Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #9

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LT, I am shivering just thinking of all you went through. I wanted to let you know how very much appreciated your story is, as it helps us refocus and not think that our Mom-hinky-meters are way off in this story. Peace to you and your family. :hug:

Thanks. My daughter was sixteen at the time and had left as usual for work at a pancake house on a Saturday morning. What was also frustrating was that my daughter's best friend's parents were refusing to let their daughter be questioned by me or LE. The friend was willing to let my daughter stay missing rather than break a promise to her. Awful time, glad it is over and hope that I never have to live through that again. It is a miracle that I was not arrested and charged (I found him first before LE arrived and forced him to reveal where my daughter was hidden) :angel:
I again think that the "friends" may have told all they know...and are keeping out of the limelight since with the internet and the way pictures/videos go "viral" they may wish to protect their own reputations
maybe the "friends" were doing drugs, drinking underage, hooking up....and they don't want this known
expecting "friends" at that age to leave a concert and lose their seat is silly

expecting the arena to be responsible for people who are told there is "no re-entry" is just silly too.....if they allowed re-entry there would be a lot more dangers (drugs/weapons) allowed back in...not to mention lost revenues

expecting the bb players to "call the cops" on a girl who was drunk?? let's get real....there are people drunk on college campuses all the time....who wants to be a "rat"?? she was not passed out...she might have been woozy or acting silly but they are not about to call cops for that..

what is , 20 she was pretty much responsible for herself....this is not a child abduction here, let's get real
I feel sorry for her parents...maybe the friends "lied" to them in the beginning to spare their feelings..

let's look at the happy ending case in Oak Brook Ill...where a 20 year old gal left a club and was on a 3 day ?? bender? party? drug fest?? I don't know...maybe she was held against her will...but now it is pretty hushed up

these things the "moment" 20 something friends won't "rat out" friends...they will try to protect their own rep and the rep of the "friend"

Booze, drugs, and youthful optimism has been the downfall of young people for ages...

sometimes things just happen in the wrong way, wrong time, wrong person...I personally think that Morgan accepted a ride from some guy she "sort of" knew...or a guy from her school...a "friend of a friend" one knew that she met up with him...this may have been happenstance

and then something went horribly wrong....I think he raped her...and killed her when he realized she would tell/prosecute him

sad to say I don't "see" any huge conspiracy ulterior motive by the "friends"...
no plot, no plan....I do think that maybe Morgan left the arena to buy drugs/get booze or something...and met up with a "wrong guy"

I go by the most simple solution here...Occam's Razor....the logical solution

BBM: I don't for a moment think that the friends "told all they know". I think that they were most likely on drugs and they know why Morgan ventured away from her seat. IMO, she was going to secure drugs for them and it is very likely, as you have written, that she met up with the wrong guy. The unbelieveable story the friends told that Morgan just simply left to use the restroom and in some crazy way ended up outside of a building, unable to re-enter and that they just never saw her again, Just doesn't cut it for me. I don't buy the story about leaving your friend, a friend whose vehicle you arrived in, behind, missing from a concert that you were all suppose to enjoy together. The friends are not admitting, as we know it, that they were partying down with drugs or that Morgan met with someone at the concert to get more drugs, maybe for a party after the concert, and the friends just never saw her again. But, instead of calling 911, they just hop into the missing party's vehicle and boogie on back home. It is time to tell the truth and stop covering up information just to keep their reputations in tact.
BBM: I don't for a moment think that the friends "told all they know". I think that they were most likely on drugs and they know why Morgan ventured away from her seat. IMO, she was going to secure drugs for them and it is very likely, as you have written, that she met up with the wrong guy. The unbelieveable story the friends told that Morgan just simply left to use the restroom and in some crazy way ended up outside of a building, unable to re-enter and that they just never saw her again, Just doesn't cut it for me. I don't buy the story about leaving your friend, a friend whose vehicle you arrived in, behind, missing from a concert that you were all suppose to enjoy together. The friends are not admitting, as we know it, that they were partying down with drugs or that Morgan met with someone at the concert to get more drugs, maybe for a party after the concert, and the friends just never saw her again. But, instead of calling 911, they just hop into the missing party's vehicle and boogie on back home. It is time to tell the truth and stop covering up information just to keep their reputations in tact.

