VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #4 *Arrests*

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I just remembered the case of Troy LaFerrara because there are some similarities to this case. He was lured by a young couple, Miranda and Elytte Barbour online (Craigslist ad) to meet them to have sex. They stabbed him to death in their car, then dumped the body. It was a thrill kill.

From Wikipedia:

On November 11, 2013, Miranda allegedly met LaFerrara at the Susquehanna Valley Mall parking lot in Hummels Wharf, Pennsylvania. After settling on payment, Miranda and LaFerrara then drove six miles to Sunbury, a small city located about 100 miles northwest of Philadelphia.[6] Elyette Barbour told police that he hid under a blanket in the backseat waiting.[7] After she allowed Laferrara into her vehicle, Miranda signaled to Elyette, who jumped out and wrapped a cord around Laferrara's neck as Miranda stabbed him 20 times in their Honda CRV.[8] LaFerrara's body was discovered the next day, November 12, 2013, in a residential backyard in Sunbury.

Police said after Miranda and Elyette dumped Laferrara's body, the couple then bought bleach wipes, towels, and cleaning liquid to remove the blood from inside the vehicle and then went to dinner. According to the arrest affidavit, Elyette Barbour said the couple killed Laferrara because they just wanted to murder someone together.[9]

They plead guilty to avoid the DP and both got LWOP. They were 19 and 22 years old at the time of the crime.

Crazy huh?
^^^^^^^^ Eerily similar! Except I don't see DE or NK pleading guilty to Nicole's murder.
Just catching up since I haven't had a chance to read anything today...but as I was out I had a thought...What if NK is some delusional psychotic girl obsessed with DE; what if DE's involvement is all in a plan she alone came up with? It's mentioned by NK's dad that DE took NK to the hospital for appendectomy, but there is no back up or confirmation that D was actually the one who took her, right? Could NK have become obsessed with DE while he tutored her in math? NK wanted a relationship but DE didn't, so comes up with this plan to seek revenge on the boy who didn't like her back. So she sets out to catfishes some 13 yr old girl as DE & then devises the ultimate revenge on DE by setting him up for murder & ruin his life. Kinda like if I can't have him I'll make damn sure no one else can have him either & I'll ruin his life!
I'm sure people saw DE & NK together, since he tutored her, so she says they were planning & plotting.
~ NK has put him at NL's house ✔️; he states he took her back to NK & iirc says he left, but NK states he murdered NL & THEN came back to pick her up to help load up & dispose of NL's body when in fact DE did only pick up & drop off NL at Keepers (puts NL in his car ✔️) & then NK kills NL herself. NK then calls DE to help her get rid of the body stating "you're the one who picked her up DE, you're the picture in the profile of the person she's been talking to online & through kik, you're the one everyone is going to think was messing around & dating a 13 yr old little girl; if you don't help me it's gonna be YOU they come after NOT me so I suggest you get to helping me or else! See none of this would've happened my sweet David if you would've just loved me back the way I love you." Do not wanting to screw around & piss off the crazy chic any further he complies & does exactly what she tells him to do.
Imo there is a reason DE, his attorney & his family are keeping quiet, I don't think he is as involved as NK has everyone believing he is. Call me crazy but there is a reason the very 1st thing she did afterwards was go back & told her roommate. She told her roommate to cover HER a$$; who knows what the story was that she actually told her roommate, it could've been "I just saw DE with this way young chic & I saw him murder her, I am so scared right now, what should I do? " She needed to make herself out to be a victim in this. Her roommate probably told her " Natalie you need to call VT cops & report it!" NK might have said "oh no I can't, would you do it for me?" (She can't be considered a 'snitch' ✔️) All the while knowing damn good & well she isn't the least bit scared, but so proud of herself because her evil plot to do the ultimate revenge is all coming together. She has only admitted to little things (in her mind) compared to DE's alleged involvement ~ the actual murder!
DE has said nothing, except "I believe the truth can set me free"; maybe the truth is he thought he was going to pick up some friend of NK that NK asked him to pick up, he was doing a "friend" a favor, he had no idea at that time by the end of the weekend he'd be considered a monster who murdered a poor helpless little 13 yr old girl. NK's behavior says way more about her than it does DE.

