Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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Well 8-4 explains why they came back so fast yesterday. It was deeply divided. I'm pretty shocked, I would have thought there was only 1 or 2

Me too I thought for sure it was going to be 10 for death and 2 for life. I want to know the male/female breakdown too. While I would like to say I'm surprised I'm not. I knew it was hung, unfortunately. Praying for the Alexander family today and every day!
My Thoughts: After the OJ Simpson verdict - I don't think I ever 'recovered' from that shock and abuse of juror power. Almost 20 years have passed - I can't count the numerous other murder trials I have since followed. I learned from the Simpson verdict to expect the unexpected, so I 'numbed' myself in many ways to assuming whether a verdict will be guilty or innocent. The Robert Blake trial, Phil Spector trial, Michael Jackson trial, and of course Casey Anthony trial to name just a few did not bring the outcome everyone else predicted (and I secretly hoped for which was guilty). I have been very cautious in posting my predictions the jury would bring back a guilty verdict. I held my breath, but remained eerily calm when this jury brought back premediated 1st degree. Then I could breath - knowing now the next phase would begin as to death or life (hopefully without parole). This specific murder case grabbed me from the first time it became public on tv in 2008 - through the years, I feel honored and privileged to have been able to learn so much about Travis Alexander through the enormous amounts of social media access we all now have. His family which never missed a day in that courtroom - and the psychology of a deranged purely evil murderer. I am a mother - my son is only a few years younger than this demonic creature in jail right now, but the exact age Travis was killed at. In learning of Travis with an objective mind - he became 'my son' in many aspects. He became the 'son', 'brother', 'friend' of millions of us who've never met him. His spirit and soul has touched us all. During this 3rd phase - death or life - I've kept myself calm - because I believe in God and that everything absolute happens for a reason absolutely.

It is easy to get caught up in the hype of media out there - but to remain focussed is more calming. Twenty minutes after being found guilty of premediated murder - the butcher held an interview. This week after final statements - she held more interviews - I heard today 5 hours worth. I thought to myself - how unfortunate the jurors would not be able to hear this outrageous act on her part in all it's aspects. I knew in my deep faith - that some how - some time - some where - these interviews will come back to 'bite the evil unremorseful murderer. Today....the answer was evident - an undecided jury has enabled the brilliant Prosecutor an opportunity to enter those interviews into evidence to the new jurors - the blatant unremorse - the continued lies - the disgusting demands of makeup, etc. God's Plan Works - Ours Doesn't. I believe the Plan is to bring in the absolute just verdict for this extremely frightening species of a butcher - we are forced to label 'human', when she is absolutely INhumane.

There is a saying someone once told me - "Time is to ensure that everything doesn't happen at once". Thus - "time" has been given to ensure a just verdict, which I believe now will be death.

On Death - and how this specific trial has affected or 'changed' me personally . This is the first time I will ever acknowledge this. I am a Canadian - in Canada as most know we do not have the death penalty - so our juries don't have this option. HOWEVER, that is not the MAIN' point'. I am raised in a Christian religion - the utmost and ultimate foundation of my specific faith is that we are pacifists - we do not believe in death of another human being, we do not encourage it in any form whatsoever. This is a foundation I have been raised with, followed and been ingrained with and upheld for 56 years of my life. Until Now. There are those who come onto this Earth in pure forms of Evil. Perhaps they are here as an example to the rest of us humans, that Evil can exist, but GOOD will always prevail and always overpower. Though OJ Simpson disgusted me beyond profound belief - in his case I wished to see him spend his life in jail - because he was arrogant in his wealth - and to me the justice would have been to have his Armani suits and Bruno Maglis ripped off his pathetic body and xchanged for strips and a tiny prison cell where he would rot alive till his death - no mansion. Years later that thought has come into fruition. BUT - Jodi Arias - has no wealth - so her only asset would be her 'mouth' from her prison cell - and we have all learned without a shadow of doubt the lowest planarian form she stoops to for her voice to be heard. It is in this context that I absolutely and unapologetically, beyond a shadow of doubt in my pacifist raised mind - feel that she should get nothing short of the Death Penalty. Her voice, her existence MUST end - she would taunt the Alexander family through the rest of time - and our Higher Power out there - will not allow it.

So,,, rather than parrot my lifelong upbringing and belief as a pacifist - I wish her DEATH and make no apology in saying so.

Juan Martinez's dedication and commitment will not be in vain - Justice for Travis Alexander.

I am grateful to the jurors who gave their lives for 5 months, and clearly the majority of them gave their best to 'do the right thing', and they did - Premediated Murder in the 1st. Their work will be finished by 12 others now.

This is very powerful. Thank you .
Okay .. maybe that is the real split .. weird to announce on HLN ..
Don't turn on HLN right now because they've got Jose Baez on the telephone.....

Just a kindly heads up
What's happening in the news world on this...our cable is having usual.
Seriously they are interviewing Jose Baez??? Does anyone even care what he has to say? He was a 2 bit lawyer b4 the CA Trial.
Per HLN - 8 to 4 for Death.

I had thought there was only one or maybe 2 so, the jury was, indeed hung.

Obvious now why they came back early on informing the Judge they couldn't reach a unanimous decision.

want Jodi to die. Only twice as many as didn't want to kill her. Yeah, spin and take comfort in that. I'm glad we know-actually, I'm glad she knows.

The family off sight-seeing says it all, doesn't it? You watch what they'll do to try and deflect this! ARARAR....


I bet the original poll in this phase was 7 for death and 5 for life, matching up with the 7-5 split in the guilt phase...and in the 13 hours of delib they got one of the 5 to come over but the other 4 woud not budge
I've just donated to the Alexander family fund. It's not much - I'm a stay at home mother of three on a shoestring budget - but I have to do something constructive for this family today of all days. I pledge to continue giving weekly until the penalty phase is decided. I look at it as little bits of light simply flying towards the family from all directions, in the form of prayers, well wishes, and donations, from so many good and kind people from all over the world.
OK CNN International just said the same thing .. so now I believe it, 8-4 wow!
I hope you're right because it's beyond belief, if not. Incredible too that the FAM was touring the Grand Canyon. Free vacation...YAY!



No, that was the jury breakdown. I'm watching CNN
BBM This one may be the one. She could very VERY easily be extremely mentally ill and she does not seem to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

Oh I disagree - I think she knows EXACTLY what is going on - I mean she's been locked up for almost 5 years!!! If she couldn't "imagine" spending her life in prison - she's had a pretty good introduction imho.
I am sitting here shell shocked. The one thing I am wondering is if the jury truly understood the process. By this I mean did they know exactly what each penalty meant? Did they know another jury would decide? Did they fully get what the mitigating factors were & what they meant? If there was 1 lone juror who refused to negotiate (I know we don't know details yet), did they know they could tell this to the judge & maybe get a jurorwho would negotiate? I feel so deeply saddened for the Alexander's. After all this time, they deserve closure. I feel like they are stuck in this tragedy. While the Arias family is off sight seeing with not a care in the world. Seriously, what was THAT???

they knew they had to be here and instead they want to make a vacation time since they had the father and the brother and sister. Donovan sure didn't reveal:blushing: it did she. yeah shes got quite the family, they are all self centered like her.
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