I don't understand why people are unwilling to call the police in situations like this, the girl didn't think of him as dangerous, he was her b/f, but the parents knew he wasn't right, that he had very ugly nazi leanings, advocated violence, was virulently anti-semitic especially once the mom found his twitter account. The neighbors didn't call the cops when he moved a 40 ft swastika in their community lawn, but went to the parents even though they all knew he was troubled kid. I know the mother was raised there in that development, but really, you know he's troubled, he's now going public with hateful views and the parents ways not working in stopping the kid - so out of consideration of parents you don't go to police? HuffPost has article on the hateful rantings in pseudo account, ranting on about Syria, Trump. Apparently the mom was on-line defender of Confederate statues remaining in place.