Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #10

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Second, I've been thinking more about the car and parking. I've always assumed that whatever car the group drove from JMU/Harrisonburg was parked in the lot right next to JPJ (though not the garage), but that would have required advance purchase (which they may have done). If not, they would have had to park at the Emmet/Ivy garage, one way of which to reach is to walk through UHall, across Copeley Bridge, then left on Ivy...


Thank you. Somehow various reports created the picture that they were parked in an open lot in front of JPJ arena.

Also, if they did park in the garage, the garage should have been searched for her belongings, blood stains, etc. And, if they parked in this garage, would the Cage, where the pocketbook & cell were found, be very easily accessible?

Some posters on another board think that the party actually came in two cars. Because the parking fees at JPJ are relatively high, one of the cars was parked on the street in a nearby neighborhood (Crozet?) on the other side of the bridge.

No official statements completely rule out the possibility of more than four people in the party travelling to C'ville, or more than just MH's car being used by the whole party, and the possibility of at least one of the cars being parked over the bridge.

The location of parked car(s) is important, because otherwise the story makes it sound almost as though MH were just wandering aimlessly; however, she may have had the purpose of accessing the car (which would be warmer, and where she might have a hoodie, cash or other belongings) to wait for her friends.

Maybe if the media had stated that MH likely was seeking her own car or the car of friends as she crossed the Copeley St. Bridge to the parking garage, then her disappearance would be considered UVa responsibility; whereas, if she were just wandering around the area and crossed the bridge, the situation could be framed as entirely an off-campus crime.

Originally Posted by part time prof...
Second, I've been thinking more about the car and parking. I've always assumed that whatever car the group drove from JMU/Harrisonburg was parked in the lot right next to JPJ (though not the garage), but that would have required advance purchase (which they may have done). If not, they would have had to park at the Emmet/Ivy garage, one way of which to reach is to walk through UHall, across Copeley Bridge, then left on Ivy...

Walker; that’s not my quote. To give credit where credit is due, it belongs to part time prof. I don’t know why my names on it, I’m sure you didn’t do it intentionally. Must be ghosts in the machine or something!

Originally Posted by part time prof...
Second, I've been thinking more about the car and parking. I've always assumed that whatever car the group drove from JMU/Harrisonburg was parked in the lot right next to JPJ (though not the garage), but that would have required advance purchase (which they may have done). If not, they would have had to park at the Emmet/Ivy garage, one way of which to reach is to walk through UHall, across Copeley Bridge, then left on Ivy...

Walker; that’s not my quote. To give credit where credit is due, it belongs to part time prof. I don’t know why my names on it, I’m sure you didn’t do it intentionally. Must be ghosts in the machine or something!

Not sure how that happened. I will fix the error.
respectfully snipped, my thoughts in bold below
Also, if they did park in the garage, the garage should have been searched for her belongings, blood stains, etc. And, if they parked in this garage, would the Cage, where the pocketbook & cell were found, be very easily accessible?

I believe it would be difficult to throw or drop the purse in the Cage lot from the parking structure (and definitely much further from the Lannigan Field lot, where the purse was reported found initially...not clear that that has been clarified, as I've heard Cage, UHall, and Lannigan lots mentioned). I think the map I included shows the Cage lot and the Emmet/Ivy garage as being some distance apart, and there are railroad tracks, trees, and some student apartments between the two, iirc.

Some posters on another board think that the party actually came in two cars. Because the parking fees at JPJ are relatively high, one of the cars was parked on the street in a nearby neighborhood (Crozet?) on the other side of the bridge.

Crozet isn't particularly close (about 12 miles), but leaving one car there could still have been possible. And if MH was only trying to hitchhike to Crozet, not Harrisonburg/Roanoke/Blacksburg, that makes more sense to me. Parking over the bridge would be into UVa residential areas, which *may* be resident permits only, or parking lots of commercial establishments or churches nearby (or a friend's house or something, of course)

The location of parked car(s) is important, because otherwise the story makes it sound almost as though MH were just wandering aimlessly; however, she may have had the purpose of accessing the car (which would be warmer, and where she might have a hoodie, cash or other belongings) to wait for her friends.

