VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #3 *Arrests*

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So it appears now that it was her lawyer and NK asking for bail citing the ridiculous reasons of diet (that we all think is BS now), etc.
who are these lawyers anyway. Swedish fish, mattresses, Disney princess club..: way to bring up the important stuff... Smh
It seems like the goal is to infer some sort of arrested of development, a way to show her as a girl versus a young adult and to emphasize her fragility. Playing on her mental health and physical "disabilities" is laying the groundwork for seeing her as another victim who was preyed on by the predator, DE. The judge wasn't buying any of it. IMO.

As to her diagnosis, we have no idea if she even needed anti anxiety/depression meds. There is nothing concrete to suggest that, in the month leading to this crime, she was acting in any bizarre or manic manner. To suggest that she has any specific disorder, based on the details that have been exposed, is premature.

What we do know is that she and her family are out of touch with the gravity of her predicament. If I were going to put money on any diagnosis, I would lean more toward a personality disorder with aspects of narcissism. Honestly, I don't see bipolar disorder.
The only way this case could get more bizarre is if we find out that DE and NK both had the same counselor, who hooked them up as friends after they both divulged murderous fantasies, and then the counselor surreptitiously pushed them into murdering someone to satisfy their own doctor/patient killer fetish. Maybe the counselor is even a serial killer themselves and wanted to get off on turning these two into killers.

I mean, that's about the only way I can see this case getting stranger and more bizarre.

The school really seems to have found a way to convince students to keep quiet about anything and everything. Has there been a single quote, even anonymous, from mutual friends of the pair?
This is a great post because so many factors come into play. A lot of people will be blaming themselves for not doing something in this tragic case. I have been screaming from day one "But the parents saw her Facebook posts and did nothing."

However, at the end of the day, we know Nicole's parents loved her very much. I know, personally, I am not a perfect parent. I wake up everyday telling myself I'm going to do my best. Some days I exceed my best, some days I don't. I want my children to be safe, to succeed in life, and to be loved and be happy. I try to protect them. If something like this happened to them - or some other tragedy, I'm sure a website forum could pick apart my parenting too and find it not perfect. I think all of us, if we were to be honest, could say the same.

The part BBM? I thought the same thing at first then had to remind myself... we don't know if the parents did nothing. In fact, it's entirely possible they saw them, talked to her, said "don't post things like that - let's talk", told her to remove them, etc. We don't know if she figured out how to selectively post so that certain people never saw certain things (many kids and adults alike do exactly that). We don't know how many SM accounts she really did have - and we already know she had numerous different ones.

But I'd be willing to bet her parents had NO IDEA - and there's really no way they could know, unless they were checking her devices every single day for browser history, download history, chat logs, video files, photo albums/camera roll, which apps did what, skype or facetime account, hidden apps (and knowing what to look for to locate hidden apps - like the calculator app that is NOT a calculator), and a billion other things I haven't mentioned. These days, the "perfect parent" pretty much has to be an expert in IT forensics to stay a step ahead of their kids and not only is it unrealistic, it's unfair to slam the parents for not knowing. I have a pretty good knowledge of what's out there, what's popular and what kids are using (my oldest is in the IT business and my 17 yr old tells me *everything* kids are doing online), but there are new apps coming along all the time and new ways to get around things.

This is the world are kids are living in and it's darn scary. Parents HAVE to get better educated on it.
I remember reading a few pages back (although now I can't find it) in this thread that some of you have also discovered the Instagram guy who takes the selfies in front of the camo shower curtain. I don't want to supply his log in name here, but I was looking at his instagram a few days ago, then nicoles, and then again today and IMO I think that camo selfie account is a fake. I think maybe Nicole and some of her friends found this guy's real account, copy his picture, and created this account. Why, maybe as a way to have fun, make someone jealous, prove to other people that she has a boyfriend, etc. Because on that guy's supposed instagram, there are pictures still up of Nicole looking a bit older, posed and polished (she still looks young, but she doesn't look super young like she does in the Dr. Pepper picture, etc). And there are lovey dovey back and forths in the comments, such as "i love this girl [Nicole], she is my girlfriend, she is my one and only" Nicole replies "oh i love you baby, you're the best". It just seems totally staged. Maybe she was trying to prove to someone she had a boyfriend, maybe she was trying to make someone else jealous. But if this guy really had a relationship with Nicole, you would have thought he would have locked his account, erased those pictures, deleted comments, etc. And I think that points to the fragile state of mind Nicole had. She was still such an innocent child, looking for some kind of validation, attention, etc. It makes me feel even more sorry for her, makes me even more sad.
'Just jumping off your post here...

