Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #10

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I don't believe I have seen anywhere she had no money or no money in the account or on her debit card. What was said was she HAD overdrawn her account and was going to sit down with her father to balance it and find the error. I have always thought that when the bank says you have no money, you have no money and you have to add money to stop racking up fees in many cases. You still want to sit down and figure out where you made the mistake. No place has it ever been said that she over drew it just before the concert, it was never said exactly when. Maybe that Sunday was the first time her father had the time to sit down with her and find the mistake. What I am getting at is, Morgan may well have had money on her or on her debit card. I thought the box office quit selling Metallica tickets at a certain time prior to the concert???

Does anyone have a link to a news source where LE says friends were all cleared? TIA
I don't believe I have seen anywhere she had no money or no money in the account or on her debit card. What was said was she HAD overdrawn her account and was going to sit down with her father to balance it and find the error. I have always thought that when the bank says you have no money, you have no money and you have to add money to stop racking up fees in many cases. You still want to sit down and figure out where you made the mistake. No place has it ever been said that she over drew it just before the concert, it was never said exactly when. Maybe that Sunday was the first time her father had the time to sit down with her and find the mistake. What I am getting at is, Morgan may well have had money on her or on her debit card. I thought the box office quit selling Metallica tickets at a certain time prior to the concert???

Does anyone have a link to a news source where LE says friends were all cleared? TIA

WholelottaRosie, what you say makes sense. It could be she had recently overdrawn the account, yet at the time had money in it, so that she was to meet with her father who would help her balance it. It doesn't mean Morgan's account was overdrafted at the time of the concert, it would have been prior, IMO.
Thank you for posting this, it makes it clearer to me now and makes sense.
Not to mention most people never go to a concert with no money. Concerts always have drinks, gifts (band tshirts etc) and things to buy at them. Also good to have money for potential emergencies, gasoline, etc.
IMO, what you are saying is the most likely, that Morgan did have money on her card, the overdraft was from earlier on and that her father was going to help her with accounting.
Sometimes with ATM fees and such, money gets taken out at wrong times.
Posts on the Find Morgan site about "battery in bra" <grin>

lots of young people post kids....and a few people who know her

Seems that a family friend (a guy) runs the forum

Do you have a link? There's a ton of posts on that forum and it can get confusing. TIA =)
Thanks Ghostmaster...I sure know Bob Segar LOL>> thanks

yes, the info from Ann seems accurate..and most everyone on the MH forum seems to go with the "Morgan called them"

I have also read there again that her phone was ? problematic...battery would come out...she supposedly put it in her bra a lot ?? (or so friends say)

There really is so little info on this case...just amazing

Now, I can attest to how crappy it can be when a cell phone has issues with the battery or it turns off itsself. I am having that exact issue with my Motorola Hint (cant remember off the top of my head what kind Morgan had).
It will just randomly turn off, even when I am talking on it. The battery cover is a PIA to keep on too, it will pop off easily. And the sad thing is, the cover doesnt have to pop off for the phone to just turn off... IT just turns off for no apparent reason. I cannot WAIT to get some money saved so I can get a different phone!
It's possible her parents gave her cash, or she had cash on her, or that even though overdrafted she may have been able to run something through on credit.

She kissed her friends goodbye, IMO, i think she was planning on leaving them for a spell, maybe going somewhere else or to meet up with someone else and not see her friends until much later on.

If she was in a desperate drastic situation, i truly believe she would have called the police or at least her parents on a pay phone. Police could have been alerted by her talking to security. She tried to get back inside, yet we don't have reports of security seeing her in distress to the point that she wanted police called. So even though she tried to get back inside, IMO it doesn't seem to me that she was in danger just then.

She did tell her friends in that call that she would find a ride home, i think it's possible she was either meeting someone or had people in mind she knew from around the area. A lot of these kids have tons of friends in the surrounding college area.

