Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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I don't believe she said he woke her up to "anal" sex. And she DID consent to anal sex throughout their sexual relationship and with another. To each their own. I really don't care whether she "liked" it or not. She consented and in the sex tape she absolutely said she enjoyed it.

And I'd like to see a raising of hands for those who don't mind or did not mind when their husband or boyfriend woke them or wakes them up with sex. Rape? That's little out there! IMO.

Before anyone goes crazy on me...of course I do not condone rape or non-consenting sex.

This is the thing, Jodi either never clearly drew her boundaries with TA or she may have told him she enjoyed it but she apparently didn't say no. No is the operative word. Personally I can't judge their sex life but I do know that if she was a fearful sexually abused (by TA) woman then she should have stayed far away from him. She went to him. He did not go to her.

Almost everything I say? Will you marry me? :floorlaugh:

ITA, fragile, and actually edited my post taking out the bit that I disagreed with her sentence/conviction. 193 stab wounds and concealing his body do it for me, not to mention he was restrained. I still think the case against Jodi is stronger...I know legally premed can be seconds but having a week's worth of evidence can't hurt, kwim? (Not intended to diminish what Jeff went through, of course. It was heinous.)

My heart still mourns Kelly moving to private practice too. The world needs more prosecutors like she and Juan.


I know this is O/T,but Kelly will be having her own show soon!!
Good Morning The Farm!

The jurors had about 50 minutes to deliberate yesterday. They decided on a schedule (9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). They will come back on Monday morning to start deliberations. They probably chose a foreperson as well.

Katiecoolady's post is so heart-warming. They are all confident of a verdict on Monday!

I'd like to see a very fast verdict if for no other reason than to wipe the smirk off of her face by letting her know that nobody bought the BS she was selling for even a second.
Wow ok I just woke up and had a dream they found her guilty. It was late Monday and I missed it cause I was busy but in my dream I went on youtube to see her expression when the verdict was read and sure enough she was found guilty of pre-med felony murder. Here's to hoping my dream comes true!!!
Who are the "jurors" on after dark? And how many wanted to go with second degree murder?
I agree. And IF this happened at all, because all we have is Jodi's word. We know he woke her up with oral sex before and she liked that.

Yep!! AND, she mentioned something to the effect that the only reason she wasn't into it at THAT time was because she just "got her Brazillian on", IIRC.
I hope there are no jurors enjoying the spot light of this trial or hoping for a book deal. If there are this could go on for quite a while.

Given this was only a three day work week for them I wonder why they decided NOT to deliberate today (Saturday). Why not go ahead and get started?
Are the jury members allowed to address the defendant aside from giving the verdict?
Good morning Softail--and all, I seriously hope that AZ has a new law asap to stop prisoners from being able to use social media.

Once she's convicted that might be easier for the jail to prevent. I shouldn't have looked (because it makes my blood boil) but I did. What a whine fest. "I spent $2m of taxpayer money and 18 days lying on the witness stand and all I'll get is this lousy 1st degree murder conviction." Boo. Hoo.
I hope there are no jurors enjoying the spot light of this trial or hoping for a book deal. If there are this could go on for quite a while.

Given this was only a three day work week for them I wonder why they decided NOT to deliberate today (Saturday). Why not go ahead and get started?

The court is not open and staffed on weekends, so they can't deliberate again until Monday morning
Thats funny. I thought of that too. Shes trouble and they know it. Expect the unexpected from her. She did this to herself and now has to pay the price. If she gets 2nd degree murder she might wish she had 1st. degree so she could be by herself in a cell. She will be a target if shes in with the population. Her games will not go over well there.

It was reported that there were some lawyers who were coming for closing arguments and I think those guys in suits behind Jodi were them.
you're right. he did NOT (according to her) wake her up with anal sex. it was plain old sex and according to her, one of the very few times they did that.

anyone who believes JA was repulsed by ANY of the sex they have needs to listen to her cooing and egging him on in the 5/10 recorded phone call. there's nothing she wasn't up for.

