I understand, I ran off with someone who was polar opposite to how I was brought up, but, for all the bad points that I can come up with, on my ex, the man loved his kids, he just wasn't very good at parenting. Grandpa could have mentioned to them that they should get rid of the firearms , at least until he was out of the home, but he could only suggest. These folks will have to live with this for the rest of their lives, because, at the root of it all, their child, had the firearm and it seems to have come from their home. He's not only killed two people, but they will likely lose him whether he lives or dies. No mother, who loves their child, wants to lose their child, nor have them imprisoned for the rest of their life. I'd likely not be able to function right now, and my parents, oh my, it would be crushing for the whole family. My father is a vet, my uncles, some cousins, and several friends, so the Nazi thing confuses me too.