Remember that Morgan did also make a text to a young man (not involved LE cleared him) as well that night. I believe, if my memory serves me correctly it was after she talked to SS, however if anyone can find the link to post i would be greatful.

What are you referring to when you say the friends must wish they made other arrangements? That they didn't join her outside when she was stuck out there?

On the FindMorgan site, her father has mentioned that various mistakes my different people made that night have all factored into the equation.
It's been mentioned before on here.

If she had no money as you believe, how could she pay for a cab to a nearby diner?

As for her parents, they feel horrible about this whole thing and my heart goes out to them. I'm sure her friends do as well.

IMO, i don't think the friends, or what people could have, should have done is the issue right now.

In the instance Morgan chose to leave the arena as she was meeting someone or had other plans, possibly she was to meet up with the friends later (for example if she was meeting someone who had their own car). Then Morgan wouldn't need hers, yet her friends would to meet up with her later. (Using this scenario as an example).

The question would be, in this scenario, who did Morgan meet up with? She went outside the arena, most likely with the intentions of leaving and not seeing her friends at least until much later on (kissing them goodbye).
After she does outside, she calls SS and tries to get back in. Maybe if she was to meet someone they didn't show or were late and she was going to try and get back in to kill time. She can't get back inside so maybe she meets someone, a friend, acquaintance, someone who is a friend of a friend, and possibly she goes off with them. That would be were things go bad.
Her friends were supposed to go to a party at JMU after the concert, perhaps Morgan had made plans to meet up with someone and not stay for the whole concert, and then meet her friends at JMU later... just to take a guess at things.
The only reason i can think for her to leave the concert (especially being she kissed her friends goodbye prior) is that she had plans to be somewhere else with someone else. Whatever happened once she went outside wasn't planned, which would explain the call to SS.
The reason possibly behind why her friends didn't go out to her or get her her keys may be due to Morgan telling them she would either meet up with them later or find a ride back there on her own.

To say she would find a ride when her friends have her car, would mean she had someone(s) in mind around the area who she thought she could get a ride with. That also would be why her friends didn't attempt to get her her own keys or go outside to her, IMO. If she told them she was in danger, the situation would be different. At that point in time, Morgan didn't appear to be in danger. After the phone call she tried to get back in, and then Lord knows what happened..

The "goodbye" kiss is not established as fact. Maybe seeing this part of the story repeated so many times leads people to assume that it must have been confirmed by a highly reliable source.
The "goodbye" kiss is not established as fact. Maybe seeing this part of the story repeated so many times leads people to assume that it must have been confirmed by a highly reliable source.

It is MHO, the same with the line of "I'll try to find a ride."

Just because someone said this and it too has been repeated over and over, simply does not make it a true statement IMO. Sometimes that one line above has been stated alone or in conjunction with, meeting back up with her group after the concert.

Are we to take this one persons word as golden? What was so compelling about that statement that made it true (as well as the alleged kiss)? Was there something else in this phone conversation that hasn't been made known to the general public?
Walker, please explain your comment regarding the statement that the good-bye kiss has not been established as fact and where you got that information.

Here is a link to one of many articles where Dr. Harrington makes the statement “Amy kissed Morgan on the cheek”. Dr. Harrington has repeated this story to various news outlets since Morgan went missing. Seeing how Amy was there that night and she told the police and Dr. Harrington her story, I think that qualifies her as about the most “highly reliable source” that there is. In the eyes of Morgan’s family and LE, this has been established as fact. Please let me know if you can provide a source that says otherwise.
IMO and I know it wasn't asked for...but before it is since I posted something similar to what Walker did...