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
^^^^^^^^ Eerily similar! Except I don't see DE or NK pleading guilty to Nicole's murder.

I just found an article that Elytte Barbour now wants to change his plea (said he was pressured into it) and wants a trial after all. Says his wife (Miranda) had "the devil in her". I will post more details in their thread here on WS.

Maybe DE and NK were inspired by couples such as this one.
I just remembered the case of Troy LaFerrara because there are some similarities to this case. He was lured by a young couple, Miranda and Elytte Barbour online (Craigslist ad) to meet them to have sex. They stabbed him to death in their car, then dumped the body. It was a thrill kill.
From Wikipedia:

On November 11, 2013, Miranda allegedly met LaFerrara at the Susquehanna Valley Mall parking lot in Hummels Wharf, Pennsylvania. After settling on payment, Miranda and LaFerrara then drove six miles to Sunbury, a small city located about 100 miles northwest of Philadelphia.[6] Elyette Barbour told police that he hid under a blanket in the backseat waiting.[7] After she allowed Laferrara into her vehicle, Miranda signaled to Elyette, who jumped out and wrapped a cord around Laferrara's neck as Miranda stabbed him 20 times in their Honda CRV.[8] LaFerrara's body was discovered the next day, November 12, 2013, in a residential backyard in Sunbury.

Police said after Miranda and Elyette dumped Laferrara's body, the couple then bought bleach wipes, towels, and cleaning liquid to remove the blood from inside the vehicle and then went to dinner. According to the arrest affidavit, Elyette Barbour said the couple killed Laferrara because they just wanted to murder someone together.[9]

They plead guilty to avoid the DP and both got LWOP. They were 19 and 22 years old at the time of the crime.

Crazy huh?

I remember that case. It was crazy.

Somewhere back in thread #2 I think, someone asked me what I could possibly think of as to why DE had killed Nicole, after I said it didn't have to be sexually motivated, because they couldn't think of any other reason. I never replied because I didn't want to 'go there' for my own sanity - but, this is exactly the stuff that I could think of. I had already typed out that DE could be a sadistic psychopath for all we knew, and some of the things I thought he could have done - but deleted it all.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not claiming that I'm convinced that is what happened. Theories keep being bounced around here that I'm like, hmm, could be. Or nah, no way. But yeah, unfortunately cases like Leopold and Loeb and the Barbours are exactly what I thought might be possible. :(
I set up a thread in the Located Timeline and Media Links forum for this case. It is my first time doing so, so any improvements, feel free to let me know. It includes most of the media links in chronological order, the maps created by WSers, and some of the charging documents. I still need to add headlines and dates to each, but should be easier to find articles.
VA-Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, Media*Links*Maps*Timelines

Well. . . I was going to say I loved irony, but:

Nicole: OMG!

NK: :jawdrop:

DE: :eek:

Yeah I know what you are saying about the [emoji177] of irony. . But I guess sometimes it has bad days too. [emoji17] ..... as I said on the previous post, horoscopes can be perceived from many different avenues... These made me a tad queasy though.

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She only told me about male Pisces, so if you're a female you're good! [emoji16]

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

Okay so I'm good :D
I set up a thread in the Located Timeline and Media Links forum for this case. It is my first time doing so, so any improvements, feel free to let me know. It includes most of the media links in chronological order, the maps created by WSers, and some of the charging documents. I still need to add headlines and dates to each, but should be easier to find articles.
VA-Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, Media*Links*Maps*Timelines
Started by helenann2k, Today 02:00 AM

That's awesome helenann! Thank you!

Only the link doesn't work, here's the correct link:*Links*Maps*Timelines
On her FB, before it was scrubbed, there was a comment from someone several years back that mentioned her having a concussion. I really don't know much about TBI, but my understanding is that it can cause permanent changes to the brain including a predilection for violent behavior. Of course, there are many reasons why people become killers, and many people have concussions without any long-term consequences. I just thought it was really interesting.

