Verdict: GUILTY for both Millard and Smich of 1st degree murder #3

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Thanks Ann. It makes me cringe to think of DM interrogating witnesses, given his history of control, manipulation and intimidation. Also would like to see justice served as quickly as possible.

No kidding. Not to mention how horrifying and re-traumatizing that would be for LB's family to watch DM perform..
It would sure have been interesting though! :crazy:

Yes...we haven't heard him speak firsthand and it would really illustrate his character...though I expect that we will hear from him at the CN trial? Will he run with CN's sex act story?
Yes...we haven't heard him speak firsthand and it would really illustrate his character...though I expect that we will hear from him at the CN trial? Will he run with CN's sex act story?
Why wouldn't he run with it? No reason to be shy. He likes attention..
Did Noudga write Millard letters or have messages sent to him via Burns, lawyer or anyone else? Do we know the message contents if she did?
Did Noudga write Millard letters or have messages sent to him via Burns, lawyer or anyone else? Do we know the message contents if she did?

Pretty sure she said on the stand that she did. None have been found, I don't think.
Pretty sure she said on the stand that she did. None have been found, I don't think.

Yes, as far as we the public know from the Bosma trial, the letters *to* CN were recovered in her bedroom but the letters *from* CN to DM were said to have been destroyed. I'm sure we'll hear more about that soon enough in her trial, since it seems there is so much we still don't know due to publication bans.
I'm thinking her story about the travelling time in the truck to the farm was planned out in a letter to DM. JMO
I feel bad saying that I can't wait for this trial to get started because although I want to see justice prevail once again, it is at such a loss to the Bosma family.
I have read the document, and cannot believe the points MS tried to bring up! Totally grasping at straws.... complaining about all the little inconveniences he and his mom "endured" at the hands of the police..... what about Tim Bosma? He was majorly inconvenienced by being murdered by these !!!!!
I disagree. While you might think MS is a his family did nothing. He was under surveillance so police knew he was not at Montrose Abby. So it's acceptable to treat a 60+ yr old woman battling cancer like that? They broke down her door, (instead of coming to it with a warrant), put her on the floor at gun point. Kicked her table over and broke it in the living room. To name a few. Are we even sure her first language is English? Because Smich is not her last name. I'd be pissed if it was my mother. And she does have other children. JMO
I disagree. While you might think MS is a his family did nothing. He was under surveillance so police knew he was not at Montrose Abby. So it's acceptable to treat a 60+ yr old woman battling cancer like that? They broke down her door, (instead of coming to it with a warrant), put her on the floor at gun point. Kicked her table over and broke it in the living room. To name a few. Are we even sure her first language is English? Because Smich is not her last name. I'd be pissed if it was my mother. And she does have other children. JMO
Hmm.. a few things I disagree with here -

- They obviously did have a warrant, or else they wouldn't have come to search the house. They couldn't have broke down the door without a warrant.
-Just because she has Cancer doesn't mean anything. For all they knew, Tim was missing and a person living at this house was connected the a missing person. In these cases, (as we saw) many of the suspects are armed, so they have to take every precaution.
- You mentioned MS was under surveillance, so they should have known he wasn't there. But he was also under surveillance at the time he "buried" the gun, so obviously they weren't able to track him 24/7 and they may not have been 100% sure where he was at the time.
-Finally, yes she does have other children. And herself and these other children made a decision to allow a drug dealer and thief to live in their house. You think she had no idea that her son dealt drugs? He had no job, and no way to support himself. She could have made a decision to kick him out of the house due to his illegal activities and non of this would have been an issue for her.

Generally I am not one to support the police in these sort of things, and I can say I have had some bad run in myself with the Halton Police. But lets be real here, if it was your husband who was missing would you have any issues with the police searching the home they lived in?
Hmm.. a few things I disagree with here -

- They obviously did have a warrant, or else they wouldn't have come to search the house. They couldn't have broke down the door without a warrant.
-Just because she has Cancer doesn't mean anything. For all they knew, Tim was missing and a person living at this house was connected the a missing person. In these cases, (as we saw) many of the suspects are armed, so they have to take every precaution.
- You mentioned MS was under surveillance, so they should have known he wasn't there. But he was also under surveillance at the time he "buried" the gun, so obviously they weren't able to track him 24/7 and they may not have been 100% sure where he was at the time.
-Finally, yes she does have other children. And herself and these other children made a decision to allow a drug dealer and thief to live in their house. You think she had no idea that her son dealt drugs? He had no job, and no way to support himself. She could have made a decision to kick him out of the house due to his illegal activities and non of this would have been an issue for her.

Generally I am not one to support the police in these sort of things, and I can say I have had some bad run in myself with the Halton Police. But lets be real here, if it was your husband who was missing would you have any issues with the police searching the home they lived in?

