VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #2 *Arrests*

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Wondering if there will be additionally charges for transporting the body across state lines?

Me too. That's a felony too isn't it? Well, now wait, if she was alive and taken across state lines that would have been kidnapping and the way everything is reading she was dead and then taken across state lines.
Just came across this:

"Stacey Snider, a neighbor of Nicole and mother of 8-year-old twins, said one of her daughters had given law enforcement authorities information that may have played a role in the arrests. The girls were playing in the snow with Nicole hours before her disappearance when, they said, she showed one of them texts she had exchanged through Kik, a mobile instant messaging app, with an 18-year-old that included plans for an evening meeting."

If that's true, he probably was the "David A" kid with the message "lg" shown in the Kik screenshot that she posted on Instagram several weeks ago. All of this just makes me sick. This sweet girl never had a chance.
I think a lot of parents just don't realize the dangers that their kids are getting into online. I remember growing up the aol chat rooms were very popular. People would seem nice but it would all change when they instant messaged you.

Especially with creepy names... Like Goobersnot and then they would follow you to different chat rooms.
View attachment 88391

Okay, I can't find the exact address now, but it looked like this road except it was up on a rock jutting out of the ground, or a mountain. It was a weird looking spot - IF Nancy Grade had the right location. The picture was showing the road going up.

How in the world did they find Nicole so quickly. 100 miles from home and on a remote road?? Somebody knows something.
I know its hard to size someone up by just a mugshot but this guy didn't look healthy to me. He looked skinny and gaunt. If I had looked just at the photo without knowing who he is or anything about him... I would have thought he was a meth user. He just has that hollow gaunt look I have seen on drug addiction sites that shows how meth affects users.


He is the typical build of a cross country runner

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How in the world did they find Nicole so quickly. 100 miles from home and on a remote road?? Somebody knows something.

I'm thinking maybe it was NK who confessed and told LE where the body was. I think they brought her in and she talked for hours, and in the end was arrested on the charges noted. That would also explain the "rough" face in the mug shot. Exhausted and just learning her confession would not prevent her arrest.
It seems like I'm a few pages behind most of the "walk on" and "scholarship" stuff. One poster had it right. It is very difficult to get a track scholarship. The sport doesn't bring in much $. They hand out very few full scholarships and there are some partial scholarships and a lot of walk ons. I remember reading Running of the Buffaloes, where they followed around the University of Colorado track and cross country teams. That is one of the best programs in the country and even they had some of their best runners as either walk ons or partials. They actually took a lot of their walk ons and made them good. For track, they also have to divide the few scholarships they have among throws and sprinters, so the head coach could end up giving less to distance runners.

His 1600M time was 4:18. That would certainly blow me away, but there are tons of kids with better times than that. In my state meet here in PA, there would've probably been 7-10 runners better in his event. If his times got worse, that would be no surprise either. Some times, freshmen athletes struggle with the balance of schoolwork and athletics early on, especially being an engineer.
How in the world did they find Nicole so quickly. 100 miles from home and on a remote road?? Somebody knows something.

That's what I'm thinking too. Read that Nicole's phone was turned off from the time she left her home. Not too sure about DE (18) and Keepers (19). No doubt they were smart, but on NG it was stated they were caught because they were the last two who were online with Nicole. Did they turn their phones off?
He was an aspiring engineer.... Just like Ted Bundy was an aspiring lawyer.

THANK YOU! I've been following this case from the beginning and I agree that hindsight is 20/20. I didn't find DE's video creepy. A bit rehearsed and self assured, no doubt.

Then I saw the comment that track isn't a team sport therefore, he must have trouble relating to people. So, I think of my socially awkward 20 yr old ADHd/Asperger's son, who is speech impaired so that if he had to speak in public (or on camera) would practice-practice-practice so he would have every word, every pronunciation just perfect, and as a result, his intonation would be flat. He does have a small group of loyal friends, but won't get more than a couple dozen bday wishes on FB. My son must be guilty of something, right? It's only a matter of time, in reading the lists here, that my son will eventually be names a perp here on WS.

