Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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Does anyone know how I go about signing up for a text alert concerning the verdict? What do I do with the text alert number that has been posted? Never done it before so thanks for the help.

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This is the thing, Jodi either never clearly drew her boundaries with TA or she may have told him she enjoyed it but she apparently didn't say no. No is the operative word. Personally I can't judge their sex life but I do know that if she was a fearful sexually abused (by TA) woman then she should have stayed far away from him. She went to him. He did not go to her.

I don't think she had any boundaries in any of her sexcapades with men.
absolutely ZERO proof Travis ever hit or hurt or molested anybody! She is the biggest LIAR ever!

Travis was unwilling to harm her -- even to save his own life.

What injuries did she have from the attack?

Only her own careless cutting and slashing that she herself inflicted on her own skeletal digits.

Proof enough for me.
I'll go one further, since I think Arias taped Travis with blackmail in know, secondary gain. I think somewhere along the line, in pillow talk where she wasn't on record ...oh no, the snoopy, stalkerish blackmailer...said, she had fantasies of being tied up and raped, she liked it like that. "Talk to me dirty, Travis. Make my fantasies, yours. Its so debasing, I like it." she was preparing to record his calls for Mimi or whoever else caught his eye. Power and control.

It is only Jodi's word Travis had sex when she was sleeping. Jodi's tends to find the truth in opposite of what Jodi says. Perhaps Jodi straddled Travis at one time when what happens to all men when he was sleeping. Rape?
Travis was unwilling to harm her -- even to save his own life.

What injuries did she have from the attack?

Only her own careless cutting and slashing that she herself inflicted on her own skeletal digits.

Proof enough for me.

I totally agree!!!

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Good morning WSers! I can tell I'm on trial overload...wacky and surreal dreams last night...not usually my normal style of dreams...
My house is a mess but I got the kitchen semi-cleaned up last night.
I've decided to deep clean today and tomorrow, one room at a time. I usually listen to some pretty driving 80s rock to keep me moving...GNR, etc. but I think I'm going to fire up the trial videos, sans sidebars, thanks David Lohr! and let em roll in the background as I go. I am going to try my very best to forget what I know about JA and this crime, and pretend I only know what the jurors have heard and seen as presented in that courtroom. I don't know that I can unring some of those bells but I'm curious to see if I can, and if so. how I feel about it. I cannot imagine that anyone who even heard what was presented by the PT couldn't slam dunk a M1 and give her the DP. I just want to rehash it the way the jurors are having to. No HLN, no Dr. Drew, no wacky headstands, etc.
Makes me sick actually that the jury doesn't have the whole story. Even my son, who's not trial addicted, made the comment that he'd be sick all over if he voted the wrong way and then later saw it all. Makes him a bit more pensive about jury duty. But we have to follow the rules and do the right thing. I am still in awe of JM. No one, anywhere, ever, has stood up for a victim so relentlessly as this PT. Not to disrespect any other PT's anywhere.
I'll check in from time to time today. I'm addicted to WS too :)
I truly believe that the collective energy from WS and the other Travis support areas are affecting the cosmos. I really do. :)
This post:rockon:KN & JW are suppose to be her advocates.Even if they don't like her.But to say such a thing in a courtroom in front of a jury no less was soo wrong on many levels..JMO

I wondered if that statement was planned (per JA's smile) with the hope it will help prove ineffective counsel down the road ...
Good morning, Super Sleuths! I was not able to listen to Nurmi yesterday, and we went to see Iron Man 3. Many thanks to all who stood and continue to stand steadfast for the Alexanders!

This morning I vowed to not sign in, so I could speed through all of your wonderful remarks from yesterday, but I just had to bring this over, from thread #174, posted by ExigentPlan:


While I'm sure JM has it planned already, but I really need to hear two things I didn't hear him state in closing yesterday. 1) Even IF you believe (and who would) the Self Defense claim, it was no longer self defense once the danger was gone. Continuing the attack on TA after he could not possibly have been any danger to her ELIMINATES the Self Defense claim. 2) Repeatedly stabbing TA in the back is absolute proof that he was not attacking her at the time, she could have escaped, but she was trying to kill him! What was he going to do, bump her with his but repeatedly and that was scary to JA?

Forget Reasonable Doubt, the stabbing in the back and the continued assault on TA AFTER he could have, beyond ANY AND ALL DOUBT, been any threat to her absolutely proves First Degree Murder and invalidates any claim of self-defense! Not that there was every any doubt anyways in any reasonable mind.

Definitely couldn't have said it better myself. I hope the jury has and keeps this uppermost in their minds! :rockon:
Anxiety is kickin, was having graphic / violent nightmares but right before I awoke the most majestic elephant resting his trunk on a tree watching over me!! I literally just woke up with a sense of calm!!! Ive never dreamt of an elephant before and I do believe in signs: JUSTICE IS COMING!!!!
I wondered if that statement was planned (per JA's smile) with the hope it will help prove ineffective counsel down the road ...