JMO: more likely she was leaving to go find some guy whom she had an intense involvement with.

Possible scenario: She was with some guy (the driver) inside the arena. Perhaps they had separated from the group to take photos. He is threatened by or challenged to a fight by some other audience member; but not someone he knows by name. Or possibly he is jealous that he perceives that MH is paying attention to or flirting with some other man. Possibly there is some minor drama resulting in an altercation.

She is injured accidently as a result of this altercation. Or feeling angry and humiliated, he pushes her to the ground or punches her resulting in the injury. That's why her face was bleeding, and she was crying in the Ladies room.

(Maybe someone witnessed this incident, but they are afraid of either being charged with committing a crime or someone else being charged ... )

Then, he flees the arena. MH decides to follow him out. She rushes out of the arena, she finds her car is gone, and he still has the keys. Then, she decides to go ask the BB players in the RV lot if they have seen him. Maybe he is acquainted with some of these athletes; or she knows that if he left the JPJ parking area, he could only park in the RV lot on his return.

At about 9:20 pm, she then proceeds to the bridge, and when he drives up in her own car, she pretends to hitch as a joke. He is still viciously angry. Drives to the RV lot. He grabs her cell, breaks it and takes the battery. Then, he grabs her open pocketbook, and throws it and the cell out the window.

Later that night, at like 1:30 am, he returns to JPJ to pick up SS in MH's car as they had planned via cell.

Let's hope they searched the vehicle for evidence.
BBM: I don't for a moment think that the friends "told all they know". I think that they were most likely on drugs and they know why Morgan ventured away from her seat. IMO, she was going to secure drugs for them and it is very likely, as you have written, that she met up with the wrong guy. The unbelieveable story the friends told that Morgan just simply left to use the restroom and in some crazy way ended up outside of a building, unable to re-enter and that they just never saw her again, Just doesn't cut it for me. I don't buy the story about leaving your friend, a friend whose vehicle you arrived in, behind, missing from a concert that you were all suppose to enjoy together. The friends are not admitting, as we know it, that they were partying down with drugs or that Morgan met with someone at the concert to get more drugs, maybe for a party after the concert, and the friends just never saw her again. But, instead of calling 911, they just hop into the missing party's vehicle and boogie on back home. It is time to tell the truth and stop covering up information just to keep their reputations in tact.

You said it! Thanks. It was Morgan's car and they went to this concert together. This young woman is still missing. Any little extra information the friends could give would be crucial. None of us would be that shocked if they were taking drugs or if Morgan was hooking up with whoever - the truth and all of it is much more important in finding Morgan.
Hi Walker....while it COULD have happened that way, that would involve a lot of various scenarios, and a lot of cover ups...not to mention that there is NO indication that Morgan was in a "serious" relationship or dangerous relationship
sorry but that is a bit "complicated" for me LOL


in regards to what the "friends" may have to say....for all we know they may have told LE everything...under condition that it would NOT be made public unless needed ....

I think it is highly likely that drugs and booze were involved...and they may have told everything already....

other than hurting their reputations (and to some degree hurting Morgan's) what would letting us "know" about this accomplish?? If anything her family and LE may have been wary of turning public interest and sentiment against here (ie, people might think she was just off on a drug bender or something)

I have to think that IF LE had reason to think they were holding back we would see more "activity" regarding them....and we haven't

If the friends have told LE the truth (and yeah, I think it involves drinking and drugs, probably she did go outside to make a buy)....why do "we" have to know? The info doesn't tell us what happened to her (it may explain why she acted strangely, recklessly)

bottom line : when you get into a car and no one knows you got into that are at a real risk....I think that is what happened to Morgan, and sadly the risk was fatal for her

again....some spring day, someone walking their dog, or some hikers, will probably find her

(I hate to sound pessimistic, but I am trying to be logical here)
I'm really surprised at some of the speculation that has been aired here. These boards have a bad reputations for spreading "lies and innuendos", not to mention perfectly truthful malice information. Family members are concerned that negative information, true or not, can adversely effect the LE investigation, media coverage and the public’s involvement.

