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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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I'm kinda thinking JA did the interview to piss off her attorney's

Well...there's that too. :floorlaugh:I think I'm overthinking things (like a chess game)
Either way...none of them are sleeping well tonight....
The support Jodie arias is innocent! Website! Packed up and left town.

im not sure why this keeps being posted, but the website is alive and is active with tons of people participating on it right now.....
im not following that site, but since I keep seeing that it is shut down, I checked it is up and running...

Actually, my money is on Gus Searcy to be the witness...also, did Jodi learn malingering from Grandma? Hi everyone, my first post, although I've been a long-time lurker!
They just showed Vinnie and Gus on "After Dark" I've changed the channel to Piers Morgan now and I hope they're done with that it's in commercial now.

Out of all the witness' to take the stand Gus creeps me out far more than even Alyce.

You and me both...(Gus -vs- Alyce). Got to hit the sack so I can be really sharp for tomorrow 11:00 A.M. Central.....
She's mocked the travis family and laughed during autopsy pics. Her and her sis giggled and acted horrible.

And never a word of sympathy or sorrow or anything toward the Alexander's. but the Alexander's have expressed sympathy for Jodi's family. Who laughed at autopsy photos? Giggled with her twin? Peddled forged letters making the victim a pedophile? Demanded Nurmi stay on as Jodi's lawyer because he "has the rest of his life" to start a private practice? I guess I haven't seen behavior that would compel me to sympathize with them. I don't hate them or wish them ill. I just really feel nothing for them.

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I hope Deanna Reid realizes just how important her testimony was. Sure Lisa Andrews, Mimi Hall etc testified on behalf of Travis but it was Deanna that really helped the jury understand what kind of a man Travis really was. I'm eternally grateful for her fierce loyalty.


A lot of people (myself included I'm ashamed to say) thought none of these Mormon chicks were going to come forward and be honest about the sexual relationships with TA.
Wasn't that great to hear! Not a single juror thought it was felony murder by itself. They all agreed it was PREMEDITATED.
Yes and thank you very much Mr. Prosecutor that explained that so well.....

Exactly, thank you Juan Martinez for so succinctly explaining all the elements of premeditation...every way JA tried to hide the fact she was PLANNING on going to murder Travis.

:clap: :clap: :clap:
Didn't they say they would do that with CA trial? What ever happened with that?
I know her psych evaluation and depositions from two psychiatrists that evaluated her before she went on trial were released in January 2012. I'm sure there have been other documents too, but I really needed distance after that verdict.
I love each and everyone of you. Thanks for getting me through this. After so many vpspoidnfnjhfuoehfuohwu, cases I was scared. Must say, don't screw with AZ. , they have intelligent people.

Many people in Grandma's age group can't stand for long periods of time. For something like this, it's best to have her seated in a wheelchair from the start, so the proceedings run without interruptions while they find her a wheelchair.

I think picking on Grandma is just picking on Grandma. Killer Arias has plenty of attributes to pick on without picking on Grandma. I'm sure Grandma is just reeling from this whole tragedy.

Jodi's GrandMother being in a wheelchair or not isn't relevant, IMO. I've known several seniors who've needed assistance one minute, but not another. Grandma didn't slaughter anyone.
Jodi said after the verdict, she went blank. Is that the same as being in a fog?

Apparently not, since she still remembered she was convicted of 1st degree murder. :lol:
Oh, gawd.....How about the futures of ALV, Dick, and the other ALV sidekick that sided with JA? What might their futures hold? Same with Nurmi...Bwahhh!

Forgive me please if this has already been posted..I am still trying to catch up! :seeya:

@maryellenabc15 2m
#jodiarias attys email #travisalexander friend Daniel Freeman to testify in DP phase -but Freeman says they must not know he wants DP 4 Jodi

Dan Freeman did say that? How ironic!
No mercy for the murderess! In her post conviction interview, she's still sticking to her abuse and pedophile lies. I loathe her...
Here is what "judge" Seidlein wrote:

--I believe that the prosecution was swept away with all the media attention and overcharged Anthony with first-degree murder instead of manslaughter.

And, why is this man on my tv screen???
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