Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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Well they were having sex, so pregnancy was a possibility. I'm not saying she was pregnant, she may just have told him so and then said she had an abortion because he obviously didn't love her, etc. Just another way to inflict pain on this poor man.

Agree she could have done that for sure. Only I believe whatever he was that angry about had to be more than JA lying about an abortion or pregnancy. IMO, it had to be something he knew was true from a source other than JA.
Bringing this over from the last thread...

kaRN said:
IMO It's not rape 5 years after the fact just because you need to call it rape to justify murder.

I never said that Travis raped Jodi. I said that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a sleeping woman is rape because she is not in a condition to give consent. It's exactly the same thing as penetrating a woman who is passed out or otherwise unconscious. I have no idea why ANYONE would try to argue this FACT that someone who is asleep is not in a condition where they are ABLE to give consent.

I also said that between many couples this is acceptable behavior because the consent is implied as they both KNOW that the consent is implied are ok with doing this. Though I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to be treated like nothing more than a semen receptacle and particularly by someone that they believe loves or at least cares for them. If a guy can't be BOTHERED to wake you up first and make sexual advances FIRST to see if you are interested in having sex at that time then I have a lot of choice four letter words for someone like that.

I also said that in the case of Jodi and Travis, Jodi said herself that she enjoyed it when he woke her up by having sex with her, and OBVIOUSLY in that case it is not rape because of the implied consent - they both KNEW that this activity was something that they were ok with doing. And I also said that I don't believe it ever happened at all anyway, and this is just one more of Jodi's many fabricated sex stories. Sorry, but I just can't believe that Travis was the kind of person (particularly being so inexperienced with sex compared to the average non-Mormon unmarried male) would be so gross and selfish to do something like that even if he knew she was ok with it.

Just because Jodi is a murdering monster is no reason to pretend that penetrating a woman when she is asleep and therefore cannot consent to sex is not rape and no big deal. And AGAIN, I'm NOT saying that this is what happened to Jodi with Travis. In their particular case it was either implied consent since Jodi said that she enjoyed it or just another one of her infinite fabricated sex stories.

Again, all I was doing was correcting another person's post about this that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a women when she is asleep and therefore unable to give consent to sex is rape according to the law and according to anyone with even a modicum of a moral compass. What he was incorrect about was that Travis did this to Jodi and trying to claim it was rape when she said herself that she enjoyed it and therefore there was implied consent between them.

Just because you have a sexual relationship with someone does not give that someone all sexual rights to your body as though you were nothing more than a lump of flesh that said someone owns.

Incidently, just because someone was raped 5 years ago doesn't make it any less rape just because they never go to the police about it or even tell anyone at all about it. How sick a society we live in where women are STILL made to feel dirty and ashamed because they were raped. And how sick a society we live in that there are so many people - even women - that actually believe that a man has some God given right to penetrate a woman they have a sexual relationship with while she is asleep and unable to give consent.
it's official!!! My daughter IS in labor!!!! On my way to the hospital!!! YAY soooo excited!!

No, I saw a televised interview with Sheriff Joe. May have been the NG interview. She asked him what happens to JA when the verdict is handed down and if it's guilty...he said that at that time she will be placed on the chain gang and will remain a member of it until her transfer to Perryville. I never knew the goings on at Estrella before, just that Sheriff Joe is no joke. Ever since I heard it, I've smiled every time I think about it. Sick as that may make me, I smile.

Chain gang? Is there really such a thing outside of the movies? Are these the prisoners who pick up trash on the side of the freeway? She's pretty strong - hope she doesn't break loose and hitch a ride from some poor guy! I bet she would give anything for one last 'road trip'!
Such a lovely post. I love her style inside the courtroom as a prosecutor. Wow. And yes, I too am happy for her that she has a wonderful family.

I can't wait for JM's book! He must write one for us!