With all due respect - Dr. Harrington was not there. He did not personally witness a kiss. He was not privy to this conversation between his daughter and her friend. Dr. Harrington is going by 2nd hand information. All we have is this 1 persons word as to what was done/said. It may have been exactly what was done/said, but just because one person says this doesn't make it true IMO
I don't believe I have seen anywhere she had no money or no money in the account or on her debit card. What was said was she HAD overdrawn her account and was going to sit down with her father to balance it and find the error. I have always thought that when the bank says you have no money, you have no money and you have to add money to stop racking up fees in many cases. You still want to sit down and figure out where you made the mistake. No place has it ever been said that she over drew it just before the concert, it was never said exactly when. Maybe that Sunday was the first time her father had the time to sit down with her and find the mistake. What I am getting at is, Morgan may well have had money on her or on her debit card. I thought the box office quit selling Metallica tickets at a certain time prior to the concert???

Does anyone have a link to a news source where LE says friends were all cleared? TIA

Here you go;
As far as the kiss by Amy goes; Granted, Dr. H was not there. But Amy was there. Others were there with her that night. Don’t you think LE has spoken to them as well? Don’t you think they have verified Amy’s story? Why is it that people on this forum are so quick to doubt something when a person who was there makes a statement like this? Why not accept it and move on? It seems like people continue to question or doubt the friends and their stories. Why is that? LE has cleared them and the family has stated over and over they are not involved. Do people think that from reading a few words on a forum that they know more than the VSP and FBI? Do people who have never met these folks that are involved think that they know them better than investigators who are interacting with them regularly or the family that have known them for years? The fact is that Amy has told her story to LE and to the Harrington’s. Dr. Harrington has been allowed to repeat it to media outlets. If it was something that LE had a problem with they would not let him keep making that or any statement again and again. What purpose does it serve to constantly discount everything that is said? To question is one thing and a good thing at that, but to many people here, if they don’t hear what they want to hear, they ignore the facts as they are known to make them fit into their own scenarios.
I have said time and time again that I do not believe that the friends have anything to do with the disappearance of MH.

There seems nothing new to "talk" about on this case. This is a sleuthing web-site. People (right, wrong or indifferent) are going to pick apart and continue to pick apart certain things that seem suspicious - even if it is only the tiniest of suspicions.

With all due respect to you and what you have posted and how you believe - you have every right to do so, just like other who may agree with you (or not) or any one of the other members of this forum.

I'm not disputing the fact that these friends have been cleared. I, as well as others, would like to know why they have been cleared. Maybe that's not for me or anyone else to know right now. However, IMO until MH shows up and tells the story or until something else turns up or her body is found I just don't see anyone being 100% in the clear.

Like I stated in a post yesterday. How many times, months or years later, has LE went back and re-interviewed people connected to a case only to find out that they knew more than they were telling/withheld info, maybe they "suddenly" remembered something else, or possibly found out a witness they had questioned and cleared was actually the perp. It does happen.

Like I said, maybe it's not for the public to know - but IMO I think it would add a lot to the clearing of the friends if: We knew exactly when they were questioned by LE (how long from the time of MH being reported missing) and if they were questioned separately.

There may have been more than 1 person who witnessed the kiss. But how exactly is there a witness to a one on one phone conversation? That witness only hears one side and then the one relates what MH supposedly said. IMO that is 2nd hand information.
It's possible her parents gave her cash, or she had cash on her, or that even though overdrafted she may have been able to run something through on credit.

True...but I was referring to the price of a ticket...which I don't think she had on her....someone suggested she should have bought another ticket and that is why I had posted about her overdrawn card
My guess is she had a little cash....but not enough for another ticket which IF they had them were probably only high priced ones left

She kissed her friends goodbye, IMO, i think she was planning on leaving them for a spell, maybe going somewhere else or to meet up with someone else and not see her friends until much later on.

Maybe...but I also think that kids that age can be dramatic..and when "boozy" might just kiss/air kiss ...look a the huggy muggy pictures all over the internet , myspace like to be dramatic and demonstrative JMO

If she was in a desperate drastic situation, i truly believe she would have called the police or at least her parents on a pay phone. Police could have been alerted by her talking to security. She tried to get back inside, yet we don't have reports of security seeing her in distress to the point that she wanted police called. So even though she tried to get back inside, IMO it doesn't seem to me that she was in danger just then.

