VERDICT is IN!! #1

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I only have one question-where was Nurmi today? If this has been answered I must have missed it! Anyone?
Her nightly tweet will be what?

JA will have to find some other sap to tweet for her.
As a now CONVICTED MURDERER - Donovan cannot talk or associate with JA b/c of Donovans probation.
That's the way I understand it anyway.
Correct me if I'm wrong ....

(likely other sick people who JA can con into doing her bidding though)
I totally understand Premeditation. Cany you help me understand Felony Murder?

Isnt the sheer fact she killed someone for no good reason a Felony Murder. If I walked up to a stranger and we had an exchange of WORDS, and then I shot + killed them, wouldnt that be a Felony Murder?

I realize that murder during commission of a robbery would probably be felony murder, but isnt just plain old murder for no good reason considered a felony murder too?

I get so confused with this felony murder stuff.

Felony murder doesn't mean "a murder that's a felony"--all murders are felonies, as you pointed out.

It means that a death occurred in connection with the commission of some (other) felony. Normally, it is used to convict someone of murder when they absolutely DID NOT intend to kill the other person, but "accidentally" caused a death in the process of committing some other felony (like hitting a pedestrian while fleeing from a bank robbery).
For anyone who saw my earlier post re: thinking the statute of limitations would have expired for a wrongful death suit, I'm happy to report I was wrong. :) Just looked it up:

12-511. Civil action arising from criminal conduct; definitions

A. Notwithstanding sections 12-505 and 12-542, if a defendant is charged by a criminal complaint or indictment the statute of limitations for any civil cause of action that is brought by a victim against the defendant for criminal conduct against the victim is extended for one year from the final disposition of the criminal proceedings, regardless of whether the defendant is convicted of criminal conduct against the victim.

Wheew. Dodged a bullet there.
God Bless our dedicated jurors. I wish I could hug them. I'm sorry we ever had any doubt in them.
I lift them in grateful prayer along with Juan Det Flores, and the rest of the hard working peeps that worked on this case. Also, the brave witnesses for Travis.
the camera stayed on JA, and you could barely see JW. didn't see KN but he was there. didn't see JM either. very weird choice to shoot it that way. i didn't care one thing about seeing HER. i wanted to see TA's family!!!!

KPHO replayed the verdict from 4 different camera angles in its entirety for about 45 minutes after verdict was read. That is the stream I watched the trial on. Maybe someone will post the different camera angles on YouTube. It was great seeing all the angles, even the judge and judge asst who read the verdict. Just a FYI for the upcoming announcements for ya!!! :drumroll:
Also for Nurmi...let's talk about THIS for a little while:seeya:

A famous saying by one of Jodi's lawyers--Now lets back up a little bit-Guilty-now lets back up a little bit-Guilty--now lets back up a little bit-Guilty -Ok

Anyone find it odd that Nurmi was not filmed during any of the proceedings today? I wish they would have shown his face.
I can now send my gifts to the family as VICTORY gifts!! I watched the entire trial and knitted little things for the family while I prayed. I am so happy we got justice for Travis--now the only thing we will hear in the courtroom is the TRUTH about Travis. Travis was a wonderful, loving, normal, sweet and charismatic young man who had the misfortune of coming across Convicted Murderer Jodi Arias.

No more "Jodi Show"--it's all about the truth. TRAVIS DID NOT DESERVE JODI.
Nancy reports heated conversations between Arias and her lawyers! Take it or leave it.
It doesn't make sense to me, AZlawyer, what could the Alexander family gain from a civil wrongful death case? What $$$, what she has from the sale of her fake art, that's about it, right? Now that she's convicted would that money be taken from her anyway? Just seems like plenty of cost with little to no return. Your thoughts?

From AZlawyer: For anyone who saw my earlier post re: thinking the statute of limitations would have expired for a wrongful death suit, I'm happy to report I was wrong. Just looked it up:
Her lack of reaction was extremely creepy!!! She couldn't even squeeze out a real tear after being found guilty

I watched on my huge HD TV and there were some tears going down the right side of her face along with her chin and lower lip seriously quivering. she was holding it in for sure.

first time she showed real emotion in this form.......
The evil one looked at Wilmot like she was waiting for an objection to the verdict.hahahaha.
God bless Juan Martinez and Esteban Flores. What Teddy Roosevelt said 103 years ago applies to them today:

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
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