I do not recall ever seeing a more real life colorful character. I laughed and laughed aloud so many times during this trial. He is so quick with the comebacks and he is just so genuinely funny. I bet working with him is a trip. His girlfriend must have the best times laughing with him.

We will all remember the little Juanisms, forever. We kind of feel like we know him somehow. Right? He seems so down to earth, much like Nancy in that piece of her young prosecutor days, she had a two dollar bottle of Suave hairspray, just like mine. That made me grin
Bringing this over from the last thread...

I never said that Travis raped Jodi. I said that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a sleeping woman is rape because she is not in a condition to give consent. It's exactly the same thing as penetrating a woman who is passed out or otherwise unconscious. I have no idea why ANYONE would try to argue this FACT that someone who is asleep is not in a condition where they are ABLE to give consent.

I also said that between many couples this is acceptable behavior because the consent is implied as they both KNOW that the consent is implied are ok with doing this. Though I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to be treated like nothing more than a semen receptacle and particularly by someone that they believe loves or at least cares for them. If a guy can't be BOTHERED to wake you up first and make sexual advances FIRST to see if you are interested in having sex at that time then I have a lot of choice four letter words for someone like that.

I also said that in the case of Jodi and Travis, Jodi said herself that she enjoyed it when he woke her up by having sex with her, and OBVIOUSLY in that case it is not rape because of the implied consent - they both KNEW that this activity was something that they were ok with doing. And I also said that I don't believe it ever happened at all anyway, and this is just one more of Jodi's many fabricated sex stories. Sorry, but I just can't believe that Travis was the kind of person (particularly being so inexperienced with sex compared to the average non-Mormon unmarried male) would be so gross and selfish to do something like that even if he knew she was ok with it.

Just because Jodi is a murdering monster is no reason to pretend that penetrating a woman when she is asleep and therefore cannot consent to sex is not rape and no big deal. And AGAIN, I'm NOT saying that this is what happened to Jodi with Travis. In their particular case it was either implied consent since Jodi said that she enjoyed it or just another one of her infinite fabricated sex stories.

Again, all I was doing was correcting another person's post about this that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a women when she is asleep and therefore unable to give consent to sex is rape according to the law and according to anyone with even a modicum of a moral compass. What he was incorrect about was that Travis did this to Jodi and trying to claim it was rape when she said herself that she enjoyed it and therefore there was implied consent between them.

Just because you have a sexual relationship with someone does not give that someone all sexual rights to your body as though you were nothing more than a lump of flesh that said someone owns.

Incidently, just because someone was raped 5 years ago doesn't make it any less rape just because they never go to the police about it or even tell anyone at all about it. How sick a society we live in where women are STILL made to feel dirty and ashamed because they were raped. And how sick a society we live in that there are so many people - even women - that actually believe that a man has some God given right to penetrate a woman they have a sexual relationship with while she is asleep and unable to give consent.

I agree that no one has an unfettered right to anyone else's body, but in this case, if JA claimed it, I know it's a lie.
Secondly, even if a man attempted to penetrate a woman or start to perform an act on her, the second she wakes up, she can say no. No isn't in JA's vocabulary. Nurmi's dissertation was based on a lie.
Someone has coined a new name for Mr. Juanderful - the Dalai Juana!
My understanding of chain gangs in his jail is it is voluntary and is to reduce sentences for non violent criminal....not DP .I have a pair of sherrif Joe's pink from friend in AZ many tears ago....
Chain gang? Is there really such a thing outside of the movies? Are these the prisoners who pick up trash on the side of the freeway? She's pretty strong - hope she doesn't break loose and hitch a ride from some poor guy! I bet she would give anything for one last 'road trip'!

Until I saw the interview with the Sheriff I thought chain gangs were for murderous men of old LOLOL I don't know about the gang doing trash duty, maybe so. I'm going to research it. The road groups here aren't shackled, and that's saved for the people who are in the county jail on things like VOP, not more serious offenses. I feel badly when I see the guard, sitting in the van, holding the gun, watching them on the side of the road...I don't like to make eye contact with them, I think it's humiliating enough to be seen doing that.
Bringing this over from the last thread...