Glad Judge Stephens struck the comment from the record.
Good morning WSers! I can tell I'm on trial overload...wacky and surreal dreams last night...not usually my normal style of dreams...
My house is a mess but I got the kitchen semi-cleaned up last night.
I've decided to deep clean today and tomorrow, one room at a time. I usually listen to some pretty driving 80s rock to keep me moving...GNR, etc. but I think I'm going to fire up the trial videos, sans sidebars, thanks David Lohr! and let em roll in the background as I go. I am going to try my very best to forget what I know about JA and this crime, and pretend I only know what the jurors have heard and seen as presented in that courtroom. I don't know that I can unring some of those bells but I'm curious to see if I can, and if so. how I feel about it. I cannot imagine that anyone who even heard what was presented by the PT couldn't slam dunk a M1 and give her the DP. I just want to rehash it the way the jurors are having to. No HLN, no Dr. Drew, no wacky headstands, etc.
Makes me sick actually that the jury doesn't have the whole story. Even my son, who's not trial addicted, made the comment that he'd be sick all over if he voted the wrong way and then later saw it all. Makes him a bit more pensive about jury duty. But we have to follow the rules and do the right thing. I am still in awe of JM. No one, anywhere, ever, has stood up for a victim so relentlessly as this PT. Not to disrespect any other PT's anywhere.
I'll check in from time to time today. I'm addicted to WS too :)
I truly believe that the collective energy from WS and the other Travis support areas are affecting the cosmos. I really do. :)

I enjoyed your post, thanks for the guilt trip. I started cleaning too last night and yet, here I sit again. lol Seriously, I'm going to be thinking about your post all day, especially this part.
I don't think she had any boundaries in any of her sexcapades with men.

Yup, doesn't sound like it. One thing that rang true from her lips on the witness stand was when she said she enjoyed the attention. I have no doubt - she will do anything for attention - no boundaries.
I wondered if that statement was planned (per JA's smile) with the hope it will help prove ineffective counsel down the road ...

I am thinking no,b/c JW's face told me she did not like the comment..
It really was such a loooooooooong trial that I would imagine there is not too much deliberating to do. The juror's got to ask a lot of questions and got answers to what they may have had to ponder about in deliberations, had they not been allowed in Arizona to ask during trial.

I seriously cannot see any other outcome than 1st degree murder. Anything less give free reign to women like her to murder someone that "just wasn't that into her". The "situation" between her and Travis was nothing more than what goes on all over when a desperate woman like Arias let's herself be used for sex with a delusion of "maybe if I give him sex he will love me and want to marry me". To me that is what this was all about. She manipulated and lied about "hot button" issues of DM and pedophilia to, in her sick mind, justify her murdering Travis. Because of course she doesn't want to be seen for exactly what she is: a cold blooded murderer. A creepy, crappy, selfish woman who through her whole life lived by the mantra "nobody puts Jodi Ann Arias in a corner" when she doesn't get who or what she wants. Whether it was a thing or a man. (Yes a reference to Dirty Dancing!) I am sure her family knows exactly what she is and always was all about.

I hope to never see another trial where someone like Arias can trash the victim, like she did, without any proof whatsoever to her allegations. That in itself should be a crime.

Linda from NY. I totally agree with your post and wish I could have summed it up as eloquently and concisely as you did.

Then again, I didn't have to ... cuz you did it for me. Great Post :seeya:
Martinez did a stellar job with Closings, Nurmi blasting Travis was way over the top. The jury doesn't buy the "abusive pedophile" stuff

i was in and out during Nurmi's closing. but from what i heard, he didn't hammer very hard at PTSD. am i wrong?

in fact, he gave up on their whole case, IMO, when he didn't even ask the jury for an acquittal!! after all, if this is self defense, she did nothing wrong!

he conceded that point, IMO, when he asked for manslaughter, which doesn't fit this crime as the judge read it.
I really couldn't watch yesterday,too much drama in my own house, as well as having no desire to hear DT trash Travis. can any one give me a recap on what Nurmi' said re: pediphilia letters (so low), what Juan's objection was and how the judge handled it???

Also, wow when Juan attempted to rebut it with Jodi's actions about contacting that reporter. I couldn't believe the judge didn't allow him to continue in the manner he Was heading. I was also curious why she obviously didn't allow him to bring up that the letters were considered highly suspect by the court, and that it was the defense who withdrew them from evidence!!!

Yesterday both sides mentioned the case " Not being about someone's sexuality" ...What ever they said made me think it was more about sexual preference and not sex ... I didn't get the reference? What did I miss? Or am I confused.?
Does anybody else think HLN has gone waaaaaaaaay overboard with their "HLN After Dark'??? I saw they were gonna be on for 3 HOURS last night. It's like they've been having a party over the murder of this young man.

Yes ... they are making a "joke" out of Travis's brutal murder. I disgusts me. Always has from the very beginning (After Dark). I cannot believe the extent that networks will go .. just for ratings. Somehow there is a loss of integrity and anything sacred in the human condition. I am appalled and refuse to watch, but that's just me (MOO)l
Is she mocking the Alexander family because she heard that the Alexander family was going to fast and pray? Her evil knows no end. God answers prayer for fasting and praying! He will not reward evil and lies!
to say your friends and family! Are fasting and praying is a mockery to god! If your intent is not in the right intent. Moo

Just another example of her borderline personality disorder. Shows lack of maturity. The first psychologist for the prosecution stated that people with BPD take on the traits of those they surround themselves because they lack there own personality. Just think about the type of people she has been around over the last 5 years while she has been in jail. Pretty scary thought!! If possible, she is even more dangerous than before. Praying that the jury find M1 and she get LWOP. (I am not an advocate of the death penalty.)
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