Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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I have read a great many brilliant theory's as to" what came first" and" motive",but know there will never be an answer unless JA decides to tell us herself---ha! Could we even believe her then?

So I can only hope the jury will just see it like this:

Whatever came first is really ONLY important IF you believe JA. I think that is not happening. So it now becomes a matter of MOTIVE.

Well there is Cancun, plain jealousy of Travis moving on and away from JA, the sex tape made without his knowledge as blackmail, or one of the many other nefarious actions a JA could be capable of doing. So motive is a given. What it was we will likely never know. I think if it had something to do with PPL it would have been found out by now by Chris Hughes.

For me i don't need to know anything more than Know in my heart she literally slaughtered TA. How and why she could have inflicted that many wounds, slit his throat and shot him just does not matter. That she did this is all I would need to know and that she has admitted to.

I am not a Death Penalty advocate, but in this case I would fry her a--.
The fact that she had absolutely no remorse, never shed a tear, never apologized for having to do this to save herself, sneered at the prosecution, sat there drawing as her life was being fought for, writing notes to JW constantly,her snide testimony, and that GODLESS blank stare is enough for me to know in my heart this woman does not deserve to live in this world.

I only wish "death could be dealt out by inflicting the same amount of pain she inflicted on Travis". However if that were the case we would have to have monsters like JA to carry that type of execution out. One is too many!!

I have to have faith only that these jurors will do the right thing .....OJ and CA still hang over the judicial system like a "Black Cloud" , IMO. For me there is still that fear that this could happen again. HOLDING MY BREATH!
Ponderthis, I never believed he had sex to difuse. Jodi self projects. She was speaking for herself. Maybe he did say Kill you ***** after he was attacked. To bad he did not have the opportunity to defend herself. If she does not get the DP, she wil be spending alot of time defending herself when shes thrown into the population.

What's heartbreaking is that in the last full face close-up, it's clear that he knows something is very, very wrong. He sees Jodi the way he envisioned her during that last blistering e-mail/text exchange ("You're the worst thing that's ever happened to me ...") and yet, yet, yet,

He doesn't appear enraged. It doesn't seem from the photo that rage was anywhere near what he was feeling. In that photo I see despondency, sadness, fear and somehow his eyes are projecting sorrow for her!

Even in his last moments, I believe he only tried to get her off of him (evidenced by defensive wounds on his hands and on his FEET ... for God's sake, his FEET) and only her rage filled that bathroom.

If she is thrown in general population, she'll know every day how uncertain survival is and she'll learn about stealth attacks and she'll finally have an appreciative audience for her talents as a three h&*$ wonder.

Couldn't happen to a nice girl.
Same weapons, only larger calibre firearm and twice as many knives...the most amazing thing to me is where the firearm was found, finally. Demonstrates exactly how cunning the killer is. Ashamed the jury did not get to hear anything about this little trip. Seems to me it shows flight, can't figure why it was not allowed into the trial.

I think if the jury had heard about this "trip" and seen the parents' interrogations they would have delivered their verdict before they left on Friday.

Yes, in the attic!!! Didn't even think of that! Maybe that's why she brought up the stupid social security card up there story, maybe that's what she told Travis she was doing if T ever caught her up there.

I hope men hear about this story and realise how dangerous some women can be.

I don't remember that story. Can you tell me more?

I've read this over and over here. I have large hands myself, they are my dear father's hands and every time I look at them I think of my Dad and thank God I have something physical that reminds me of him. He was my best friend and I miss him all the time.

Size of hands mean nothing obviously. I wish people would stop posting about such physical attributes related to JA. None of it matters. If she had hands the size of a child's she still would have butchered and slaughtered TA.

Nhic - if I hurt your feelings or hit a hot spot with you I am sorry, it was not my intent.

However, I do tend to think her hands offer a distinct advantage verses small hands, untrained hands. I agree, small hands can slaughter as well.
I think if the jury had heard about this "trip" and seen the parents' interrogations they would have delivered their verdict before they left on Friday.

they DID hear about the trip, didn't they? she sat up there and fumbled around for the names of the other people going camping. couldn't remember them.
as for the parent's interrogation, we might see that in the penalty phase because they will for sure testify on her behalf.
MM. I think she drove around withl everything in the trunck until she got back to Cal. Others have said that would be risky. Look at what she had alreary done. You cant draw a line in the sand with her. She drove over 2800 miles. The last leg of that trip was to get riid of evidence. MM worked in Crater Lake and its always been my gut feeling disposed of the evidence there. WHY? I think she told MM Travis raped her in order to get him to help. Why do I think that? During interrogations she said to Flores " Why would I hurt Travis? He did not rape me." She never would have said that unless she told someone that he raped her. I think that is how she was able to get someone to help her after the fact and I think it was MM. My gut feeling. In addition to that , during a interview she told someone that Travis had projects. She said "some will be completed and some wont". How does a dead man complete a project? What was the project he would complete. According to her they were suppose to go to Crater Lake when he returned from Mexico. I think disposing evidence in her SICK MIND in Crater Lake was a competed projected. His blood is on the items. MM worked there at the time. This is how I feel .
IF MM did have that kind of involvement, I can only hope that once this is all said and done and she sits on death row, he finally tells all to someone.
I just don't think TA ever said "kill you_____"; I truly believe that the first blow put him in shock and he just tried to get away. I don't believe he did anything but scream in pain and horror. JMO

I disagree. I believe there is a sprinkle of truth in her lies. I think after she stabbed him in the heart, it is entirely possible he said that as he stumble out of the shower. If he was able to speak those words or words like them would have made sense.

