VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #2 *Arrests*

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Lots more at that link, one more snippet for parents here who may be interested:

"Parents are now beginning to fight tech with tech, as a slew of smartphone apps are now available to help them track how their children use phones. TeenSafe, for example, lets parents monitor their child’s text messages (including deleted ones), phone calls, social media use, Internet browsing history and location. It*claims to*have more than 1 million parent users."
From the above link:

"Even after the Blacksburg, Virginia, teenager’s disappearance and murder in late January, the members of that Facebook group continued to cyberbully Lovell. That is until Tuesday afternoon, when the group went offline, just after Virginia Tech students David Eisenhauer, 18, and Natalie Marie Keepers, 19, were charged with involvement in Lovell’s death.

“No dead people allowed!” one group member commented on a post about Lovell, hours before the group’s page disappeared from Facebook. Another member, using expletives, wrote that the killing was justified because of the victim’s appearance.

That post was the only one in the Facebook group’s final 24 hours that mentioned Lovell or the widespread media attention that the group had received in recent days. In fact, up until the shutdown, traffic on the group page was typical, with more than 100 posts in the past day.

In the aftermath of Lovell’s death, groups such as Help Save the Next Girl and Justice for Children Without Voices asked Facebook to remove the group."

That is just pathetic! Seriously, those people are almost as evil as DE and NSpeekers. They need to get a life and help make a difference. I wish they could be charged.
"Reacting to the news that the Facebook group Lovell used was no longer online, Misty Staples, founder of Justice for Children Without Voices, says, “This is one down. We’ve got thousands more to go. Unfortunately, when one gets shut down, 10 more pop up. Our goal is to keep reporting these pages.” She adds, “We need to start monitoring our children better, not just as parents but as a society.”"
Do any of you guys remember, quite a while back, like years ago, it was discovered in a thread that an RSO had a Facebook page (against the rules of their status as an RSO), so then members here started doing random crosschecks on Facebook for other RSOS that may have fb pages? There ended up being tons iirc, and they were all reported...there might have even been a group created by a member here to aid in this internet cleanup of RSOs with Facebook pages?
Do any of you guys remember, quite a while back, an RSO that had a Facebook page (against the rules of their status as an RSO), so then members here started doing random crosschecks on Facebook for other RSOS that may have fb pages? There ended up being tons iirc, and they were all reported...there might have even been a group created by a member here to aid in this internet cleanup of RSOS with Facebook pages?

Seems I vaguely remember something about that. I believe in Lyric and Lizzy's case, some RSO were found to have FB pages. One was friends with Michael J. Klunder, the one who murdered Kathlynn Shepard.

Klunder has a thread too... somewhere... Gotta sign off! Too tired. :eek:fftobed:
Did a Teen Meet Her Murderers on an App?

...Mark Jenkins, a childhood friend of Keepers, told The Daily Beast he was shocked that she is now accused of being an accessory to murder before the fact.

“I’m surprised that she was involved this deeply,” said Jenkins, who dated Keepers in middle school and often visited her family home.

Jenkins said Keepers was seeing a doctor for mental health issues and self-harm when they dated.

“She was definitely friendly,” Jenkins recalled.

Jenkins said Keepers’ father was an engineer at NASA and had some influence on her future career path. ...

...“Her parents had high expectations for her and really did push her academically,” Jenkins told The Daily Beast. “They tried to make sure that she made her success.”

Neither Eisenhauer’s nor Keepers’ family has commented on the case....

more at:
I'm late to discovering this. I'm sure most of you already have. She had several different FB pages. The one I saw earlier had a guy showing off his chest a few times. The other one I just found has such sweet photos with her family and of herself. From this one I see why everyone says she looks so young. She does. It seems family members knew about both from comments I read.
Do any of you guys remember, quite a while back, like years ago, it was discovered in a thread that an RSO had a Facebook page (against the rules of their status as an RSO), so then members here started doing random crosschecks on Facebook for other RSOS that may have fb pages? There ended up being tons iirc, and they were all reported...there might have even been a group created by a member here to aid in this internet cleanup of RSOS with Facebook pages?

I don't remember, but that sounds like a splendid idea!

When I hear people say that those types of efforts are futile because more groups or accounts can be easily recreated, it reminds me of the "Starfish Story"---

"A young man is walking along the ocean and sees a beach on which thousands and thousands of starfish have washed ashore. Further along he sees an old man, walking slowly and stooping often, picking up one starfish after another and tossing each one gently into the ocean.
“Why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?,” he asks.
“Because the sun is up and the tide is going out and if I don’t throw them further in they will die.”
“But, old man, don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it! You can’t possibly save them all, you can’t even save one-tenth of them. In fact, even if you work all day, your efforts won’t make any difference at all.”
The old man listened calmly and then bent down to pick up another starfish and threw it into the sea. “It made a difference to that one," he said.
I've followed a lot of posts on WS but for some reason this one is really getting to me.
I wish more people would preface things like "my theory is" or "what if" or "I was thinking that", or "so and so reminds me of"...
I've read posts that say things like "it's so obvious that..." or "so and so is clearly a narcissist/pedophile/aspie/control freak"
At this point nothing is obvious. We have a ridiculously tiny amount of information.
Everyone is entitled to a theory as long as it's stated as such. And just because your uncle's brother's psychologist said it, doesn't mean it's so.
I don't remember, but that sounds like a splendid idea!