I never said that Travis raped Jodi. I said that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a sleeping woman is rape because she is not in a condition to give consent. It's exactly the same thing as penetrating a woman who is passed out or otherwise unconscious. I have no idea why ANYONE would try to argue this FACT that someone who is asleep is not in a condition where they are ABLE to give consent.

I also said that between many couples this is acceptable behavior because the consent is implied as they both KNOW that the consent is implied are ok with doing this. Though I can't for the life of me understand why anyone would want to be treated like nothing more than a semen receptacle and particularly by someone that they believe loves or at least cares for them. If a guy can't be BOTHERED to wake you up first and make sexual advances FIRST to see if you are interested in having sex at that time then I have a lot of choice four letter words for someone like that.

I also said that in the case of Jodi and Travis, Jodi said herself that she enjoyed it when he woke her up by having sex with her, and OBVIOUSLY in that case it is not rape because of the implied consent - they both KNEW that this activity was something that they were ok with doing. And I also said that I don't believe it ever happened at all anyway, and this is just one more of Jodi's many fabricated sex stories. Sorry, but I just can't believe that Travis was the kind of person (particularly being so inexperienced with sex compared to the average non-Mormon unmarried male) would be so gross and selfish to do something like that even if he knew she was ok with it.

Just because Jodi is a murdering monster is no reason to pretend that penetrating a woman when she is asleep and therefore cannot consent to sex is not rape and no big deal. And AGAIN, I'm NOT saying that this is what happened to Jodi with Travis. In their particular case it was either implied consent since Jodi said that she enjoyed it or just another one of her infinite fabricated sex stories.

Again, all I was doing was correcting another person's post about this that Nurmi IS correct that penetrating a women when she is asleep and therefore unable to give consent to sex is rape according to the law and according to anyone with even a modicum of a moral compass. What he was incorrect about was that Travis did this to Jodi and trying to claim it was rape when she said herself that she enjoyed it and therefore there was implied consent between them.

Just because you have a sexual relationship with someone does not give that someone all sexual rights to your body as though you were nothing more than a lump of flesh that said someone owns.

Incidently, just because someone was raped 5 years ago doesn't make it any less rape just because they never go to the police about it or even tell anyone at all about it. How sick a society we live in where women are STILL made to feel dirty and ashamed because they were raped. And how sick a society we live in that there are so many people - even women - that actually believe that a man has some God given right to penetrate a woman they have a sexual relationship with while she is asleep and unable to give consent.

I'm sure Travis would sincerely apologize for "violating" Jodi IF he could.
Of all the things to be upset about regarding this case...REALLY??
I wonder how much sedation JA is requiring this weekend. :please: Not much light at the end of the tunnel she is looking thru. :stormingmad:

I would guess for sure she is on suicide watch.
Basically she said that unless they were willing to plead her out to 2nd degree she was going public with BS about Travis. I imagine it was the pedo claim AND the sex tape. (?)

HAA! She GREATLY underestimated Mr. Juan Martinez.
Don't be sad friend, she is laughing all the way to the bank. So many people say that in real life she is the sweetest, most giving person you ever want to meet. On screen she has a persona, much like Beyoncé on stage, compared to the sweet Beyoncé in interviews. It is all for show. The lawyers she chews up and spits out on her show.....they are often times her very best buddies of twenty five years or more. The show is set up to be adversary. The guests are assigned sides to argue for at the beginning of the show.

She does amazing work fighting for victims. She was paid close to nothing all those years as a prosecutor, and she spent years volunteering for a battered women's hotline, for no pay, no audience. I think that takes a good spirit, on the inside. I like, trust and respect her.