A lot of the problem is that this case has been plagued by mis-information and withheld information that just fuels speculation and suspicion. I don't understand why the situation with her car was "mis-reported" or why we have no idea what happened while she "interacted" (which means she "talked with") the basketball players or what were the circumstances of the report that she was hitch-hiking. It is possible that LE considers there to be some significant "lead" in these circumstances and they don't want to show their hand. Fine, that’s a call they have to make but the rumors and speculations are going to follow,

If, however, it was just a "standard" designated driver" situation, why make a deal out of it, OK she was high, like a good share of the folks there or anywhere else on a weekend night. If she wandered out on her own accidently, it matters not. That fact doesn't lead to a resolution of the case. I think a lot of the speculation about her friends is a direct result of the "confusion" over what the situation was with her car.

If she spoke to different people, including the BB players, What did she say? By not releasing this information to the media, it creates the suspicion that the BB players are somehow suspects and obviously, there will be talk.

Were there really credible sightings of her hitch-hiking? If there was, that pretty much settles it. She got a ride from some freak on the bridge. That fact would put all other speculation aside. Somehow, I'm skeptical, and I think most people here are too. This sighting was never "explained", (was it from a driver, a BB player, etc?) I seriously suspect it is deliberate "mis-information".

Law Enforcement has a love/hate relationship with the Press. They hate the second guessing and the tendency of the media to keep "loser" investigations alive but they appreciate that publicity can help an investigation (and the careers of the investigators). The Blogosphere, on the other hand, is the enemy. They have no control over it and it can often drive (and certainly provide a lot of information to) the "paid" media's coverage. A lot of reporters spend more time pounding the keyboard than pounding the beat.

It is a fair complaint from families that have been crime victims that lies and rumors spread on the internet add insult to injury. Still, there is freedom of speech and it is a reality that must be faced. I think LE and the involved families are going to have to be more careful how they "manage" the internet just as they "manage" the "paid" media. The internet has made it harder for LE to keep information "under wraps" so it may be smarter to be more candid since so much will come out anyway. The web is the perfect vehicle for people who "know things" to disclose them and LE should encourage this.
I posted this elsewhere and I think my comments may be suffering from death by moderation

At this point I think Morgan chose to leave. There are so many things about this case that don't fit together.

Why leave a concert before the band you went to see comes on stage? I am not buying she was a big Metallica fan or she wouldn’t have left (nor kissed her friend on the cheek before going to the bathroom). Did she leave because she was supposed to meet someone outside? Were they late showing up? It will take a while for them to get there to pick her up so she tries to get back inside because its cold (maybe a bit rainy)? Is she upset because she is stuck outside waiting for them?

What time did she call her parents to say she arrived and where did she say she arrived at?

Was her last call or text to her friends inside that her meeting didn’t happen/friend wasn’t there/ride was late? They couldn’t reach her after that and weren’t sure what happened (but weren’t terribly worried)? Is that why her friends told DS that one of their party was missing?

What if the reason her friends had the keys to her car at the concert was because she never intended to return?

Morgan’s purse, identification and phone (minus battery) were found the next morning; not one of thousands of people leaving the concert noticed a purse on the ground? Could the purse have been placed there after the concert? Could the battery have been removed to prevent location tracing and the phone left with the purse because its useless if you do not wish to be found?

Why were her friends so vague about her disappearance, the car driven and why they left Morgan outside in the cold while they enjoyed the concert? Its hard to believe several people could be that mean or stupid. They lawyered up and are not acting publicly distressed about Morgan’s disappearance. Do they know she had other plans and that she is ok? Are her friends keeping quiet because left willingly or they don’t want to say anything negative?

What if Morgan’s recent frequent trips home were to collect some of her personal belongings or items of value that could be sold to help support herself? The necklace just seemed to me as being an odd choice with her outfit to wear to a metal concert. From the photos posted (see next comment) it was obvious that Morgan had a sense of style in putting a look together and this necklace doesn’t fit the look. Is any of her jewelry or other valuables missing from her parent’s home or her apartment?

Is she going to balance her checkbook with Dad because she is overdrawn? Why would she make plans to balance a checkbook and study for a math test with her dad (at noon) after driving a few hours (and back supposedly) to a concert when she knew she would be partying (maybe drinking/drugs) after? She is reported to have been seemingly intoxicated while wandering around outside JPJ.

