Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #14

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From what I understand, we are not supposed to show any of these images since they are privately owned.

Walker this link asks for a password to login to facebook. When the password is automatically entered by computer it says it is incorrect and prompt you to re-enter it. You should NEVER re-enter a password that is filled in automatically by your computer. This could be a phishing attempt to get your password.
Walker this link asks for a password to login to facebook. When the password is automatically entered by computer it says it is incorrect and prompt you to re-enter it. You should NEVER re-enter a password that is filled in automatically by your computer. This could be a phishing attempt to get your password.
The link took me directly to a page with photos of the farm.
Walker this link asks for a password to login to facebook. When the password is automatically entered by computer it says it is incorrect and prompt you to re-enter it. You should NEVER re-enter a password that is filled in automatically by your computer. This could be a phishing attempt to get your password.

Maybe if you log into FB first, then try the link. Not sure why you had this difficulty.
Updated: 6:58 PM Jun 1, 2010
Billboard Asks for Missing Piece in Harrington Murder

The family of Morgan Harrington is putting up a request for tips in the case, and it's hard to miss.

People driving down High Street in Charlottesville will see a new billboard with Morgan's picture, reminding them her murderer is still on the loose.

The billboard went up on Tuesday morning. The billboard space is one that the Charlottesville Newsplex rents, but the Newsplex donated the billboard space to the Harringtons because all other spots were sold out.

"They wanted to get the billboard up there as soon as possible to get the reward information out there again," said Cindy Semer of Lamar Advertising.

Picture of billboard and more at link...
That billboard and it's announcement of the 150 grand reward will make it very tempting for someone with any good information to give a call.
personally glad to see a billboard up will help make it harder for the community to forget about her and to let other people know who are new to this area..that she was killed and not a runaway as was first told.
I don't think it will help catch her killer though...the lure of the reward vs the death penalty for the person.I don't believe there are any witnesses to the crime..except the person involved.
I wish the medical examiner would make an official report because there are a lot of people still believing the drug angle and knowing the cause of death would force LE to acknowledge that there is a killer on the loose.If she was shot...possible a clue to the weapon would help the case...if by some other devise, just being aware of what it is may provide a clue..lets say her body showed signs of being strangled...any clue to the rope,tie,the knot, would help...people could have a clue ,or something to help in the investigation..but with nothing being said is impossible ....Lets say her body was hacked...with what instrument..then how many people would have access to that type of weapon, etc anything official would help .
Photo #14 looks like MH, but photo #13 (JMO) looks more like Squeaky Fromme, who was released from prison in August 2009.

Updated: 6:58 PM Jun 1, 2010
Billboard Asks for Missing Piece in Harrington Murder

The family of Morgan Harrington is putting up a request for tips in the case, and it's hard to miss.

People driving down High Street in Charlottesville will see a new billboard with Morgan's picture, reminding them her murderer is still on the loose.

The billboard went up on Tuesday morning. The billboard space is one that the Charlottesville Newsplex rents, but the Newsplex donated the billboard space to the Harringtons because all other spots were sold out.

"They wanted to get the billboard up there as soon as possible to get the reward information out there again," said Cindy Semer of Lamar Advertising.

Picture of billboard and more at link...
Thank you for posting this information and the link, LLLindsayy!
And another Virginia Murder goes cold and remains unsolved. I would appeal to LE to release anything that would give some insight to the condition MH was found... How can anyone hone in on anything that would bring MH's family solving the mystery of what happened to their daughter and prevent this from happening to someone else with the lack of factual information???Why hold back vital information that in my opinion, would #1 keep the story of MH currant and #2 possibly the information could help single out the person or persons involved.
I hear people saying" that LE doesn't want to tip someone or say something that only the person would know" I say "that is just lack of information"
The person involved seems to me ...must be of means...they are no vagrant...someone who has a car or truck...someone that either was at the concert or lives in the area..someone who has a place to live(they are staying out of radar) someone who lives in a house...must either work or receive housing...their are finding out but no one knows what happened???
I say"go back to the friends" interview everyone who played a vital part in Mh's life...I don't believe MH was a random kill do you???I believe someone, knows what activities she was involved in and whom she would have talked to...
Money is no lure,for telling the truth, when you have so much to lose.
And another Virginia Murder goes cold and remains unsolved. I would appeal to LE to release anything that would give some insight to the condition MH was found... How can anyone hone in on anything that would bring MH's family solving the mystery of what happened to their daughter and prevent this from happening to someone else with the lack of factual information???Why hold back vital information that in my opinion, would #1 keep the story of MH currant and #2 possibly the information could help single out the person or persons involved.
I hear people saying" that LE doesn't want to tip someone or say something that only the person would know" I say "that is just lack of information"
The person involved seems to me ...must be of means...they are no vagrant...someone who has a car or truck...someone that either was at the concert or lives in the area..someone who has a place to live(they are staying out of radar) someone who lives in a house...must either work or receive housing...their are finding out but no one knows what happened???
I say"go back to the friends" interview everyone who played a vital part in Mh's life...I don't believe MH was a random kill do you???I believe someone, knows what activities she was involved in and whom she would have talked to...
Money is no lure,for telling the truth, when you have so much to lose.

