Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #3

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I keep thinking of the car and how it is sitting in the parents driveway. If it was at the concert and maybe Morgan went and sat in it with somebody wouldn't the LE keep it and want to check it out. Just something I am thinking of.

Eyespeeled I understand the love in taking the food but don't understand what danger Morgan might be placed in with..her brother. He is a different sort and her parents being so conservative they would have bought the ticket. I am just suprised at everything I guess. lol
nouveau- are there a lot of homophobes/violent ones in ur area....what if, she ends up meeting someone who knew her bro...and this/these dudes decide to make sure she doesnt turn out gay, kwim...its happened before, if i remember some news.....anyway, i think he's bak from ny, stayin in her bedroom rigth now at the parents'...that must be tuff for him and them...and maybe the weird livein pastor who took over his room is my guess...and i think maybe those girls went to aparty after the concert and heard something..which is why they drove home...something made them wait, then drive home, later than they said? imho

From my experience, there aren't anymore homophobic people in this area than in any other city. I used to to go the club often, and there weren't any violent acts against anyone that was gay, from what I have seen.
I also highly doubt that someone in the area that felt uncomfortable with him being gay would have targeted his sister, or would know that she would be here for that one random concert. I could be completely wrong, but I have never heard of such instances happening around here.
Usually more than anything, the city seems to be pretty open to people of all types.
evelyn24-go to a(i think thats the site) and you can see that there are many RSOs in driving distance..and theyre all sure this guy maybe had an accomplice so he'd have an you need to consider the guys who shuld be on the register but arent-like people who pleaded to a longer sentence but didnt make it on the register

Yes I know there are a lot within a ten/twenty mile radius, but I only found one in the same zip. I thought it was interesting because this dude was convicted of a violent sex crime against a person over 16 and is now at a University working around young women. He would definitely know the area well and would even have a University of Virginia ID to make someone think he was trustworthy, you know?
Just something to think about.

Now they are reporting the injuries-but no mention of this before?? And we've all known this for days -and we knew there were two separate sightings of this grrr

Oh this might explain WHY she went outside. She probably hit her chin from a fall or slip from being a little light headed and/or inebriated and wanted air?
What?? She was walking around with a bloody chin? Tried to get back in and security didn't see the blood?? Didn't try and assist her?? Dad says her car and keys were left where she and roomie picked up Sarah and un-ID'd male? LE says her car was at the arena?

I don't believe it. I don't think she was ever at the arena. Parents and "friends" have a story and they're sticking to it. Why has this male not been identified? What a hot mess!
Regarding the friends:

I think the police and/or the friends own lawyers have told them NOT to talk to the media.

I thought the comments in this video YouTube - Search for Morgan Dana Harrington interview WDBJ at the 13:20 mark were enlightening. Seems like the police feel that the friends are holding back or providing conflicting information.

Since there is no evidence of a crime, I'm not sure how far the police can go in questioning the friends -- polygraphs??

With respect to the car, perhaps the friends told the parents one thing and LE another. LE is not sharing everything with the parents.

I also feel that MH likely got into some type of tift with her friends as it doesn't make sense for her to find someone in Charlottesville to drive her to Blacksburg or Roanoke (approximately a two hour trip) and then back to Charlottesville after droping her off (another two hours), when she could have just waited a little while longer to go back with her friends. Further, she would have to arrange this ride at the last minute on a Saturday night. I don't think she would go back to Harrisonburg because she did not have keys to to get in anywhere once she arrived. She also did not have the keys to her car if it was in Harrisonburg. If she didn't have a key to her own apartment in Blacksburg, she likely knew someone at Virginia Tech that she could stay with until her roommate returned.

I think she did not want to go back with her friends either becasue she was mad at them, or she wanted to meet up with someone in Charlottesville.
Just as an FYI - JPJ Arena has only been open since 2006 so I am not sure how many events she could have gone to in three years. During basketball season there are mainly only basketball games there and then throughout the year there are concerts, but also other events like WWF, the Wiggles and other kid friendly entertainment.

Y'all were really busy last night. I am beginning to wonder if I am the only one that sleeps.
My apologies that I was not clearer. I know it sounded like I have been to JPJ Arena, which I have not. My point being that no matter where an event is being held; whether an arena or stadium, etc. some people attend these events without knowing what the rules are. :innocent:
Thank you for posting the video into the thread. I can't believe that now we are hearing there may have been an injury to Morgan. Have we heard anymore about this and I guess it might just be too much to have hope that Morgan fell and is suffering some sort of memory loss?