The photos or Morgan that were briefly posted online were described by many as “compromising”. To me they looked like a normal 20 year old with a spirited and multi faceted personality. Was their posting meant to show that there was more to Morgan than has been represented? I am not sure how to word this properly but these photos gave a different impression than a girl with a pony tail holding a puppy on her family’s living room sofa. I sense that Morgan is not as naive and sheltered as initially inferred but is a bit more worldly and aware. (I see that as a good thing.)

Why do there seem to be more (supposed) sightings of Morgan at different places after the concert than at the concert (UVA dorm room/Econolodge/Sheetz in Orange/Hampton Inn in Baltimore and the latest—Georgie’s post #826 about a possible sighting at Sheets in West Virginia last night??

Why did Morgan switch high schools in her SENIOR year? I cant imagine it was her choice since I switched schools my senior year because we moved and it was horrible. Possible reasons to switch schools would be because you moved (she didn’t), were failing miserably, or maybe to get away from a bad influence (boyfriend, friends, alcohol or drugs).

Why the time period of 6 months for the “phenomenal” ( relationship with her parents? Why was Morgan so closely monitored? Did she previously have some kind of problem and her parents were keeping a watchful eye to make sure everything was ok or were they just extremely involved in their 20 yr old daughter’s life?

If it is true that the Harringtons are controlling the wall of silence of Morgans friends then it would explain why almost no information is being released about her disappearance from the people who saw her last. I truly believe she left on her own and if any info were released that might support this then everyone would stop looking for Morgan. I can’t imagine the friends would not have told the truth to the police AND to Morgan’s parents about what happened that night. I believe the police have made no progress with this case because there is nothing to investigate if there is no evidence of foul play and they suspect Morgan (an adult) chose to leave/disappear.

I have seen the pictures of Morgan partying and she is no different from her friends. Except her friends (and anyone who came in contact with her that night) have been disected and trashed all over the internet for their behavior and not speaking up publicly (possibly because they are keeping quiet out of respect for the Harringtons).

There is something very off when Morgan’s close friends are saying they “miss her and want her to come home” and her family is mentioning rape and murder.
I'm really surprised at some of the speculation that has been aired here. These boards have a bad reputations for spreading "lies and innuendos", not to mention perfectly truthful malice information. Family members are concerned that negative information, true or not, can adversely effect the LE investigation, media coverage and the public’s involvement.

A lot of the problem is that this case has been plagued by mis-information and withheld information that just fuels speculation and suspicion. I don't understand why the situation with her car was "mis-reported"

Some person or persons lied to DH.

... or why we have no idea what happened while she "interacted" (which means she "talked with") the basketball players or what were the circumstances of the report that she was hitch-hiking. It is possible that LE considers there to be some significant "lead" in these circumstances and they don't want to show their hand. Fine, that’s a call they have to make but the rumors and speculations are going to follow,
If, however, it was just a "standard" designated driver" situation, why make a deal out of it, OK she was high, like a good share of the folks there or anywhere else on a weekend night. If she wandered out on her own accidently, it matters not. That fact doesn't lead to a resolution of the case. I think a lot of the speculation about her friends is a direct result of the "confusion" over what the situation was with her car.

If she spoke to different people, including the BB players, What did she say? By not releasing this information to the media, it creates the suspicion that the BB players are somehow suspects and obviously, there will be talk.

Were there really credible sightings of her hitch-hiking? If there was, that pretty much settles it. She got a ride from some freak on the bridge. That fact would put all other speculation aside. Somehow, I'm skeptical, and I think most people here are too. This sighting was never "explained", (was it from a driver, a BB player, etc?) I seriously suspect it is deliberate "mis-information".

The red highlighting indicates statements not established as true facts of the case.

Law Enforcement has a love/hate relationship with the Press. They hate the second guessing and the tendency of the media to keep "loser" investigations alive but they appreciate that publicity can help an investigation (and the careers of the investigators). The Blogosphere, on the other hand, is the enemy. They have no control over it and it can often drive (and certainly provide a lot of information to) the "paid" media's coverage. A lot of reporters spend more time pounding the keyboard than pounding the beat.

