Verdict Watch 05/03/2013

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WOW! Your theory makes the most sense of any I've heard!! It also explains Gus's very strange 'covert' behaviour on the stand when he couldn't name who he was in the car with when JA called because of some business secret that he didn't want CH to know about. His testimony was completely bizarre.

Yeah, what in the heck was that all about? Gus was panicking on the stand when asked who was in the car- what could that been all about? JSS even said he could write the name down and it would be sealed, then he started asking about pleading the 5th. ??? Something big he was hiding.

She scammed Travis. Meaning, imo, when he said he was finally really through with her, he went to his finances and realized that the advances in commissions he had been giving her were against PPL sales which she never made. The names were bogus, etc, something like that.

I got this idea from his threat to tell Chris and Skye, who were her upline. Why tell them instead of the bishop? Because it was a PPL scam where she used her information she snooped to enter his PPL account and transfer his sales to herself, and he found out she had been doing whatever it was for some time.

And Travis was such a kind person he didn't immediately call the police or call Chris himself. He tried to use the info to get her to leave him alone. Maybe he knew how useless restraining orders can be with seriously crazy violent people.

Also, I'll bet she threatened him physically, something like, "You don't know who you are dealing with - you will regret this, Travis, I promise you. You can mark my words, if you are still alive."

That would be a provocation for his fear of her (in addition to the stalking).


I've always thought that whatever it was that set Travis off, he was able to document it, which was why Jodi was threatened enough to kill him. It couldn't have been just hearsay, he had to have proof. Otherwise she would have figured she could just lie her way out of it. He had something she couldn't lie her way out of

The PPL thing, her making up people she sold to, that would provide the tangible proof I think he had.

Thanks for an idea that fits my theory!
Regarding Geffner. Generally speaking, a neuropsychologist has a lot of knowledge about the working brain on a living human being. More so than a forensic pathologist as they deal with deceased human beings and determine cause of death. Two totally different specialities. Using Dr. Geffner to refute an ME was a stretch and was not effective IMO.
The court is not open and staffed on weekends, so they can't deliberate again until Monday morning

I realize the court is not normally open on Saturday but I believe the Judge told the jurors they could deliberate on Saturday if they wanted to. In addition, I am sure the court wasn't scheduled to be open last Wednesday night until 9:30 PM but they were to accomodate this trial. I am sure they could arrange for the baliffs to be there today had they requested it.
I understand what you're saying :)blushing:) SweetT but I think the casual use of the term "rape" may be a big part of the problem and the term should really be used/reserved for occasions where/when it truly applies. JMO ~

Jodi even corrected her own attorney, Nurmi, when he was questioning her on the stand, twice

she said, not raped, I'd call it ravished, when he asked if she wanted to be raped,

also, she said, he ( Travis ) was not meaning it in the legal term of rape....

so clearly, imo, when Travis was using the word raped he meant enthusiastically ripping ones clothes off, like one would expect in a lustful love scene in a movie, or even my mother's rather conservative Harlequin Romance novels, not a violent, unwelcome rape like the criminal rape. This is personal, but most people would not be turned on by someone only lukewarm about them, but rather be ravished, enthusiastically, right?

I agree the Travis was simply using the wrong word. I think all the people on the jury get it, male or female, young or old, white, black or Hispanic. They understand what Travis meant. NO ONE THINKS HE RAPE HER.

I think they will make very short order of this and come back with Murder one. The sex life was just a distraction. It has nothing to do with did she slaughter him or not and Juan Martinez sure made the sky blue about that!!
I'm confused, are BPD that evil? I think Travis had it right, Jodi is a sociopath (with BPD traits). Or as the forensics docs on DD say, the whole shebang of disorders.
Good gawd, when I read that tweet--I never thought about the Alexander's prayer and fast. I don't think evil. I thought the witch was trolling for deposits for her commissary account. She's probably trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. She so deserves the death penalty.

I have always thought Jodi would kill again, I think she has serial killer written all over her. I think she enjoyed killing Travis, enjoys reliving it. She used that word "trophy", she is just too bizarre and creepy. I live in the state where BTK resided, she reminds me of him wanting the attention in the media...although he wasn't the female vixen.

As for her other tweet about Juan, she's trying to get her little followers to dig up dirt on Juan (for free) on past cases. Good luck with that, Jodi. Not gJoing to happen. I hope everything she tweets can be used against her if she gets Murder 1, Premeditated.

What was her tweet about Juan?
and where was good ol' matt mccartney? after all, he's the one who supposedly saw her bruised neck after she left mesa in april, 2008. he's the one she told about all the 'beatings.'

so where was he?

JM did a very good job of pointing out that they heard nobody 'from the witness stand' who backed up her DV claims. they knew exactly what he meant, i have no doubt.

