Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #2

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dm- i agree, and have asked if the k9s were in the academic village. i think this can tell them where she was , partying at etc.

Eyespeeled - the type of K9's that have to be used must be scent specific trailing dogs who can work very contaminated trails. Where Morgan disappeared was a very 'high-traffic' area - at the site of the concert, plus this is a college campus. Therefore the trailing dogs must be able to work highly contaminated scenes and also do vehicle trails, as Morgan may have gone or been 'placed' into a vehicle and driven away.
All I've read is that there were dogs. That's it... I mean, literally - that's it, "There were dogs.."

I haven't seen anything about the dogs leading away from that area - ending up in any other locations and thus other searches being conducted. Therefore my thoughts are that the dogs didn't get that exit trail. This is key in leading the search efforts of LE to Morgan, or at least giving them a direction of travel off the campus, etc.
Missing Virginia Tech Student's Parents Hold Out Hope
posted 10/27/09 5:18 pm
ABC 7's Suzanne Kennedy visited Morgan Dana Harrington's parents in their Roanoke, Va., home Tuesday.

Her parents are fixated on the little things, like two pairs of Morgan's shoes. Dan and Gil Harrington say they spend time in their daughter's room, hoping to feel her presence, not knowing where she is.

"It's the worst nightmare you can possible have," said Dan Harrington, her father. "I can think of no other thing that would be worse than this."

Video: Missing Virginia Tech Student's Parents Hold Out Hope

Parents of missing VT student and police warn people to be careful
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
&#8220;Halloween is in a couple of days. Somebody is or was in the Charlottesville area who takes young women. We have to keep working on this and find our daughter and find this person and make our community safer,&#8220; Gil Harrington said Tuesday morning on Today.

UVA police are warning people too. They are sending out a safety reminder to students before the weekend. It&#8217;s something they say they often do right before Halloween.

We also have an update now to video posted to YouTube and Facebook. State police say it is not that of missing student, Morgan Harrington.

State police now say the girl in the video contacted them after seeing the news reports, ending the speculation

Police have discontinued their ground search around John Paul Jones Arena. They say they are waiting for more tips to come in and they will follow up on those leads as they get them.

Video: Parents of missing VT student and police warn people to be careful 2:26


k9chaser-thanks for the info. do u know if they used the reg swat k9s or the vk9, scent specific dogs u and Dm mentioned? whats this crap about them waiting for more tips if their tip line is overrun?

kant-the fone records will show incoming calls, from the company, that includes ones that go to vm, even when the fone is powered off...from the friends cells too

if she was at a aprty, she must hav given someone her number and maybe they tried texting her the next day?

i still wanna see a sketch of the 3 guys she was with. that should hav been top priority.

i feel like LE is somehow botching this up-maybe they arnt handling it efficiently?

i also think that it will b tuffer to find her as time goes on-like in the drexel case: some dudes attack a girl whose left alone by her friends. the dudes do a good job of hiding the body, then hi-tail it outta there/lay low. the only major diff in that case was they had suspects from the getgo. here i think their suspect info is trapped in the tips they cant sort or maybe the suspect/perp is right in front of us, but we dont have the info to recognize it

we're all chomping at the bit for more evidence/facts to analyze but we aint gettin anything. their reliance on social media will wear out if they dont release more info.

lastly, why is far behind our pattern/analysis, or is it just me?
i cant remember but has there been a sweep of the h-burg area? could she have made it back before something happened, i.e. the crime occured in h-burg? and did they check hotl cameras on the roads from c-ville to h-burg?
I see there is still nothing new this morning...

Wonder where the person below knows this from:

I'm a VT grad and live near C'ville. It does seem like VT is having its fair share of tragedy in the past couple of years
I really hope Morgan turns up, but to be honest I don't think it's very likely that anyone will find her alive.
Oh, and the report about her trying to find a bathroom and finding herself outside the arena was a false report&#8230;they're not disclosing all of the info, for investigative purposes.
I just started reading the Kristi Leigh Cornwell thread, and I think it's possible that whoever took Morgan was not a rookie at this. Putting on my "Dexter' hat for a minute, I wonder if we could map out all of the similar abduction/murders in the Southeastern US in the past 6 months - the two kids in the Appalachian forest who were shot, Kristi, Morgan, are the only cases I can think of at the moment, but perhaps there's a link - the cases traveling north perhaps? the key might be in establishing a pattern.

