VA VA - Katelin Akens, 19, Springfield, 5 Dec 2015 #2

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Does the family have internet? Her phone seems like the kind that does not.

Iirc, it's never been stated what kind of phone she has, just that she has service through Virgin Mobile. I don't see why she wouldn't have internet/data on her phone. My husband and daughters all have Virgin Mobile and all their phones have unlimited text, calling and data. But I see where you're going with this.
I've read both threads, but I don't recall what day KA flew into VA to visit.

I believe I read earlier that she flew east on December 1st.
Maybe she met a guy and didn't want to come out of the closet to family or friends. Idk. Just throwing things at the wall. It's better than thinking she is dead somewhere. Jmo.

You think she met a guy and decided to change her sexual orientation?
Where on that stretch of road was it found? How far from the edge of the road was it found?

I dont know how far off the road it was found but in the paper it had 6600 River Road listed as the location close by . In the video that would be about 3:25 ish. I also saw where it mentioned near the boat launch and that is @2:12 .

Google earth as a few images of the 6600 block here is the link for that .,-77.5622353,3a,75y,336.77h,79.61t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3F_uAP7udEAHoIqrzZz_pQ!2e0!!7i3328!8i1664
still no new MSM updates, it's been 2 weeks now .... :gaah:

I am with you. This doesn't make sense. Nothing. No word at all whatsoever. It's raining here, wet and starting to get colder. I hope they know where she is. They could at the very least let the world know they are continuing their investigation. Just something, anything.
I dont know how far off the road it was found but in the paper it had 6600 River Road listed as the location close by . In the video that would be about 3:25 ish. I also saw where it mentioned near the boat launch and that is @2:12.

When I think of drainage ditch, I think of the ditches that run in what is usually a grassy area right next to the road. I this is the kind of drainage ditch her bag was found in, then not only would it be very easy to see, but would also be very easy to toss the bag ever so slightly while driving by. If it was found in a ditch on the side of the road on the passenger's side (in the direction the car in the video was going), then I think whoever would have tossed it (presumably out the window) would have been a passenger rather than the driver. Of course, the car could have stopped and the driver gotten out and placed the bag there, or someone could have been walking down that road and carrying the bag and then just left it there, however IMO the latter two possibilities don't seem probable.
Here is the video of the road as it was on Tuesday ,Dec 8th. One day after Katelin's stuff was found.

That's a very good representation of the area. Being the busybody that I am, I'm starting to hatch a plan for "taking my kids for a hike" around the Motts Run trails over the holiday. You never know what we might see or find. Beats refreshing this thread several times a day and finding nothing, anyway.
Each day I get on the computer hoping that Katelin has been located and is safe. However, there is no word from LE, the media and really no searches being conducted. That is so very sad. I do not believe that Katelin just walked away on her own accord. In fact, I believe that Katelin never made to the mall or the airport. If Katelin had decided to stay in Virginia, someone would have known before she headed to the airport. Either her sister or her fiance would have had a hint that she was not go back to Arizona! Since Katelin came to Virginia to visit her sister and her new baby, why would she just vanish into thin air? It makes no sense!
Something happened to Katelin after her Mom dropped her off at the SD's house. That is how the suitcase was found in the 6600 block of River Road in Spotslyvania, VA. He freaked and backtracked to the airport for an alibi. I do not believe for one second that Katelin would dump her personal things on the side of the road, for any reason.
I pray for Katelin and I hope I am wrong about my feelings but the longer she is missing, it is not looking good. I pray she is not being forgotten by LE, the media or anyone who saw her the day she was to go home to Arizona.

Where are you Katelin?

Sophclown - thanks for this post. You have expressed how I feel better than I could have. Nothing else makes sense to me and I do feel the stepfather is involved in some way.
Locals, are there missing posters up in the area? Or were posters just handed out? Even if the general consensus is that she never made it to the mall or the metro station, there would be a LOT of locals who are in that area and visit the mall and station. Those people could have been on River Road that day and seen something. Missing posters should be up all over the area imo. Are they?


I like in Spotsylvania and work in Fredericksburg. There are posters up.
i keep doing searches of local media and finding nothing - wth? one girl gets executed and another disappears and its like nothing happened...
i keep doing searches of local media and finding nothing - wth? one girl gets executed and another disappears and its like nothing happened...

