Behavioral analyst convinced 'Amber was the aggressor' in relationship

Behavioral analyst Susan Constantine, who specializes in reading body language and detecting deception, says she does "not believe" Johnny Depp "was abusive with" his ex-wife, Amber Heard, based on both of their testimonies during Depp's defamation trial against Heard.
"[T]he question is, was he abusive with Amber? I do not believe that he was abusive with Amber," Constantine told Fox News Digital. "I think that Amber was the aggressor … 100%."
Constantine also said Heard's and Depp's respective attires represent a "power-play."

"[W]e do talk about her dress code. You know, she's parodying what Johnny is wearing. Wear the Gucci tie and the Gucci pin. … When you look at this parroting of how they're dressed alike, this definitely is a power-play between the two of them. Who's the one that's wearing the pants in the family?" the behavioral analyst said.
She added that attorneys often advise women not to wear "black in the courtroom."

"A woman never wears black in the courtroom. Ever, ever, ever. So what's this all about? Domestic violence, power, control and dominance. What does she wear? A color of control, power and dominance. So, really, a bad move on Amber Heard's legal team," Constantine said, adding that Heard's pantsuit mimics her ex-husband.

more at link…

Was this^^^ photo of AH photoshopped? It looks like it had to be---IMO...:eek:

Maybe it is my weary eyes, but I see tears welling up in one of her eyes, and one big tear falling down her cheek. I watched her entire monologue, I mean testimony, and never saw a tear. n

Any tears in any pic from court yesterday, is 100% photoshopped. I watched her entire testimony (and am now considering day drinking isn't so bad) and she never once shed a tear. Not once.
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