This was a few pages back but this pretty blond girl disappearing made me think of Jennifer Kesse in Florida. She was 24 when she disappeared, I think. I mean, if you're putting your 'Dexter' hat on for a minute (and I'm assuming you're talking about the "Trinity Killer" from this season) then yeah - even though it's states away... KWIM??
First time I'm hearing there were that many of them!

so at concert were the two sisters, SS, MH and a guy...
the 9 she means the close group of friends in general
But yeah it's the first I hear of a guy too
Yeah. I know we've heard about Morgan and her 2 or 3 friends. But now we hear there were 9 others and a guy along with them? :waitasec: Grant it, the 9 obviously didn't drive there with the others. But still, they were there and obviously a part of their group.

You'd think they could get out simple info such as, how many of them there were in their group.

THAT many people and not ONE walked her to the bathroom?

so at concert were the two sisters, SS, MH and a guy...
the 9 she means the close group of friends in general
But yeah it's the first I hear of a guy too
Yeah. I know we've heard about Morgan and her 2 or 3 friends. But now we hear there were 9 others and a guy along with them? :waitasec: Grant it, the 9 obviously didn't drive there with the others. But still, they were there and obviously a part of their group.

You'd think they could get out simple info such as, how many of them there were in their group.

THAT many people and not ONE walked her to the bathroom?

No I don't express myself properly -they meant in the article her 9 friends in general not that 9 friends went to concert, only 4 did :)
Together, the nine put together a vigil that drew hundreds of friends and well-wishers who gathered at Northside High School on Thursday, October 22.
&#8220;We met with them on Thursday and cried,&#8221; says Dan.
&#8220;They were eloquent, articulate, and they were undefended enough to give real feelings of themselves and for Morgan,&#8221; says Gil. &#8220;They were just amazing.&#8221;
As to why the nine in general and the two friends who, along with a boyfriend, accompanied Morgan to the concert, have not been giving press interviews, Morgan&#8217;s mother sees innocent reasons.

see above to clarify- I didn't mean that the 9 came with, they're just her friends, in general
Oh, no, no. It's not your fault. I read the article wrong. I thought it said that the nine went. My fault. I gotta stop logging in this late. I start seeing things and not comprehending correctly. lol But it does make it sound as though the nine went and two friends and a boyfriend to one of the friends.

No I don't express myself properly -they meant in the article her 9 friends in general not that 9 friends went to concert, only 4 did :)
I thought I'd throw out another idea ... I'm not sure enough on the time-line and who saw here where and when, so play along with me.

Morgan isn't feeling well; she goes to the bathroom right before Metallica starts (right?); since the main band is about to start, everybody is rushing into the center of the arena, leaving the hallways/bathrooms/smoking area fairly empty. She meets some bad guy, who offers to buy her a beer, and laces it with 'something.' As they wander around the fairly deserted hallways and bathrooms, she is getting more and more groggy/confused and he forces her outside, via one of the less-used doors. At this point, the fresh air helps he come-to a wee bit and she is fighting mad (thus her yelling at people), she tries to get back in (she can't, and bad guy knows it), so it's like shooting a wild animal with a tranquilizer dart and watching them slow down until they collapse. At that point, he swoops in, becomes her 'concerned boyfriend' and helps steer her away from the building. She's gone.

So, to reiterate, maybe she didn't go outside the arena on purpose, as we have all assumed and questioned.