It is a fair complaint from families that have been crime victims that lies and rumors spread on the internet add insult to injury. Still, there is freedom of speech and it is a reality that must be faced. I think LE and the involved families are going to have to be more careful how they "manage" the internet just as they "manage" the "paid" media. The internet has made it harder for LE to keep information "under wraps" so it may be smarter to be more candid since so much will come out anyway. The web is the perfect vehicle for people who "know things" to disclose them and LE should encourage this.

The real problem is that the media suppresses stories that don't fit their agenda; that is, something about this story is not "politically correct." Starting with the challenge to how great an experience college is supposed to be for absolutely everyone .... There is something that they know that we don't know with certainty.
Hi Walker....while it COULD have happened that way, that would involve a lot of various scenarios, and a lot of cover ups...

No, just one person supporting one other person's story.

... not to mention that there is NO indication that Morgan was in a "serious" relationship or dangerous relationship
sorry but that is a bit "complicated" for me LOL

How would we know either way?

She was 20 & lived (semi-)independently of her parents, who might not want to talk about a possibly abusive ex-BF.
You said it! Thanks. It was Morgan's car and they went to this concert together. This young woman is still missing. Any little extra information the friends could give would be crucial. None of us would be that shocked if they were taking drugs or if Morgan was hooking up with whoever - the truth and all of it is much more important in finding Morgan.

What makes you think that they have NOT told LE everything?

I think that in some ways Morgan's parents also don't want all the facts out there...JMO

"none of us" really matters in this do we?? If LE, the family and the friends don't want to "tell" the public all the facts, there is not much we can do

I think they are not making everything public cause it really has NO bearing on who took Morgan...

the "unknown" element here won't be solved by hearing what Morgan was doing or drinking or what drugs she was on

these cases are soooo hard when it is a stranger /pickup/whatever...

we don't know the type car to even look for, she could have been taken in any anonymous and random
How would we know either way?

She was 20 & lived (semi-)independently of her parents, who might not want to talk about a possibly abusive ex-BF.

I think that with the internet and the media, etc...IF there was a "hincty" bf in the mix we would have heard

I actually think Morgan was pretty immature and sheltered....I don't think she had lived with a guy...was not engaged...there was no "deep" relationship there...

it is a stretch to imagine a "possibly abusive ex boyfriend"..yes that does factor in many of these cases...but we would hear about him

JMO the reason we don't hear much about drinking/drugs that night is that it would not ultimately "find" Morgan...and it would hurt her rep and that of her friends
the "unknown" element here won't be solved by hearing what Morgan was doing or drinking or what drugs she was on

these cases are soooo hard when it is a stranger /pickup/whatever...

we don't know the type car to even look for, she could have been taken in any anonymous and random

This is assuming is was anonymous and random, there is no evidence of that - just as there is no evidence it wasn't.

we don't know which "Unknown element" could point the way to evidence of what happened?? and that's the point, because all the information isn't being presented we have no way of knowing what piece of info could point us to the truth of what happened to Morgan.

For those who believe Morgan left of her own free will - all I can say is: It is almost impossible for someone to disappear in today's society, unless they stay inside and have another provide everything for them (like someone being held/hidden by another). In the movies and on tv they make it look so easy to just get a fake ID and start a new life, but I doubt Morgan had means or access to this type of stuff - unless she knew how to do it from her time working with that shelter for abused women?????
This is assuming is was anonymous and random, there is no evidence of that - just as there is no evidence it wasn't.

we don't know which "Unknown element" could point the way to evidence of what happened?? and that's the point, because all the information isn't being presented we have no way of knowing what piece of info could point us to the truth of what happened to Morgan.

For those who believe Morgan left of her own free will - all I can say is: It is almost impossible for someone to disappear in today's society, unless they stay inside and have another provide everything for them (like someone being held/hidden by another). In the movies and on tv they make it look so easy to just get a fake ID and start a new life, but I doubt Morgan had means or access to this type of stuff - unless she knew how to do it from her time working with that shelter for abused women?????

Oh I agree...I really really doubt the "left of her own free will" stuff...way too hard

I think that "we" don't deserve the "truth" according to the LE...cause the truth might not be flattering...

