Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #10

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I guess it just depends. When I was in college almost 20 years ago. I had a credit card. As did most of my friends. For the most part they were for emergencies and books but we did have them.

I understand that Morgan's account was overdrawn but I must have missed where it said she didn't have a credit card.

20 years ago the economy was different

credit is beyond "tight" now...
and too many college students defaulted I guess...but I do know what you mean cause credit cards used to come in the mail etc

now it is debit cards...that might have a small "overdraft" amount available (that comes with a charge)....and once you do that once you can't do it again..

her card was OVERDRAWN..which means it was frozen at that time, beyond "empty"

This has been stated many times if you google it you will find it, also on the MH forum on net
I can see that since debit cards didn't exist 20 years ago or did they?:waitasec:

True...because back then you could "float" a, write a check before you had the funds in the account and it took 3 days local and 10 days long distance for a check to clear...banking was not in "real time"

so debit cards would not have worked then...when "real time" banking became the standard nationwide debit cards were possible

credit cards were in place 20 years ago...and given out freely...and credit was easy to get back then...:)

at any rate...I really wish we could establish some "facts" here

>>> her debit card was not working, overdrawn

>>> Morgan called the friends ONE time at 8:48 and texted the guy (60 milers away) ..last time her phone was used

>> her cell phone was known to have problems (battery falling out etc)

>>> Friends have been cleared by LE

I am sticking with these facts...anyone have some other facts to post that they can back up with links/and relate to the info given by Mr Harrison and the MH family forum pages/? thanks
her card was OVERDRAWN..which means it was frozen at that time, beyond "empty"

IMO just because someone has overdrawn their account - it may mean it is empty - but doesn't necessarily mean it is "frozen".

There is such a thing called overdraft protection in which purchases can continue along with fees.
IMO just because someone has overdrawn their account - it may mean it is empty - but doesn't necessarily mean it is "frozen".

There is such a thing called overdraft protection in which purchases can continue along with fees.

They even had overdraft protectiono 20 years ago - LOL. My point about the credit card is just that I have a hard time believing she didn't have some means to buy another ticket. I know that her account was overdrawn. Someone in the group had to have the means to get her back in with another ticket (by this I mean purchasing a NEW ticket). I just think that she didn't want to get back in that bad....My opinion.
The "goodbye" kiss is not established as fact. Maybe seeing this part of the story repeated so many times leads people to assume that it must have been confirmed by a highly reliable source.

Walker, you can "respectfully snip" posts when quoting so that they don't take up so much space on here.

Thank you, Ghost for providing the link and proof that the goodbye kiss was established as fact.

Walker, haven't you ever kissed a friend hello or goodbye?
I have a friend who does that only upon arrival or departure. I hope Dr. Harrington is considered a reliable source by you =)
OH I agree....she was not "in danger" when she called them the ONE time, didn't answer the phone after that....many here want to "blame" them when they had NO way and no chance to throw the keys, meet her at the gate, or leave with her...I think if she had called in distress they would have..

bottom line....the lack of a phone (and money) did contribute to her bad choices once she was outside JMO

I'm not sure what your getting at here.. your bold red font. I used red font once then didn't again since i didn't want to hurt people's eyes. =)
I apologize for my confusion.
IMO, we don't know that she lacked money. We do know that the phone carped out on her at some point that night i think.

Who are you referring to as *advertiser censored* in a vehicle?
As for the Harrington's no need to explain yourself, as i wasn't thinking you were saying what the issue was, i was just thinking aloud.

Your theory that Morgan went outside to get painkillers for a cut on her chin?? I don't quite understand that.. If she was still walking around with a cut on her chin, then it couldn't have been too bad. If it was really bad, she could have went to the medic booth or security to seek advice about medical help. So IMO i doubt a cut to the chin would make her search for painkillers, which i've not heard anywhere she was into..

IMO, and we will agree to disagree and leave it at that (at least i will anyway). Is that i have not read whether or not she had money or not.
What Rosie said was very logical, that the overdraft could have been in the past, and Morgan was meeting with her dad the next day so he could help her manage her banking.
The possibility exists that Morgan did have money on her. I am going to go with Morgan had some money on her and CCs that worked.

Say she had money and/or money on her CC, maybe Morgan choose not to get a cab as she knew people around the area and was going to get a ride or expected to. This would also explain why she said to SS in the call that she would find a ride. She was familiar with the area, and knew people around there. IMO

You are entitled to your opinion, as i am mine. :) I am glad to hear your opinion and that of others, Lord knows we could use more logic on this thread!
Hey Everyone, I just want to send out good vibes to all of you. I know everyone has Morgan and her family's best interest at heart. Let's try and stay positive if we can!