True as you said. JM did also point out that JA was living at home and none of the family saw anything . well they did not take the stand. what about /friends or her co-workers(if she got a job) saw anything either. such marks on her neck would have been clear to see on her neck even after a few days.
Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 8h
Commissary didn't arrive this week. It's like waking up on Christmas morning and discovering that Santa skipped your neighborhood.
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Jodi Arias ‏@Jodiannarias 8h
Hypocrisy bugs. Wish we could shine a spotlight on all of Juan's lies,lies he's made on record over the years in a court of law.


Must have pulled that one out of her backside. She never stops her psychopathic behaviour. Petty and grudging. A veritable cesspool inside her head and a lump of coal for a heart. Doesn't sound remorseful to me.

Can't wait for the murder1 verdict. Her 'communications' will be done. Meanwhile, let 'er rip. I hope they can use this stuff in the penalty phase.
When Juan objected he said something to the effect that nothing had been addressed like that. I believe Nurmi was going after Juan for pointing out that ALV lied about ever defending a man in a DV case, and how she seemed to think women could do no wrong. And what the heck was ever mentioned about Nurmi's hair? I must have been absent that day!

I remember the "bad haircut" was a juror question to Samuels. Like "could a bad haircut cause transient global amnesia"..,was Juan saying the juror was poking fun at Nurmi?
Were you surprised when Nurmi asked the jury to return a verdict for manslaughter? i thought they were trying for an acquittal?
Can someone please tell me why JM did not explain JA's use of the knife first rather than the gun? Clearly it was a deliberate move on the part of JM the genius. Thanks!
Coffee break! I may be an odd cupcake or else an extremely light sleeper...or I must sleep in a weird position, you know, with my legs closed....

I've been in long term committed relationships. My SO wanted some fun while I was asleep. I can tell ya that I didn't remain asleep for more than a second or two....How can someone perform 'things' on you while you are asleep for very long and you don't know it's being done?
Like I said, my lower extremities must be Fort Knox. If I wasn't interested in the activity being initiated, someone would have probably gotten hurt from a knee or thigh upside the noggin.... I'm just sayin....If it went more than a few seconds from contact, she welcomed it. What a liar.
I remember the "bad haircut" was a juror question to Samuels. Like "could a bad haircut cause transient global amnesia"..,was Juan saying the juror was poking fun at Nurmi?

I think the sexual orientation thing was a reference to ALV. The bad haircut in reference to the juror question. I have a feeling that Nurmi knows that it was juror #5 who asked that question and that is why he so boldly talked about it in that demeaning way. If he really does not know which juror asked that question then I say that it's a dumb thing to say. Insulting the jurors won't help their case.
I hope I'm not ridiculously late again (always so behind!), but I wear a jacket inside in the NC summers when places have AC. I don't keep my AC as cold as they do, and if I don't wear a jacket inside those places, I can't take the heat outside as well. I'm outside a bunch, so it's important to stay used to being kinda hot. That and I'm literally cold with the way they keep their AC :D Under 75 anywhere in summer is downright polar to me.

I wear a sweater, sweatshirt, or jacket inside even on hundred degree days. I *freeze* and am very very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. I had bone cancer awhile back and so now sudden changes in the temperature cause me a LOT of pain.

Plus, if I'm wearing an extra layer, I don't feel like I have to sit keeping my tummy pulled in! I can be comfortable and hide the food baby from the night before's dinner!
Were you surprised when Nurmi asked the jury to return a verdict for manslaughter? i thought they were trying for an acquittal?

they know their case is a loser on ALL fronts-----the PTSD? nope. DV? nope. self defense? nope.

so he begged for manslaughter. their whole case collapsed and he proved it with his closing argument.
I've always thought that whatever it was that set Travis off, he was able to document it, which was why Jodi was threatened enough to kill him. It couldn't have been just hearsay, he had to have proof. Otherwise she would have figured she could just lie her way out of it. He had something she couldn't lie her way out of

The PPL thing, her making up people she sold to, that would provide the tangible proof I think he had.

Thanks for an idea that fits my theory!

But wasn't Jodi bringing in $40/month from PPL? For some reason I am remembering that amount...

I think that was another reason she was upset...she thought she'd be able to sell PPL and not have to waitress anymore.
WOW! Your theory makes the most sense of any I've heard!! It also explains Gus's very strange 'covert' behaviour on the stand when he couldn't name who he was in the car with when JA called because of some business secret that he didn't want CH to know about. His testimony was completely bizarre.

If that theory were true, I think the police forensics would have found it and jumped on it as to motive for killing TA. Following money trails is a common police procedure when murder is involved. That would have been an extremely plausible motive to use against her if there was any truth to it.
Were you surprised when Nurmi asked the jury to return a verdict for manslaughter? i thought they were trying for an acquittal?

No I was not..they knew they would never get an acquittal,so they asked for the least amount of time she could spend in prison..

The 3x killing him was to much & they knew it!!
esp the stabs to his back..sorry for being graphic
Can someone please tell me why JM did not explain JA's use of the knife first rather than the gun? Clearly it was a deliberate move on the part of JM the genius. Thanks!

i think he went with what the evidence shows----no blood in the brain means it couldn't be first. so he didn't need to go there.
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