VA VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - #3

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Bumping for Kelly and Family. I don't want this thread to die. Please. This case is not over. SHE DID NOT COMMIT SUICIDE.
I have read every post in these threads over the last few weeks. My prayers go out to Kelly's family & friends. I don't believe she committed suicide either. I have known a few people who were suicides (including family members) but their behavior before their death was dramatically different from Kelly's. It's unfortunate her family should have to use their own resources to get justice for Kelly. I'm sure they're determined to do so though. At least they have a lot of support at WS.
The alleged psychic who was posting over on Topix about where Kelly was supposed to be found... Has anyone delved into who this psychic may be?

I'm sure the IP address was recorded when the 'psychic' made those posts to the Topix board. Could this psychic be someone who was trying to lead searchers astray? Maybe the psychic felt someone was getting too close in finding Kelly?

In all sincerity, MBL, I don't think the psychic led anyone astray. Her predictions were wrong most of the time. And in fact, that angered many on Topix, who began to vigorously argue with her.

1. The psychic insisted that Kelly would be found on a Wednesday, but Kelly was found on a Thursday.
2. The psychic said Kelly would be found behind BPA, but Kelly was found 1.5 miles (approx.) south from the front of BPA.
3. The psychic said Kelly would be found behind BPA near smokestacks and red trucks surrounded by white fences, but Kelly was found upstream on a rock in Swift Creek, the I95 overpass, and no factories were within close vicinity whatsoever.
4. The psychic said Kelly committed suicide, but we know that Kelly did not commit suicide.
5. The psychic said Kelly would be found by police, but Kelly was found by a UVA student checking bird boxes.

I could go on, but the point is the psychic was endlessly wrong, and no one listened to her because she was so far off her game. I doubt she misled anyone. If she were accurate, even with just a few things, I believe a lot more Topix posters would have taken her seriously. She was a joke to just about everyone there.

P.S. All of her visual landmarks could easily be located on Google, right down to the red trucks surrounded by white fences. Looks like Google was her friend. (Sorry.) While all the places she named exist, they had nothing to do with Kelly or Kelly's disappearance.
Everything you stated is true TS. But what grabs my attention about the Psychic;
She is supposedly in the UK. Why and how did she choose Kelly's case? We all know she was full of carp, so I don't buy the "she visited me" BS.

Of all the missing person's cases in the United States, she chooses Kelly. I suppose she could have googled the news for that day and went eene-meeny-miny-mo. It's probably nothing, but something about her just bugged me and it's not just that she was a fraud or weirdo looking for attention.
TS - I fully understand where you're coming from and figured it would be a long shot...but just by what you pointed out was exactly what I was talking about - could she have been leading (or trying to lead) someone on a wild goose chase. Everything was just kind of the opposite of what she said.

ITA Knox - something about the psychic just seemed way out of kilter... Her arguing back with posters and not leaving things alone...she seemed 'desperate' to me to lead someone to this spot she wasn't letting go of.
You guys are so right. Good points. Her spelling was ridiculous and I just felt like she wasn't a very intelligent person, and got all her info from google. It's very strange to me how she picked Kelly's case also. A 3rd grader can write better than her. I think and think about this case and hope I get some flash in my head, but it's not happening. Please let something pop up, so someone can prove Kelly did not commit suicide. Isn't there anything from workers that they can remember something that they didn't remember before?
I agree with MB about being led on a wild goose chase. I read the Topix posts as well as these threads. I would pass on the posts by the psychic except ... she seemed to want to call attention to herself and was quite adamant about what she was saying. Yet not really trying to help if you know what I mean. Maybe it's nothing but it didn't feel right to me.

The other thing that has stuck out to me were the posts by Kelly's former partner. I'm certainly not accusing her of anything. It's just her posts carried a very different tone from the ones of Kelly's family & friends. It just always struck me as odd considering the circumstances of Kelly being missing.
If the family hasn't considered (or done) this...I would recommend them making a call to the Virginia State Police to have them look into this investigation as far as Kelly (of course) and the handling of this case by the CPD.

There are way too many things that are not kosher with this all the way around.
As far as I know, Kelly had not make a single effort to contact me since August. Specifically, no calls, texts, emails, smoke signals, letters...etc. She also cut ties with my mom on the same day, via e-mail.

That sounds like a motive to me . " a single effort" . Just like she was expecting something that didnt happen and got so mad. This is just my opinion.
This has bothered me since the day it was posted, back in January.
The bolds are mine.
I realize that, like later in the post, it could have been a reference to a specific time frame and not in general, but it has still always bothered me.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased VA - Kelly Catalano, 40, Chesterfield, 15 Jan 2010 - Thread #1

I just think you should be better informed before you post things. No one, and I mean no one knew Kelly better than I did. Good, bad and indifferent. And she could say the same about me. We spent almost 10 years together and she was EXTREMELY skilled at hiding negative emotions - hurt, embarrassment, insecurities, made open and honest communication very, very difficult. She is/was a very prideful person and would not have ever let on to anyone that she was still hurting over our split.
ITA...I don't know how to quote a quote, but the last line made me wonder as well....

