Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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I always wondered why Juan did not bring in the "Fraud expert".

I wonder if this person would've been able to testify to Jodi defrauding Travis.

I've always thought that whatever it was that set Travis off, he was able to document it, which was why Jodi was threatened enough to kill him. It couldn't have been just hearsay, he had to have proof. Otherwise she would have figured she could just lie her way out of it. He had something she couldn't lie her way out of

The PPL thing, her making up people she sold to, that would provide the tangible proof I think he had.

Thanks for an idea that fits my theory!
If that theory were true, I think the police forensics would have found it and jumped on it as to motive for killing TA. Following money trails is a common police procedure when murder is involved. That would have been an extremely plausible motive to use against her if there was any truth to it.

I found it odd that JM was not able to question her deposits. He was also cut short with an objection when he asked her about her last tax return. For various reasons, he was not allowed to highlight any of her finances really. I think we'll find out more once the trial is over.

For those who've been worried about not being able to fast tomorrow remember this:

1. One of TAs friends had a blog re: being a poor, broke college student and he would NEVER let her go hungry. He'd take her to eat or buy her groceries when needed. He wouldnt let her pay him back either!!
2. JA and TA were going to the movies and he stopped to ask a woman if she was hungry - he went to Wendy's, bought her food and delivered it to her!
3. Another friend on DD said TA literally took in a homeless man to feed him, let him clean up and got him a job!!
4. I've read multiple counts of TA always keeping a stocked fridge. He never locked his doors and it was known that if you were hungry, you were welcome to come over and get some nourishment!!!

Believe me, he understands if you can't participate bc your hearts are in the right place!!! Carry on WS'ers!!! Justice on the way ♥ ♥

This is so revealing. Travis had experienced the pain and horror of not having enough food to eat. This is why he had a special place in his beautiful heart for those who weren't able to afford to eat properly. This is exactly what good and decent people do. Once you know the pain of something (hunger, being bullied, abuse) kind and good people take the utmost care to never inflict that pain on anyone else. This is why I KNOW that Travis never laid a hand on JA. I wouldn't be surprised if she slapped Travis around a few times and the kind man that he was turned the other cheek.
i think he went with what the evidence shows----no blood in the brain means it couldn't be first. so he didn't need to go there.

Also how the bullet landed in the congealed blood. This was never disputed by the DT, aside from JA simply claiming she disagreed with the ME during cross.
Must have pulled that one out of her backside. She never stops her psychopathic behaviour. Petty and grudging. A veritable cesspool inside her head and a lump of coal for a heart. Doesn't sound remorseful to me.

Can't wait for the murder1 verdict. Her 'communications' will be done. Meanwhile, let 'er rip. I hope they can use this stuff in the penalty phase.

I don't have the words! I think we have called her everything we can think of. She is arrogant, lazy, dependent upon others for everything. Horrible! Juan said it best in his first closing statement...."It's not JODI'S fault!".

She is still spewing.

She disgusts me.
OMG when is Holly Hughes going to move on? Her pro-defense commentary on HLN is so offensive I literally can't stomach looking at or listening to her. Nurmi dirtied up Travis Alexander in his closing argument crossing the line IMO. Shame on Hughes and the other female attorney also appearing on HLN who gave Nurmi a "B" for his CA instead of what he really deserved as a result of attempting to demonize the victim to save a defendant who is a liar and a killer. I am truly disgusted with these women (and men) talking out of both sides of their mouths.
Can someone please tell me why JM did not explain JA's use of the knife first rather than the gun? Clearly it was a deliberate move on the part of JM the genius. Thanks!

Just guessing, JM has concentrated on objective, not subjective, evidence. There's no way to know what Jodi was thinking while using the knife/gun, beyond that she intentionally had and used both in the slaying of TA.
TA even helped her out by selling her his car at a low price and with $100 monthly payments! Do you remember how she described that? She said he "pawned" his car off on her!


I wear a sweater, sweatshirt, or jacket inside even on hundred degree days. I *freeze* and am very very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. I had bone cancer awhile back and so now sudden changes in the temperature cause me a LOT of pain.

Plus, if I'm wearing an extra layer, I don't feel like I have to sit keeping my tummy pulled in! I can be comfortable and hide the food baby from the night before's dinner!