I am curious about his history with females prior to this case. IIRC, NK's prior boyfriend was quoted in a news report, but I'm not aware any reporters being able to ferret out a past girlfriend for DE? 'Anyone know if there's any SM info related to DE... maybe some photos of him with girlfriends, or high school prom pics, etc. Maybe I'm alone in this curiosity but I wonder if he had "normal" (age-appropriate) relationships?

Last I checked, his Facebook account was deactivated. Before that, I looked through it and don't think there were any photos with girlfriends, dates, proms, etc. I wonder just what else police have found from Kik records. I can't imagine he was talking to just one young girl.

In regards to NK, she seems to have had a current boyfriend. One news story said police tracked her down at her boyfriend's house while another said his dorm room. Unless he was a local, I seriously doubt he was at his house. This is just one thing that makes her connection to DE so bizarre. She had a boyfriend but was excited to be part of something "exciting and special" with DE. What the heck?
"Transcript" of NK's 2/5 bond hearing:

Keepers took the stand during her bond hearing, explaining her mental health issues, including thoughts of suicide in eighth and ninth grade. She said it was during that time her parents got her involved in a Christian Counseling Center program in Columbia, Maryland where she learned “techniques to reduce stress.” She told Judge Robert Viar, “If I do get bail my parents will start looking for a psychiatrist near my house so I can get the help that I need. ”

Keepers also testified she sought help at the Cook Counseling Center at Virginia Tech as soon as she got to the university in August because she was having a hard time transitioning from high school to college. She started seeing a psychiatrist who prescribed medication to deal with depression and anxiety attacks. It was at Cook Counseling where “I learned how to love myself,” she said.

She also admitted to “cutting” on and off until 2014 when she made herself a promise she said. “I chose instead of putting an end to my life I chose to make a decision and be strong about it. ” Keepers then got a semicolon tattoo behind her ear as a permanent promise to herself, her family and God to never do anything suicidal again. Project Semicolon is an organization aimed at providing “hope and love for those who are struggling with mental issues, suicide, addictions and self-injury.”

Keepers parents each took the stand, as Lovell’s own parents sat in the front two rows of the courtroom listening to the details. Lovell’s own father, David Lovell eyed Keepers throughout the trial.

Her father, Tim Keepers described them as an extremely close family. Tim Keepers, wife Sara Keepers as well as Natalie’s siblings – a sister and twin brothers, all live in the Laurel, Maryland home where her father promised she’d be held up if released on bond. “We all talk together. My sons love Natalie our daughters love Natalie. Close very strong, Christian family. We’re very happy.”

The father described the moments after learning of his daughter’s arrest as “complete and utter devastation. It still is extremely confusing to me. We are still very, very, very, sad,” calling his daughter an absolutely wonderful role model to the rest of his kids. He described learning of her arrest as like “being punched in the stomach by someone much bigger than you.”

Tim Keepers, an aerospace engineer, described their home as one that stressed education, education before chores. It was all about “deadlines or school work.” He says he had to tell his daughter, Bs were ok in school.

Tim Keepers broke down, hanging his head while on the stand when explaining how his daughter wanted to follow in his footsteps. “She wanted to follow… follow in my footsteps and also be an aerospace engineer,” he said fighting back tears.

He said his daughter didn’t drink or do drugs. Her lawyers said she liked Swedish Fish and was a member of the Disney Princess Club.

Sara and Tim Keepers both said they became aware of their daughter’s friend, David Eisenhauer in October or November when he “dropped everything to take her to the hospital” when she needed an appendectomy. “He did so at great speed,” Tim Keepers said.

Upon questioning by Pettitt, both parents said their daughter never called them to say Eisenhauer asked her for assistance or to move a dead body and did not hear about it until she had been arrested.

Keepers’ parents offered to pay for home electronic monitoring in order to get their daughter released on bond and out of the Western Virginia Regional Jail where she is being held in isolation, paid for by the Commonwealth, her defense lawyer said.

In arguing for her release, Keepers lawyers said being with her parents would allow her medical and dietary needs to be met. Keepers, who said she suffers from a gluten allergy as well as seasonal allergies, said she is not being fed a gluten free diet in jail. The jail is also giving her half the dosage of her anti-anxiety and depression medicine, in direct contradiction to psychiatrist orders.

