Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #3

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Okay... Now the LE is saying she did take a fall or become injured on the chin??? Alright if she did, and I say IF, then maybe that is how she became separated from her purse. Some person could have taken it after the concert ended and discovering it belonged to a college student (doubt there's any money in it) tosses it. It could have been a person who cleans (?) the arena after a venue. If there was any dew there wouldn't be any fingerprints.

Now that is just a scenario... if what is being reported is remotely true and the girl actually went to the concert...:banghead:
Are all the friends on video surveillance tapes up until the end of the concert? Is it certain that none of them went out to be with her?
Now they are reporting the injuries-but no mention of this before?? And we've all known this for days -and we knew there were two separate sightings of this grrr

I would think that information is of vital importance, however at this late date it may be useless. If it is possible Morgan fell and hit her head, she may have had an injury that caused an altered mental status and may have ultimately led to her death. (consider the Natasha Richardson fall that resulted in massive bleeding in the brain and her ultimate death). This information could put a whole new spin on what may have happened to her. I hear her dad referred to as Dr. Thompson, is he an M.D., if so, he would have flipped out if this info was not considered important early in the investigation, I know I would.

Ok let me try again. The parents are from the wealthy, upper crust, college type people. They value quiet, keeping ones business to themselves, prestege and absolutely no whisper of scandel. What we talk about freely they would never whisper.
I think conservative was the wrong word to use. I am not sure what one would call it. Perhaps somebody could help me out here. By the way it had nothing to do with their church affiliation. I didn't even know their religion.
By the way, who is that woman/man living with them???

Can't help with the word for it, but...

They are members of Unity of Roanoke Valley.

The woman is the minister of the church, Diane Scribner Clevenger.
I'm beginning to think, as others have suggested, that she was actually kicked out of the concert.

She tells her friends that she is going to the restroom, but before or after heading to the restroom (with her purse), she moves around the arena taking pictures [or she just tells her friends that she is going to take some pictures].

In the course of taking pictures, she falls. Security sees her fall, determines that she is impaired, presents a potential liability and removes her from the arena. Perhaps this is why LE didn't want anyone to know that she fell. MH starts crying because she is forced to leave. Once outside, she is in a bad mood. She later talks to her friends who suggest ways to get back in the arena. MH does not want to ruin the concert for her friends so she tells them no to worry about her if she doesn't get back inside; she will either wait for them or find a ride from a friend in Charlottesville.

UVa better hope these are not the true facts.
I would think that information is of vital importance, however at this late date it may be useless. If it is possible Morgan fell and hit her head, she may have had an injury that caused an altered mental status and may have ultimately led to her death. (consider the Natasha Richardson fall that resulted in massive bleeding in the brain and her ultimate death). This information could put a whole new spin on what may have happened to her. I hear her dad referred to as Dr. Thompson, is he an M.D., if so, he would have flipped out if this info was not considered important early in the investigation, I know I would.

I have to agree the first thing that crossed my mind when I read that Morgan had a bloody chin was whether or not she had a head injury and possibly temporary memory loss.
"So to get right to the meat of this..yes I was suprised that a gay stylist in New York would have his beautiful young sister on his Facebook page. I am still suprised. I would suspect he would have the poster picture showing her missing like most of her friends are showing on the Facebook page. I realize people put their dogs, trees and grandchildren...but how often do we see the above. Call me crazy but I thought it odd.

By the way brother dearest has been curled up in her bed this past week trying to seek answers. Thats why we haven't seen him. Plus I am sure they are "protecting" him.

I remember somewhere reading where a ticket taker at the local airport remembered the pretty blonde Morgan taking a flight to New York to bring food to her brother because groceries were sooo expensive in New York and I thought..huh. Surely a check would do. No way would I want to send pretty Morgan into all...that." - HONEYBUN

I don't see anything remotely strange about Morgan's brother having her picture up as his facebook default. It's probably his favorite picture of her, or one he holds especially dear. By the way what exactly do you mean by you wouldn't want to send Morgan into "all that"?
I would think that information is of vital importance, however at this late date it may be useless. If it is possible Morgan fell and hit her head, she may have had an injury that caused an altered mental status and may have ultimately led to her death. (consider the Natasha Richardson fall that resulted in massive bleeding in the brain and her ultimate death). This information could put a whole new spin on what may have happened to her. I hear her dad referred to as Dr. Thompson, is he an M.D., if so, he would have flipped out if this info was not considered important early in the investigation, I know I would.