MOO - Morgan might have gone to the lengths she did that night (i.e. - NOT SPENDING ADDITIONAL MONEY) because she was already in hot water about her over-spending. I'd imagine the last thing she would want to tell her dad while balancing her checkbook, is "I need $$ to pay back so-in-so because I got stuck outside the concert."

I agree with Logical that a good phone, money & buddy system would have probably prevented what ever took place that night.

This case has really struck a nerve with me, and I think that is partly because I used to go to lots of concerts, made lots of impromptu friends at them, & was a trusting soul. I've been to JPJ to see a concert. Its easy for me to visualize the entire scenario. Its more crowded in the halls there than most venues - and I've been to at least 50. The fact is that texting is about all you can do, because of the noise. The outdoor smoking section is jam packed before, and between bands, wall to wall people. Really unpleasant for somebody like myself who is a bit claustrophobic.

I'd like to bring up another point about the camera. I think its interesting that she had one that night. Would it be possible that she planned to try and get up close to take pictures of Metallica?

IMO she either was not feeling well, and went outside. OR... She was tricked into going outside. I do not think she went outside to score drugs. Its just not what my gut is telling me. I DO think it matters how & why she ended up out there that night. I think if we could have that information it might explain a lot.

I think a good looking girl like her stands out. Did someone try and lure her out with the impression that she could meet the band. I can't stop thinking something like that happened. Others have posted that before. I don't know.... the clues are not many.... I just don't want us to give up hope.
I hear ya...from what I have been reading on the MH forum it reminds me that we heard awhile back that her phone had problems....the battery would come out..

Seems she went to a pay phone...BUT....I was thinking....who remembers phone numbers nowadays?? or carries a phone book?? Years ago we all had phone books and stuff..but now we have cell phones with our long phone books in them

Even IF you find a pay phone half of them don't work or work right....there is no phone book there assistance is hard to use and would not list people's cell phones.....

LogicalMinds, do you remember the time before cell phones were popular and people still used beepers? Even thought the number would show on the beeper, we had to memorize numbers even before beepers as well.

I remember a lot of various different phone numbers that i may need to call, despite having a cell phone. That is just me, however IMO in the case of Morgan's phone battery dropping out a lot, it may be more likely that she memorized certain numbers if she was used to her cell phone carping out at times. This is just my opinion, however i do believe that Morgan would be more likely able to have numbers memorized than say (for example) someone with a cell phone whose cell was in perfect condition, always worked and the battery never fell out. Not to mention, i'm sure Morgan had her parent's number memorized. As an act of caution, parents always teach their children (any age) to memorize home numbers or/and cells in case of the situation of our technology failing us. So Morgan if she felt she was in such an extreme state of distress could have called her parents via payphone, not to mention 911.
That she did not do so, leads me to believe she felt comfortable enough not to and possibly met up with a young charmer, acquaintance, or someone she vaguely knew.

As for statistics of payphones being in operable condition, i don't know, however the only way to find out would be to ask locals from Charlottesville to test out the payphones around that area.
True...because back then you could "float" a, write a check before you had the funds in the account and it took 3 days local and 10 days long distance for a check to clear...banking was not in "real time"

so debit cards would not have worked then...when "real time" banking became the standard nationwide debit cards were possible

credit cards were in place 20 years ago...and given out freely...and credit was easy to get back then...:)

at any rate...I really wish we could establish some "facts" here

>>> her debit card was not working, overdrawn

>>> Morgan called the friends ONE time at 8:48 and texted the guy (60 milers away) ..last time her phone was used

>> her cell phone was known to have problems (battery falling out etc)

>>> Friends have been cleared by LE

I am sticking with these facts...anyone have some other facts to post that they can back up with links/and relate to the info given by Mr Harrison and the MH family forum pages/? thanks
I have always wondered about the guy she texted who was 60 miles away...If I remember correctly he was "cleared", however, has there been any new information about him?

What do we know about him? He should be a main focus.
Walker, please explain your comment regarding the statement that the good-bye kiss has not been established as fact and where you got that information.

Thank you for that link.

We can therefore add Amy kissing Morgan before she left to the reasonably well-established facts of the case.

Here's another interesting note from that article:
... the questions haunt her father.
"Why didn't she call her brother?" he wonders. "Why didn't she call me?"

Also, this account seems highly reliable:
The group arrived safely, according to a 2005 UVA grad who parked next to them. Morgan-- a blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman clad in a black mini skirt, black tights, and knee-high black boots-- seemed excited to go in, more so, even, than the rest of her friends.
"She pulled up with her party and got out of her party's car and kind of immediately engaged me and my brother and my cousin and my friend who were at the concert," Dave Gardner, now living in New Jersey, told Lynchburg television station WDBJ.
"She did seem excited to see Metallica because she asked us who the opening act was, and when we told her, she said 'Who cares, we're here to see Metallica, right?'"
Gardner, who did not return the Hook's calls, told the station he was "100 percent certain" that it was Morgan he'd spoken to and that he saw no signs of pre-concert drinking by Morgan or her friends.