Prosecutor Mary Pettitt, opposed to bond, argued one of the charges against Keepers, accessory before the fact to the first degree murder, “essentially puts her in the same place as the person that committed the murder.” Keepers is also facing a charge of improper disposal of a body and being an accessory after the fact.

In announcing his decision denying bond, Viar called the case a tragedy in every sense of the word. He said the one tie Keepers had to the community, (Virginia Tech, where she has been banned from campus) she severed . Viar said he’d be relying on a company out of state to provide for the safety of citizens in Virginia and Maryland.

"Eisenhauer was taken to the Blacksburg Police Department on January 30, where he denied involvement but admitted to communicating with Lovell and driving to her house on or about the time of the last message, received at 12:39 a.m. on January 27. He said he saw Lovell come out of her window at her Lantern Ridge apartment, gave her a “side hug” and returned to Virginia Tech to see his close friend, Keepers, Pettitt explained."

Hmmmm sounds like he expected they would be each others' alibi. Whoops
The school really seems to have found a way to convince students to keep quiet about anything and everything. Has there been a single quote, even anonymous, from mutual friends of the pair?

I think students are quiet based on school pride and feeling like the administration is doing their job to protect them. The students probably do not want to be caught in sensationalizing the situation. Beyond the one or two students who spoke on the record about their connection to the monsters, the story really is not with the college or the students. If I were a proud student of the school, I would be not making comments either.
Last I checked, his Facebook account was deactivated. Before that, I looked through it and don't think there were any photos with girlfriends, dates, proms, etc. I wonder just what else police have found from Kik records. I can't imagine he was talking to just one young girl.

In regards to NK, she seems to have had a current boyfriend. One news story said police tracked her down at her boyfriend's house while another said his dorm room. Unless he was a local, I seriously doubt he was at his house. This is just one thing that makes her connection to DE so bizarre. She had a boyfriend but was excited to be part of something "exciting and special" with DE. What the heck?

I was thinking the same thing -- that if she has a boyfriend, I don't understand why she would make it known that she had something "exciting and special" going on with another guy, and also, why would DE be that important to her to begin with?
Based on what we know, she was an easy mark. DE picked what he considered "a loser" to continue the harassment. He's a bully gone amok. Make her feel good about herself and then let her have it. IMHO... Trouble is, Nicole was a "winner" at living and he had no idea. He only saw one part of her.

Is it only rumor that DE wanted to kill Nicole because she was threatening to go public with his sexual relationship with her, a minor? I keep seeing posts where it doesn't seem clear that the motive has been clearly established. I'm seeing thrill kill on his part, or bullying her to death, choosing her because she's a "loser", etc.

So am I just imagining it that it came out in the charging documents that she was killed because DE was afraid she would make their prior sexual relationship public and he would be charged with a felony?

Honestly, though, high achiever? A 3.29 GPA isn't that good. Not at all. The fact that she was in the top 15% of her class with that GPA kind of astounds me. I'm from Northern Virginia and if you want to be in the top 15% you need to have a 3.8, minimum.

About her guess is she was taking AP classes, college level classes which are much more demanding than the regular high school classes. Hence harder class, harder to get A's in. They also carry more weight, usually, in GPA. However, some school districts to not weight gpa's. Our school district here does not. So someone with a 4.0 taking regular classes looks good on paper but colleges want to see that the students are challenging themselves. A student a 3.29 taking AP classes is actually a student they will look at first. That may also be by the top 15%.
There would have to be a reason for someone to make a deal. There is a ton of implicating evidence against both of them. I don't see any sweetheart deal for either.

One story said she signed a form about waiving her Miranda rights so it would be tough for lawyers to keep her statements out of the trial. I'm sure they'll try their best to block it unless they manage to cut a deal.

We know she isn't going to have much of an alibi since she was with DE for hours and hours driving and shopping. The last message between Nicole and DE was at 12:39 AM, so it's probably when he picked her up. I figure Walmart video shows them at Wytheville. VT security cameras might pick up their car near the pond, too. There's the possibility they had to buy gas somewhere that night, so that might show up, in some form. It will be interesting to see the timeline and what NK will claim as an alibi during the actual murder.
The school really seems to have found a way to convince students to keep quiet about anything and everything. Has there been a single quote, even anonymous, from mutual friends of the pair?