VSP's tactics aren't working. They are not getting the tips they need or are looking for. I hate that this investigation is so hush-hush. I don't understand why the people of Cville aren't crying out! You have a murderer on the loose! The reward money hasn't tempted anyone yet...and I doubt it will now. I hope someone that has to drive by that billboard or her memorial on the bridge daily will finally come to their senses and do the right thing. But that also means that someone else knows who did this, and we don't know if that is the case. If it was a lone perp, the reward is pointless. Sadly, students have departed. Some have graduated, some won't return till fall. Were these lost witnesses? Could they have known or seen something? Again, we don't know because of the lack of information being put forth by VSP. I truly find it so heartbreaking! The one small detail that gives me a little comfort is that the Harrington's were able to put their daughter to rest. Unfortunately for the family of Brittanee Drexel, they have no such closure.

To answer your question nostoneunturned, I actually do believe that this was a random killing. I do not believe that her friends are involved. I wish we knew more about her activities leading up to the concert. Was there a pre-party that they all attended? DO WE KNOW FOR A FACT that Morgan did not try to call or text anyone else? I hope what we have been told is correct, in saying that Morgan made no other calls or texts following the call to/from the friends inside JPJ. If that is in fact true, it points more in the direction of abduction or willingly going with a stranger after becoming stranded outside JPJ. IMO

I wish VSP would learn a lesson from the corrupt police/judges in Aruba. Joran Van der Sloot KILLED Natalee Holloway, they did nothing!!! Nothing to protect the public from this monster. It was only a matter of time before he killed again! We now have another dead women, and they should be the ones to blame! At least he has now been caught.....but what about Morgan, Brittanee and thousands of others? Where are their killers! They walk among us!

Conclusion I have come to...

MH abduction and killing was random. I believe she was a victim of opportunity - whether someone saw her leave the concert and followed her or saw her out walking around - I believe whoever this was watched her until they had what they felt was the perfect opportunity. It's cold, dark, damp - thousands of people are in the concert, others are in their dorm rooms or out partying somewhere - the area was pretty much deserted.

I believe this person had anger issues (probably much like the bf of Yeardly). I believe he was intent on getting what he wanted and did so in whatever manner it took. I also believe there could have been some kind of message in Morgan's killing that was directed at the Bass family.

Perhaps someone was smitted with the Bass' daughter and she rebuffed him - or he felt intimidated in some way (or maybe even had a problem with the Bass family as a whole - issues with wealth, possibly, or how they were perceived by others & he didn't measure up/would never - could never be like them, etc.).

I believe where Morgan was left was no random accident. I'm also of the opinion that she was placed there so he could possibly watch activity in that area without being noticed that he was doing so. Because there are so many other remote areas where MH could have been placed that were so out of the way that she probably would have never been found or found quite so soon.

I fully believe it was someone who knew that farm intimately, who somewhat knew the routine at the farm as well (someone who worked on that farm/odd jobs or even hunted there and/or lives in the 'neighborhood'). I just don't believe that the killer ever thought about the weather and how rough the winter would be and that Mr. B would be checking his fence line for damage. Even if the killer thought of someone checking the fence line - MH's body was described as being in tall grass - and it was possible she wouldn't have been seen at all.

Feel pretty much assured that this guy acted alone, but do feel that someone may have some suspicions about him - but ultimately can prove nothing. Or perhaps it's a person (wife/parent) who depends on his income for stability and feels they cannot do without. It could all boil down to that this person is a loner who keeps to their self. If they have a job they probably clock in, do their work, clock out and leave and do not mingle their personal life with that of their co-workers. Or maybe they go from farm to farm doing odd jobs so that they don't really get to know anyone. Or it could be someone who just hides their inner demons very well and no one would ever suspect this person being capable of anything this heinous.
VSP's tactics aren't working. They are not getting the tips they need or are looking for.