When I hear people say that those types of efforts are futile because more groups or accounts can be easily recreated, it reminds me of the "Starfish Story"---

"A young man is walking along the ocean and sees a beach on which thousands and thousands of starfish have washed ashore. Further along he sees an old man, walking slowly and stooping often, picking up one starfish after another and tossing each one gently into the ocean.

“Why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?,” he asks.

“Because the sun is up and the tide is going out and if I don’t throw them further in they will die.”

“But, old man, don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it! You can’t possibly save them all, you can’t even save one-tenth of them. In fact, even if you work all day, your efforts won’t make any difference at all.”

The old man listened calmly and then bent down to pick up another starfish and threw it into the sea. “It made a difference to that one," he said.

Thank you! One of my favourite stories to remember when I'm down and disheartened.

Small gestures make a huge difference.
People sure do have active imaginations.

I think it couldn't be more obvious that DE and NK concocted a plan, together, to commit murder simply for the sport of it. They hunted for a young unsuspecting child and lured her to her death. These two monsters knew each other from their hometown, and had probably talked about this subject in years past. They reconnected at college and talked about it again, and feeling their oats as semi-adults living on their own for the first time, finally felt autonomous enough to carry out the evil in their hearts. Hopefully there are no other cases involving these two, and more than likely after their trial, the world will never have to worry about their heinous existence again.
I wonder if maybe since this has happened so soon after break if they planned this when they were back at home? I do think that it was premeditated and that NL didn't have a chance. It did say NK was in contact with NL around the 4th of Jan. They would have still been on break. Possibly they were together when they were talking to NL.


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I wonder if maybe since this has happened so soon after break if they planned this when they were back at home? I do think that it was premeditated and that NL didn't have a chance. It did say NK was in contact with NL around the 4th of Jan. They would have still been on break. Possibly they were together when they were talking to NL.

Yeah I think it's highly probable both DE and NK were sitting together and communicating with Nicole through one of their social media accounts. If neither of the suspects talked to LE, then LE would only be able to figure out which account talked to Nicole at any given time, but in fact it could have been both suspects together at the same time.
Nothing on Natalie Keeper's FB page suggests she's the type to get involved in something like this. Her birthday was on January 18th and friends wished her a happy birthday. She liked all of the well wishes. Apparently during that time there was a whole lot on her mind besides her birthday. I wonder how she celebrated her birthday and who she celebrated it with. I wonder if people noticed a personality change in her leading up to this. I wonder if anyone saw anything in her that could've stopped this. I also noticed her holding a baby in an instagram picture. None of it makes any sense.
I'm speaking for myself, but I truly don't think people mean to be so adamant and as if their opinions are set in stone. And as you stated, because we have so little to go on, I feel we may jump to conclusions faster than if we had more facts.

But I don't think posters mean to come across that way. For some of us like myself, it's a local story and very close to home. Yet our local news seems to have a problem actually getting facts of stories correct or even presenting the story in a clear manner. My opinion of course. Whenever someone goes missing around here, I have to actually go to other news sites to get a clear idea of what is going on.

I've followed a lot of posts on WS but for some reason this one is really getting to me.
I wish more people would preface things like "my theory is" or "what if" or "I was thinking that", or "so and so reminds me of"...
I've read posts that say things like "it's so obvious that..." or "so and so is clearly a narcissist/pedophile/aspie/control freak"
At this point nothing is obvious. We have a ridiculously tiny amount of information.
Everyone is entitled to a theory as long as it's stated as such. And just because your uncle's brother's psychologist said it, doesn't mean it's so.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or posted but something strange caught my eye in this screen shot. Posted 9 weeks ago. From my understanding they started communication around the beginning of January ? I'm sorry if this is incorrect.. So much information to process in such a short amount of time. and it's my bedtime. Night all.
I'm not sure if this has been mentioned or posted but something strange caught my eye in this screen shot. Posted 9 weeks ago. From my understanding they started communication around the beginning of January ? I'm sorry if this is incorrect.. So much information to process in such a short amount of time. and it's my bedtime. Night all.

Yeah I seen that too.
IG, was that person writing TO Nicole or was it a message to that David?

I know it was discussed pages ago, I remember reading it, but don't remember what IG meant. InstaGram? I guess? I'm going? I'm gaming? In game? What's it mean? I don't know the lingo obviously. Never used KIK, twitter, instagram, periscope, etc.
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