Very possible scenario Wadahoot, or something similar -I do think there's most likely a connection between why she went out and why she was never seen again
Can someone explain to me why it could take LE until yesterday to get the OK to check her phone records? How does this work and what does it depend on? Presumably they've already checked the actual phone though, right? they would be allowed to do that much?
Finally caught up. Thank you everyone for all the links and information.
This case certainly gets odd after Morgan is refused re-entry into the arena. Everything up to that point doesn't seem odd to me. If she went outside to smoke, or to get some fresh air because she was sick from whatever (heat/over excitement/too much alcoholic/bad drug experience), that I understand and I've seen this a million times before at concert events. The smoking area could have been further away then the front door, and too crowded. I'm sure Morgan wasn't aware she couldn't get back in and sometimes security will tell you as you are leaving, other times they don't give a damn because they are too busy to remind everyone.
Now once she goes outside to get air, or smoke, then she's refused re-entry, why don't her friends come to the exit and give her the keys and allow her to go get in the car OR go ride somewhere and sit to eat and wait, then come back to pick them up?
I don't get how they just let her walk around outside an arena by herself without someone going to the exit and trying to get her back in, or at least giving her the car keys to keep her safe?
Did Morgan really call or text to say she'd be fine and she'd get another ride? Was she forced to say this by her abductor? idk
The friends, no matter what her mom and dad say, acted irresponsible and had a very weird response to their good friend being locked out of the arena alone, and in a city a couple of hours from home.
Finally caught up. Thank you everyone for all the links and information.
This case certainly gets odd after Morgan is refused re-entry into the arena. Everything up to that point doesn't seem odd to me. If she went outside to smoke, or to get some fresh air because she was sick from whatever (heat/over excitement/too much alcoholic/bad drug experience), that I understand and I've seen this a million times before at concert events. The smoking area could have been further away then the front door, and too crowded. I'm sure Morgan wasn't aware she couldn't get back in and sometimes security will tell you as you are leaving, other times they don't give a damn because they are too busy to remind everyone.
Now once she goes outside to get air, or smoke, then she's refused re-entry, why don't her friends come to the exit and give her the keys and allow her to go get in the car OR go ride somewhere and sit to eat and wait, then come back to pick them up?
I don't get how they just let her walk around outside an arena by herself without someone going to the exit and trying to get her back in, or at least giving her the car keys to keep her safe?
Did Morgan really call or text to say she'd be fine and she'd get another ride? Was she forced to do by her abductor? idk
The friends, no matter what her mom and dad say, acted irresponsible and very weird to their friend being locked out of the arena alone in a city a couple of hours from home.

Hi evelyn24

Yes, these are all the big questions, and LE is only just now checking phone records (??)

She could have overly reassured them not wanting them to miss out on the concert, she could have been drunk and not thought of asking them to give her the keys, there could have been a big delay on text messages-this happens at events like this, they could have all been impaired and caught up in the excitement of the show and didn't much care about anyhting else on the spot or register, they could maybe have tried to call her back but couldn't, they could have maybe had a voice message from her and couldn't hear it till after, they could even have argued... Or, they could have been aware of the reason she left and who she was seeing and thought she was OK
But yes it keeps coming back to why oh why would you do this to a friend, and why would you wait so long to report it-and not even that cos her dad reported it- what don't we know -why don't we have ANYTHING :(
I'm not sure what to believe at this point. My opinion on this case keeps changing daily. It could just be the wording of the articles, or maybe their quotes are being taken out of context(?) which I know happens a lot, but I just can't shake the feeling that Mr. and Mrs. Harrington seem to either be in denial about or covering for the friends in some way. And because I'm sure their loyalty lies first with their own daughter and finding her, it's probably not the latter. Unless we're getting false information, or not the whole story, which I admit is possible, the friends actions are just unexplainable to me, especially if like it's been reported Morgan's dad bought all of the tickets and she was kind of the 'leader' of the group. I'm putting myself in their shoes, and under no circumstance whatsoever can I imagine 1) not going out to give my friend the car keys if she got locked out, no matter what she claimed re: 'finding a ride home' and 2) leaving the area after the concert without her and without calling her parents when she didn't show up if home was two hours away. These actions are just unfathomable to me. Could the friends have known Morgan was going to do something dangerous and meet an unsafe individual, and allowed her to anyway, for some reason? Could they have had it out for Morgan and 'set her up', in some way? I don't know why they'd do that - maybe jealousy? From the prom picture I see that Morgan was blossoming into an absolutely stunning young woman. This is all just my speculation, of course, and I don't mean to 'accuse' the friends necessarily, but I know young girls/teens can be brutally mean to one another these days (thinking of the Shanda Sharer murder), and I also see the parallels to the B. Drexel disappearance.

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