How would we know? Maybe some good tips came in, but they need confirming evidence.

I hate that this investigation is so hush-hush.

Maybe there are aspects that require confidentiality. Being on the TV news might be intimidating to the average citizen. In analyzing tips & evidence, correctness is much more important than quickness.

I don't understand why the people of Cville aren't crying out! You have a murderer on the loose!

Apparently VA has lots of murderers on the loose.

The reward money hasn't tempted anyone yet...and I doubt it will now.

How would we know? Maybe LE has hundreds of tips.

Again, we don't know because of the lack of information being put forth by VSP. I truly find it so heartbreaking!

Other agencies like the FBI were also involved in this case. Plus, private investigators may also be involved.

To answer your question nostoneunturned, I actually do believe that this was a random killing.

But if you look at photo #14 there is a striking likeness to MH. Clearly she had been to AF at some point, or else some guy who knew her well had spent some time there. She might have actually sat and posed for that depiction.

That he included the "Goth" bracelet would make it seem that she was there around the time of her disappearance; (that is, since we were not told that she habitually wore that bracelet, but only that she wore it that night).

Observe in the image that the outer "halo" pierces her abdomen, similarly to a hoop earing piercing an ear. (BTW: Images of Buddha or Buddhist deities never suggest injury or harm to the subject.) We can imagine that such a position would cause agonizing pain, and the piercing of the skin itself suggests violence, as does the large gash in her left leg; although her face seems firmly expressionless. The inner halo almost suggests a noose. The way her hand is implied to be underneath her garment over her crotch is lewd in its insinuation; certainly, we can say that the "artist" felt a certain contempt for his subject, and sadistic impulses towards her.

We already discussed the Tew flag, but why is MH holding the sword? Perhaps she was a threat to his sense of masculinity? Also, the arm with sword seems imposed as an afterthought (possibly even by another person), rather than being an integral part of the composition. Almost seems like he is tacking on an excuse to assuage his regrets (guilt?) over her fate or perhaps just over the meanness in the earlier part of the drawing.

Also, the muscular arm is clearly a man's arm. Is MH "armed" against him or his group?

Notice MH is not focussed on the sword. She does not wield the sword, but rather she seems hardly aware of the heavy sword in "her" arm. Is she "unaware" of the threat she (or some group to which she belongs) poses to someone?

Or possibly the sword suggests that she has the power to free herself from the vine-halos (= trap, or restriction), but she has chosen not to? Psychologically, perhaps the picture represents denial of rape.
How would we know? Maybe some good tips came in, but they need confirming evidence.

Maybe there are aspects that require confidentiality. Being on the TV news might be intimidating to the average citizen. In analyzing tips & evidence, correctness is much more important than quickness.

Apparently VA has lots of murderers on the loose.

How would we know? Maybe LE has hundreds of tips.

Other agencies like the FBI were also involved in this case. Plus, private investigators may also be involved.

But if you look at photo #14 there is a striking likeness to MH. Clearly she had been to AF at some point, or else some guy who knew her well had spent some time there. She might have actually sat and posed for that depiction.

That he included the "Goth" bracelet would make it seem that she was there around the time of her disappearance; (that is, since we were not told that she habitually wore that bracelet, but only that she wore it that night).

Observe in the image that the outer "halo" pierces her abdomen, similarly to a hoop earing piercing an ear. (BTW: Images of Buddha or Buddhist deities never suggest injury or harm to the subject.) We can imagine that such a position would cause agonizing pain, and the piercing of the skin itself suggests violence, as does the large gash in her left leg; although her face seems firmly expressionless. The inner halo almost suggests a noose. The way her hand is implied to be underneath her garment over her crotch is lewd in its insinuation; certainly, we can say that the "artist" felt a certain contempt for his subject, and sadistic impulses towards her.

We already discussed the Tew flag, but why is MH holding the sword? Perhaps she was a threat to his sense of masculinity? Also, the arm with sword seems imposed as an afterthought (possibly even by another person), rather than being an integral part of the composition. Almost seems like he is tacking on an excuse to assuage his regrets (guilt?) over her fate or perhaps just over the meanness in the earlier part of the drawing.

Also, the muscular arm is clearly a man's arm. Is MH "armed" against him or his group?

Notice MH is not focussed on the sword. She does not wield the sword, but rather she seems hardly aware of the heavy sword in "her" arm. Is she "unaware" of the threat she (or some group to which she belongs) poses to someone?