I'm sure eventually there will be roommate quotes, etc but Tech is a close knit school, and they take attacks on their school personally. In the days following the massacre there were signs posted on the highways MEDIA PLEASE GO HOME. Students will defend the honor of Tech against these horribly random acts that keep occurring. I'm proud of the students for not sensationalizing this event as some would love for them to do.

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So it appears now that it was her lawyer and NK asking for bail citing the ridiculous reasons of diet (that we all think is BS now), etc.
who are these lawyers anyway. Swedish fish, mattresses, Disney princess club..: way to bring up the important stuff... Smh

I agree that the lawyer's statements were bizarre, and completely missed the mark. Those are the kind of things you put in an obituary of a child who died tragically. Placed in a plea to get a young woman bail in an accessory to murder charge of a child, they ring extremely odd.

Add to that, it seems even obvious to me, who doesn't know Natalie at all, that the whole disney princess club is a COMPLETE joke and if she did in fact join, she did it to make a point of what a ridiculous concept (and damaging to young girl's concepts of themselves, actually) the princess club idea is.
The school really seems to have found a way to convince students to keep quiet about anything and everything. Has there been a single quote, even anonymous, from mutual friends of the pair?

There was a quote from a guy who lived below DE in the dorm, something to the effect that he himself could have been a victim and that has spooked him. I think the guy was unclear on the concept of what this murder was about, and doubt highly that he was ever considered by DE and NK for murder.
[FONT=CNN, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif]Investigators said they believe Eisenhauer had an inappropriate relationship with Nicole, a law enforcement official said. The girl was planning to expose their relationship, the official said, and investigators think this was the motive for killing her.[/FONT]

[FONT=CNN, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Utkal, sans-serif]Several news sites have used the term sexual. Most state "inappropriate" relationship.

[/FONT]Investigators believe David Eisenhauer, the Virginia Tech student accused of killing 13-year-old Nicole Lovell, had an inappropriate relationship with the middle-school student, a law enforcement official said.
The 13-year-old was planning to expose their relationship, the official said, and investigators believe he stabbed her to prevent that.

On December 13, NK posted a pic of that boy in front of the shower and called him BAE. The girl who says she talked to the RO commented, Your baby looks 25. NK said she was just trying to make "someone" jealous. Then the girl says "But yet you was dating a 20 year old."

NK eplies No I'm not I'm single and the girl responds "Honey I said "WAS"
I agree that the lawyer's statements were bizarre, and completely missed the mark. Those are the kind of things you put in an obituary of a child who died tragically. Placed in a plea to get a young woman bail in an accessory to murder charge of a child, they ring extremely odd.

Add to that, it seems even obvious to me, who doesn't know Natalie at all, that the whole disney princess club is a COMPLETE joke and if she did in fact join, she did it to make a point of what a ridiculous concept (and damaging to young girl's concepts of themselves, actually) the princess club idea is.

Or, she joined the Disney club to mock young girls.
I keep thinking about the throat-cutting as being the way they they both agreed upon. I guess if they researched it, it is fairly fast (2-5 minutes?). But quickness aside, and knowing that they were going to drive an hour and a half away to dump her, did they not think that it would be a hot sticky mess? A wound like that would continue to bleed out for a long time, right? Wouldn't that trunk have all types of stains that would be almost impossible to remove being there for such a long drive?

I keep picturing in my head him giving her a side hug and then leading her towards his car. Nicole must have been so excited and nervous at the same time. All butterflies and trusting. Omg I hope she didn't see it coming. I hope he knocked her out first from behind.
I keep thinking about the throat-cutting as being the way they they both agreed upon. I guess if they researched it, it is fairly fast (2-5 minutes?). But quickness aside, and knowing that they were going to drive an hour and a half away to dump her, did they not think that it would be a hot sticky mess? A wound like that would continue to bleed out for a long time, right? Wouldn't that trunk have all types of stains that would be almost impossible to remove being there for such a long drive?

I keep picturing in my head him giving her a side hug and then leading her towards his car. Nicole must have been so excited and nervous at the same time. All butterflies and trusting. Omg I hope she didn't see it coming. I hope he knocked her out first from behind.

I know they discussed throat cutting, and I agree that would leave behind so much forensic evidence that it would be a stupid thing to do. Although OJ seemed to have gotten away with it. :(

The press conference mentioned "stabbing" which may be closer to what happened.

I agree, she was completely blindsided. I think she thought she could threaten him and that would make him stick close, rather than harm her. I would bet she thought threatening to go public would keep him there.
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