Surely someone would have seen her. Her parents must be living a nightmare.
Has this link been posted here?

Lots of good information there and perhaps it will be updated with new info. on the news link at above site and there is a lot of info
How about the mystery guy punching her?


If MH fell - instead of helping her...they laughed at her or made some kind of snide comment...and MH didn't think it was too funny...and this is why she left the friends?

Maybe she took the "screw you" attitude?

She was spotted inside with the minor cut on her chin. I doubt that a man would do that inside without being in jail right now. Too many people inside, too many guards.
And again, can we take the word of LE, because they are saying it's not consistent with anything but a slip or a fall.
Has this link been posted here?

Lots of good information there and perhaps it will be updated with new info. on the news link at above site and there is a lot of info
It has, but thank you for posting it. It can never be posted too many times. Her poor parents; this is a parents' worst nightmare.
has anyone looked into the train schedule for the tracks under the bridge where she was last seen?
Between the fall/chin injury and purse/no ticket along with the abduction, how can anyone be so unlucky. Give me a break...!!

I want the survelliance of Morgan's exit from the JPJ Arena pronto LE~

Again, there is a policy that states no re-entry into the arena. I'm pretty sure she had her ticket stub, but it's useless.
Thank you for posting the video into the thread. I can't believe that now we are hearing there may have been an injury to Morgan. Have we heard anymore about this and I guess it might just be too much to have hope that Morgan fell and is suffering some sort of memory loss?

Surely someone would have seen her. Her parents must be living a nightmare.

Right, and possibly Morgan could have hitten the back of her head due to fall (fallen back and forward or over onto face), this would have caused the disorientation.

Why aren't police releasing the male passenger's name in the car. I think he is linked could have helped her to the bathroom, could have taken her purse, could have told her to go outside and get some air while holding her purse, could have followed Morgan outside and met up with her.....after.

While the 2 friends have no knowledge of this happening............
I also feel that MH likely got into some type of tift with her friends as it doesn't make sense for her to find someone in Charlottesville to drive her to Blacksburg or Roanoke (approximately a two hour trip) and then back to Charlottesville after droping her off (another two hours), when she could have just waited a little while longer to go back with her friends.
I think she did not want to go back with her friends either becasue she was mad at them, or she wanted to meet up with someone in Charlottesville.

If I got into a such a bad fight with my friends that I decided on storming out of a concert I'd been been very excited to see, the first thing I would do is demand my keys back and tell them to find their own ride home! I sure wouldn't leave my car with them. And I think it'd be very unlikely that it would slip my mind that they had my keys -- in fact, that's the first thing that would come to mind when my friends were misbehaving. "I let you drive my car/gave everyone a lift up here, and you're being nasty to me? No way. Give me my keys."

Now, if the friends then refused to give me the keys (maybe because I was intoxicated?)... my anger would go supernova. But you know what? At that point, I'd definitely call other friends to complain/arrange for help in getting the keys back after the concert/vent my disbelief/whatever. (And the whole "nine" was not at the concert, right? So maybe, at that age, I'd also call to shore up support in case it turned into a group-splintering feud.) Either way, I would not simply walk off in merry unconcern, leaving my car with people who had just behaved badly toward me.

So... if she did have a fight with her friends, I think the possibilities for why she left the arena (without her keys, and perhaps after contacting...who?) potentially grow murkier and even more confusing.
has anyone looked into the train schedule for the tracks under the bridge where she was last seen?

I asked the officer that stopped in my business the same question.
From his understanding he said that the routes were checked, stations asked for surveillance, etc. Nothing came of any of that.
Quoted from the article: to the sources, Harrington was seen inside and outside the Arena with blood on her chin prior to her disappearance, say witnesses who wish to remain anonymous. Thirteen days after her disappearance, a police spokesperson confirms the accounts but says investigators doubt the injury points to any altercation.
“It was a minor injury,” says Virginia State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller. She explains that police chose initially not to release the detail because the injury was “consistent with what someone would suffer from slipping and falling, not with any kind of assault.”

Okay so Morgan NOW as an injury they release 2 weeks later...could explain the disorientation. How do we know Morgan didn't get into a fight with one of her friends and that would explain why she left. This actually does make sense!!