I think that "logically"....and statistically..and using Occam's Razor (basically choosing the simplest, least complicated answer...or the answer that doesn't involve a lot of other unsubstantiated events to make it possible)...then I think a stranger situation is most likely

Could be a quick abduction....serial killer...bad guy

or ...more likely...a friendly, cute guy who goes to her college, some "tie in" one sees her get in the car...he rapes her then kills her to cover the crime...

another POSSIBLE idea>>> that ONE of the bb players came back and picked her up

I say ONE...because I just think that most "conspiracy" deals among people who are not professional (gang/mob) criminals always fall apart

I think it is ONE person, one guy ...who gave her a ride and things went so horribly wrong

in the case of a young wife/mother or a woman in a relationship...look to the hubby/lover/baby daddy

in the case of a child....look to family/relatives/neighbors (except in more rare cases..statistically rare actually)

in the case of a young woman, especially if booze or party involved....a woman who might be out getting a ride/hitching?? well it could be anyoneand that is what I think based on logic, statistics and Occam's razor

I am sometimes "wrong"...but when I am, it is one of those totally statistically rare Jamie Duggard or Sean Hornbeck

In real life, young college people don't form conspiracies to murder a friend usually

In real life, young people don't just throw away everything and leave without even their car *a few have but they are found

Morgan didn't have some "bad relationship" I don't fact she actually seemed to be sort of "unformed", immature, and not fully sure of herself

I think she made some bad choices that night, so did her friends..ultimately she paid the ultimate price for those choices...very sad...
and honestly telling "us", the public what those choices were won't really help find her
Oh I agree...I really really doubt the "left of her own free will" stuff...way too hard

I think that "we" don't deserve the "truth" according to the LE...cause the truth might not be flattering...

I think that "logically"....and statistically..and using Occam's Razor (basically choosing the simplest, least complicated answer...or the answer that doesn't involve a lot of other unsubstantiated events to make it possible)...then I think a stranger situation is most likely

Could be a quick abduction....serial killer...bad guy

or ...more likely...a friendly, cute guy who goes to her college, some "tie in" one sees her get in the car...he rapes her then kills her to cover the crime...

another POSSIBLE idea>>> that ONE of the bb players came back and picked her up

I say ONE...because I just think that most "conspiracy" deals among people who are not professional (gang/mob) criminals always fall apart

I think it is ONE person, one guy ...who gave her a ride and things went so horribly wrong

in the case of a young wife/mother or a woman in a relationship...look to the hubby/lover/baby daddy

in the case of a child....look to family/relatives/neighbors (except in more rare cases..statistically rare actually)

in the case of a young woman, especially if booze or party involved....a woman who might be out getting a ride/hitching?? well it could be anyoneand that is what I think based on logic, statistics and Occam's razor

I am sometimes "wrong"...but when I am, it is one of those totally statistically rare Jamie Duggard or Sean Hornbeck

In real life, young college people don't form conspiracies to murder a friend usually

In real life, young people don't just throw away everything and leave without even their car *a few have but they are found

Morgan didn't have some "bad relationship" I don't fact she actually seemed to be sort of "unformed", immature, and not fully sure of herself

I think she made some bad choices that night, so did her friends..ultimately she paid the ultimate price for those choices...very sad...
and honestly telling "us", the public what those choices were won't really help find her

If LE believed this was some random guy, some serial rapist/killer - wouldn't they have issued some type of statement for the young women on campus there to be careful or at least AWARE, so as to protect them???

And if there is a serial rapist on campus or in town - then why no other young women gone missing on campus?

see this is why I believe it was not totally RANDOM and wasn't the very very rare stranger abduction & murder.

It is someone local - otherwise her body would have been found already - someone without knowledge of the area would have just dumped her off on the side of the road not far away. (sorry for being so straightforward with my words but I don't want to sugarcoat what I believe to have happened) No, it was someone with knowledge of the surrounding rural areas, or someone who lives outside of town in a rural area that could dispose of a body on their or someone else's property, or knew of a place where she wouldn't be discovered right away. see where I'm going with this.....