Also from a few years back someone posted a comment on her FB wall reading "TBH you're crazy!" .. [emoji15]

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I'm still thinking this was suicide by proxy, at least on NK's part. I'm not sure about DE yet as his lawyer is wisely keeping things quiet. (I don't believe DE's "friend" who is fundraising for bail money is sanctioned by DE or his lawyer.)

I think she ended her life by ending someone else's.

Incredibly sad, all around.

Excuse Me!?! What!?!
I have read this from the beginning. Not every word. I cannot keep up with it all. But I just cannot believe the excuses I am seeing for the two adults. Not kids, Adults.

Frankly I don't care about GPAs, mono, concussions, mental illness and on and on that may or may not have affected these two people before. I know, and know of people who have mental illness and many other issues who would never hurt anyone. And who have had much worse life experiences than these two.

If these two are in fact guilty of these alleged crimes, crimes against a little girl, I consider them EVIL. I believe to do crimes such as these, it is in you to be able to do it regardless of whatever else went on in your life.
You simply do not commit murder unless you are bitter, angry and resentful. Children and teenagers who kill have been living with rage for years.
"I can't believe he did it. He was such a quiet person"...angry adolescents hide their resentments so well that most observers are shocked when they turn to violence.......
They feel deeply cut off socially and emotionally. They usually just don't fit in. And if they appear to others to fit in, inwardly, they do not believe they do. They do not feel loved, nor do they have a sense that they belong!
They may have a preoccupation with
death, or show cruelty to animals.

Other times the alienation is within the family. One child grows up feeling different from his siblings, unwanted, unloved or resentful.

I cannot remember where I read it, but someone close to NK made a statement that they could not believe NK committed this crime, because NK has a younger sister close to the same age as NL. They said NK adores her younger sister and implied NK would have too much empathy to do something like this to NL.

Could NK's connection to her younger sister be more of a love/hate relationship? I wonder if NK did feel alienated and different, perhaps unloved and unwanted.

When NK's father made his statement in court, he mentioned that NK's younger brothers and sisters look up to her as a role model. But then, in the article, it said NK only has one sister, so I wondered why the father made that word plural.

As I read her father's statement, I also had the feeling that these other children may have been from a different marriage. If so, that could have made NK feel alienated in the family circle, too.

Could NK's choice to kill NL have been less about killing herself and more about symbolically killing her younger sister?

Just catching up since I haven't had a chance to read anything today...but as I was out I had a thought...What if NK is some delusional psychotic girl obsessed with DE; what if DE's involvement is all in a plan she alone came up with? It's mentioned by NK's dad that DE took NK to the hospital for appendectomy, but there is no back up or confirmation that D was actually the one who took her, right? Could NK have become obsessed with DE while he tutored her in math? NK wanted a relationship but DE didn't, so comes up with this plan to seek revenge on the boy who didn't like her back. So she sets out to catfishes some 13 yr old girl as DE & then devises the ultimate revenge on DE by setting him up for murder & ruin his life. Kinda like if I can't have him I'll make damn sure no one else can have him either & I'll ruin his life!
I'm sure people saw DE & NK together, since he tutored her, so she says they were planning & plotting.
~ NK has put him at NL's house ✔️; he states he took her back to NK & iirc says he left, but NK states he murdered NL & THEN came back to pick her up to help load up & dispose of NL's body when in fact DE did only pick up & drop off NL at Keepers (puts NL in his car ✔️) & then NK kills NL herself. NK then calls DE to help her get rid of the body stating "you're the one who picked her up DE, you're the picture in the profile of the person she's been talking to online & through kik, you're the one everyone is going to think was messing around & dating a 13 yr old little girl; if you don't help me it's gonna be YOU they come after NOT me so I suggest you get to helping me or else! See none of this would've happened my sweet David if you would've just loved me back the way I love you." Do not wanting to screw around & piss off the crazy chic any further he complies & does exactly what she tells him to do.
Imo there is a reason DE, his attorney & his family are keeping quiet, I don't think he is as involved as NK has everyone believing he is. Call me crazy but there is a reason the very 1st thing she did afterwards was go back & told her roommate. She told her roommate to cover HER a$$; who knows what the story was that she actually told her roommate, it could've been "I just saw DE with this way young chic & I saw him murder her, I am so scared right now, what should I do? " She needed to make herself out to be a victim in this. Her roommate probably told her " Natalie you need to call VT cops & report it!" NK might have said "oh no I can't, would you do it for me?" (She can't be considered a 'snitch' ✔️) All the while knowing damn good & well she isn't the least bit scared, but so proud of herself because her evil plot to do the ultimate revenge is all coming together. She has only admitted to little things (in her mind) compared to DE's alleged involvement ~ the actual murder!
DE has said nothing, except "I believe the truth can set me free"; maybe the truth is he thought he was going to pick up some friend of NK that NK asked him to pick up, he was doing a "friend" a favor, he had no idea at that time by the end of the weekend he'd be considered a monster who murdered a poor helpless little 13 yr old girl. NK's behavior says way more about her than it does DE.
The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.