I live in Southeast La. and I always carry a sweatshirt, jacket or sweater with me even on 100 degree plus, very humid weather, as most places have the air cranked so low I freeze while inside. My son and his friends all wear hoodies to school because the classrooms get quite cool...especially if you are sitting under a vent.
Were you surprised when Nurmi asked the jury to return a verdict for manslaughter? i thought they were trying for an acquittal?

Anything other than the death penalty is a win for her lawyers.

Anything other than a first degree murder DP/LWOP is a win for Jodi. With second degree or manslaughter she would get out of jail at some point in her life.
Just guessing, JM has concentrated on objective, not subjective, evidence. There's no way to know what Jodi was thinking while using the knife/gun, beyond that she intentionally had and used both in the slaying of TA.
I agree. She really must be a special kind of crazy. Just think about the fact that throughout her entire 18 day testimony she absolutely refused to use the word "sorry". The best she could muster up was that she was "ashamed"??? Isn't that beyond weird when you're trying to appeal to a jury? Also, while her DT was desperately trying to paint a picture of her being co-erced into sexual situations against her will, she never could quite come out and say it. In fact, she said the opposite and agreed that she had not been forced to do things and that in the end, she had done them willingly.

That is a very bizarre kind of crazy.

and where was good ol' matt mccartney? after all, he's the one who supposedly saw her bruised neck after she left mesa in april, 2008. he's the one she told about all the 'beatings.'

so where was he?

JM did a very good job of pointing out that they heard nobody 'from the witness stand' who backed up her DV claims. they knew exactly what he meant, i have no doubt.

Speaking of MattM, what did he testify to that contradicted what JA had been saying and he should "fix" it asap? (I mean in the magazine messages that were possibly meant for MM). I never could figure out what she was talking about. And why did she give him the media guy's phone number? For MM to do an interview supporting the pedo story?
Another thing that crossed my mind was about the forensic evidence and ME. This trial has hopefully given them a "gut check". When justice is in the balance, arrogance needs to be checked at the door. The police work on this case was phenomenal. I just feel that there was more to the forensics than was presented. JM tied it together very well, but it has bothered me that the testimony on the stand by the forensic team could have been more powerful. IMO

True, but this may have been JM's strategy. By just having the forensics team describe the type of blood splatter evidence without theories, it prevented the DT from confusing the jury with their own theories and also prevented JA from using their theories to formulate her testimony when she took the stand.

Some have criticized JM because he did not have TA's friends testify during rebuttal. I think his strategy was to keep the jury's focus on the crime itself and not let the trial become a defense of TA's. How can you defend the character of someone who is dead without hearsay evidence? That would be very difficult. And the defense would be able to ask each one of these witnesses "Is it possible x,y and z happened behind close doors?" Each one of his friends would have to reply "yes anything is possible".
umm-there is no court today
the jury will be back on Monday 9am wherever in the world you are!

:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm::facepalm:

Lord, I am an idiot. But I keep reading different accounts on the internet soooo that should say it ALL!
Anyone know if there a verdict watch iphone app?
Something that alerts you when a verdict has been reached???
Speaking of MattM, what did he testify to that contradicted what JA had been saying and he should "fix" it asap? (I mean in the magazine messages that were possibly meant for MM). I never could figure out what she was talking about. And why did she give him the media guy's phone number? For MM to do an interview supporting the pedo story?

We don't know exactly what they were about, but hopefully; we will soon!
OT Kinda: This afternoon will be the 139th running of the Kentucky Derby. I spend Derby day in front of the TV all day watching IMO the most beautiful of God's creatures demonstrate their beauty, grace, passion and athleticism. Very few horses qualify for the Derby. It is a race to the finish of the very best.

I kinda look at JM as the human equivalent. He brings passion in his quest for justice and we have been rooting for him for the past 4 months to bring it home, over the finish line.
:facepalm: :facepalm: :facepalm::facepalm:

Lord, I am an idiot. But I keep reading different accounts on the internet soooo that should say it ALL!

your not an idiot...I have plenty of blonde moments myself-:floorlaugh:

Second Degree: Not less than 10 years nor more than 25 years
Manslaughter imprisonment up to 12.5 years in prison for a first offense

I think Beth said they must do 85%. 85% would be 10.6 years/manslaughter
If second degree and given 25 years.85% would be 21.2 years
Jodi has been incarcerated since July 15, 2008
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