The warrant was issued May 22 and was for the weapon. Tim's remains were found well before that and he was declared dead May 14. So I'm sorry I still don't see the justification here.
I disagree. While you might think MS is a his family did nothing. He was under surveillance so police knew he was not at Montrose Abby. So it's acceptable to treat a 60+ yr old woman battling cancer like that? They broke down her door, (instead of coming to it with a warrant), put her on the floor at gun point. Kicked her table over and broke it in the living room. To name a few. Are we even sure her first language is English? Because Smich is not her last name. I'd be pissed if it was my mother. And she does have other children. JMO

While I agree with you, MS was throwing everything but the kitchen sink into his rights violation filing. Yeah, his mom's rights were likely violated, or at least it wasn't nice. I don't think the entry or search was abnormal in any way and she was an innocent bystander caught in the middle. But, that's not going to convince me the evidence from that search should be inadmissible. Good on him for trying, though. Motions like that can make or break a case.
Th facts of what was said:

[53] The police executed the search warrant on May 22, 2013. The police Emergency Response Unit entered first using a battering ram on the front door and employing a distraction device as they entered. According to the evidence, Officer King was positioned in the backyard. He saw the applicant’s mother, whom he described as “older”, in the backyard. He “hollered” for her to come to him, but she “ignored” him and went inside. The police entered the house to find the applicant’s mother coming in from the patio holding gloves and scissors. Officer Ing ordered her to put the items down and to get on the ground. The applicant’s mother was hysterical and not following the instruction. Officer Ing kicked a wooden coffee table out of the way and broke one of its legs against the fireplace. He told the applicant’s mother to sit on the couch, which she did.

[54] Following the entry, the applicant says that his mother told police that they had acted “like animals” in her home. She said if they had just come and showed her the warrant, they could have come in any time. She noted that the garage door had been open. Police were shouting and that they were “shooting” in her home. She said that she was “threatened”, and that she and her dogs were scared.
While I agree with you, MS was throwing everything but the kitchen sink into his rights violation filing. Yeah, his mom's rights were likely violated, or at least it wasn't nice. I don't think the entry or search was abnormal in any way and she was an innocent bystander caught in the middle. But, that's not going to convince me the evidence from that search should be inadmissible. Good on him for trying, though. Motions like that can make or break a case.
Oh I agree the evidence from the search should absolutely be admissible
The warrant was issued May 22 and was for the weapon. Tim's remains were found well before that and he was declared dead May 14. So I'm sorry I still don't see the justification here.

There's a murderer out on the street with a weapon and we should all be unconcerned?
There's a murderer out on the street with a weapon and we should all be unconcerned?
Again the search warrant was for the weapon. Not the murderer. Police were aware where MS was. He was arrested the same day.
Again the search warrant was for the weapon. Not the murderer. Police were aware where MS was. He was arrested the same day.
Had his mother complied when requested the police may not have acted in that manner in her home. She also obviously knew what her son did for a "living" and by allowing he and his gf to live in her home implies that she was okay with it. She has to know dealing in drugs is dangerous business...where the police will come knocking at some point. If i were the police knowing the association to MWJ, not really knowing what they were walking in many people in the home, if there were additonal weapons, etc., I would use force too. Sad his Mom was inconvenienced but I am not terribly sympathetic to a family who allows their family member to deal from their home. JMHO
Interesting little tidbit

In Canada, prosecutors are using suspects' own rap lyrics to win convictions
Skeete's case is one of a growing number in Canada in which rap lyrics are used to win cases. David Tanovich, a University of Windsor law professor, turned up 16 cases of rap music used as evidence of guilt and five where it was used as a defense. Tanovich, who reported his findings in an academic paper, said he found only one case involving music lyrics from a genre other than rap.

Courts in the U.S. have been cautious about allowing rap lyrics as evidence. In one New Jersey case, an appellate division of the state court overturned the attempted murder conviction of Vonte Skinner after concluding that the admission of his violent rap lyrics had unfairly tipped the scales against him. The state's Supreme Court affirmed that decision.

In Canada, though, the admissibility of rap lyrics continues to be a point of contention.
Had his mother complied when requested the police may not have acted in that manner in her home. She also obviously knew what her son did for a "living" and by allowing he and his gf to live in her home implies that she was okay with it. She has to know dealing in drugs is dangerous business...where the police will come knocking at some point. If i were the police knowing the association to MWJ, not really knowing what they were walking in many people in the home, if there were additonal weapons, etc., I would use force too. Sad his Mom was inconvenienced but I am not terribly sympathetic to a family who allows their family member to deal from their home. JMHO

MS laughs a the law, which is evidenced by his lifestyle, but when he breaks the law, he expects his "rights". Can't have it both ways !!!!

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