Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #3

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BONNIE: God bless you and everything you work for. What I`d like to know is did Morgan have a car? And have they found it?

GRACE: Good question. Dr. Harrington, did she have a car?

D. HARRINGTON: Morgan`s car was not at the arena. Morgan drove to Harrisonburg where she and her friends drove in the friend`s car to Charlottesville. So Morgan`s car is.

GRACE: So she`s got a car, you know where it is, it was not involved.

Another discrepancy between what police and the family seem to know revolves around the vehicle that transported the young woman and three other concert-goers to Charlottesville. Police spokesperson Geller says that although driven by a friend, it was definitely Morgan Harrington’s own vehicle. Dr. Harrington has maintained, however, that his daughter’s 2006 Honda Civic, along with its keys, remained in Harrisonburg until retrieved Sunday by his daughter’s roommate who drove it back to the family home in Roanoke.
Whether such details matter remains to be seen, but the case has sparked an avalanche of national attention since Harrington’s parents, Dan and Gil Harrington, began appearing on televised news programs including Today, The Early Show and Nancy Grace.
her parents being so conservative they would have bought the ticket.

I don't see why you would think the parents are 'conservative' if anything they seem liberal to me. If it is b/c of the church angle the church they went to seems, for the information I have seen, to be very similar to the Unitarian church and this is nothing at all like the southern Baptist church or an evangelical church at all. 100% of the people I’ve ever meet that go to these type of churchs are very liberal. The father is a psychiatrist or psychologist (I get them mixed up) and is on the staff of a university. I think all the information we have points to them being at the very least not conservative and in my opinion liberal.
LOL yes I think some don't, I know there's one of our fellow FB page people who definitely does not sleep more than 4 hours by the looks of it
I stay logged in all the time. (Is that weird? ) (Or lazy? heh heh) And if some neighborhood noise or something wakes me up then I'm up - for a bit at least, so I come here and see if there's some good news. Wish there were some good news. *sigh* This case has punched me in the gut and I don't know why... b/c yes, it's heartbreaking; But they're all heartbreaking. IDK.... something about it...

Ive seen the Harringtons on TV several times, but last night on (I believe it was) NG, I just burst into tears out of the blue.

Speaking of NG, why the heck was she showing those concerts images of the mystery blonde on the arena floor who has since come forward and been ID'd as NOT Morgan? NG's just confusing the issue by doing stuff like that. And the correspponding narrative was NOT, "This is not Morgan;" It was, "Morgan was last seen at blah blah blah" giving the implication that that was her in the white circle on the video. Sort of misleading imo. But what else is new from NG. At least she says Morgan's name correctly. I tell you, it drives me right up the freakin walll the way she says, "Kell-lee" and "Hell-lee" for Caylee and Haleigh... up the freakin wall I tell you. And don't give me that, "it's southern" bit. I'm southern, others are southern and hear the same thng; and southern people know who to say those names. Sorry; I got off into left field on a NG tangent b|tch-fest for a second. Apologies. :)

Right, and possibly Morgan could have hitten the back of her head due to fall (fallen back and forward or over onto face), this would have caused the disorientation.

Why aren't police releasing the male passenger's name in the car. I think he is linked could have helped her to the bathroom, could have taken her purse, could have told her to go outside and get some air while holding her purse, could have followed Morgan outside and met up with her.....after.

While the 2 friends have no knowledge of this happening............

I guess I missed something why do you think she left without her purse I have not heard this stated or even hinted at anywhere.
Y'all are going to kill me, but I"ll ask anyway.

After all the back and forth, as a group here, what consensus did we arrive at for the car?

And what premise, as a group, are we moving forward with regarding who went to the concert?

Last night we had left it at...

Morgan's car stayed at JMU

The concert group that rode together were Morgan, Amy, (the roomy) Sarah, (one of "the nine,") and a dude who is the bf of none of these three, but the bf of another chick who is one of the nine.

Have we stuck with that? Or are we up in the air again?

Two things-why does it keep on being said "I don't believe she ever got inside the arena" ? I've read all these comments for days now -I feel confident she made it to the concert venue.The other thing-remember yesterday when the person who works nearby the arena said LE were at their workplace asking for security tapes etc..they don't know anything. We are being foolishly optimistic to keep believing LE has a bunch of undisclosed info.Finally, Pantera is a way more obscure extreme kind of band than Metallica when MH wore that shirt to the concert she knew it would draw tons of attention she seems like she was ready for a wild, fun night.


A lot of people question if she ever went to the concert. With all the cell phone camers and video camers she is nowhere to be seen or found. They even found a blonde haired woman in a black skirt and boots but she came forward and said "its not me". So there is absolutely no record of her being at the concert.
Even the car story is not verified. Her dad, her friends and Le all have different versions of who drove and what car and who had the keys.

Was she ever even at the concert?
I don't see why you would think the parents are 'conservative' if anything they seem liberal to me. If it is b/c of the church angle the church they went to seems, for the information I have seen, to be very similar to the Unitarian church and this is nothing at all like the southern Baptist church or an evangelical church at all. 100% of the people I’ve ever meet that go to these type of churchs are very liberal. The father is a psychiatrist or psychologist (I get them mixed up) and is on the staff of a university. I think all the information we have points to them being at the very least not conservative and in my opinion liberal.

