Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #3

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le singe i agree. i think turkey man on findmorgan, tried to clarify where she fell, since he wasnt the actual witness. but it was good to note that LE left a message, and never called back-lol.

i also read on the same metallica tickets page (about people who were in MH's section, again these were people posting prior and during the concert) that some dude tried to get onto the floor, since the floor was not sold out/crowded, if i remember....and looks like he got booted from the venue. (this info was posted here a while back)

but i havent re-read the fall report, from findmorgan, altho i think he tried to clarify that she fell behind some black curtain, not sure where that is
This is clue-worthy imo. That's all I''ll say for now on it.

"WHERE HE'S FROM: "Around Northwest Washington D.C."

WHAT BROUGHT HIM TO NEW YORK: "I had to get out of there." "


I TOTALLY agree!!

"I had to get out of there."
so, kr2, u think she fell, being stoned got up, went back to get the purse then went to the bathroom? or she had the purse on her, and didnt lose her cell in the fall, then went to the bathroom? if she needed medical attention and they kicked her b/c of that, thats a huge liability

She may not have been in obvious need of medical attention and while I agree kicking her out created a liability I think this is not as obvious without the benefit of hindsight. I think the venue think more along the lines or protecting themselves from the more common liability of someone ODing in the venue or being so out of control that they injure themselves or other. The best thing to do in this situation would be to send her to some sort of medical station, but if she was not willing to do this they cannot make her they could only ask her to leave.

Another possibility is she was stopped by security for acting in an erratic manner and found to be in possession of additional contraband. This would almost certainly result in her been kicked out.

Obviously in light of how things turned out it seems like a bad idea to kick her out but based on my experience at concerts in the pasted this is a very reasonable possibility.
Respectfully snipped
I personally am suspicious of that one eyewitness report.

I am also quite leary of that one eyewitness report. What...was this person watching her? And if they were watching her...why were they?

Was this one of her friends watching? If so, why didn't they go help her - if she fell?

I have never been in JPJ, but would expect that it is similar to the Roanoke Civic Center and would expect them to have some kind of "box" seating which is above the floor, but seperate from the higher levels.

Could she have fell from the box seating area and down to the arena floor?
two types of trains go on those tracks right? Amtrak and CSX. if she got dumped ina CSX container, who knows where that is, and how many days before someone opens it
they don't elaborate on like the reason the phone battery not being with the phone would not be alarming in this particular case, I want to know why not as it seems strange to me. Have they even released what type of phone it is? I have not seen that info. The public can be a great help in cases like this but it is so hard without information.

I believe there is a reason for each piece of information that LE releases. With respect to the phone battery, perhaps the back cover was detached from the phone and they think the battery could have dislodged when the phone hit the ground, if dropped. Perhaps they aren't sure and want to know if the battery was taken on purpose or if someone just happened upon it and picked it up. I think LE put out the information about the battery so that if someone picked up the battery, they would turn it over to LE.
two types of trains go on those tracks right? Amtrak and CSX. if she got dumped ina CSX container, who knows where that is, and how many days before someone opens it

Or in an open boxcar...and fell out somewhere along the way...
WOW... With all the people stating here that they can not understand why Morgans friends left her in C'ville, I am begining to wonder if me and my friends are a bunch of heartless J-holes or something.

Several times, while out and partying, whether it be at bars, friends houses, friends of friends houses, we have on NUMEROUS occasions for lack of a better description 'left' someone behind or left before the friends we arrived with. This has happened wheter or not the involved parties were drunk or not. We had our reasons, and , even though we were young (early 20's), we did what we thought was the right thing to do AT THAT TIME. I personally cannot and will not pass judgement on the friends AT THIS TIME.

WHY? If during the phone call they thought that she did sincerely state she would find another ride home, and they sincerely thought that she had the means and capability to do so, then why would there be concern when she wasn't at the car after the end of the concert? Waiting for her for a little while would have been extra courteous under that circumstance- if she supposedly had a ride, there was no need to wait.

It seems that there is too much focus being put on certain things that cannot be 100% cooberated at truth/fact:

1) Possible reported sightings AFTER the ABSOLUTE LAST CONFIRMED SIGHTING in front of the stadium by people heading in are just that- POSSIBLE . The reports of her in the RV parking lot (even though her purse was found there) and being on the bridge can only be classified as "fitting her description"- this too applies to the video that was shown earlier this week on Nancy Grace. If someone truly believes that Morgan was THE ONLY long blonde haired petite girl in a T-shirt and mini skirt, well, then I have a feeling that photos posted on peoples web pages of the concert will show that there could have been at least 1 other one. Didnt one young lady already VERIFY that she is the blonde on the video near the stage?

