VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #5 *Arrests*

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As much driving as they did that night, I'd guess there was a gas fill up. Possibly a meal, though DE likely had blood on him unless he changed clothes. Perhaps a restroom stop. There's a big rest area on I77 right over the NC border. I'd expect security cameras there since it's a big visitor center.

Yes, all those security cameras.

The ones at the Walmart they went to with the body in the trunk to buy cleaning supplies should be an interesting one. Where/how did they clean up before they went in there? If they had a change of clothes, maybe they dumped the bloody ones at Walmart.
As much driving as they did that night, I'd guess there was a gas fill up. Possibly a meal, though DE likely had blood on him unless he changed clothes. Perhaps a restroom stop. There's a big rest area on I77 right over the NC border. I'd expect security cameras there since it's a big visitor center.

I am thinking that they both had to of changed clothing as blood and cleaning the car would be very messy...........:puke:
Yes, all those security cameras.

The ones at the Walmart they went to with the body in the trunk to buy cleaning supplies should be an interesting one. Where/how did they clean up before they went in there? If they had a change of clothes, maybe they dumped the bloody ones at Walmart.

Exactly! There is a ton of evidence, starting with DE admitting he was there when Nicole crawled out of her window to finding the blanket in NK's dorm room. There has to be video of them at various places plus evidence in that car. And electronic footprints.
I understand that that both males and females want and need love, but at age l3, looking for that kind of male attention seems totally inappropriate to me. And, she was not just looking, she appeared to be desperate for this kind of attention. I am absolutely not blaming her; I just don't get it, this unusual level of searching for a boyfriend at the tender age of l3. And sneaking out her window, didn't it get very cold in that apartment that night with the window open. I remember being an older teenager, and opening the window a crack in my bedroom, so a girlfriend and I could smoke a cigarette, my father was on us instantly, feeling the cold air. I just wish someone had noticed something. I guess that is why they say hindsight is 20/20. Thanks. Katt
Exactly! There is a ton of evidence, starting with DE admitting he was there when Nicole crawled out of her window to finding the blanket in NK's dorm room. There has to be video of them at various places plus evidence in that car. And electronic footprints.

They left a long trail and LE & FBI are following it.
I understand that that both males and females want and need love, but at age l3, looking for that kind of male attention seems totally inappropriate to me. And, she was not just looking, she appeared to be desperate for this kind of attention. I am absolutely not blaming her; I just don't get it, this unusual level of searching for a boyfriend at the tender age of l3. And sneaking out her window, didn't it get very cold in that apartment that night with the window open. I remember being an older teenager, and opening the window a crack in my bedroom, so a girlfriend and I could smoke a cigarette, my father was on us instantly, feeling the cold air. I just wish someone had noticed something. I guess that is why they say hindsight is 20/20. Thanks. Katt

The 13 of today is not the same as the 13 of the 70s. Children are sexualized at a very young age (thank you media, internet, etc).
I agree there will be a plea deal. Unfortunately that has become the norm in too many cases lately.

It is a bit mystifying as to why NK has talked so much. At this point, she appears the one who will get a plea deal. However, I feel DE's attorney has a smoking gun to release which may fill in details to NK's story that will prove she was much more involved. Maybe even being a co-murderer. Or was she actually the murderer? Keeping the minions blanket has a significant reason to her.
The girl's father, David Lovell, expressed similar concerns in an interview scheduled to air on Wednesday's episode of "Dr. Phil."

"Nicole had been talking to older guys," the devastated father said in a pre-released clip of the interview. "I took her phone from her."

He also had not seen her since Dec. 19. I thought dad had also said that he didn't know how she got it back. I feel like this statement throws the mom under the "questionable parent" bus because Nicole had her phone again. Mom had to be the one to give it to her. On so many levels, it feels wrong to be saying this to a national audience. If her mom gave her the phone back, why make her look irresponsible and not say the whole story of what happened with the phone. The dad has to know what happened between mom and Nicole about the phone. I am not liking the interview. Can you tell?

I could have sworn I read somewhere that NL's mother stated that NL's father left her shortly after she became pregnant with NL or shortly after NL was born. I also thought I read that NL's mother said that NL's father hadn't had contact with NL until very recently.
The 13 of today is not the same as the 13 of the 70s. Children are sexualized at a very young age (thank you media, internet, etc).

Some are. However katsrfun raises an interesting point. NL did appear to be over the top as far as attention/love seeking. Is there anyone here who is well-versed in childhood development i.e. psychologist who could give some insight into NL's psyche? Did her years of illness contribute to the actions? Just wondering.
Some are. However katsrfun raises an interesting point. NL did appear to be over the top as far as attention/love seeking. Is there anyone here who is well-versed in childhood development i.e. psychologist who could give some insight into NL's psyche? Did her years of illness contribute to the actions? Just wondering.

I'm purely guessing but one would think it was due to the absence of a father figure. My 13 year old usually has a boyfriend but it really means next to nothing. It's just some boy that is supposedly her boyfriend that she will toss aside over the tiniest little thing ("he got on my nerves"). She has no interest in chasing them at all. It just seems to be the school thing. You have to have a boyfriend so they choose the one that least annoys them but have very little to do with them other than giving them the title of boyfriend. We can pass hers in a store and they might grin and wave but don't even speak. It's rather amusing. Best I can tell, it's the same with her friends and their supposed boyfriends.
I'm purely guessing but one would think it was due to the absence of a father figure. My 13 year old usually has a boyfriend but it really means next to nothing. It's just some boy that is supposedly her boyfriend that she will toss aside over the tiniest little thing ("he got on my nerves"). She has no interest in chasing them at all. It just seems to be the school thing. You have to have a boyfriend so they choose the one that least annoys them but have very little to do with them other than giving them the title of boyfriend. We can pass hers in a store and they might grin and wave but don't even speak. It's rather amusing. Best I can tell, it's the same with her friends and their supposed boyfriends.