Just in my opinion the most logical explaination to this would be that she feel or tripped most likely due to intoxication which has also been hinted at. I of course I don't know what happened and either explaination is possible.
I don't have anything intelligent to add at the moment just wanted to vent my frustration. Now I read that she may have slipped and fell, could she have taken a spill because she was to some degree intoxicated perhaps? Did someone merely bump into her? How does LE know for sure it was her what makes the person providing the information credible?

It is driving me crazy how there are more questions than answers in this case. With each new bit of info I get more and more confused and come up with a zillion more questions. I totally understand that in most cases LE keeps some things to themselves but in this case it seems like they are keeping most everything under wraps and what they do release they don't elaborate on like the reason the phone battery not being with the phone would not be alarming in this particular case, I want to know why not as it seems strange to me. Have they even released what type of phone it is? I have not seen that info. The public can be a great help in cases like this but it is so hard without information.

On another note this case has obviously gotten to me, even though I don't post much I do read everything. In my dream last night I was at the arena on the night of the concert and I met Morgan. She explained everything to me and I am so mad because even in my sleep I told myself don't forget this it could be important and now I cannot for the life of me recall what she said in my dream. At another point in the dream I was trying to go somewhere in the arena and I ended up outside. In my dream I thought "this is it it's what we have all been missing in our theories" and now that too escapes me. Not that I hold any weight in what happened in my dream but once never knows so I at least want to be able to remember it just in case there is a detail that may not have been thought of
one of the witnesses who saw her fall stated they saw her taking pics higher up in the section then later, she was lower in the section and took a nasty spill over some edge, falling behind a black if she hit her chin then landed on her face this would work out. but then where does the friend kiss come in and how come they didnt go with her if she fell and had blood- altho the people seeing her said it didnt look like she was with anyone? maybe she changed sections...but they say she was stoned...yeah and for all posters who say they go potty alone, do also fall/bleed and cleanup alone, or not even call and be like i fell?

I personally am suspicious of that one eyewitness report. She was originally seen in the stands (they said high up) then they said they saw her later (after by all other accounts she was already out of the arena) on the floor near the stage. Generally there are two different sections for concerts like this the "floor" which is general admission these tickets are almost always the most popular and almost always sellout. Then there are the other seats that are above and are generally assigned seating. At every concert i have been to there is always a very strong security presence to make sure that only people with floor tickets get on the floor. If this is not done there runs a huge risk of overcrowding and having people die from being smothered or trampled. This presents a large liability risk to the venue and they are very diligent about preventing it. It would have been very difficult for events to workout in which she was up with her friends, then later was down on the floor at a time where all other reports have her no longer in the arena. So while this sighting cannot be ruled out I consider it unlikely to be accurate.
i was thinking, if we had some kind of "professional training/exam" and turned this into a professional group, we'd certainly be able to ask for more evidence.

in the post#454 video, the youtube one--LT. Rader says she was a wearing a panera shirt. really? do you have a lot of panera bread franchise stores down there, or was he just thinking of breakfast? he seemed kinda sleepy to me...and it was weird that he almost cmplained he was getting too many emails from karyn(sp)-how many do you think he's getting now? get somebody get him some red bull or something? or a coffee?

that video was from the 19th of october, so ....i think he might have had many doubts, about those and other friends, at that time.

the Uva cops director, well she needs to be emailed about the UVa RSO (thanks for that info by the way)--that's just ridiculous. I know they do some kinda background search when they hire someone, so that person goofed. Also, that dude/lady goofed when he (munson) didnt fill out the employment form correctly (well the ex-con SO is doing what he's supposed to-hide his true nature-at least somebody had a brain), assuming his conviction was prior to his hiring--if it was post-hiring, then the UVa needs to do something like run annual screens or something like that.

we should have bets going, like i bet the paperlady's story will be verified and released, in like another 1.5 weeks (remember the bet has to include whether the info IS released, and what the OUTCOME is)
Two things-why does it keep on being said "I don't believe she ever got inside the arena" ? I've read all these comments for days now -I feel confident she made it to the concert venue.The other thing-remember yesterday when the person who works nearby the arena said LE were at their workplace asking for security tapes etc..they don't know anything. We are being foolishly optimistic to keep believing LE has a bunch of undisclosed info.Finally, Pantera is a way more obscure extreme kind of band than Metallica when MH wore that shirt to the concert she knew it would draw tons of attention she seems like she was ready for a wild, fun night.
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