Though she apparently didn't have her keys, and I'd be surprised if they left the car unlocked. Plus, the hitchhiking thing. And the wandering aimlessly (and hitchhiking report) makes sense if impaired by something ingested or by a moderate head injury.

Maybe if the media had stated that MH likely was seeking her own car or the car of friends as she crossed the Copeley St. Bridge to the parking garage, then her disappearance would be considered UVa responsibility; whereas, if she were just wandering around the area and crossed the bridge, the situation could be framed as entirely an off-campus crime.

I'm not sure how much UVa and other important institutions are actively seeking to stay clear of liability, but this is also helped by the report that she was hitchhiking.
I dont understand why some missing people get their own sections and others dont.

There is like 30 threads now for sommer, and I think morgan deserved one.

JMO this is a sad case but there is very little to go POI, no suspects, nothing

Somer's case also has little info but they do seem to have a LOT of POI's, RSO's...a huge cast of characters

I think the case of Shaynia has more twists and turns...also the Baby Gabriel case

now that one has a lot of weird stuff...

I notice you have the Boca Mall case in your sig....that one has always bothered me so much as I live in Broward....and that case gets very little attention when actually it is more relevant IMHO>> the guy is still out there, not in jail,
unlike a husband/family member/etc case we are all in danger at malls with him on the loose...AND THEY DO HAVE A DESCRIPTION OF HIM...SOMEONE KNOWS SOMETHING

hard to say why some cases get so much attention and others dont.

Morgan's case has very little for LE to go on JMO>> sort of like poor Jennifer Kesse in Orlando...just nothing there (although I must say Jennifer was just going to work, not at a rock concert)
Omg! This is so sad... this thread only has 2 users (myself and 1 other) and 1 guest viewing it right now. Where did everyone go?
Has anyone heard from Secret Agent Mom? I'm concerned about her.

You're right...S.A.M hasn't been on here for a while...and neither has Waddles... Wonder where they are? Hope they are okay!
I've been following Morgan's case since it started. I really can't believe she's still missing. There are a couple of cases that baffle me, but Morgan's is at the top of the list right now. It worries me that her family may never know what happened that night. I also think that this case needs an area of its own.
20 years ago the economy was different

credit is beyond "tight" now...
and too many college students defaulted I guess...but I do know what you mean cause credit cards used to come in the mail etc

now it is debit cards...that might have a small "overdraft" amount available (that comes with a charge)....and once you do that once you can't do it again..

her card was OVERDRAWN..which means it was frozen at that time, beyond "empty"

This has been stated many times if you google it you will find it, also on the MH forum on net

The only thing I’ve ever seen that was approaching reliably on this was an article in the hook talking about how she was going to meet up with her dad to study for a test and he was going to help her balance her check book b/c she had recently overdrawn her account.

her card was OVERDRAWN..Which means it was frozen at that time, beyond "empty"

IMO, it is very presumptuous to make the statement quoted above unless you have additional credible information. The mention of her overdrawing her account just mentioned that it had happened recently it did not say it was the day before the concert or that week or whatever. We have no idea if it was the day of the concert or three weeks before. Her card may have been frozen or maybe she had already gotten money back in the account from:
....her parents
.....a savings account
....a friend
....selling something
....calling in an outstanding debt
….Selling Plasma etc.
.....OR maybe she hadn't. The point being none of us really knows. All that I have ever seen stated relevant to this was that she, like many young people was having some trouble managing her finances and her father was going to help her learn to balance her checkbook better. You are making an assumption that this meant she had no access to funds the night of the concert. Your assumption may or may not be correct. I personally would find it more helpful if you would state it in a way that more clearly shows that you have made an assumption.