So based upon what we know statistically - this would be some kind of an acquaintance (maybe even from just a short conversation as she made her way around the JPJ area that night), a male in his early 20's to late 30's, someone who looked like a person she could trust and feel comfortable with (most likely young enough to be a student), someone local or going to school in the area, someone predisposed to assult/rape or maybe a juvenile history?, and someone with a vehicle. Now the bball players maybe would fit with this, as would a high percentage of concert goers, and the guy accompanying them that day... if only we knew a bit more about who she had even the slightest contact with..... I don't think the person offering her a ride was random - I think she probably had at least spoken to him prior to getting into the vehicle.

editing to add: I should have said WHITE MALE early 20's to late 30's.
HI KiKid..we are on the same "page"....I also do not think it is a serial, or a predator as such

I truly think it is some "nice" and "cute" guy that she slightly knew...or thought she knew someone who knew him...or had some "connection" to

I have posted kids tend to be very trusting...."Oh you are in Prof x's class too?"...."Oh know my ex roommate? cool"...."Hey, I saw you dj at that were great"...etc

I think it was a situation where Morgan was drunk, "open" and fun loving up to a point...this "cute" creep then tried to have sex with her, when she refused, he raped her...then..he had to think...she was a "nice" works for the univ...she would press charges....he "got rid" of her somehow

I don't think that a serial just happened to drive by (yes it could be)...I think it is more likely that a "new friend" gave her a ride...she had NO real reason to trust him, but youth and booze and youthful "immortality" led her to this fatal decision

there is no real way to "search" for her since he could have hid her body in any direction..a radius of hundreds of miles...since we know nothing of "him" we don't know...maybe he is a hiker who knows the parks...maybe a hunter who knows the woods...maybe he is a boater/diver who knows the water....maybe he knows where there are abandoned houses etc....just a needle in a haystack

I think this sort of case is a nightmare for LE...just nothing to go on...when NO one saw her with anyone, no one saw the car

again, these are just MY thoughts....based on applying the simplest solution that fits what we do know (and even explains why we have not been "told" all the details of the party /friends/Morgan that night...I think it is not that relevant)
HI KiKid..we are on the same "page"....I also do not think it is a serial, or a predator as such

I truly think it is some "nice" and "cute" guy that she slightly knew...or thought she knew someone who knew him...or had some "connection" to

I have posted kids tend to be very trusting...."Oh you are in Prof x's class too?"...."Oh know my ex roommate? cool"...."Hey, I saw you dj at that were great"...etc

I think it was a situation where Morgan was drunk, "open" and fun loving up to a point...this "cute" creep then tried to have sex with her, when she refused, he raped her...then..he had to think...she was a "nice" works for the univ...she would press charges....he "got rid" of her somehow

I don't think that a serial just happened to drive by (yes it could be)...I think it is more likely that a "new friend" gave her a ride...she had NO real reason to trust him, but youth and booze and youthful "immortality" led her to this fatal decision

there is no real way to "search" for her since he could have hid her body in any direction..a radius of hundreds of miles...since we know nothing of "him" we don't know...maybe he is a hiker who knows the parks...maybe a hunter who knows the woods...maybe he is a boater/diver who knows the water....maybe he knows where there are abandoned houses etc....just a needle in a haystack

I think this sort of case is a nightmare for LE...just nothing to go on...when NO one saw her with anyone, no one saw the car

again, these are just MY thoughts....based on applying the simplest solution that fits what we do know (and even explains why we have not been "told" all the details of the party /friends/Morgan that night...I think it is not that relevant)

I think we are on the same page! It is the only logical conclusion based upon what LE has and has not said to the public. They've probably had an FBI profiler on the case and telling them this isn't a serial killer or predator, which is why no warnings to the young women on campus. They've asked those she might have spoken to or asked to use their phone to come forward which tells me they believe she may have tried to contact someone she knew to give her a ride. LE also has stated she was trying to hitch a ride (which I think maybe was Morgan playfully sticking her thumb out to someone she was AWARE would be coming or someone she recognized).

I agree as well that the male probably observed her drunk or wasted and thought they were going to take advantage and have sex and she may have become clear headed enough to say "NO" and it turned into rape/assault/battery - then he felt he had to kill her???

This still leaves the perp knowing the area well enough to hide her. If not the local area, somewhere within driving distance because I doubt anyone who had just taken someones life would drive 2 or 3 hours with a body and dump it elsewhere - so I'd say within an hour's drive radius of campus.
oh I forgot to add that I believe her bag was planted later by the perp, now if it was one of the bball players, leaving her bag there would be major stupid since that is where she had last contact with them(bball players).

