Verdict is in! GUILTY of MURDER ONE - Hung Jury On Penalty Phase

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Troy Hayden ‏@troyhaydenfox10 3m
Just got off the phone with #jodiarias mom Sandy. Says she was in town the whole time. Disappointed another jury has to be sat

Really? And she couldn't show up for the verdict? She should go back to Yreka then.
Now, her wanting to interview with every and anyone makes total sense. Holy, moly! Now I GET IT!!!!

I bet the DT were optimistically looking for a hung jury. They were banking on the deadlock, this way she's now been able to taint the next potential jury. She made DAMN sure she got in front of every network!
I knew this would happen, they would render something while I was in class. I'm just disgusted and my heart breaks for the Alexander family.

Is there any way we can have a thread here at WS inviting the jurors to come and watch and see everything they've missed, all Jodi's interviews, all the stuff that they weren't privy too while serving as jurors.

I truly want those who wouldn't agree to the DP to feel horrible, I want them to literally feel the Alexander families pain.

Who does this? Who during voir dier says they could render a DP verdict, then when the time comes to do it backs out?

I'm just furious as I know most of you are as well!

God bless the Alexander family!

I wouldn't want them to ever feel what the Alexanders feel. That pain is incomprehensible to people who haven't had a loved one MURDERED. I'm sure not even the Alexanders want them to feel how they feel.

And...we don't know that someone backed out of giving a DP verdict. Just saying they COULD render a verdict of death doesn't mean they promised they would sentence her to death. Their own interpretation of the evidence and mitigating factors still comes in to play.
I believe in the system. There must be a reason Im not seeing as to why this happpened.

I could argue it either way. Life or death.

Have you ever watched a women's prison documentary? Jodi actually does have much to offer the prison population. Just the fact she can read and teach others huge when so many inmates cant, inmates that one day WILL be out.

Does it out weight the aggravating factors?
That's up to the individual jurors.

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Gosh...I know. He looked so defeated, but we know he is strong and he will come back even stronger - fighting!!

I thought about the jurors - how they must feel for not being able to give a verdict. I put myself in their shoes for a moment. I bet a lot of them are just sick- much sicker than we are about this. They gave up over 5 months of their lives for this trial, and yet weren't able to give a verdict during the penalty phase. I would be home in my bed beside myself- just sick - probably with my head hanging off the side and throwing up in a garbage can set by my bed. This will affect them for the rest of their lives.

He's a tough cookie! I bet he's already thinking about what to present to the new jury! We're so proud of you, JM!!!
Introducing evidence of a gun and two knives in her possession after the murder would have helped.

That's a good question. I've always wonder why the circumstances of her arrest never came up? There's a story there.
This is Nurmi and Wilmont's "get off the case free" card. The Judge can allow it, but it would be more $$$$

They are NOT getting off case. prosecutor will retry penalty phase and if Jury hangs second time, she gets life. AZ law.
If the cell she is in now is worse than the regular prison she may end up in, I'm glad there is an extension. Either way it goes, her amount of time served will not factor into her sentence.
If this cell is as bad as the death row one would be, I hope she stays there for a long time.
Nothing will be as bad as Perryville, where she will end up as either a lifer or a death row inmate. Unless something changed recently, it is my understanding that she will remain in the county jail at Estrella until a decision is reached on the penalty phase.
I wonder though, can she just get up to a NEW jury who has no knowledge of her LYING ways, and tell her "Travis abused me" BS??

I am very confused on how this will all work out.
Until a few years ago, I used to believe that everything happened for a reason and then something happened in my life that was devastating and changed my life for ever and it challenged me to believe that. Days like this remind me of that. However this time in my life also made reaffirmed for me I have a choice in how I use my energy - I can either be sad and angry and vent, something I still choose to do at times or I can try and be positive and use my energy well. And so I'll *try* to keep the faith, I'll be sad for the Alexanders, for JM and for JSS and pray they can all regroup. Justice will still prevail. The CM is still convicted of 1st degree murder, cruelty has been established and so last but not least I'll remind us all of Travis's words:

"The difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is the character of the individual walking the path"

Today although we don't feel like it will be a stepping stone towards justice.

Thanks, Gauntlet. Your quote reminded me of another, related to this case:

“Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small; Though with patience He stands waiting, with exactness grinds He all.”

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's extended translation of a quote from the Avestan language hymn book of Zoroastrianism.
I'm not sure why everyone thinks the murderer won..... one won today...neither side got what they wanted.
One thing that's for sure is that Jodi Arias is still a convicted murderer and that it was considered cruel, so while she thinks she won the battle, she could still lose the war. At least, she's where she needs to be, and no longer a danger to anyone on her enemies list. No matter what happens, she's never going to see the outside of a prison cell for longer than a few minutes to an hour for the rest of her life. :jail:
I'm still a mess :(
Holding out hope that the State moves forward and the next Jury will get it right.

I cannot stop hearing in my head that despicable voice saying "No jury will convict me." Well she was 1/3 right :(((
I try and skim that stuff so I missed it or it was deleted.

FWIW, I am really disappointed in them. A lot. Even more than the Pinellas 12.

The duty of this jury was to finish this marathon, imvho. I dont think they gave it much effort. I think the Alexanders should have received way more consideration.

The Pinellas twelve let the killer WALK AWAY FREE. How can you compare the two situations?

This jury got to a unanimous GUILTY VERDICT of AGGRAVATED< PREMEDITATED CAPITAL MURDER. How can they be compared to the Pinellas 12? That seems very unfair.
Well, my frustration is that they couldnt reach a decision after convicting her in a 4 month trial. They gave it 14 hours or so. And then said, sorry done.

I am really puzzled. Guess they were just tired. I am sure the Alexander family is too. :(

Or there was 1 or 2 jurors who would not budge, which is within their right and obligation. I know how I would have voted, but I CAN NOT judge another person for not voting the way I would have voted.

They held out, trying to win those individuals over, and when they realized that it wasn't going to happen, what else could they do? :dunno:
No, and she won't be retried. The new jury will consider only the "death v. life" question--they will be instructed to accept the verdicts of premeditated 1st degree murder and cruelty.

I thought (see my previous comments) that a new jury would not be personally "attached" to the prior verdicts and therefore would be likely to vote for life, but my law partner directed me to a recent AZ Republic article:

Apparently this situation has come up 5 times in Maricopa County. In 4 of the cases, the state asked for a new jury (rather than just asking for a life sentence). In 3 out of those 4 cases, the new jury gave death. In the other case, the second jury was also hung, so the defendant got life.

ETA: One caveat. Although the retrial will "only" concern the penalty phase, don't expect it to go as quickly next time. The new jury will have to hear a lot more evidence than this one, because (1) mitigation evidence was presented during the guilt phase to the old jury, including evidence of mental disorders, and (2) it is impossible to balance mitigating evidence against aggravating evidence and the nature of the crime without knowing the aggravating evidence and the nature of the crime first.

Posting this again from the Lawyer's thread.

This setback is NOT a win for the DT... it's a setback for the prosecution, but we can still hope and pray that this new jury will find for the DP
But she still could.

While a mistrial is a temporary win for the defense.
Usually, a retrial is in favor for the prosecution, more then the defense.

Death is still on the table!

Yes! I fully expect her to get it too!
The jury was all on the same page until mitigation.

Either someone bought her sob story or we'll be hearing misconduct rumors soon.
Troy Hayden &#8207;@troyhaydenfox10 3m
Just got off the phone with #jodiarias mom Sandy. Says she was in town the whole time. Disappointed another jury has to be sat

I still think it's strange .. didn't they TELL her to hightail it down there!
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