I'll add there is one classmate that has slept with multiple boys. Her guardian even allows them to spend the night. There are a couple who have sent nude photos to boys. So, they're not all shy little things.
I was a 13 year old girl somewhat recently (I'm 25) and yeah, it's wacky out there. Girls my age were already having sex when I was in middle school, and if they weren't having it, they were talking about it/acting like they knew more about it than they did. NL's attention/affection seeking doesn't seem terribly outside of the norm, unfortunately. I think SM has made it seem like this is a sudden development in terms of what's considered normal for the teenage years, but I think it's just become more public. What was once shared only in locked diaries or whispered at slumber parties is now all over the internet for all to see.
I'll add there is one classmate that has slept with multiple boys. Her guardian even allows them to spend the night. There are a couple who have sent nude photos to boys. So, they're not all shy little things.

Eeeeeeek...allows them to spend the night!
I was a 13 year old girl somewhat recently (I'm 25) and yeah, it's wacky out there. Girls my age were already having sex when I was in middle school, and if they weren't having it, they were talking about it/acting like they knew more about it than they did. NL's attention/affection seeking doesn't seem terribly outside of the norm, unfortunately. I think SM has made it seem like this is a sudden development in terms of what's considered normal for the teenage years, but I think it's just become more public. What was once shared only in locked diaries or whispered at slumber parties is now all over the internet for all to see.

I should add that mine certainly does know more that I ever did at that age.
Some are. However katsrfun raises an interesting point. NL did appear to be over the top as far as attention/love seeking. Is there anyone here who is well-versed in childhood development i.e. psychologist who could give some insight into NL's psyche? Did her years of illness contribute to the actions? Just wondering.

I am not a professional, but something has crossed my mind. Aside from the obvious that she was looking for validation and love (in all the wrong places)...could it also be that she has come so close to death several times in her life that she wanted desperately to have a boyfriend and do all those things and felt she may not ever be able to, So in her immature way tried to progress it along, not wanting to miss out on those things...using the method that so many use now, sm.

Just something that ran through my mind.
Could Nichole be a year behind in school for her age? All her illness had to have an impact on her development. IIRC her mother stated she was in a coma for six months due to a respiratory problem and she had contracted MRSA during that time.
I believe around the age of 4?

With all these setbacks at 4, was she strong enough to start kindergarten on time? It seems doubtful to me. If she was a year behind her friends, that is another reason she was acting older, IMO, trying to keep on the same wave length she saw/thought her Instagram friends were.
I understand that that both males and females want and need love, but at age l3, looking for that kind of male attention seems totally inappropriate to me. And, she was not just looking, she appeared to be desperate for this kind of attention. I am absolutely not blaming her; I just don't get it, this unusual level of searching for a boyfriend at the tender age of l3. And sneaking out her window, didn't it get very cold in that apartment that night with the window open. I remember being an older teenager, and opening the window a crack in my bedroom, so a girlfriend and I could smoke a cigarette, my father was on us instantly, feeling the cold air. I just wish someone had noticed something. I guess that is why they say hindsight is 20/20. Thanks. Katt

This is not uncommon amongst young girls whose parents are divorced, dad has moved on and has remarried or in another relationship. She was desperate for loving male attention, hence looking for it in all the wrong places. IMO
I understand that that both males and females want and need love, but at age l3, looking for that kind of male attention seems totally inappropriate to me. And, she was not just looking, she appeared to be desperate for this kind of attention. I am absolutely not blaming her; I just don't get it, this unusual level of searching for a boyfriend at the tender age of l3. And sneaking out her window, didn't it get very cold in that apartment that night with the window open. I remember being an older teenager, and opening the window a crack in my bedroom, so a girlfriend and I could smoke a cigarette, my father was on us instantly, feeling the cold air. I just wish someone had noticed something. I guess that is why they say hindsight is 20/20. Thanks. Katt

I'm raising teens girls right now and this is what I have observed - there is a huge range in level of maturity and yes some 13 year olds are sadly typical of what we've read of Nicole's online presence. My 15 year old still sleeps with her stuffies and posts pictures of cats and food on her facebook/instagram, yet one of her 14 year old friends is often online "dating" and engaging boys in relationships. After she visited last time, I noticed my DD had downloaded Kik and another unsavory app. A few days later she deleted the apps, thank goodness - I sleuth thru their devices once or twice a week... My other DD had a good friend that started doing drugs and sleeping around at 13.
kmclaren keep on sleuthing the sm! I never regretted 'snooping' on my kids .......saved them from the wrong crowd, yes they hated me...........doing the same with their kids now......
The second Instagram isn't opening for me. Is that address correct? The last one doesn't look like her to me, but the pics are rather tiny.

Oops! I missed an underscore in the second one... I'll go back and correct it. That particular account is private now, but I don't think it was earlier. I could definitely be wrong about that though.


ETA: The time limit for editing a post has exceeded on the OP, but since the erroneous username doesn't exist and the correct username is private anyway... no harm, no foul, I guess. Sorry for the error, guys!
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