Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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Yesterday both sides mentioned the case " Not being about someone's sexuality" ...What ever they said made me think it was more about sexual preference and not sex ... I didn't get the reference? What did I miss? Or am I confused.?
I really didn't understand it either and am thinking maybe it has something to do with the comment that Juror #5 may have made? When was Juror #5 excused???
Hold on KandyKane! I am as against rape as the next woman or man for that matter. I think when you are in a "sexual relationship" and that is what it was for both of them "SEX" is the operative word. Oral, Anal, Vaginal, etc---anything goes or it seems went in their relationship. That is Not the same as sneaking in someones window and penetrating them while they are asleep--as a perfect stranger. Yikes! I shudder to think of how many men and women could be charged with that in a marriage, relationship or divorce.

I think she said he woke her up with "Oral" sex--not Anal sex. Just sayin and MOO.
The operative words being bolded above. She said. I hear- it never happened or if it did it was a fantasy she had shared with him and he fulfilled.
We non drug addled, sober women aren't comatose when we sleep after all. We have Fight or Flight and we have other instincts to protect us against sexual assault. Waking up and reacting appropriately when someone spreads your legs apart is one of them. Think of the social implications if we didn't?

Me, I'm hoping the jury comes back with the M1 verdict and sexual assault charges brought against JA. He appears staged and fearful even in the nudes of his lying on the bed with K-Y. I don't believe he was a willing participant in any sex play with his killer that day. She's a sadistic :banghead: and I don't believe anything that she says.
I know Tip,but this was a must for Juan.He had to show the jury the truth & tell the jury that all of their CIC was just arguments & lies with nothing to support any of it & the jury can not bring a lesser verdict on that.I hope I am making

You absolutely are. At first I was waiting for the emotional send off - then I realized what JM was doing. He even had to point out the 'hair cut' was about Nurmi - that one went over my head until a poster earlier explained Nurmi was pumping up ALV and JM had to somehow call Nurmi out.

Thursday's close was about the murderer, TA and all the emotion. JM's close on Friday after Nurmi was all about the business of getting Murder in the lst degree.
And btw, I'm pretty sure that in one of the sex tapes TA and JA converse about him waking her up with penetration and she sounded quite cheerful about it.
JA is a master manipulator. She has manipulated everyone, including her attorney, mitigation specialist, Donovan, past boyfriends, parents. She preys on the vulnerable. IMO, she delayed her trial so she could stay in the County jail vs. prison. There is no doubt in my mind that she has "adapted" to her current surroundings. What will prove interesting is how well she "adapts" to her new home, where she is going to be a nobody amongst hardened criminals. JMV
I really didn't understand it either and am thinking maybe it has something to do with the comment that Juror #5 may have made? When was Juror #5 excused???

I was thinking it was a reference to ALV being gay? I can't recall what made me think that. Don't know what difference that makes but I found it odd that they both addressed it.
I was thinking it was a reference to ALV being gay? I can't recall what made me think that. Don't know what difference that makes but I found it odd that they both addressed it.

I hadn't thought of this but you're probably right. There may have been speculation about that.
KN sounded better only bc Juan did not know what their final arguement was going to be-you
He had weeks to prepare for his C/A,but only hrs to prepare his rebuttal..

Must have said it wrong. In no way do I think Nurm's close was better than JM's rebuttal. Just that the since the expectations for Nurm were so low, it was very easy to exceed them. Expectations too high for JM, easy for some to be disappointed, however slightly.
JA had five years to sit in jail and make up lie after lie after lie. Anybody that watched this trial knew she continued to do this even until closing arguments when her lawyer continued the interpretation of JA's lies. She will never stop being a danger.
My husband loves it when I rape him and encourages it. LOL!

I understand what you're saying :)blushing:) SweetT but I think the casual use of the term "rape" may be a big part of the problem and the term should really be used/reserved for occasions where/when it truly applies. JMO ~
The other thing that resonated with me was when Juan Martinez talked about the horror of Travis seeing JA stab him in the back while in front of the mirror. That statement was incredibly powerful.
I'm confused, are BPD that evil? I think Travis had it right, Jodi is a sociopath (with BPD traits). Or as the forensics docs on DD say, the whole shebang of disorders.
Good gawd, when I read that tweet--I never thought about the Alexander's prayer and fast. I don't think evil. I thought the witch was trolling for deposits for her commissary account. She's probably trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. She so deserves the death penalty.