I agree 100%. I have been thinking this for some time but didn't want to bring up something that may be deemed controversial or judgmental. In looking at the pastor who lives with them, they are definitely not mainstream. The mother has made some comments that seemed odd to me...and the hand signal thing, sorry, I just find that a bit weird. Nope, don't think they are conservative, by any stretch!
this is true, both trains to run on the same track. I wonder if they have thought of that.

The family has hired somebody to take over for them and word is that person is reading all the bloggers remarks. I am sure they are looking now.
this also hushes people who thought she was never inside at all -LE have now said they have the sightings of her injured-3 of them actually when I think back
Yikes. Is there a medic or any type of first aid or provisions for injuries? Is it the policy to remove injured patrons from the premsies without treatment even if they appear inebriated?


The family has hired somebody to take over for them and word is that person is reading all the bloggers remarks. I am sure they are looking now.

I really hope so. I know everyone is with me when I say that I just want this girl to be found.
LOL! I hear ya!

Unfortunately they aren't talking... Not like us girls to keep our lips zipped on some things...

And wonder who this mystery guy is and how he's avoiding all the press... Could he be a minor?
How is it that mystery dude's name is conspicuously absent? Is that so hard? or so "secret?"

so true, especially when we were 20 !
could be a minor, but her friends I think were all her age and wouldn't have a younger boyfriend...
If so, why not just say "...and minor male - name withheld re: age."
This is clue-worthy imo. That's all I''ll say for now on it.

"WHERE HE'S FROM: "Around Northwest Washington D.C."

WHAT BROUGHT HIM TO NEW YORK: "I had to get out of there." "


I hear this comment all the time from kids who grow up in various places and post college move to a large urban area. There are a bunch or rock songs/ movies about this very thing. I've heard this even more expressed by people who are homosexual or for some other reason live a life style that draws much less attention in a big city. So I personally don't find this odd at all, but that’s just me. I had a bunch of friends who headed to LA/SF/NY as soon as they graduated cause they wanted to be where the ‘action’ was and the all expressed this sort of sentiment.

Furthermore if you are suggesting some sort of family issue if he went to uva he most likely hadn't lived at home (except maybe summers) for 4 years. Regardless of where he ended up post graduation it more than likely would not have been at mom and dad’s so I'm not sure what clue could be in this statement. I think in light of this it make it much more likely this refer to the area and the demographic of the area he lived in than anything to do with his family.

I of course could be totally wrong but this is how I see it. I think this is much more likely some random act of violence that has nothing to do with the lifestyle of her or her family other than her actions on that particular night (which are not that uncommon for a college student) made her an easier target.
From reading on here and news reports - I think the simplest answer is the most reasonable. She went to the concert and did leave to go to the restroom, but did indeed find herself outside, perhaps she didn't even know it was a no reentry arena (I have never heard of this) and I am thinking she did call her friends and tell them she was locked out and would either wait for them or go home on her own.

However, what happened next is interesting because if she met someone in the parking lot and he offered to take her home - why would her purse and cell phone be left in the parking lot as I would imagine he would attack her later someplace else. This means she was attacked in the parking lot and her purse tossed away with her cell phone and the perp keeping the battery pack.

So was there a predator in the parking lot waiting for this opportunity OR OR did Morgan call someone to come pick her up? He arrived and he was the perp, got rid and destroyed her phone.

Were her phone records looked at - who was the last call she made? I am sure LE has this. IMHO
I don't see why you would think the parents are 'conservative' if anything they seem liberal to me. If it is b/c of the church angle the church they went to seems, for the information I have seen, to be very similar to the Unitarian church and this is nothing at all like the southern Baptist church or an evangelical church at all. 100% of the people I’ve ever meet that go to these type of churchs are very liberal. The father is a psychiatrist or psychologist (I get them mixed up) and is on the staff of a university. I think all the information we have points to them being at the very least not conservative and in my opinion liberal.


Ok let me try again. The parents are from the wealthy, upper crust, college type people. They value quiet, keeping ones business to themselves, prestege and absolutely no whisper of scandel. What we talk about freely they would never whisper.
I think conservative was the wrong word to use. I am not sure what one would call it. Perhaps somebody could help me out here. By the way it had nothing to do with their church affiliation. I didn't even know their religion.
By the way, who is that woman/man living with them???
Just to clarify something that I think needs to be cleared up. The other night on Nancy Grace(not last night the other night when they covered her case) Morgan's father said that Morgan's car did NOT go to the concert that night and that someone picked her up.

yes this is his position and he has stuck to it but in the last day and a half the state police have come out a specifically said that he is wrong and that they did take her car.

So while usually the father saying this would clear things up in this case it makes it all the more strange. The two people that should reasonably KNOw what happened are telling stories that directly contradict each other.
I have heard nothing about the condition of the purse they found. Was her money, credit cards found or taken. Did they take any money. In other words was this a robbery type act?
RE: family now has spokesperson . . .

This is the BEST news that has come out in days! Something is NOT RIGHT with them.

Curious how much of the area (within a few miles) of the arena has been THOROUGHLY searched?
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