What REALLY happened that day in the bathroom? The only thing we know for sure is even if she tells the whole truth about it (never will happen) we wouldn't know it cause she has lied endlessly for so long.

If she gets the death penalty and when they're finally ready to strap her down to the table, that's when she will tell what "really" happened as graphically as possible and even if it's a lie, she plans to leave this world inflicting as much pain as she did while inhabiting it.

I also think she'll arrange to have one of her flying monkeys deliver the gun, the knife and more photos of his death just because she's ... she's cancerous.

Don't know why I'm convinced this will happen, but with every fiber of my being, I know she has one last round of evil to spew.
I think if she hadn't been caught she would have quickly become a serial killer. I think she had killed animals in the past ie the dog that never came back. I think killing Travis gave her a thrill. You can see it all over her face everytime they show the crime scence photos. She can't help but look. If she were to get off, I totally believe she would kill again.
In the interrogation room, Flores showed her the picture of Travis that had her foot in it. You can see blood running down his shoulder. Flores said this is Travis and this is your foot. Her response was "this is his bathroom". Its the only comment she made. No water works. She saved the fake crying for court. I cant wait for the verdict. She may remain calm. Attorneys orders. If she chooses to address the court, I hope the entire Alexander family walks out and returns when shes done. I do believe she will throw out a dig.
they DID hear about the trip, didn't they? she sat up there and fumbled around for the names of the other people going camping. couldn't remember them.
as for the parent's interrogation, we might see that in the penalty phase because they will for sure testify on her behalf.

They did hear about the camping trip because that was the reason for purchasing the 9mm. I did not think they heard the circumstances of her arrest with her rental car packed and ready to flee.
Nhic - if I hurt your feelings or hit a hot spot with you I am sorry, it was not my intent.

However, I do tend to think her hands offer a distinct advantage verses small hands, untrained hands. I agree, small hands can slaughter as well.

Its ok, you didn't hurt my feelings. :floorlaugh:

To me though it doesn't matter what physical attributes a psychopath has, it's their disordered mind that kills and what the killer looks like has nothing to do with anything IMO.

Her previous experience with knives (restaurants) would have given her the edge over a killer with no knife experience, that's true what you've said. I also believe she killed before, probably animals (including the family dog) and she knew from those experiences how to use knives to kill. What she didn't know is that killing an animal would be a lot easier than killing a human being. She has learned that now and IMO if she's ever released she won't make the same mistakes twice when she kills again.

I hope this jury comes back with a verdict of M1 tomorrow.
Just changed (hopefully) my avatar to a Justice for Travis ribbon.

I'm hoping for a verdict tomorrow, but I'll be out of town and unable to post on here. But I look forward to reading everyone's reactions when I get home!
She said she lost it (just as she arrived in Arizona, she turned it off)

She said she found it under the passenger seat (just as she left Arizona she turned it back on)

Was the poster referring to the lost helio phone that was found later in her mom or dads truck by her aunt?
They did hear about the camping trip because that was the reason for purchasing the 9mm. I did not think they heard the circumstances of her arrest with her rental car packed and ready to flee.

no, they didn't hear she was getting out of Dodge. but just hearing she was signing on to a camping trip with all men, and bought herself a new gun was pretty jaw-dropping.
she wanted to be 'a responsible gun owner'. remember that line? LOL.
ITA, your screen shots are great!
I was hoping to see someone post the pics of her when everyone thought she was crying during closing, I believe, but IMO, she looks like she is laughing hysterically all googly eyed hand over mouth. She looks possessed!

She was overcome with glee, that's why she'd cover her face with her hair and one hand. The other hand was needed to pinch herself so that she wouldn't guffaw in court.

P.S. I didn't capture those screen shots. I tried every day but only grabbed one that was funny and it was of her rolling her eyes, lol.
no, they didn't hear she was getting out of Dodge. but just hearing she was signing on to a camping trip with all men, and bought herself a new gun was pretty jaw-dropping.
she wanted to be 'a responsible gun owner'. remember that line? LOL.

And this is another reason why the PTSD diagnosis was a complete sham! I think the defense wanted to say, well, she still has PTSD but it was from killing Travis, so even if there were no ninjas, she still has PTSD. But, if she was so scared from doing that, she would never have bought a gun!
Nhic - if I hurt your feelings or hit a hot spot with you I am sorry, it was not my intent.

However, I do tend to think her hands offer a distinct advantage verses small hands, untrained hands. I agree, small hands can slaughter as well.

Juan even said something about her pointing "that long finger" when she points out Travis being a Bad Morman, when she's doing the same thing he was doing
If she gets the death penalty and when they're finally ready to strap her down to the table, that's when she will tell what "really" happened as graphically as possible and even if it's a lie, she plans to leave this world inflicting as much pain as she did while inhabiting it.

I also think she'll arrange to have one of her flying monkeys deliver the gun, the knife and more photos of his death just because she's ... she's cancerous.

Don't know why I'm convinced this will happen, but with every fiber of my being, I know she has one last round of evil to spew.

I don't believe she is done with her evilness either. If she is found guilty of M1, no matter if it is LWOP or the DP - in her mind, all of it will be Travis' fault and his family helped. With that mindset she will not pass up any opportunity to be hateful.
no, they didn't hear she was getting out of Dodge. but just hearing she was signing on to a camping trip with all men, and bought herself a new gun was pretty jaw-dropping.
she wanted to be 'a responsible gun owner'. remember that line? LOL.

And that she'd be the only female on a camping trip in the middle of the woods in the middle of the night with a group of men she barely knew and who'd be under the influence of alcohol.

And of COURSE any man near her would be compelled to try to have sex with her. Of COURSE she'd need a gun to protect herself. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Her narcissism knows no bounds.
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