Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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Am sorry I don't have the link for you but I will always have the memory of when Juan picked UP the package of jury instructions during his rebuttal closing and all the jurors also loudly picked up theirs. It was this moment of unity in my eyes, the jury was listening. They were so with Juan they all picked up their packs as well and flipped along through them. You could hear the pages turning; in unison. I'm hopeful we will have a verdict today.

One of the best things Juan emphasized (I hope jurors thought it was emphasized too) was that they are to start at the top with M1 and work down the charges from there. If they agreee on M1, they are done.

Was that written down in the instructions? I hope so.

It could be that quick, start with M1, end with M1, to me it's a slam dunk.

Then they can have a private juror barbeque to discuss all the salacious stuff they couldn't before.

You know who I feel awful for? The alternates. They can't even talk to each other about the case. I wonder if they're in the same room with book or something. I could have complied with the admonition up til now, but sheesh if I was an alternate and everyone else got to talk aobut it and I had to sit there looking at two other people who coulldn't talk about it......arrrrrgh, would drive me nuts.
Just want to say I feel so privileged to be part of this fine group of WS people during this trial. It is so neat to see our solidarity with ribbons and thoughts for the victim.

P.S. I know some can't change their avatars or have trouble changing theirs, but we know you are here with us in spirit too based on all the great comments.

IMO, I feel very confident that we will get a Murder 1 conviction.
Going to run all of my errands this morning and hope to be home by 1:00 (11:00 AZ time). Signed up for 2 different text alerts and will NOT be turning my phone off! I'm so on edge and sick to my stomach, can't imagine how TA's friends and family are feeling :(

I cant even imagine how they feel this morning. A sleepless night I sure.
I thought ALV wasn't tech-savvy? Somehow I just can't picture her tweeting!

But hey, I'm "vintage" and even I know who Alicia Keys is. :)

I'm somewhat "vintage" too :blushing: but I have a twitter acct and I don't follow Justin Timberlake or Alicia Keys. When I first started twitter, I wouldn't have even known how to follow someone. imo, not her.
One. The testimony where JA says she returned the gas can to the same Walmart she purchased it.

What is your opinion Courtside?

I predict 0 today.
I think they will spend the day discussing amongst themselves
I bet they have A LOT to talk about after SO MUCH testimony.

I think they will start getting to the nuts and bolts tomorrow afternoon.
I could be wrong though because as they discuss the jury instructions they could ask a question about that today!!!!

The felony murder is very simple. Two points are needed.

1.That the defendant entered OR remained unlawfully in or on a residential structure. Here we dont know whether JA came over to Travis’ uninvited. In any case he didn’t kick her out so the first part is not relevant BUT she did remain unlawfully because once she started stabbing Travis she was, needless to say, no longer a welcome guest in his house.

2.Did so with the intent to commit any theft OR felony...She did take Travis’ gun and then commit a felony i.e stab and shoot him.

I love that her own lies are going to convict her...Travis didn't own a gun. :floorlaugh:
There is a solar eclipse ahead, opposite 19° Scorpio, dead bang on the Ascendant of the Murder chart, 19° Scorpio. This helps to explain why the civilised world is watching, the very broad interest. This degree is independently notorious as well, known as Serpentis the pest & terror to society. It characterizes the murder and the one committing it. Eclipses act ahead of the date they fall due; we are under the influence now.

Today, the Moon will conjoin Uranus, the disruptive factor discussed in the Submission to the Jury chart. It has shock value and it is also acting on the nerves of the defendant because it is found in her First House of self. She may be tranquilized but she feels the tension.
One of the best things Juan emphasized (I hope jurors thought it was emphasized too) was that they are to start at the top with M1 and work down the charges from there. If they agreee on M1, they are done.

Was that written down in the instructions? I hope so.

It could be that quick, start with M1, end with M1, to me it's a slam dunk.

Then they can have a private juror barbeque to discuss all the salacious stuff they couldn't before.

You know who I feel awful for? The alternates. They can't even talk to each other about the case. I wonder if they're in the same room with book or something. I could have complied with the admonition up til now, but sheesh if I was an alternate and everyone else got to talk aobut it and I had to sit there looking at two other people who coulldn't talk about it......arrrrrgh, would drive me nuts.
They have to be in the same room.
I signed up for the WAT text alert. I don't think I can eat today I'm so anxious
The seal is up on WAT!!


Nah Just kidding.


Ducks, did you say?


All in a row...
Good idea TxProfessional - Mike if I win please send the roses to Tanisha also :)

There is no real prize!! I would get banned for wagering! :)

but that does sound like a good idea we have an address to send gifts?
I would like to know too if there will be any live streaming @ 9:00.. i'm thinking probably not, since the jurors actually started deliberations at the end of Friday. I was so hoping to see JA's demeanor this AM.

They'll be keeping her in the holding cell until the jury has reached a verdict. I assume everyone else is going on about their business as well. I doubt that JM, the judge etc, are on hold waiting for the verdict.

I think streaming will start once the media is allowed in the courtroom.
Good morning everyone!
I am taking wagers. How many questions AND/OR testimony read backs will the jury request today?I will pay the winners in roses.


Can I swap out roses for chocolate? :blushing:
I think she already has her versions of "a normal innocent person's" reaction practiced for whatever verdict comes in.

What will be interesting to see is what she's decided a normal non-guilty person's reaction will be to being convicted of first degree murder. Do they wail, cry and profess innocence? Stand there shaking like a chihuahua with a single, large round tear falling down her cheek? Faint dead away?

It'll be something that she thinks will help her in the following phases.

I think she might spew obscenities and her head might turn completely around at least 6 times!
With what she did to Travis, I just cannot imagine her not having some sort of absolutely outrageous reaction when the verdict comes in Murder 1!!!
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