I never thought she was in a "desperate drastic situation...and I don't think she thought she was (of course until it was too late)....I did put out the IDEA that IF she had money/working cell phone she might have done these things
I think her "danger" started later, in the vehicle with *advertiser censored*?

She did tell her friends in that call that she would find a ride home, i think it's possible she was either meeting someone or had people in mind she knew from around the area. A lot of these kids have tons of friends in the surrounding college area.

I agree..and on the MH forum they say that she knew a LOT of people around there....she may have accepted a ride to a friend's house...may have seen someone she "slightly" knew ....JMO

Remember that Morgan did also make a text to a young man (not involved LE cleared him) as well that night. I believe, if my memory serves me correctly it was after she talked to SS, however if anyone can find the link to post i would be greatful.

Yes...from everything I can find it seems that Morgan CALLED her friends at about 8:48 and then texted that guy 60 miles away...and that is the END of her phone records

What are you referring to when you say the friends must wish they made other arrangements? That they didn't join her outside when she was stuck out there?

On the FindMorgan site, her father has mentioned that various mistakes my different people made that night have all factored into the equation.
It's been mentioned before on here.

If she had no money as you believe, how could she pay for a cab to a nearby diner?

Again, I meant IF she had money on her debit card she could have chosen to pay for a cab

As for her parents, they feel horrible about this whole thing and my heart goes out to them. I'm sure her friends do as well.

IMO, i don't think the friends, or what people could have, should have done is the issue right now.

I never said it was...I was responding to the endless posts here that seem to "blame" the "logical" mind says that while the friends, the parents and mostly Morgan herself made very bad decisions on this ONE night, I don't see the point of trying to "blame" I said before, no matter what they or she did, the ultimate blame is on who "took" her and what happened

In the instance Morgan chose to leave the arena as she was meeting someone or had other plans, possibly she was to meet up with the friends later (for example if she was meeting someone who had their own car). Then Morgan wouldn't need hers, yet her friends would to meet up with her later. (Using this scenario as an example).

Sorry I still don't think she had a real "scenario" like that...I don't think she had planned to miss the personal thought is she went out to buy drugs (not pretty but honest)...or booze (remember she was only 20)..and got stuck outside.

The question would be, in this scenario, who did Morgan meet up with? She went outside the arena, most likely with the intentions of leaving and not seeing her friends at least until much later on (kissing them goodbye).
After she does outside, she calls SS and tries to get back in. Maybe if she was to meet someone they didn't show or were late and she was going to try and get back in to kill time. She can't get back inside so maybe she meets someone, a friend, acquaintance, someone who is a friend of a friend, and possibly she goes off with them. That would be were things go bad.
Her friends were supposed to go to a party at JMU after the concert, perhaps Morgan had made plans to meet up with someone and not stay for the whole concert, and then meet her friends at JMU later... just to take a guess at things.
The only reason i can think for her to leave the concert (especially being she kissed her friends goodbye prior) is that she had plans to be somewhere else with someone else.

There we differ.....she wanted to see that concert....JMO she went outside to "get" something and come back in (using bad judgement, and probably a bit high...maybe she hit her chin and decided to go out and buy some painkillers or pills...maybe she wanted more to drink and went out for that?)

Whatever happened once she went outside wasn't planned, which would explain the call to SS.
The reason possibly behind why her friends didn't go out to her or get her her keys may be due to Morgan telling them she would either meet up with them later or find a ride back there on her own.

Agree....this is one reason I find blaming the friends frustrating...cause SHE called them, said she was outside, they gave suggestions to get in various entrances...and she said she would try OR find a ride
She did NOT call them back.....she did not answer her they assumed she had gotten a ride or maybe found her way back in and was in a different part of the crowded, loud arena
My point is that there was NO way for them to "throw the keys" to her since she did not call back and they were not able to call her to even make that arrangement !!!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR]

To say she would find a ride when her friends have her car, would mean she had someone(s) in mind around the area who she thought she could get a ride with.