Is there water nearby or unsearched wooded areas or any place where she could have bled to death without being found?
Sorry, the first 3 paragraphs of my previous post were supposed to be quoted by Honeybun. Still getting the hang of this.
"2. Sorry how on earth can anyone be the least bit surprised that MH's brother has had her photo up on his profile from day 1? I would be surprised if he hadn't!! I think perhaps the person who posted this does not realise that on Facebook it is quite the norm to have a profile picture of a landscape, a favourite thing, your lovely little daughter, your favourite political candidate, your pet dog, your hubby, and your missing or recently lost loved one."
The above by Waddles

So to get right to the meat of this..yes I was suprised that a gay stylist in New York would have his beautiful young sister on his Facebook page. I am still suprised. I would suspect he would have the poster picture showing her missing like most of her friends are showing on the Facebook page. I realize people put their dogs, trees and grandchildren...but how often do we see the above. Call me crazy but I thought it odd.

By the way brother dearest has been curled up in her bed this past week trying to seek answers. Thats why we haven't seen him. Plus I am sure they are "protecting" him.

I remember somewhere reading where a ticket taker at the local airport remembered the pretty blonde Morgan taking a flight to New York to bring food to her brother because groceries were sooo expensive in New York and I thought..huh. Surely a check would do. No way would I want to send pretty Morgan into all...that.
Being on her bed sounds normal to me.

The grocery thing (if it happened; did it?) sounds like a visit for visiting's sake and taking stuff with her like people bring housewarming gifts when someone has moved or favorite foods from home. No biggie, imo.

His absence on TV is normal too imo. If he had atteneded the concert with them, that'd be different.

I dont read anything into the brother's actions at all except to say that they sound normal to me.

The friends are what are freakin me the hell out.


Ok let me try again. The parents are from the wealthy, upper crust, college type people. They value quiet, keeping ones business to themselves, prestege and absolutely no whisper of scandel. What we talk about freely they would never whisper.
I think conservative was the wrong word to use. I am not sure what one would call it. Perhaps somebody could help me out here. By the way it had nothing to do with their church affiliation. I didn't even know their religion.
By the way, who is that woman/man living with them???

This makes more sense to and I see what you were saying although I still respectfully disagree with you. They were certainly upper class but I don't get the feeling they were part of the 'country club' set at all they remind me much more of university professor types. I find that these families tend to be much more accepting of children who are homosexual than some of the blue collar families I know. And they certainly had two children that were free thinkers and it seems like they supported that. But this is all just the feeling I get from the information available and is only an opinion.
Is there water nearby or unsearched wooded areas or any place where she could have bled to death without being found?

There are several wooded areas in close proximity to the JPJ, as for water, not anything substantial.

And to the earlier post. Again, I work in eyesight of the Copeley Bridge, I have not seen any active searching going on at all. No dogs for tracking, no overly active police, etc. And again, no one even stopped at my place of work until yesterday...12 days after the concert.

I feel like there are a lot of areas and possibilities left unchecked.
But then again surveillance didn't show any signs of her, so they wouldn't have much to go by.
I keep thinking of the car and how it is sitting in the parents driveway. If it was at the concert and maybe Morgan went and sat in it with somebody wouldn't the LE keep it and want to check it out. Just something I am thinking of.

Eyespeeled I understand the love in taking the food but don't understand what danger Morgan might be placed in with..her brother. He is a different sort and her parents being so conservative they would have bought the ticket. I am just suprised at everything I guess. lol
WHAT? Danger? with her brother?

Im lost on the ticket story. Im trying to catch up, but lost on this.

I hope someone from LE at least looked in the car regardless of whatever story has been put forth about it.
I'm beginning to think, as others have suggested, that she was actually kicked out of the concert.

She tells her friends that she is going to the restroom, but before or after heading to the restroom (with her purse), she moves around the arena taking pictures [or she just tells her friends that she is going to take some pictures].

In the course of taking pictures, she falls. Security sees her fall, determines that she is impaired, presents a potential liability and removes her from the arena. Perhaps this is why LE didn't want anyone to know that she fell. MH starts crying because she is forced to leave. Once outside, she is in a bad mood. She later talks to her friends who suggest ways to get back in the arena. MH does not want to ruin the concert for her friends so she tells them no to worry about her if she doesn't get back inside; she will either wait for them or find a ride from a friend in Charlottesville.