Do I think DE is guilty? Yes, I do. Because evidence says so. Not because of his demeanor in a video, the fact that track isn't a team sport (I disagree, btw), or because he shook hands with kids crossing the finish line after him. It's so easy to paint people's behaviors with a very broad brush, but a lot of quirky, eccentric kids are innocent. End of rant.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! These are all the same things I was thinking while reading some previous posts.

How in the world did they find Nicole so quickly. 100 miles from home and on a remote road?? Somebody knows something.

If I had to guess, speculation only....NK probably told them where to find Nicole's body.
That's what I'm thinking too. Read that Nicole's phone was turned off from the time she left her home. Not too sure about DE (18) and Keepers (19). No doubt they were smart, but on NG it was stated they were caught because they were the last two who were online with Nicole. Did they turn their phones off?

So both DE and NK interacted with NL online?
It may be that the car they were in had a nav system. Or, they got access to one of the alleged perp's phones.
That's what I'm thinking too. Read that Nicole's phone was turned off from the time she left her home. Not too sure about DE (18) and Keepers (19). No doubt they were smart, but on NG it was stated they were caught because they were the last two who were online with Nicole. Did they turn their phones off?

NG said both, DE and NK were online with Nicole???
The reporter on the NG show said they were the last 2 online with Nichole. I'm guessing it went pretty fast after that information was revealed, plus the neighbor kids confirmed her meeting up with an 18 y/o.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! These are all the same things I was thinking while reading some previous posts.

If I had to guess, speculation only....NK probably told them where to find Nicole's body.

Perhaps that is why she is being charged with an accessory after the fact. She says Nicole was dead by the time she was picked up, or violently coerced to help dispose of Nicole's body.
I was thinking like everyone else about how Nicole had survived liver failure went through a transplant surgery and how her parents must have been so afraid during all of it and even with a successful surgery and her thriving and growing just as she should over the years, I know the fear was still in the back of their minds about if she were to become sick again.... So sad thinking about her parents tonight my heart and prayers are with them. Also how sad is it that another child I would assume it was that their parents gave the gift of life during their loss of a child by donating their child's organs. In a sad sad way not only did they take Nicoles life but also took the gift of life Nicole was given by receiving a liver.
Im not sure if families know who they are giving too or if the other family knows who they received from. I have heard you don't but seen stories where families have met later on.
If it were my child that died and decided to help another child by donating and then found out something like this had happened!!!
I would be in jail and he wouldn't be a problem anymore if I could get to him because pretty much he not only killed nicole but also a part of someone else child too bad he can't have a little more time added in for that when it's all said and done.
I was thinking like everyone else about how Nicole had survived liver failure went through a transplant surgery and how her parents must have been so afraid during all of it and even with a successful surgery and her thriving and growing just as she should over the years, I know the fear was still in the back of their minds about if she were to become sick again.... So sad thinking about her parents tonight my heart and prayers are with them. Also how sad is it that another child I would assume it was that their parents gave the gift of life during their loss of a child by donating their child's organs. In a sad sad way not only did they take Nicoles life but also took the gift of life Nicole was given by receiving a liver.
Im not sure if families know who they are giving too or if the other family knows who they received from. I have heard you don't but seen stories where families have met later on.
If it were my child that died and decided to help another child by donating and then found out something like this had happened!!!
I would be in jail and he wouldn't be a problem anymore if I could get to him because pretty much he not only killed nicole but also a part of someone else child too bad he can't have a little more time added in for that when it's all said and done.

:goodpost: Well said! I agree.
This says he has a court appointed attorney. Did that change?
"David Eisenhauer was appointed an attorney. Chris Tuck will represent Eisenhauer. Tuck is a court-appointed attorney."

ETA: wondering because if his parents are NOT paying for a high profile attorney with experience in these kinds of cases if/when they could afford to do so, that would be interesting.

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I read comments from locals complaining that Tuck is a high profile attorney. Their beef was that tax payers were footing the bill for him to have representation that they wouldn't be able to afford on their own if they had to pay for it but this guy gets him for free. So just because his lawyer is court appointed doesn't mean he isn't getting high dollar representation. I haven't researched the attny myself just going by comments I read.
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