Sorry...not necessarily....her friends may have assumed she would call someone as she apparently knew a lot of people in the area..however NO one could have predicted her phone troubles...I dont think she planned to do this, she wanted to see Metallica...she may have planned to call someone but then her phone didn't phone?? few and far between nowadays...and who knows friends numbers?? we store them in our phones

That also would be why her friends didn't attempt to get her her own keys or go outside to her, IMO. If she told them she was in danger, the situation would be different. At that point in time, Morgan didn't appear to be in danger. After the phone call she tried to get back in, and then Lord knows what happened..

OH I agree....she was not "in danger" when she called them the ONE time, didn't answer the phone after that....many here want to "blame" them when they had NO way and no chance to throw the keys, meet her at the gate, or leave with her...I think if she had called in distress they would have..

bottom line....the lack of a phone (and money) did contribute to her bad choices once she was outside JMO
Now, I can attest to how crappy it can be when a cell phone has issues with the battery or it turns off itsself. I am having that exact issue with my Motorola Hint (cant remember off the top of my head what kind Morgan had).
It will just randomly turn off, even when I am talking on it. The battery cover is a PIA to keep on too, it will pop off easily. And the sad thing is, the cover doesnt have to pop off for the phone to just turn off... IT just turns off for no apparent reason. I cannot WAIT to get some money saved so I can get a different phone!

I hear ya...from what I have been reading on the MH forum it reminds me that we heard awhile back that her phone had problems....the battery would come out..

Seems she went to a pay phone...BUT....I was thinking....who remembers phone numbers nowadays?? or carries a phone book?? Years ago we all had phone books and stuff..but now we have cell phones with our long phone books in them

Even IF you find a pay phone half of them don't work or work right....there is no phone book there assistance is hard to use and would not list people's cell phones.....

The more I look at it, it seems to me a working phone could have made a huge difference for poor Morgan that fatefull night! She could have called her friends in the arena, called friends in town, even called her parents or whatever

I hope you get YOUR phone fixed or get a new one....they are really necessary today ...I pretty much have forgotten what it was like before cell phones LOL
I don't believe I have seen anywhere she had no money or no money in the account or on her debit card. What was said was she HAD overdrawn her account and was going to sit down with her father to balance it and find the error. I have always thought that when the bank says you have no money, you have no money and you have to add money to stop racking up fees in many cases. You still want to sit down and figure out where you made the mistake. No place has it ever been said that she over drew it just before the concert, it was never said exactly when. Maybe that Sunday was the first time her father had the time to sit down with her and find the mistake. What I am getting at is, Morgan may well have had money on her or on her debit card. I thought the box office quit selling Metallica tickets at a certain time prior to the concert???

Does anyone have a link to a news source where LE says friends were all cleared? TIA

It is stated by a lot of people on the MH forum and has been stated in various media articles that her DEBIT CARD WAS OVERDRAWN....

there are few facts in this case and this is one of them.

It can be frustrating because there aren't many facts. It is also a fact that the friends were cleared

I think that we need a "list" of the few facts that we do have in order to even have any sort of conversation on this cause we have people who come in and have not followed this and we go over and over the same few facts that we have had for months.
is a good resource.....all of this has been hashed out there also
WholelottaRosie, what you say makes sense. It could be she had recently overdrawn the account, yet at the time had money in it, so that she was to meet with her father who would help her balance it. It doesn't mean Morgan's account was overdrafted at the time of the concert, it would have been prior, IMO.
Thank you for posting this, it makes it clearer to me now and makes sense.
Not to mention most people never go to a concert with no money. Concerts always have drinks, gifts (band tshirts etc) and things to buy at them. Also good to have money for potential emergencies, gasoline, etc.
IMO, what you are saying is the most likely, that Morgan did have money on her card, the overdraft was from earlier on and that her father was going to help her with accounting.
Sometimes with ATM fees and such, money gets taken out at wrong times. makes NO sense to me when there are many articles out there that say it was overdrawn....the MH forum is hard to read but in plowing through it I see where they all say the same...including the guy who is a family friend who runs it