UVa better hope these are not the true facts.

I think this scenario is very possible!
I would think that information is of vital importance, however at this late date it may be useless. If it is possible Morgan fell and hit her head, she may have had an injury that caused an altered mental status and may have ultimately led to her death. (consider the Natasha Richardson fall that resulted in massive bleeding in the brain and her ultimate death). This information could put a whole new spin on what may have happened to her. I hear her dad referred to as Dr. Thompson, is he an M.D., if so, he would have flipped out if this info was not considered important early in the investigation, I know I would.

Her dad is Dr. Harrington he is a psychiatrist or psychologist (I get them mixed up) one of these two is also an M.D. and I believe he is this type so he is an M.D. I think but not the type you would normally think of when you hear M.D.

From all reports so far it seems that this was a minor abrasion to the chin. I guess any time you hit your head it can be serious but it does not appear to have been the type of injure that would cause people to think she needed immediate medical care.

While your theory is possible I personal do not think its likely because usually when people die in this manner they do not hide themselve so I would think if she died from this her body would have been found.
I don't know what happened, but if I were the roommate and my best friend since whenever who is also my roommate were outside, for whatever the hell reason, screw the concert, I'd be out there beside her especially if she were impaired - even if i were also impaired. Two impaired together beats one impaired alone. The only way I'd be cool with my bff being in that scenario is if she said that she had someone, known and special, in the evening's plans and was choosing to spend time with him/her. Otherwise -- drunk, high, three-sheets-to-the-wind... so what; there will be more concerts. I'd be outside beside her. Why? B/c I'd want her to do that for me if it were the other way around.

Yes, something is very strange!!
I'm beginning to think, as others have suggested, that she was actually kicked out of the concert.

She tells her friends that she is going to the restroom, but before or after heading to the restroom (with her purse), she moves around the arena taking pictures [or she just tells her friends that she is going to take some pictures].

In the course of taking pictures, she falls. Security sees her fall, determines that she is impaired, presents a potential liability and removes her from the arena. Perhaps this is why LE didn't want anyone to know that she fell. MH starts crying because she is forced to leave. Once outside, she is in a bad mood. She later talks to her friends who suggest ways to get back in the arena. MH does not want to ruin the concert for her friends so she tells them no to worry about her if she doesn't get back inside; she will either wait for them or find a ride from a friend in Charlottesville.

UVa better hope these are not the true facts.

although i have not heard the story of her been kicked out other than the mention here I think it would fit well with the facts as we know them. Just add to your story when they stop her she has pills or a bag of something in her purse.
Regarding the friends:

I think the police and/or the friends own lawyers have told them NOT to talk to the media.

I thought the comments in this video YouTube - Search for Morgan Dana Harrington interview WDBJ at the 13:20 mark were enlightening. Seems like the police feel that the friends are holding back or providing conflicting information.

Since there is no evidence of a crime, I'm not sure how far the police can go in questioning the friends -- polygraphs??

With respect to the car, perhaps the friends told the parents one thing and LE another. LE is not sharing everything with the parents.

I also feel that MH likely got into some type of tift with her friends as it doesn't make sense for her to find someone in Charlottesville to drive her to Blacksburg or Roanoke (approximately a two hour trip) and then back to Charlottesville after droping her off (another two hours), when she could have just waited a little while longer to go back with her friends. Further, she would have to arrange this ride at the last minute on a Saturday night. I don't think she would go back to Harrisonburg because she did not have keys to to get in anywhere once she arrived. She also did not have the keys to her car if it was in Harrisonburg. If she didn't have a key to her own apartment in Blacksburg, she likely knew someone at Virginia Tech that she could stay with until her roommate returned.

I think she did not want to go back with her friends either becasue she was mad at them, or she wanted to meet up with someone in Charlottesville.

bbm red by me


Sorry I had to stop and write this exclamation. Now off to listen to this clip.

Thanks for that BTW and the time notation in particular.


ETA: The spokesman says, "her father reportd her missing yesterday at 12:30" which refers to that sunday oct 18. (just adding that ) Also, I didn't hear anything about attorneys. Maybe I missed it? Paul Jones~pg.1~sst.0&encType=1

This is a wonderful map of the whole area. Perhaps somebody would be kind enough to give us the route they think she took.

I tried:

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