Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #15

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From Morgans mom back in 2010

"That corpse will not rest. Morgan wants justice," she wrote to the "monster" who killed her daughter. "A day of reckoning is coming!"

(Well its here, finally)
From Morgans mom back in 2010

"That corpse will not rest. Morgan wants justice," she wrote to the "monster" who killed her daughter. "A day of reckoning is coming!"

(Well its here, finally)

Thanks for posting this I remember from the interviews how kind and strong Morgan's parents are I am glad someone is finally going to be held accountable. Hopefully they can find some sort of peace after the trial is over. I was shocked with this news today but it is a reminder that no matter how long or bleak a case looks one day it can break and to never give up hope.
Posted this about 1 1/2 weeks ago. It's a list of similarities I saw between Hannah and Morgan's cases. I think it's worth posting again now that we know there's a connection, just so we can appreciate how similar they were.

Jesse Matthews was a serial rapist, and probably a serial killer too. I bet you that, in the coming weeks/months, many more women will surface with their own (sometimes unreported) stories of being raped by this colostomy bag of a human being. I'm sad that Hannah is probably deceased, but I am so happy that this guy can't hurt any more women and that this will bring about a resolution to many rape (and possibly murder) cases.

Here was the previous post with the list of similarities:

Yeah, I see some similarities between Morgan and Hannah's cases. I'll do some more research when I get back from CVS, but these are the similarities I see right off the bat:

1. Both women have similar stats. They're similar in age, weight, have blue eyes, have light-colored hair (Morgan was blonde and Hannah has light brown hair), are light-skinned, and are slender. The only major difference is height; Morgan was 5'6 and Hannah is 5'11.

2. Both were students in the UVA area.

3. All three incidents occurred within the same general time period (early-to-mid autumn). Hannah on September 14th, the assault victim on September 24th, and Morgan on October 17th. Also, all occurred approximately 5 years apart from each other (almost 5 yrs 1 mo between the assault victim and Morgan, 4 yrs 11 mo between Morgan and Hannah).

4. Morgan and Hannah were last seen leaving a public, well-populated place.

5. Morgan's suspected killer shares some of the stats of the man police are trying to identify in Hannah's case. The age is within range, race matches, height is within 2 inches. The weight of the man police want to talk to about Hannah ... I can't find a confirmed weight but I've seen it described as 250 - 280 pounds (almost exactly the weight range of Morgan's abductor) in one article and 270 (also within range) in another. The hairstyle is negligible since about 5 years has gone by since Morgan's murder, and 10 years since the previous sexual assault.

6. The distance between the mall Hannah disappeared from and the arena Morgan vanished from is ~3 miles.

7. Morgan's case was most likely a stranger abduction and there's no indication that she knew her killer. We know for a fact that the sex assault victim who was raped by the same man didn't know her killer either. And now LE has confirmed they ''do not have reason to believe that Hannah and this person of interest knew each other before they made contact'' - which fits the pattern.

I'm skeptical about whether there is a connection, but I think it's something that should be - and most likely will be - investigated.
crying tears of relief for morgan harrington's family right now. I wish alexis murphy's family could have gotten the same news. no parent deserves the unimaginable + the uncertainty.
Have police ever gone into detail about how Morgan was killed and what happened to her?
Have police ever gone into detail about how Morgan was killed and what happened to her?

No, as far as I know they never released a cause of death. The information we have (that she was raped and had numerous broken bones) came from her mother.
(((Harrington's))) I know this nightmare will never be over for you.
Help me out here... Morgan was injured when she attempted to re-enter the concert... what the heck was wrong? If nothing else, when she showed up injured and was denied re-entry, a medic, something should have been called for her, no?

