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DNA Solves
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She's showing her psychopathy in all of its splendor. Imagine how full the DT's hands had to be trying to manage her and this case.

Martinez and Flores fully invested themselves in this case...while they undoubtedly have seen a lot in their combined years, it would not surprise me at all to hear them say that she is the most depraved of all murderers they have tried.

FWIW, she is indigent and does not have the funds to pay for an appeal of life or LWOP. If she got the DP, there are automatic appeals with the state picking up the tab. IMO She is delusional enough to believe that an appeal would have a different outcome.
If she gets LWOP, then I think she gets one automatic appeal (typically within two years of conviction) on the State's dime and after that she's on her own.
Notice how she doesn't trash the jury.. she actually says she 'prays' for them. They just basically said they don't believe a word that came out of her mouth and just convicted her of premeditated murder 1, and she doesn't take a 'stab at them'? She's still trying to manipulate the juror's in deciding DP or not. She doesn't want the DP - LOL!

She is the freak of all freaks - scary.

Was this a way of getting her to testify in the penalty phase without her taking the stand? Anyone know?
JodiAnnArias is such a barrel of lies, she says in the interview she didn't ever expect a premeditated murder conviction yet she contacts him this past Sunday because she promised him an interview if she got M1?

She knew she was getting M1, she probably just didn't realize at the time of all her planning that what she was doing was premeditating a murder, some Einstein.
I was disappointed with the verdict coverage. Darn it, I wanted a split screen. I wanted to see the reactions from JM and Det Flores. I heard Det Flores' wife and family were in the courtroom as well. I really wanted to see what they looked like.
Average # of years on Death Row:
California 17.5 years
Arizona 12 years

California Executions Since 1978
Time on Death Row (and their age)
Robert Alton Harris 13 years, 1 month 38
David Edwin Mason 9 years, 7 months 36
William George Bonin 13 years, 1 month 49
Keith Daniel Williams 17 years 49
Thomas M. Thompson 14 years, 1 month 43
Kelvin Malone 15 years, 6 months 38
Jaturun Siripongs 15 years, 9 months 47
Manuel Babbitt 16 years, 10 months 50
Darrell Keith Rich 19 years, 1 month 44
Robert Lee Massie 21 years, 10 months 60
Stephen Wayne Anderson 20 years, 6 months 49
Donald Beardslee 20 years, 10 months 52
Stanley Williams 24 years, 8 months 51
Clarence Ray Allen 23 years, 1 month 76

Average Time Served on Death Row: 210.7 months (17.5 years)
Average Age at Time of Execution: 49 years old

As of January 17, 2006:
13 Executed in California
1 Executed in Missouri – Kelvin Malone

AZ Death Row Facts
From the time an inmate is sentenced to death to the time the inmate is executed, what is the average length of time that an Arizona inmate remains on Death Row?

Since 1937, the average Arizona Death Row inmate has spent 12 years on death row.

Looks like the time spent is going up over the years...I"'m sure due to defense lawyers asking for more and more appeals, and all the anti-death penalty folks.
Kind of weird but now that there's been a verdict, hearing news about it seems kind of surreal like I'm hearing a movie or something.
what i'd like to know is how she could say 'before the case', she thought he was a capable attorney or whatever she called him.

she didn't even know who he WAS.

but she sure does NOW!!!!!


Oh yeah, she USED to respect him! Not anymore! Cuz he's a lying hypocrite! No more respect from Jodi!

I'm sure he's just all upset about that. Probably crying his eyes out right now.
HEY GUYS/GALS...on CNN they're showing video of the police stopping kidnapper Castro in 2008 BECAUSE HIS LICENSE PLATE WAS TURNED SIDEWAYS. The reporter said the police stopped him b/c that's AN OLD TRICK WHEN THE DRIVER HAS SOMETHING TO HIDE. In that case, I guess it was actually a stolen bike or something. Sound familiar to anyone??

He had removed plates from a previous bike and put them on one they weren't registered to.
I just think it's hilarious that she informed us she doesn't though she's at her leisure to run down to the corner store for a pack of Marlboros anytime she wants but chooses not to....for her health. LOL!

Smoking is rampant and common in prison, so it wouldn't be like she had to go anywhere to get a pack of Marlboro's - although i peg her as more the "Capri" brand smoker. Having cigarettes in prison is like trading Pokemon cards - it's like currency.
you are so right

on top of all of that, i am wondering which psychologist told her about society wanting a scape-goat or whatever she said...

i was basically tuning her out.

I was thinking about that too - it had to be either Samuels or ALV. Even though ALV is technically a therapist, I think, but if she had said "therapist" then everyone would know she was talking about ALV. Personally, I"m pretty sure it was ALV who told her that during one of their long "conversations."
You know what touched me the most the yesterday in court? Seeing the HUGE smile on Samantha's face after the verdict was read.

Her face has pained me so much because she shows her emotion all over it. She always looked so sad/hurt/angry/annoyed. To see her genuinely happy just warmed my lil heart.

Yes and she kept looking at the jury. She was ever so grateful.
you know this tactic of asking for the DP isn't new. this has happened in other trials i've watched and is usually used by defendants who know the jury hates their guts.

they HOPE the jury will believe them and give them the opposite of what they're asking for, when that's what they actually WANT the jury to do.

so she didn't invent this----stabby einstein's just copying others, like she does with the little pictures she draws.
EXACTLY! She set that interview up in January.

Yes. And she agreed to do this interview only if the reporter did not release a previous interview he did with her AND if she was convicted of Murder 1.

IMO, she never thought she'd have to do it because she didn't think she was getting murder 1
I know it. I just wanted to fly through the screen and slap the chit out of her.

Stupidly, I just went to the innocent site. I am amazed by the stupidity.

yeah, I looked at a couple of posts and the comments. The general theme is JA has made no mistakes, EVERYONE is out to get her, the jurors are idiots or scared by the public mob into voting for M1, yadda yadda yadda.

Many go as far as to say "there is absolutely no evidence. It must've been the stolen gun, the gas cans, the 30 stab wounds, the gun shot wound, and the slash to the neck that swayed the jury."
Shame on Fox News Phoenix. They did not conduct an interview, the gave her a forum.
Good Morning Ws'ers!

What a beautiful day! :coffeews:

If Jodi wants to die anyway, why can't we just skip the aggravation phase?

I know why! Dr. Horn :luv:
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