2) The car- This is a very heated point of contention at this point. And until any of the friends that attended the concert with Morgan actually go on record PUBLICALLY and for certain state who's car was in C'Ville that night, we will be forever be going back and forth on who's car it was. It is obvious that the family and LE have 2 different stories about that at this point.

3) Argument with friends- this is another point that will not be able to be verified or shot down until one of the friends goes PUBICALLY on record to confirm or deny. Why would I give less creadence about an argument in the arena if someone nearby stated they thought that there was an argument? Well, quite frankly, in my experience, what may seem like an arguemnt to some outsiders, can be just normal banter between friends. Case in point again, with several of my friends, some days you'd think we were trying to kill each other, but it is the normal banter that occurs between us, yes even in public (did I mention my friends and have issues sometime?) Also, with all the noise in the venue, one would not really beable to hear a full converstaion unless one was smack dab in the middle of any conversation.

4) Alcohol- Yes, I understand that LE has not stated either way whether or not drinking or drugs for that matter were in play here, however, I do find it hard to believe that without a fake ID or someone over 21 purchasing alcohol for them, there would have been drinking IN THE VENUE. ID's are checked, and in most arenas, you must actually have some sort of arm band or stamp proving that your age has been verified prior to being allowed to purcahse alcohol. This howver goes out the window if alcohol was consumed PRIOR to arrival at the venue- by the time Morgan would have disappeared, unless she was severely inibriated prior to then, she would have had the alcohol wearing off. If drugs were involved, well who knows; ALL BETS ARE OFF.

Until there is some kind of consistant story provided by LE and the Family, I think that ALL information other what has been positively substantiated has to be taken with a grain of salt. That means other than the fact we know that she was in the venue, disappeared from the venue (whether it be from inside or outside), her purse was found the next day in an adjacent parking lot, and she still has not been located, everything else is speculation and unconfirmed. Speaking as if anything else is otherwise true is not doing anyone a service.

MAN this case is SOOO frustrating!!! If the Media, LE, and family would just get the FACTS straight and out to the public (within reason of course), I think that all of us here wanting to help find Morgan would not be going back and forth saying " No, this is what 'so and so' said" and " No, they said this here though." This back and forth, no matter in what forum, CANNOT be helping a find her at this point, KWIM?


I have seen some people express doubt regarding how some things could be true based on the facts and circumstances. For example, it's a fact that there were many people, thousands, at the concert. (Some say 16,000) It's a fact that there were two warm-up bands and one headliner that are categorized as heavy metal. They weren't playing lullabies on the pan flute. Given that, some folks wondered how it's possible to hear a phone converstaion under those conditions as reported by the friends - whether the call were during the music or on a break b/w acts That's just one example; but to me that is expressing an opinion about the situation, not passing judgment. There's a difference in connotation.

two types of trains go on those tracks right? Amtrak and CSX. if she got dumped ina CSX container, who knows where that is, and how many days before someone opens it

this is true, both trains to run on the same track. I wonder if they have thought of that.
i've posted the fall/report from one indirect witness....hope this clears up where she, i cant believe the SPolice took more than 3 or 4 dys to get a hold of someone who called them

turkey man
Posts: 5

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Re: Morgan Sighted At Concert
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2009, 02:39:42 AM »

The State Police called my daughter yesterday to talk more about what she and her husband saw but my daughter was not home and the police left that message. Daughter called them back but could not get anyone and ended up leaving a message for them and left her cell phone number. They have not called her back. I asked daughter to think about the picture taking she saw Morgan do and try to remember if the picture taking was with a cell phone or a camera and she told me she believed it to be a camera because it was flashing. Her thinking was that most cell phone cams don't have a flash. She was not 100% sure. She did say that Morgan was standing in the third tier area and took a couple picture towards the back, away from the stage. She also doesn't remember seeing the camera or cell phone when Morgan fell. She reiterated that she fell between the black curtain and where the isleway opens up to the seating areas at the third floor or tier, an area of about twenty feet.


turkey man
Posts: 5

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Re: Morgan Sighted At Concert
« Reply #12 on: October 25, 2009, 02:39:42 AM »