I am with the family that if someone had done their job, she may not have been in that situation... BUT... then it may have been another young girl. I think that she was a victim of circumstance... and someone was going to fit the bill that night. Sad.
I just happened to catch the news when I turned on my TV; HLN was apparently last on. Before I could switch channels to avoid JVM, I heard the words "Hannah", and then "Morgan", and I totally froze. I knew who they meant, but almost didn't believe it until I sat and watched awhile longer to catch up with everything. I haven't been active in the forums, but have followed both cases (obviously Morgan's first). I remember the television coverage of Morgan's case because I was close in age to her. I hope LE can pull all these clues and links together to stop this guy, and bring these families (and the possible living victim from 2005 if indeed they are all related) some measure of justice and peace. Those girls looked so beautiful and alive and just ready to flourish into the world...just thinking about it breaks my heart. I wonder if there are more victims we don't even know about; it wouldn't surprise me, hearing about how this guy treated other women he came in contact with. So scary.
She was beaten...skeleton had multiple broken bones. Just a true horror story...

I have to wonder if some of the broken bones occurred due to the tractors that were used in that field. The owner that found her was even riding a tractor to check fences. I have always felt that at least some of the broken bones were just because she had been in that field so long that tractors had unfortunately run over her a few times before she was found.

Please dont take this wrong. I have no doubt that whoever killed her is a total monster and creep and he too may have used a rock to smash her head or something worse. Its just that I think too much was made of the broken bones being mentioned around the time of her discovery, when it could easily have been tractors in that field.

I am just so happy to hear that LE may have finally found the monster who did this and maybe many more victims.
I have to wonder if some of the broken bones occurred due to the tractors that were used in that field. The owner that found her was even riding a tractor to check fences. I have always felt that at least some of the broken bones were just because she had been in that field so long that tractors had unfortunately run over her a few times before she was found.

Please dont take this wrong. I have no doubt that whoever killed her is a total monster and creep and he too may have used a rock to smash her head or something worse. Its just that I think too much was made of the broken bones being mentioned around the time of her discovery, when it could easily have been tractors in that field.

Pathologists can tell if bones are broken before or after death. I think Matthews could break the bones of a small woman with just his strength alone, he would not need a rock.
I can't really say I'm "pleased" to see some progress in Morgan's case because it's not really the right word, but.. yeah. Hoping for some justice.
I re-watched Morgan's Disappeared episode last night. When they show her standing outside the arena, more than once in her peripheral it has a black man with dreads either closeby or engaging in conversation with her. :eek:
I have to wonder if some of the broken bones occurred due to the tractors that were used in that field. The owner that found her was even riding a tractor to check fences. I have always felt that at least some of the broken bones were just because she had been in that field so long that tractors had unfortunately run over her a few times before she was found.

Please dont take this wrong. I have no doubt that whoever killed her is a total monster and creep and he too may have used a rock to smash her head or something worse. Its just that I think too much was made of the broken bones being mentioned around the time of her discovery, when it could easily have been tractors in that field.

I am just so happy to hear that LE may have finally found the monster who did this and maybe many more victims.

Morgan's remains were found in an area not used on a regular basis. There were not multiple tractors as Mr. Bass was the one owner of this farm. The reason Morgan wasn't found sooner is because the location where she was found was remote. She was not run over by tractors. Mr Bass saw her as he neared her body, before he was even close to her.
Morgan's Mother, Gil, made her comment regarding Morgan's bones being broken. Morgan was sexually assaulted, severely beaten resulting in most of her bones being broken. What this beast did to Morgan was beyond comprehensible. JM did this to Morgan....Jm did this to other victims.....and it is feared Hannah met the same fate.
Morgan Harrington's mother Gil has graciously agreed to be my special guest on tomorrow's True Crime Radio
8 PM Eastern.

Go to starting at 7:30 PM Eastern to join us in our chat room.

If you have any questions for the Harrington's please put them in this thread or email me at

Thank you,
We're very close the the 6th anniversary of Morgan's disappearance, I'm so glad that progress is being made in the case, and that we may finally see justice served on Morgan's killer. I don't follow a lot of cases on here, but Morgan's really touched me, please, please let there finally be closure!

And to the Harrington's I just want to say that I pray that this somehow gives you a bit of solace after long enduring such tremendous tragedy.
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