I think her battery was either with her body/clothing or it dropped out of her bag in the perps vehicle (and is now disposed of).
I drove home thru Charlottesville (Va Bch to Pittsburgh) every rest stop we stopped at had Morgan's missing poster. There is also a huge billboard on I-295 ( I believe that was the road )
Are there any updates?? I really haven't been following, and at work so can't look at ALL of the posts :(


Happy Holidays!
I drove home thru Charlottesville (Va Bch to Pittsburgh) every rest stop we stopped at had Morgan's missing poster. There is also a huge billboard on I-295 ( I believe that was the road )
Are there any updates?? I really haven't been following, and at work so can't look at ALL of the posts :(


Happy Holidays!

Unfortunately - no, nothing new. :(

I'm just North of Roanoke and have seen a few posters at different stores over the holidays.
nevermind, found this post, which I guess is the unofficial timeline. What I'm looking for specifically is the time that evening that Morgan's friend (SS?) spoke with Morgan's lookalike (Dee??). If anyone could add that info to this and repost, I'd appreciate it!!

ALSO - DOES ANYONE KNOW who Dan's Girlfiend is? (MN per honeybun1807 - thanks)

•October 17, 2009 - NOON
Morgan and her roommate, Amy, left Roanoke in her 2006 Honda to travel 90 minutes north on I-81 to James Madison University (JMU).

•2 pm - Morgan called her Dad and stated they were in Harrisonburg.

•2-5 pm - unaccounted for, I'd like to know where they were and who they were around.

At JMU, Morgan and Amy met up with Sarah and Dan (a friend’s BF) to travel 60 minutes east to Charlottesville, Va. Dan was the designated driver of Morgan’s vehicle.

•6pm - The group arrived in Charlottesville where they were to attend the Metallica concert at the John Paul Jones Arena.

(Official time first band took stage is missing)
(Official time second band took stage is missing)

Two bands played before Metallica, Morgan was present for these sets. Before Metallica played, Morgan left the group to go to the rest room. A witness reports seeing Morgan in bathroom upset/crying and it appeared as if she had been hit (she apparently fell and cut her chin).

•8:20-8:30 pm - Morgan left the arena for unknown reason and was unable to gain reentry.

•8:20 - 8:48 PM: Someone matching Morgan Harrington's description was seen outside John Paul Jones Arena parking lot by the ticket office and on the University Hall side.

•8:48 PM: Morgan calls a friend inside the arena, discusses trying to get back in. Tells her friend that she will get a ride home from friends around Charlottesville.

•8:48 - 9:00 PM: Morgan is still spotted outside the arena. Police say they have no indication she re-entered the building.

•9:00 - 9:10 PM: Someone matching Morgan's description was seen walking through the University Hall parking lot. Nobody saw her with someone, but there were other people walking in the same direction.

•9:10 - 9:20 PM: Someone matching Morgan's description was seen in the Lannigan Field parking area near the track. This parking lot is used for overflow parking for arena events. The person matching Morgan's description had limited interaction with people who were at the parking area.

•9:20 PM: The people who witnesses the person matching Morgan's description left the area.

•9:20 - 9:30 PM: The person matching Morgan's description was seen on the Copeley Road Bridge near Ivy Road. The last spotting of Morgan Harrington was at 9:30 PM near the intersection of Copeley Rd. and Ivy Rd.

After the concert (anyone have a time for this?), Morgan’s friends waited for a significant amount of time (how long?) – they never saw Morgan and left the venue returning back to JMU in Morgan’s car. I'd like to know what time they arrived at JMU.

(time????) Early Sunday morning, Morgan’s purse was found by a passerby (???) and was reported to the University of Virginia Police as "lost property". Morgan’s purse had all of her belongings including: a wallet, debit card, ID, and a cell phone with the battery missing.

Sunday 12:30 - Morgan failed to show up at her parent’s house as expected (to study for Math test and to balance her checkbook). Morgan’s father, Dan Harrington begins calling the friends who accompanied Morgan to the concert.

12:40 - Dan Harrington reported Morgan missing to the University of Virginia Police.

The only trace of Morgan found inside or outside of the arena was her pocketbook. Evidently, Morgan’s image was not picked up on security cameras, or other personal video recorders or personal cameras in or around venue. LE is still seeking any other available images from the public during this timeframe.
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