I never said she had NO money on her...but probably not enough to pay a cab or buy a ticket IF they even sell them as the box office would not ...but there may have been "scalpers" out there who would

I am not going back and posting more links..sorry....I posted many links that said her debit card was overdrawn, NOT usable....and there are various references to that on the MH forum

I think some of these few facts we have have been "proven" over and over...I have tried to post links for everything but why bother
I have a hard time believing that Morgan didn't have a credit card, at least for emergencies.
I have a hard time believing that Morgan didn't have a credit card, at least for emergencies.

I can't speak for Morgan, but we are the same age. I'm 20 also.. in fact a couple months older, and I don't have a credit card. I have 2 debit cards that can work like credit cards, but of course I can't really access money I don't have. I don't know anyone my age that has a real credit card. I have a charge card to a couple stores, but it wouldn't work anywhere but their respective stores.

My :twocents:...
I have a hard time believing that Morgan didn't have a credit card, at least for emergencies. want the truth?? I have a hard time believing a smart girl like Morgan did the things she did...but what is , is can plow thru the many posts, google it and do what I have done

she didn't have a working cc or debit card on her..

the general "summation" of the various articles is that she had "overdrawn" her card "buying groceries"....and the friends/family on her forum support this

she was to go to her parents the very next day to "balance" her account (probably get money to put in it along with "advice")

Did she have cash?? I would think so

who knows...maybe she used her cash when she first went "outside" the arena and bought booze or drugs..then she had little cash, no card and a cell phone that conked out

at this point I honestly feel this is a "cold case"...their is no "visable" link to what happened to her....apparenly no one saw whose vehicle she entered
we don't know if she knew them, slightly knew them or just trusted someone instantly (or was not that mentally allert?)

IF she had a cc/debit card, more money and/or a working phone that might have helped her

I personally feel Morgan was sweet and naive...."young" for her age..had no street girl to the family....I am NOT into "new age" or psychic stuff but something in my head says a "young soul" about her (which is odd for me LOL)....kind of innocent

From all I have read there was no huge "love" romance in her young life...she had not lived with a guy, no engagements, and no past "history" of someone deep enough to be jealous etc about her....and I surely don't feel her friends somehow plotted to kill her ..makes no sense

I think this was a case of a girl who made some bad decisions that an ideal world she would have come home with a hangover,
but someone took her future from her

planned?? I doubt it
serial killer?? could be but....I feel it was more of a "date rape to murder"...or
possibly her "ride" gave her pills, drugs...overdose

she could have been left a large radius

there simply are no clues...

we have a very few facts...her father has listed them..and that other forum verifies them

anything to be learned?? Yeah

1) have a working cell phone
2) have some money on your credit card, or enough cash
3) use the buddy system

of course everyone is told not to accept rides from strangers...but that would not have happened if the first 3 on my list had been in place
and ...yes..woulda shoulda coulda and "if only">> sad story and I don't think we are going to see a happy ending ...I feel for her poor family
I can't speak for Morgan, but we are the same age. I'm 20 also.. in fact a couple months older, and I don't have a credit card. I have 2 debit cards that can work like credit cards, but of course I can't really access money I don't have. I don't know anyone my age that has a real credit card. I have a charge card to a couple stores, but it wouldn't work anywhere but their respective stores.

My :twocents:...

I guess it just depends. When I was in college almost 20 years ago. I had a credit card. As did most of my friends. For the most part they were for emergencies and books but we did have them.

I understand that Morgan's account was overdrawn but I must have missed where it said she didn't have a credit card.
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