"She is/was a very prideful person and would not have ever let on to anyone that she was still hurting over our split."

Maybe Kelly wasn't "still hurting" over the split....I rather had the feeling that she had pretty much moved on in a sense, but I could be wrong...but I wonder if that maybe was too hard to take for the ex? Spiteful feelings and rage? JMO
I just think you should be better informed before you post things. No one, and I mean no one knew Kelly better than I did.

This has bothered me since the day it was posted, back in January. ... I realize that, like later in the post, it could have been a reference to a specific time frame and not in general, but it has still always bothered me.

The past tense in that sentence is really troubling. Kelly had only recently disappeared at that point and wasn't found until almost 2 months later. No one knew what had happened to her at that point and it seems a bit early for anyone to be talking about her in the past tense just yet.

Very good catch, A Closer Look!
i read that past tense more because of the "we broke up" sense, not in the "i know she's dead" sense. after you break up with someone and aren't in close contact, i don't think it's at all weird to say you "knew them well," using past tense -- because the relationship is over. you've moved on, lives are different, etc. i'd say that now about alive exes of mine i don't have contact with, that he "knew" me well.

The past tense in that sentence is really troubling. Kelly had only recently disappeared at that point and wasn't found until almost 2 months later. No one knew what had happened to her at that point and it seems a bit early for anyone to be talking about her in the past tense just yet.

Very good catch, A Closer Look!
I can see your point

But...(isn't there always, when I read it in what CiV was responding to (a post by beltingitout) then I don't read it as you have taken it

But of course that's JMHO.
As kelly and I had breakfast in Oct '09 We had a talk about her ex and about her not having her furniture out of Kellys house of yet and Kelly wanting it gone so that she could get the furniture she wanted in there. Kelly talked about what a load it was off her mind not to be "saddled down with her financial troubles and always bailing her out of trouble" and the fact that she could start to live her own life again and not worry about upsetting anybody else. We even talked about how much she realized that the ex was holding her back from enjoying her life completely. We had an inside joke about "everybody gets stuck on stupid every once in a while" which refers to bad relationships choices we had made in the past. She said she didnt realize it would take her 10 years to quit being stupid! So as we enjoyed our 3 1/2 hour breakfast we discussed many things and she was no way upset about their split. I talked to Kelly on Tuesday on the phone Wednesday on facebook chat and Thursday on the phone and text messages before she came up missing. She was in a good mood Thursday she was looking forward to her yoga class and talked about looking into some cooking classes. Thats doesnt sound like somebody who was going to commit suicide the next morning
AN - Thanks for the glimpse into Kelly's life. I agree...those things do not add up to a suicidal person...
]As far as I know, Kelly had not make a single effort to contact me since August. Specifically, no calls, texts, emails, smoke signals, letters...etc.[/b] She also cut ties with my mom on the same day, via e-mail.

That sounds like a motive to me . " a single effort" . Just like she was expecting something that didnt happen and got so mad. This is just my opinion.

As kelly and I had breakfast in Oct '09 We had a talk about her ex and about her not having her furniture out of Kellys house of yet and Kelly wanting it gone so that she could get the furniture she wanted in there. Kelly talked about what a load it was off her mind not to be "saddled down with her financial troubles and always bailing her out of trouble" and the fact that she could start to live her own life again and not worry about upsetting anybody else. We even talked about how much she realized that the ex was holding her back from enjoying her life completely. We had an inside joke about "everybody gets stuck on stupid every once in a while" which refers to bad relationships choices we had made in the past. She said she didnt realize it would take her 10 years to quit being stupid! So as we enjoyed our 3 1/2 hour breakfast we discussed many things and she was no way upset about their split. I talked to Kelly on Tuesday on the phone Wednesday on facebook chat and Thursday on the phone and text messages before she came up missing. She was in a good mood Thursday she was looking forward to her yoga class and talked about looking into some cooking classes. Thats doesnt sound like somebody who was going to commit suicide the next morning

So how did Kelly and SQ coordinate the removal of her furniture from the house if they had not communicated since August? When did she get her furniture out AN?
So how did Kelly and SQ coordinate the removal of her furniture from the house if they had not communicated since August? When did she get her furniture out AN?

It wasnt that long after we had that breakfast in Oct but Im not real sure about the date. But I know her father passed away in late Oct and Kelly talked to her then also. So Im not sure where she comes with 6 months because where I went to school they taught me thats only 4 months...Sorry about the sarcasm some people bring out the worst in me!
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