While MH may have been under the influence, JMO she was not totally wasted.

Since she didn't call her brother, maybe she didn't feel threatened in any way. After all she knew C'ville & had grown up there.

The kiss makes it seem that Amy knew that she would not see MH again for at least several hours. Therefore, we might reasonably conjecture that MH had plans of meeting up with someone. She was headed to the RV lot:

... [which is] a small piece of asphalt, gravel, and grass that UVA spokesperson Elizabeth Wilkerson is typically filled with recreational vehicles at football games but reserved for athletes losing their usual parking during concerts.

Of course, if she had plans to meet up with someone, she would most probably have asked him to pick her up at a specific arena entrance.

... Mark Safarik, a former FBI profiler who is now in private practice in Northern Virginia[ ... ] thinks it's unlikely an abduction was planned because the venue, with so many people and police officers around, would be "risky."

But maybe it was in fact planned, but the abductor managed to lure MH to the remote & secluded RV lot for just this very reason.

The perpetrator would have to be someone MH knew before the concert. He must have known her well enough to call her on her cell & arrange the meet-up.

We seem to have abandoned the Run-Away Theory, but if she were planning to run away that might be how she would plan it. Have a friend (even a female friend) ready & waiting in a van with whatever she wanted to take with her, and then pretend to hitch ... Maybe that's why her checking account was overdrawn: to run away, she would need cash.


Police spokesperson Geller confirms that Morgan made at least one effort to get back into the stadium, at which point she was informed by security she wouldn't be allowed.

If MH were running away, she probably wouldn't have turned back at the last moment, but it's not impossible.

More likely, she would have tried to get back into the arena when she realized that someone she was planning to meet apparently failed to appear or could not keep their appointment for some reason. That person might have then called her, and asked her to walk over to the RV lot.
They even had overdraft protectiono 20 years ago - LOL. My point about the credit card is just that I have a hard time believing she didn't have some means to buy another ticket. I know that her account was overdrawn. Someone in the group had to have the means to get her back in with another ticket (by this I mean purchasing a NEW ticket). I just think that she didn't want to get back in that bad....My opinion.
I don’t know if concert tickets offer the same option as a pro-football ticket would if you misplace your ticket(s). However, with football tickets if you forget your ticket the day of the game; you can go to will-call and re-purchase the ticket. Then after the game, once you are home and have retrieved your original ticket you can send it in and get your purchase refunded.

Concert tickets are pretty much guarded with my life so I have never had to find out if they have this same option available. LOL

This profile had some details about Morgan I hadn't come across before.

"Identifying Characteristics: Ears double pierced, light brown oval shaped birthmark on posterior of right upper arm, wears contacts

Jewelry: Silver dangling earrings, silver chain linked necklace, multiple rings and elastic band bracelet worn on left wrist"

As a contact lens wearer I always take eye drops/my glasses with me to late night events because I know how sticky and uncomfortable they can get after extended wear. It seems likely after a certain length of time Morgan would have had to remove her contacts with no place to refresh them. I can't imagine being in a potentially scary situation and adding not being able to see well to it. :(

Thank you for the useful link.

However, this summary is not LE's actual statement, just a reporter's summary.

VSP Lt. Joe Rader updated reporters on the case Wednesday afternoon. Among the highlights of that briefing:

.... 3) Her friends were not involved in her disappearance.

Weasel wording. Why don't they specify who was cleared of what? We can assume that they mean only that AM, SS & "Dan" are cleared of abduction charges. Surely MH had other "friends," though.
Here is the third article in a series that is being done on Morgan Harrington by Ann Flaherty that came out today. There is really nothing new in it but if you click on the ‘previous” button at the top it will take you through each article she has done, some of which have some good info in them including the official VSP timeline.

Ann is one of the partners of “ratdogdick” detective agency (click on the link at the bottom of the article) in California, which is a big time outfit. She has been retained by the Harrington’s to write a series of articles to keep Morgan’s name in the news. I have not heard if her agencies services have been retained to investigate Morgan’s disappearance. As far as I know, she is only doing the articles.
One of her friends might have been able to buy her another ticket or a scalpers ticket or come out and give her money....however....she made ONE call and then her phone was out of service...
battery lost or dead?

so there was NO way for them to communicate...

just as I have pointed out this same thing regarding the idea of "throw her keys to her"> with NO phone to call and say I am at exit b or exit d or under the old oak tree or whatever there was NO way to set that up

not having a working phone really contributed to this horrible ending I strongly feel
As far as the kiss by Amy goes; Granted, Dr. H was not there. But Amy was there. Others were there with her that night. Don’t you think LE has spoken to them as well? Don’t you think they have verified Amy’s story?