I have always thought Jodi would kill again, I think she has serial killer written all over her. I think she enjoyed killing Travis, enjoys reliving it. She used that word "trophy", she is just too bizarre and creepy. I live in the state where BTK resided, she reminds me of him wanting the attention in the media...although he wasn't the female vixen.

As for her other tweet about Juan, she's trying to get her little followers to dig up dirt on Juan (for free) on past cases. Good luck with that, Jodi. Not going to happen. I hope everything she tweets can be used against her if she gets Murder 1, Premeditated.

I think she is very dangerous. I think she could very possibly kill another boyfriend/partner/husband that she became obsessed with.

The best place for her is that 12x7 cell on death row, 3 showers a week, allowed out of her cell 2 hours at a time, 3 times a week and away from other inmates she can manipulate.
Clearly the woman is unwilling or unable to separate fact from fiction. This behaviour didn't just happen overnight. She has issues. She has had them for a long time. If her *whatever it is that she does* didn't harm her clients (DV victims) then it must have been luck or Divine Mercy because she is clearly incompetent. She herself needs help.

Outstanding post. I read it four times!!! You are so right on target. I just wish someone in authority could read it as well. I wish it could be shown all over the internet. My opinion only.
I know a few posters were not keen on Juan's rebuttal C/A,But I have to say this.
He told the jury WHY their case and the law does not fit the lesser charges & I am so happy he did this.I think the jury needed Juan to do this,just so they can 1)hear the truth-b/c we know the DT is not going to tell them 2) to feel in their hearts & minds are right about bringing that guilty verdict in..The law in this case in self explanatory & they must follow it..

I think it was so important the JM explained that you go from the top charge (1st degree) and work DOWN the list of charges. So if the jury agrees she killed with pre-meditation, that's it. They stop there. No need to consider the lesser charges. Also, they should not consider the sentence at this point, they are ONLY deciding the charge.
If I were a juror (or the foreperson!) I would have taken a quick vote during the 55 minute deliberation yesterday to see where we all were on the point of pre-meditation.

The gas can purchase and her blatant lie about returning it would be enough to find pre-meditated first degree murder I believe. That's it. Done. Forget DV, sex tapes, her childhood, pedophilia accusations, everything else is unnecessary to consider IMO.
I really didn't understand it either and am thinking maybe it has something to do with the comment that Juror #5 may have made? When was Juror #5 excused???

I've had the feeling Nurmi is reading online for weeks now. I also think he believes the jury has been reading the same stuff he has. Not here but elsewhere ALV's sexual preferences have been discussed and how they might affect her biases. I assumed that comment was an attempt to rehabilitate ALV. In true Nurmi fashion he'd focus on that and not the real reasons she was impeached.
As for the hair comment, I believe he was telling whichever juror had submitted the question 'Could PTSD be caused by a bad haircut' or something like that, that their question was stupid. That's what I took from it and I instantly though what a dumb move on his part. There are no stupid questions Nurmi, just stupid answers like yours. I was proud of JM to throw it right back at him.
OK. Time to get moving. Been reading around here, there and everywhere since like 7am, although I did sneak in a shower and get dressed!

See you all later!

P.S. I was thinking of doing that text alert, but I don't want to be getting texts about other breaking news. So peeking in on Websleuth's all day Monday from work!! Hopefully I will be able to see the verdict live whenever it happens. But if not I will certainly e able so see what is going on here!

Have a great weekend everybody!
Hopefully Santa will be skipping her "neighborhood" for the rest of her life.

She's been naughty and not nice.

And seriously? Calling Juan a LIAR. She's so pathetic!

Just proves Juan's point of how manipulative she is ... trying to even get our sympathy that commissary didn't arrive .... she only thinks of herself ... when will she get it that WE DON'T CARE JODI .... you evil murderer.

She can never be rehabilitated or treated. She is a sick, sick psycho!!
I think she is very dangerous. I think she could very possibly kill another boyfriend/partner/husband that she became obsessed with.

The best place for her is that 12x7 cell on death row, 3 showers a week, allowed out of her cell 2 hours at a time, 3 times a week and away from other inmates she can manipulate.

Jodi trying to find lies that Juan did during trials etc is just another example of Jodi not taking responsibility for herself and it cements the fact that she lied on the stand and is ok with that cause she surmises even Juan has lied. What a load of crap. She is still a lying evil witch.
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