The State Police called my daughter yesterday to talk more about what she and her husband saw but my daughter was not home and the police left that message. Daughter called them back but could not get anyone and ended up leaving a message for them and left her cell phone number. They have not called her back. I asked daughter to think about the picture taking she saw Morgan do and try to remember if the picture taking was with a cell phone or a camera and she told me she believed it to be a camera because it was flashing. Her thinking was that most cell phone cams don't have a flash. She was not 100% sure. She did say that Morgan was standing in the third tier area and took a couple picture towards the back, away from the stage. She also doesn't remember seeing the camera or cell phone when Morgan fell. She reiterated that she fell between the black curtain and where the isleway opens up to the seating areas at the third floor or tier, an area of about twenty feet.
Just to clarify something that I think needs to be cleared up. The other night on Nancy Grace(not last night the other night when they covered her case) Morgan's father said that Morgan's car did NOT go to the concert that night and that someone picked her up.
but im not sure, where it says "most cell phones dont have a flash?" ...sounds kinda local yokel to me
I have read comments that Morgan was asked by security to leave the arena. Maybe she got caught bringing something inside the arena or maybe she was too intoxicated and they asked her to leave. I'm not saying that this what happened but it is a possible scenario.
I don't know what happened, but if I were the roommate and my best friend since whenever who is also my roommate were outside, for whatever the hell reason, screw the concert, I'd be out there beside her especially if she were impaired - even if i were also impaired. Two impaired together beats one impaired alone. The only way I'd be cool with my bff being in that scenario is if she said that she had someone, known and special, in the evening's plans and was choosing to spend time with him/her. Otherwise -- drunk, high, three-sheets-to-the-wind... so what; there will be more concerts. I'd be outside beside her. Why? B/c I'd want her to do that for me if it were the other way around.
Just to clarify something that I think needs to be cleared up. The other night on Nancy Grace(not last night the other night when they covered her case) Morgan's father said that Morgan's car did NOT go to the concert that night and that someone picked her up.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I have come to the conclusion that I cannot believe any of the details from the H family... Why? Because some things they have said have contradicted the Police, the police spokesperson and various local news media. 1 person is right and the rest are wrong?

I have to believe the official spokesperson for LE. It has been determined that it was MH's car driven to the arena.
2. We have a car she drove half way with her keyes in her purse and ticket (I assume as well were in her purse).

3. Was the purse left with friends? Did the purse get stolen or left in the bathroom possibly...?

The most resent media reports have stated that her friend drove the second leg of the trip and that the friend had the keys not her. i have not heard anything about the ticket stub on way or the other but it does not seem relivent one way or the other.

I have not heard or read anything to suggest she did not have her purse with her when she left the arena.

4. She was high (maybe a date rape drug....she seems to out of it to be just stoned)...

5. How come there is no survelliance of Morgan leaving yet based on witness account of sightings afterward she was supposedly leaving over the bridge. All these people seeing Morgan all lover that parking lot but no one helped her...weird.

Although be it seems she was more intoxicated than just being stoned (I interrupt stoned = smoking weed). There are many things that can do this to you obviously including alcohol. Also while the date rape drug, I'm assuming this refers to either rhohipinal (sp?) or GHB, are use for the purpose of date rape they are also much more widely taken intentionally to get high.

Whenever you go to an event like this you will always see people around that have clearly partied too much, but generally these people are not "in need of help" and would react very negatively if you tried the 'help' them. Anyone who goes to these type of events is going to see people like this so unless she was totally passed out I don't find it odd that no one 'helped' her beyond asking it she was ok.
State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said investigators didn't disclose the fact earlier because the injury was consistent with what a person would sustain after falling and doesn't appear to be related to her disappearance.

"Many of those we've spoken to during the course of this investigation recalled seeing a minor scrape or cut on the face of the young woman they saw fitting Miss Harrington's description," Geller said. "This injury would be consistent with a slip or fall. In no way would such a minor abrasion be associated with an assault."

Interesting because they talked to "many," and they are really sure that she fell.

BONNIE: God bless you and everything you work for. What I`d like to know is did Morgan have a car? And have they found it?

GRACE: Good question. Dr. Harrington, did she have a car?

D. HARRINGTON: Morgan`s car was not at the arena. Morgan drove to Harrisonburg where she and her friends drove in the friend`s car to Charlottesville. So Morgan`s car is.

GRACE: So she`s got a car, you know where it is, it was not involved.
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