If NK borrowed DE's cell phone and car, it's possible that she stole his identity to catfish NL, and DE had little to do with the crime. But the fact that the body was dumped near DE's parents' vacation home makes me think that he is involved. Unless, NK discovered that information in conversations and dumped the body there to frame DE.

Perhaps that is why the body did not roll down the hill and into the heavily wooded area. Perhaps NK wanted the body found, to frame DE. Perhaps NK dumped NL's body all by herself. Perhaps that is why she sent the text that said POLICE. Maybe NK wanted to frame DE and destroy him, along with herself.

Either both NK and DE are masterminds together OR one of them is the mastermind AND a manipulator of the other, who is a foolish person.

With the information we have at the moment, I can imagine all three scenarios being true. One minute I see NK as the mastermind and the next minute it feels as though it is DE.

Perhaps it is both of them together.
The snow storm hit Virginia the Friday and Saturday morning before they abducted her. That Wednesday there was plenty of snow still covering the ground.

Just got to this point in the thread. I'm north east of VT and Blacksburg isn't on our weather news. I can say that most schools were closed the entire week. While the main corridors were clean and dry, many back roads took time to clear and warmer weather during the day did create black ice. If VT was closed for the week, it gave them ample time to commit the murder (yes, THEY did it).
It's nice that the track team is acknowledging Nicole. I wonder why the coach was shut down from answering how he was keeping things routine for the team? Interesting comment there too!


I think it caused my eyes to roll outta' my head.
If NK borrowed DE's cell phone and car, it's possible that she stole his identity to catfish NL, and DE had little to do with the crime. But the fact that the body was dumped near DE's parents' vacation home makes me think that he is involved. Unless, NK discovered that information in conversations and dumped the body there to frame DE.

Perhaps that is why the body did not roll down the hill and into the heavily wooded area. Perhaps NK wanted the body found, to frame DE. Perhaps NK dumped NL's body all by herself. Perhaps that is why she sent the text that said POLICE. Maybe NK wanted to frame DE and destroy him, along with herself.

Either both NK and DE are masterminds together OR one of them is the mastermind AND a manipulator of the other, who is a foolish person.

With the information we have at the moment, I can imagine all three scenarios being true. One minute I see NK as the mastermind and the next minute it feels as though it is DE.

Perhaps it is both of them together.

Snipped by me for space: I don't think NK stole DE's car, I think that he was involved before & after, but in the beginning unknowingly. I believe NK called DE after the murder to help load up & dispose of NL's body; and at that point DE just drove & if that area is owned by relatives of his, he may have just drove there because it was the only place he knew of or could think of that was near by & at the same time out of the way.
Imo NK wants to tie herself to DE for eternity, which by running her mouth, unlike DE is, she's doing a very good job. Imo I think DE is guilty, but not the actual murder, I think he is the one who should be charged with accessory before & after, I mean in MY theory he did help by picking NL up, unknowingly what was about to happen mind you, & with the disposal & he didn't report it to LE, I'm sure hind sight is 20/20 for him now. If he would've just reported what the crazy chic did as soon as he was away from her, this could've all played out a lot different.
I will admit I am usually very skeptical & 1st one to get my hinky meter going, so for me to get this vibe is the total opposite of my norm. Believe me it even shocks me! [emoji15][emoji12]

The thoughts & opinions stated above are that, MY random thoughts & opinions.
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