She was quite adamant that she enjoyed some of the sex when Juan asked her what she liked about the relationship with TA.
Martinez did a stellar job with Closings, Nurmi blasting Travis was way over the top. The jury doesn't buy the "abusive pedophile" stuff
Once she's convicted that might be easier for the jail to prevent. I shouldn't have looked (because it makes my blood boil) but I did. What a whine fest. "I spent $2m of taxpayer money and 18 days lying on the witness stand and all I'll get is this lousy 1st degree murder conviction." Boo. Hoo.

I don't know how Arizona taxpayers refrain from an all out revolt over the money spent on her trial . So, based on your first sentence, does she have to be convicted before they can stop this?
I just have to question whether it's wise to tell a room full of people that you don't like an abused victim of DV with PTSD. Isn't that kind of like more abuse? How come she didn't cry about that? You'd think a person suffering from years of verbal and physical abuse wouldn't find that funny at all,especially from the one person whom you are now trusting with your life. You'd think that would devastate a person who was truly abused. Just another DT blunder IMO.

This post:rockon:KN & JW are suppose to be her advocates.Even if they don't like her.But to say such a thing in a courtroom in front of a jury no less was soo wrong on many levels..JMO
Penetrating someone who is asleep is rape BECAUSE it is non-consensual. If some couples are ok with that then it's because the consent is implied as both parties are ok with it and KNOW that both parties are ok with it. And whether it's anal or vaginal or oral it's all penetration and it's all rape. No wonder some many men think this is perfectly acceptable behavior when even women think it's no big deal.

OK....she was NOT drugged, so she was TOTALLY aware of what was happening....Aeeeend, have you heard of "no means NO"???? I don't think the word "no" was in JA's vocabulary.
Each and EVERY time, she was a "willing" participant.
If you even for one minute believe/think JA wasn't aware of what was going on IMMEDIATELY when Travis began to even START to get on her, you must be a REALLY sound sleeper.
Now, in a relationship loooong ago in my college years, it was "almost" a sort of a thing for me where you'd "pretend" to be asleep and just "suddenly wake up (cough cough) with a comment of "what are you trying to do"??? (giggle giggle)

Rape is the commission of unlawful sexual intercourse or unlawful sexual intrusion. Rape laws in the United States have been revised over the years, and they vary from state to state.

Historically, rape was defined as unlawful sexual intercourse with a woman against her will. The essential elements of the crime were sexual penetration, force, and lack of consent. Women who were raped were expected to have physically resisted to the utmost of their powers or their assailant would not be convicted of rape. Additionally, a husband could have sex with his wife against her will without being charged with rape. Beginning in the 1970s, state legislatures and courts expanded and redefined the crime of rape to reflect modern notions of equality and legal propriety.

As of the early 2000s, all states define rape without reference to the sex of the victim and the perpetrator. Though the overwhelming majority of rape victims are women, a woman may be convicted of raping a man, a man may be convicted of raping a man, and a woman may be convicted of raping another woman. Furthermore, a spouse may be convicted of rape if the perpetrator forces the other spouse to have nonconsensual sex. Many states do not punish the rape of a spouse as severely as the rape of a non-spouse.

Many states also have redefined lack of consent. Before the 1970s, many courts viewed the element of force from the standpoint of the victim. A man would not be convicted of rape of a competent woman unless she had demonstrated some physical resistance. In the absence of physical resistance, courts usually held that the sexual act was consensual. In the early 2000s in many states, the prosecution can prove lack of consent by presenting evidence that the victim objected verbally to the sexual penetration or sexual intrusion.

Lack of consent is a necessary element in every rape. But this qualifier does not mean that a person may make sexual contact with a minor or incapacitated person who actually consented. Lack of consent may result from either forcible compulsion by the perpetrator or an incapacity to consent on the part of the victim. Persons who are physically or mentally helpless or who are under a certain age in relation to the perpetrator are deemed legally incapable of consenting to sex.

AGAIN....NO MEANS NO!!! When your partner behaves as such, and you don't "consent", and he FORCEFULLY continues, that is considered an act of non consentual sexual conduct. AKA: Rape
absolutely ZERO proof Travis ever hit or hurt or molested anybody! She is the biggest LIAR ever!

The Sex talk was a cover -up for real guilt. To divert the facts...
8 men 4 women will decide...:(
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