Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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Afternoon folks! :seeya:

I am on pins and needles.

I just finished watching the second and third parts of the Prosecution's closing arguments and I admire JM even more that I did before. His description of the crime itself, the crime scene, et al - in a word was masterful. I never really could put all of the pieces together like he did, and that was an extremely powerful moment for me.

The detail in which he described the last moments of Travis's life were absolutely heart-wrenching. The fact that he tried to escape her, and he could see her stabbing him in the mirror...OMG. The blood splatter on the sink being from the force of her stabbing him about the head....I actually started to cry. Wow, just WOW.

Justice for Travis!
It is so good to see Judge Belvin Perry again. You can tell, he wasn't fooled by KC at all.

"Two years after jury selection began for the Casey Anthony murder trial, Judge Belvin Perry, who presided over the case, said the Florida mother was "very manipulative."

"Casey Anthony judge felt 'shock, disbelief' at not-guilty verdict" article and video

HLN played some clips of him talking. Very interesting to see a judge talk about a case like this.
I dont know why but I find him completely adorable :eek: I never watched the fca trial so I had no idea who he was until lately

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I loved his comment "CA and the truth are strangers"
This may have been asked already, but where on websleuths do we go? TIA

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This is the same jury that virtually everyone here raved about and applauded each time they got to ask questions. I think that maybe only a handful of their many hundreds of questions caused anyone any concern. Their seriousness has been universally noted and praised.

This is a good jury and, an incredibly strong case. Have faith.
They are not sleazy. They are doing everything they can legally to save her life. That is their job. They got the manslaughter charge in because it had legal foundation. Not because they are being sleazy but because that is their job. To defend her. The better they do their job, The more likely she loses any appeal.

I disagree. It's one thing to defend your client, it's another to fabricate a story and assassinate the victims character in the process, by accusing him of horrendous acts. Making a big deal about consensual sex between two consenting adults and using it to accuse Travis of being a sexual deviant is repulsive. Nurmi lying to the jury about her testimony in regards to returning the gas cans should be enough to convince anyone what kind of man he is.
I thought it was another opportunity to smear Travis, as in Travis is a Pedo and insinuating her was Gay...? Maybe I missed what KN meant?

If KN trying to smear TA, he would not have said case had nothing to do with sexual orientation.

I heard JVM really get mad one night on her show stating sexual orientation (homosexuality) and pedophilia are not remotely connected.

One for each juror.....
I have been isolating so much during this trial.. For the past several months it's been me, you guys, and my laptop. Now I feel sooo guilty. An elderly neighbor, who likes to visit with my young indoor cats, just came to the door with a bag of treats for them. I thanked her for the treats while she gave them to the kitties just inside the door, but didn't invite her in to visit. I could tell she was thinking "What's up with this?" I practically closed the door in her face. But I'm determined nothing is taking me away from Verdict Watch! This trial is making me crazy!!!

invite her in to watch too!

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I had jury duty a few months ago. I don't advocate anyone trying to get off a jury, because the system needs honest, decent folks to work properly. That said, there was a young woman who was like the 2nd juror. She answered a lawyer's question about not holding a defendant's 5th amendment right to testify against him by saying she would hold it against him. The lawyer tried to rehabilitate her by explaining the Constitution, etc. But she held firm. She did not get on the jury.

I know you are right - but she has vacation plans. I also know that if she explains the situation to the court - travel non refundable - the court will make a fair decision post was supposed to be humorous. :fence:
It is usually the judge or the foreperson. I've never heard of the bailiff reading it but it is possible.

Staple lady is the clerk, not a bailiff. I've seen the clerk read the verdict many times.
This may have been asked already, but where on websleuths do we go? TIA

right click and on the avatar and copy the url...

click on user cp at the top of websleuths page...

click on edit avatar...

paste url in box...

Bet they're debating on gun first vs. knife first.

:banghead: I wish I could deliberate with them! I'd tell them that regardless of which weapon she used first, JA formulated the intent to kill somewhere between inflicting the first injury on Travis, and the final slitting of his throat. Premeditation, plain and simple. :banghead:
Of course we're all anxious, but I hope that no one will feel despair if the verdict isn't reached today. I'm imagining the jurors scoffing at the preposterous defense theories, sharing stories of how they wanted to collapse in hysterical laughter when Jodi talked about why her cell phone was down, and why she needed to carry enough gas to reach Canada if necessary. Speculation about what she was feverishly working on while ignoring most of the proceedings will take at least an hour or two. I doubt that they'll settle into business until sometime this afternoon.

Let not your hearts be troubled. Juan did his job and he selected his supporting cast well. Jodi's lies and the clear evidence of premeditation are enough to convict her of the most serious charge. Beyond that, whether DP or LWOP, Travis will have justice and his family will have some measure of peace.
They've clearly crossed the line of decency by implying Travis was an abusive pedophile. That is sleaze in its purest form.

Agree. Kinda like selling your soul to the Devil. I get that has to be defense, but someone has to have their limits. Maybe I just don't understand the rules of being a public defender.
Word on Twitter is that there are about 200 grade schoolers touring the courthouse right now. Maybe the juror's were told to wait for their verdict till they are gone? LOL!, but.... really, what a mess that would be if the verdict came in while they were there.
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