Yes, I'm not sure what the strategy is but I was at first expecting several public pleas. You know from the family. Not knowing why a person went missing, we often see the family making a statement and covering all options: "Katelin if you hear this, we love you and want to know you are safe! If someone has taken her and has her against her will, please let her come back to her family! Or if ANYone has seen ANYthing that can help, please contact xyz number -- you can be anonymous! We just want her home." That sort of thing.

Did I miss this? I would think it would have happened right when she was reported missing, and maybe I missed it. I know Help Save the Next Girl had an event, but that was on Dec 12th a full week after she had gone missing.

Early on LE made mention about things on her sm making them think she had "made other arrangements." I wonder what they found. Is this why things are so quiet????

"We're hoping &#8211; and this has happened before &#8211; that she simply decided that she wasn't going to go back [to Arizona] and made other arrangements," Pearce says. "Information recovered from her social media accounts and her cellphone records shows that [that may be case]."
Yes, I'm not sure what the strategy is but I was at first expecting several public pleas. You know from the family. Not knowing why a person went missing, we often see the family making a statement and covering all options: "Katelin if you hear this, we love you and want to know you are safe! If someone has taken her and has her against her will, please let her come back to her family! Or if ANYone has seen ANYthing that can help, please contact xyz number -- you can be anonymous! We just want her home." That sort of thing.

Did I miss this? I would think it would have happened right when she was reported missing, and maybe I missed it. I know Help Save the Next Girl had an event, but that was on Dec 12th a full week after she had gone missing.

Early on LE made mention about things on her sm making them think she had "made other arrangements." I wonder what they found. Is this why things are so quiet????

We're hoping &#8211; and this has happened before &#8211; that she simply decided that she wasn't going to go back [to Arizona] and made other arrangements," Pearce says. "Information recovered from her social media accounts and her cellphone records shows that [that may be case]."


The, "this has happened before" part has me puzzled bc WHEN did it happen before? When she was 11 or 12? or six months ago? That matters to me.

There are just too many things missing from this story.

Have we even heard what she was wearing on that day?
Does anyone local know how many/how common the security cameras are at the mall? I find it peculiar that she supposedly got dropped off where there were no cams and if she went inside (which seems to have been the plan for shopping) that no cam caught a glimpse or image of her. This alone seems fishy to me. I said shopping bc I assume shopping was the reason. Was it said somewhere that she said why she wanted to be dropped off at the mall?

Maybe a local could tell us if the mall is loaded with cameras at entrances, exits, stores, restrooms, and the mall part where shoppers walk among the stores. It is all just too odd. Even if she went into a restroom to change her appearance, it seems she'd be on SOME camera SOMEWHERE ..... *if* she were there at all - unless this mall is from the stoneage with no cams anywhere but I'd find that odd too.
I think they mean other ppl have done this.


The, "this has happened before" part has me puzzled bc WHEN did it happen before? When she was 11 or 12? or six months ago? That matters to me.

There are just too many things missing from this story.

Have we even heard what she was wearing on that day?
Does anyone local know how many/how common the security cameras are at the mall? I find it peculiar that she supposedly got dropped off where there were no cams and if she went inside (which seems to have been the plan for shopping) that no cam caught a glimpse or image of her. This alone seems fishy to me. I said shopping bc I assume shopping was the reason. Was it said somewhere that she said why she wanted to be dropped off at the mall?

Maybe a local could tell us if the mall is loaded with cameras at entrances, exits, stores, restrooms, and the mall part where shoppers walk among the stores. It all just too odd. Even if she went into a restroom to change her appearance, it seems she'd be on SOME camera SOMEWHERE ..... *if* she were there at all - unless this mall is from the stoneage with no cams anywhere but I'd find that odd too.

I don't think we know why, I don't think we know when, I don't think we know where.
I hate to sound like a Dr. Seuss book, but I don't think we know very, very much at all.
In my opinion, when law enforcement stated "and this has happened before", this pertains to past cases of missing persons who decided at the last minute to change plans. I don't think it was directed personally to Kaitlin or a decision she might have made.
I think they mean other ppl have done this.

Ooops. Ok I can see that now. I didn't read it that way. Eek. Thanks.

If KA has no history of disappearing then it is all the more concerning. (I know there is a first time for everything.)
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