Lastly I restate my caveat that I follow this case closely for awhile but now only check in periodically and so if there is additional credible information on this subject I will gladly stand corrected.
at any rate...I really wish we could establish some "facts" here

>>> her debit card was not working, overdrawn

Could you please point me towards where this is established as fact or even stated by someone who we can be reasonably certain is in fact a family member (i.e. not just some yahoo posting on the website claiming to be her cousin or w/e). I've never seen anything stated anywhere beyond that at some unknown time prior to concert she had overdrawn her account......sorry from what I’ve read of your post they seem good so it's not a personal thing I just think it's important to present facts as facts and assumptions and opinions as assumptions and opinions.
I’ve been catching up on things so I just had a few out dated comments:

1. If this DC person does in-fact only play club sports at JMU then the suggestion that anyone is doing anything to protect the team or the athletic department or his athletic career is absurd. Club sports are like one step up from intramurals. Nothing wrong with club sports, but it’s not something anyone is doing anything to protect. If you have noticed NONE or the kids involved have EVER to my knowledge been named by LE. SS and AM's names are out there b/c they were named and quoted in an article published within the first week to ten days of MH going missing. Obviously LE and other people who care for these college kids are wisely advising them to stay out of the media. There’s no secret plot out there…we did land on the moon…..JFK was not killed by aliens etc.

2. There is no evidence that any of the friends have ever lied or with held anything from LE. The message may have gotten confused or misspoken when talking to reporters or maybe even DH (or maybe he didn't even ask certain things he simply assumed based on what he thought happened), but there has been ZERO factual evidence that any of these kids ever lied or withheld information from LE. Think about it there is every one from local police to state police to the FBI working on this. In that group there is bound to be one or two guys that aren't MOH-rons (morons). Do you honestly think that the ppl she went on a trip, resulting in her disappearance, with where either not interview by LE or that they told stories that did not add up and that LE didn't did dig into it further. GET REAL obviously they did a lot more checking than reading a few of their quotes and assuming a bunch of stuff based on something Dr. Harrington stated……they obviously don't think their involved's time to move on......unless you have something of more substance than a few hard to interpret quotes….
Could you please point me towards where this is established as fact or even stated by someone who we can be reasonably certain is in fact a family member (i.e. not just some yahoo posting on the website claiming to be her cousin or w/e). I've never seen anything stated anywhere beyond that at some unknown time prior to concert she had overdrawn her account......sorry from what I’ve read of your post they seem good so it's not a personal thing I just think it's important to present facts as facts and assumptions and opinions as assumptions and opinions.

Here is a link to an article I posted here not long ago but cannot find anywhere. In the article, Morgan’s dad is talking about how she was to meet with him on Sunday to balance her checkbook. It does state that Morgan had overdrawn her account. But like I said in the post I can’t find, that does not mean it was overdrawn the night she went to the concert. I said if it was my kid and she lived an hour away and I knew she was going to a concert, I would have put some money into her account. There is also a post by me a couple of pages back that references Morgan asking her dad if she could pay for gas in a friend’s car the night of the concert. This to me indicated she had money of some sort, cash, debit or credit card. I have never seen a statement from the family, the police or anyone that can be taken as fact that her debit card didn’t work that night. I think since the VSP indicated a debit card was found and the dad mentioned the fact that her checking was overdrawn, people made the link without facts to support their thinking. Here’s the link;
Could you please point me towards where this is established as fact or even stated by someone who we can be reasonably certain is in fact a family member (i.e. not just some yahoo posting on the website claiming to be her cousin or w/e). I've never seen anything stated anywhere beyond that at some unknown time prior to concert she had overdrawn her account......sorry from what I’ve read of your post they seem good so it's not a personal thing I just think it's important to present facts as facts and assumptions and opinions as assumptions and opinions.

Morgan's Dad really posts on the website.
Did you check out the forum section there? There's some good information, just like here, you have to search through..
IMO, i'm not sure how anything having to do with Morgan having money or not that night, or having a working cell phone or not that night, has to do with helping us find out what happened to Morgan.
What if she had money and a working cell phone?
If the perp is someone who made her feel comfortable enough to get in his car, neither a cell phone or money would matter at that point. (in the instance she got suspicious he was quickly able to subdue her with chloroform) as an example...
IMO, i'm not sure how anything having to do with Morgan having money or not that night, or having a working cell phone or not that night, has to do with helping us find out what happened to Morgan.
What if she had money and a working cell phone?
If the perp is someone who made her feel comfortable enough to get in his car, neither a cell phone or money would matter at that point. (in the instance she got suspicious he was quickly able to subdue her with chloroform) as an example...