Or possibly the sword suggests that she has the power to free herself from the vine-halos (= trap, or restriction), but she has chosen not to? Psychologically, perhaps the picture represents denial of rape.

We know close to nothing in this case, so opinions are all we have at this point. This is where my frustration begins. Maybe they are closing in on her killer and maybe they have no idea. I don't know. I don't believe that picture is of Morgan. Maybe it is Morgan and maybe people just want to see Morgan. I don't know. All I know for sure is that Morgan is dead and her killer has not been caught.
Conclusion I have come to...

MH abduction and killing was random. I believe she was a victim of opportunity - whether someone saw her leave the concert and followed her or saw her out walking around - I believe whoever this was watched her until they had what they felt was the perfect opportunity. It's cold, dark, damp - thousands of people are in the concert, others are in their dorm rooms or out partying somewhere - the area was pretty much deserted.

I believe this person had anger issues (probably much like the bf of Yeardly). I believe he was intent on getting what he wanted and did so in whatever manner it took. I also believe there could have been some kind of message in Morgan's killing that was directed at the Bass family.

Perhaps someone was smitted with the Bass' daughter and she rebuffed him - or he felt intimidated in some way (or maybe even had a problem with the Bass family as a whole - issues with wealth, possibly, or how they were perceived by others & he didn't measure up/would never - could never be like them, etc.).

I believe where Morgan was left was no random accident. I'm also of the opinion that she was placed there so he could possibly watch activity in that area without being noticed that he was doing so. Because there are so many other remote areas where MH could have been placed that were so out of the way that she probably would have never been found or found quite so soon.

I fully believe it was someone who knew that farm intimately, who somewhat knew the routine at the farm as well (someone who worked on that farm/odd jobs or even hunted there and/or lives in the 'neighborhood'). I just don't believe that the killer ever thought about the weather and how rough the winter would be and that Mr. B would be checking his fence line for damage. Even if the killer thought of someone checking the fence line - MH's body was described as being in tall grass - and it was possible she wouldn't have been seen at all.

Feel pretty much assured that this guy acted alone, but do feel that someone may have some suspicions about him - but ultimately can prove nothing. Or perhaps it's a person (wife/parent) who depends on his income for stability and feels they cannot do without. It could all boil down to that this person is a loner who keeps to their self. If they have a job they probably clock in, do their work, clock out and leave and do not mingle their personal life with that of their co-workers. Or maybe they go from farm to farm doing odd jobs so that they don't really get to know anyone. Or it could be someone who just hides their inner demons very well and no one would ever suspect this person being capable of anything this heinous.

GREAT POST MB!!! I agree with you on this. It is my opinion that this will be very close to the scenario when we eventually learn what really happened to Morgan that night. I just wish we would find out sooner than later :praying:
VSP's tactics aren't working. They are not getting the tips they need or are looking for. I hate that this investigation is so hush-hush. I don't understand why the people of Cville aren't crying out! You have a murderer on the loose! The reward money hasn't tempted anyone yet...and I doubt it will now. I hope someone that has to drive by that billboard or her memorial on the bridge daily will finally come to their senses and do the right thing. But that also means that someone else knows who did this, and we don't know if that is the case. If it was a lone perp, the reward is pointless. Sadly, students have departed. Some have graduated, some won't return till fall. Were these lost witnesses? Could they have known or seen something? Again, we don't know because of the lack of information being put forth by VSP. I truly find it so heartbreaking! The one small detail that gives me a little comfort is that the Harrington's were able to put their daughter to rest. Unfortunately for the family of Brittanee Drexel, they have no such closure.

To answer your question nostoneunturned, I actually do believe that this was a random killing. I do not believe that her friends are involved. I wish we knew more about her activities leading up to the concert. Was there a pre-party that they all attended? DO WE KNOW FOR A FACT that Morgan did not try to call or text anyone else? I hope what we have been told is correct, in saying that Morgan made no other calls or texts following the call to/from the friends inside JPJ. If that is in fact true, it points more in the direction of abduction or willingly going with a stranger after becoming stranded outside JPJ. IMO

I wish VSP would learn a lesson from the corrupt police/judges in Aruba. Joran Van der Sloot KILLED Natalee Holloway, they did nothing!!! Nothing to protect the public from this monster. It was only a matter of time before he killed again! We now have another dead women, and they should be the ones to blame! At least he has now been caught.....but what about Morgan, Brittanee and thousands of others? Where are their killers! They walk among us!


well said!!!
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