It always amazes me how many very bright people watch her and complain about her. The channel clicker is a wonderful thing. I do not spend two seconds watching someone I do not like, trust or respect. Please don't make me name them. You know I can. I'd rather turn on the radio than watch someone who upsets me or that I think is a jerk, right?

She finally got to marry after all these years and have her children. Good for her. Seeing her say it takes nights and weekends with no pay when you are a prosecutor you live, eat and breath the case.....made me think of Mr. Martinez. If anyone deserves the three hundred fifty dollars an hour those silly experts were paid, it is Juan Martinez, and then some. I imagine he is on a salary and gets the same payday, if he works one hour of overtime or one hundred. If he ever wants to write a book....I'll take two!

Well, I'm glad to know she isn't going to have a stroke on her show! On a "going ballistic" scale of 1 - 10, she's about a 25 :rollercoaster: I didn't know she was married with twins until this case. She always softens at the end of her show with the salute to fallen heroes.

When setting my DVR, I always skip over JVM, record Nancy Grace and Dr. Drew. I just can't listen to JVM. She has great insights but she hollers and it stresses me out. lol
I do not recall ever seeing a more real life colorful character. I laughed and laughed aloud so many times during this trial. He is so quick with the comebacks and he is just so genuinely funny. I bet working with him is a trip. His girlfriend must have the best times laughing with him.

We will all remember the little Juanisms, forever. We kind of feel like we know him somehow. Right? He seems so down to earth, much like Nancy in that piece of her young prosecutor days, she had a two dollar bottle of Suave hairspray, just like mine. That made me grin

I hope JM or atleast someone on his behalf writes a book after this trial. Many years ago I received a John Lennon scrapbook of sorts (I think it's called Lennon Legend) with pictures, lyrics, copy of his handwriting, all sorts of things)

I really wish someone would make a book like that about JM. No he is not a 'celebrity'. He's a prosecutor who fights for Justice and he deserves to recognized. We need a book with his biography (what an amazing example of the real American Dream)photos, Juanisms etc. Informative and would serve as a keepsake as well.

The more Juan focused on Travis' May 26th text. The more confused I get as to motive. It appeared to be this jealousy, the cancun trip, Travis being done with her etc. But there is the other aspect of the statement of "punishment will be greater than the lie." and the "Dildo with a heart beat comment." An obsessed lover who stalks and is sociopath, and he feels like a dildo with a heartbeat? Why would be feel like a booty call given the context of everything we know about her love, and stalker behavior? If anything he would feel obsessed about and controlled. Not devalued. Unless he potentially learned that behavior was really masking something criminal on her, perhaps?

I feel like Jodi enjoys that the drama surrounding the obsession and sex, because it takes away the focus of the real motive. I just can't phathom what it actually was that he knew, but it seemed emotionally charged AND criminal. It hurt him deeply, he wanted proof from someone because he doesn't believe her--which makes me feel like his presense was a key component to her behavior, and the "punishment" had to be prison not just public exposure. He HAD to have had something solid-- because Borderlines are good at blame shifting and could have easily turned herself into a victim. Her behavior prior to this text was classic borderline, but the crime it's self seemed to be manufactored by a psychopath.

I don't believe it "He will take me back or I'll kill him." I think it was seduce him into getting rid of the evidence against her, or I'll kill him, which is why there is no evidence as to what that fight was about and what she did to him to ellicit that response. She knew she would be suspect number one, and I would think it would be less planned if she were frantic about Travis moving on. Her focus would be getting to him and changing his mind, and THEN killing him. If he had sex with her she would still believe she had a chance with him, plus Mimi wasn't into him and she knew it. There was no urgency that would take him away for ever and she couldn't sway him into sex--she's done it before. Whatever it was required a risk of getting caught to cover his discovery is what I think. And as long as that motive is deeply concealed, shes willing to do whatever it takes to distract from that. Just my Opinion.

It's killing me not being able to figure out it could be though..
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