We really can't assume anything more than that AM made this statement both to LE & other parties. Her testimony is not self-serving; but rather borders on self-incrimination. (How exactly did she seem to know that MH was not going to just return to her seat shortly?) Did LE obtain corroborative statements from other witnesses? Did they definitely verify AM's account beyond doubt? We only know that AM made this statement regarding her interaction with MH before MH left their party in the arena.

Why is it that people on this forum are so quick to doubt something when a person who was there makes a statement like this?

The story is so full of holes.

We are told that "Dan's" name was withheld because "why should he let this incident ruin his life?" Actually, if the facts were accurately portrayed in the media, he doesn't seem to be guilty of anything beyond lacking gentlemanly manners and common sense. His proper course of action would have been to call DH and ask for permission before driving MH's car back to Harrisonburg that night. True, he might not want MH to get into trouble with her parents, but that would be better in the long run than possibly functioning as what psychologists call an "enabler."

Why were we given contradictory and conflicting statements about the whereabouts of MH's car during the relevant time period? If one of your friend's vanished, wouldn't you consider the location of their car to be a key fact?

Then, we have been half-told that MH attended JMU for the previous two years? If her life did indeed center around Harrisonburg for the previous two years, then likely her associations there might be an important detail. But yet the insinuation seems to be that JMU's reputation is on the line ... Does it make any sense? Frankly, all colleges seem to be confronting an escalation in reported rapes & violent crime. Since MH was in C'ville anyway and not even a current student, why would JMU be so threatened?

Why not accept it and move on?

Because we are not a bunch of dumb cows.

While I agree that MH's three companions are not likely involved in any abduction or violence against MH, we as citizens have the right to ask questions about their statements. The possibility that MH was murdered makes this case a legitimate matter of public inquiry.

If we were only discussing a normal family and/or friends squabble, we could accept the pleas that large and seemingly relevant parts of this incident should be kept private; but if all family members & other associates were allowed to silence the public regarding a murder victim, how many murders would ever be solved?

It seems like people continue to question or doubt the friends and their stories. Why is that?

Because parts of the story seem so flaky.

LE has cleared them and the family has stated over and over they are not involved.

A reporter said that LE said that the "friends" (whoever that means) were cleared, but he didn't specify of what they were supposedly cleared.

Do people think that from reading a few words on a forum that they know more than the VSP and FBI?

Since we don't know the posters personally, who can say?

Do people who have never met these folks that are involved think that they know them better than investigators who are interacting with them regularly or the family that have known them for years?

Sometimes professional investigators totally mess up. And, the family could be too upset to analyze the situation with any detachment.

The fact is that Amy has told her story to LE and to the Harrington’s. Dr. Harrington has been allowed to repeat it to media outlets.

DH has freedom of speech. No authorities control his statements. Whether he was advised to avoid certain topics or details, we don't know.

If it was something that LE had a problem with they would not let him keep making that or any statement again and again.

LE cannot interfere with free speech. They can offer advice, but we have no information about this possibility.

What purpose does it serve to constantly discount everything that is said? To question is one thing and a good thing at that, but to many people here, if they don’t hear what they want to hear, they ignore the facts as they are known to make them fit into their own scenarios.

We have had different life experiences, and therefore we form different opinions. In my own opinion, something politically incorrect is at the root of this case; for example, college crime?
Question please

Is there a time confirmation of when MH was texting with the young man who was allegedly 60 miles away?

Was this before or after the 8:48 phone call?
On 12/31/09, Lt Joe Radar issued the following update on this case which was paraphrased by reporter Bianca Spinosa of

1) Harrington was drinking and "she wasn't acting rationally that night. Normally she would have acted differently."

2) Harrington may have been drugged or injured in a fall but she hadn't willingly consumed drugs.

3) Her friends were not involved in her disappearance.

4) Police have searched all along I-64 from Charlottesville to Augusta County as well as stretches toward Richmond. They've also searched parts of the Blue Ridge Parkway and conducted searches at other Metallica concerts.

5) Police are looking for a red digital camera Harrington had that night. It may have been a Kodak.

6) Harrington was either abducted or willingly got into a car on the Copeley Road bridge where she had been spotted hitchhiking.

7) Police say people should call if they see a "change in behavior" among anyone who attended the Oct. 17th Metallica concert.

"This is not a cold case," Rader said

more info from Amy Flaherty here>>
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