Meow, you raise an interesting point here. The angle from which people are approaching whether or not Morgan had money comes from the fact that she may have wanted to get back in but couldn’t afford another ticket. Morgan called her friend and said she would find a ride home. Some have reported that her friends called her and suggested various other entrances for her to try. But that didn’t happen. According to VSP there was only one call from MH to SS. Morgan may indeed have had both money and a cell phone. Maybe she didn’t want to get back in.
I’ve been catching up on things so I just had a few out dated comments:

1. If this DC person does in-fact only play club sports at JMU then the suggestion that anyone is doing anything to protect the team or the athletic department or his athletic career is absurd. Club sports are like one step up from intramurals. Nothing wrong with club sports, but it’s not something anyone is doing anything to protect. If you have noticed NONE or the kids involved have EVER to my knowledge been named by LE. SS and AM's names are out there b/c they were named and quoted in an article published within the first week to ten days of MH going missing. Obviously LE and other people who care for these college kids are wisely advising them to stay out of the media. There’s no secret plot out there…we did land on the moon…..JFK was not killed by aliens etc.

Please don't forget that these threads are quite long, and getting reasonably trustworthy info has been a tortuous process. One of my posts speculated that political correctness was involved, because DC was described as a "key player." However, as we dug into the matter further, it seemed that he was only a club baseball player; you are correct that such a position would not likely be protected that carefully by the political interests which dominate these universities.

2. There is no evidence that any of the friends have ever lied or with held anything from LE. The message may have gotten confused or misspoken when talking to reporters or maybe even DH (or maybe he didn't even ask certain things he simply assumed based on what he thought happened), but there has been ZERO factual evidence that any of these kids ever lied or withheld information from LE. Think about it there is every one from local police to state police to the FBI working on this. In that group there is bound to be one or two guys that aren't MOH-rons (morons). Do you honestly think that the ppl she went on a trip, resulting in her disappearance, with where either not interview by LE or that they told stories that did not add up and that LE didn't did dig into it further. GET REAL obviously they did a lot more checking than reading a few of their quotes and assuming a bunch of stuff based on something Dr. Harrington stated……they obviously don't think their involved's time to move on......unless you have something of more substance than a few hard to interpret quotes….

Same answer. The threads are very long. We don't know why the media initially reported that there was a conflict between DH's statements and LE's statements regarding the location of the car.

Another discrepancy between what police and the family seem to know revolves around the vehicle that transported the young woman and three other concert-goers to Charlottesville. Police spokesperson Geller says that although driven by a friend, it was definitely Morgan Harrington’s own vehicle. Dr. Harrington has maintained, however, that his daughter’s 2006 Honda Civic, along with its keys, remained in Harrisonburg until retrieved Sunday by his daughter’s roommate who drove it back to the family home in Roanoke.

What we do know is that no one has given us a full and forthright account of the events of the evening of October 17. Something like "The x of us, [names or initials], traveled together to C'ville in y cars. We parked the car(s) in these specific locations at these specific times. We proceeded together into the arena. The party broke up into separate groups [describe who went where] ... MH interacted with z known acquaintances. [Name, if possible.]" Instead we find the members of this group avoiding detail, and basically reacting as if MH's disappearance were none of our business. Sorry, but they lost some degree of their privacy at the point when the assumption that MH has been murdered became reasonable.
Morgan's Dad really posts on the website.
Did you check out the forum section there? There's some good information, just like here, you have to search through..

While I have no legitimate reason to not believe Dr. Harrington actually does post on the forums at, for some reason I just suspect it isn't him I msg'd the forum admin and was told, yes it is him, but. Compare the forum post's grammar and punctation to those of the family blog. It doesn't look as the same person is writing both. Heck compare the forum posts to Dr. Harrington's public appearances. The site was created for the Harringtons by a PR firm.
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