Verdict Watch 05/04/ and 05/05/2013

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During closing, Juan said Jodi said she had a cut finger after the killing but I never caught it during the trial. Is it true?

Yes it's been mentioned many times. She said she cut herself on a glass at his house and she also,said at margarita ills to Ryan and to ALV cutting apples.
Nightwatch, I think they are giving a thirty minute warning.

wow 30 min. so all the folks involved will have to be in the courthouse all day waiting. level of stress will be through the roof for ta's family :moo:

guilty 1st degree :please:
Whoa...on her direct exam Jodi begins describing her road trip at 2:30:00
At 2:47:00 she tell Nurmii :

"I went to Salinas, had to wait because there was a wait at the nail salon, got my nails done and drove to Pasadena."

Nurmi 2:47:40 "you mention being in Salinas and having to wait at the nail salon. Did you go anywhere else while in Salinas?"

J: "I think I did but it escapes me right now"

Jodi Arias Trial Day 19 (Full) - YouTube

She sure didn't want to talk about Walmart and the third gas can!

and when Juan did his cross on this.....he asked her something like "and you went somewhere else didn't you?" which she replied...."you didn't ask me yet"......I remember it being something smart like this!!
What is the verdict watch text alert at the beginning of this thread?
"Text BREAKING to # 23765"

What will it text you about?

Breaking News You will get a text when a verdict is reached. You will also get texts of other news out of AZ.
I thought it funny that Hln after dark and the live show from az hosted by jvm handed out strawberry frappucinos and tootsie roll pops.
This may sound cheesy, but this site is WONDERFUL! I haven't been a member here long, but I LOVE coming here and getting a laugh, as well as hearing from intelligent people. It's a rarity, online. God bless you all, for standing up for the victims. I'm looking forward to following many more trials with you great people.
wow 30 min. so all the folks involved will have to be in the courthouse all day waiting. level of stress will be through the roof for ta's family :moo:

guilty 1st degree :please:

I dont think it will happen in 30 will everyone who is away at the time make it through the nightmare traffic downtown that we are hearing about?
The money will transfer to her new "accomodations". But I think her tweet meant that she had ordered commissary items and they weren't delivered. Happens sometimes if commissary dept gets behind. Poor, poor JA... meanwhile Travis lies dead in a grave. She is such a sicko.

Thanks for the explanation!
I'm hoping peeps can help me out with something upon which I have started to fixate. It has to do with the last two photos taken from Travis's camera. The next to last shot shows Travis's bloodied shoulder with JA's pantleg and foot in the foreground. The final shot shows Travis's shoulder; this picture was taken at 5:33:32 or 1 minute and 16 seconds after the previous picture.

I can’t quite figure out where this last photo was taken; what is throwing me off is what appears to be baseboard molding and then the edge view of a door.

Something the DT has repeated was that Travis was not dead in the 5:32:16 photo. JA told Martinez she did not think TA was dead in this photo. JW implied the same thing when she asked Dr. Horn if Travis would have been able to lift his head and arm as shown in the photograph. In closing arguments, Nurmi said Travis that there was not enough blood on the floor for his throat to have been slit in the earlier photo and pointed out the what appeared to be the large amount of blood in the last photo.
I’m not sure why the DT would want to point this out, because if anything, it shows JA taking more time to kill Travis. In the next to last photo, the floor is clearly tile in both the foreground and under Travis. We know from the crime scene photos that the largest accumulation of blood in on the carpet thus inferring that this is where his throat was slashed. Given the last two photographs, where Travis is on his back, it would seem that JA dragged him several feet while he was still alive from the tile to the carpeted area before delivering the slash?

I’m spatially challenged, so I can’t figure out these photos and their implications.

GRRR...still cannot figure out how to post thumbnails like everyone else.
Here is the same photo without the white rectangular part showing in it. It's the entire photo, as you can see the white edge of the photo around that area of it.


  • hall2_zps7fe02f0e.jpg
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and when Juan did his cross on this.....he asked her something like "and you went somewhere else didn't you?" which she replied...."you didn't ask me yet"......I remember it being something smart like this!!

All this from a woman that told the jury that she thought she had a good memory. And that was before the killing and the fog.
One of the things that should also stand out to these jurors, JA displayed anything but an abused victim on the witness stand. Her trying to manipulate the questions and the dance with Jaun had to be a turn off. She came across as defiant and a smart azz. One of the things that turned the jurors off in the Scott Peterson case was his smirky ways in the courtroom. IIRC one of the jurors said something like wanting to wipe that smirk off his face.
The 9mm and ammo were intended for Thomas Brown.

She would have forced him to write out a confession and 'selficide' note before 'involuntarily suiciding' him.

She hoped that it would frame him and exonerate her.

But Siskiyou County Sheriff's Department intervened before she could complete her next fatal road trip.

Who is Thomas Brown anyway? I've always been confused about this. Is he the guy the Jodi said Travis didn't like to Flores, called him a deviant? shifting blame on someone else in the beginning?
Hit the alert button on your post and ask the mods to do it for you. Or, send Beach a private message. She has been changing them for peeps who are having a hard time doing it. Hope that helps. :hug:

TY I just did. I hope I don't get into trouble for it though. My thoughts are all in Maricopa county right now and I'd hate to come up on the wrong side of the "Juan" LOL.


Whatever time they say to be there...add 1 hour!

I just checked JSS calendar for the week and she has basically kept it open after 9 all week long. There is one conference scheduled on Monday at 10. So they do not need to clear the court for the verdict. They will need to get JA there (and I assume she will be in her holding cell), lawyers, the family and lastly call in the jury. It might not take as long as an extra hour.

Hope JA will be sitting in that holding cell by herself waiting. Every minute will crawl by and it will go even slower if she cannot have anything with her.
Who is Thomas Brown anyway? I've always been confused about this. Is he the guy the Jodi said Travis didn't like to Flores, called him a deviant? shifting blame on someone else in the beginning?

Yeah I asked the same thing! Inquiring minds wanna know. I hadn't heard any of this before today!
You have GOT to see the movie! It makes YOUR existence that much more incredible! There was a small bit of "creative license" in making the movie, but it was good!
So you are aware that when another memorial was going to be put in the Meadow, skulls were found with head shots? It's nuts! And then you still have the apologists saying it was an "Indian Massacre". Righhhttttt!
The biggest factor in getting to the truth, once again, are those "pesky journals", dontchaknow! Many journals by Mormons from that time confirmed what many of the children, grandchildren, etc., of the survivors claimed. Only children under the age of 8 were spared because they were not of the age of accountability and not yet baptized.
It is another incredible, bizarre, heinous, and evil part of Mormon history that has been unsuccessfully buried many times.......If you can get your hands on a set of "The Journal of Discourses", it will blow your mind! They were originally started off by Joe Smith, and after his death, Brigham Young continued on with about taking a trip down the rabbit hole! I truly wish more LDS would research the foundation of the church to find out the real basis of the beliefs. JMO.

I can only say WOW!! I am Mormon (though not active for several years) and am totally enthralled in regards to learning more about this massacre. I had not heard of it before, but while researching the book (of which there are several) it caught my eye about the slashing of throats, as well of gunshots to the head. I have rented the movie (starring Jon Voight) and purchased the Kindle edition of one of the books. Another possible twist and turn to this whole nightmare. God bless his family members who are having to deal with it.
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