Verdict Watch 05/06/2013

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NG just tweeted that Donald Trump will be on her show tonight to give Jodi some advice. :facepalm:

Ugh! I hate this. Celebrity acknowledgement. It only validates her, even if he is a schmuck.
One more very interesting thing that Chris Hughes said: (on True Criime Radio)
He said after the May 26 texts b/w Jodi and Travis, she sent Travis an e-mail which said (paraphrasing): I did not do two things that you said I did...I did not slash your tires and I did not steal your journals. And what Chris said is that she was already planning the murder at this point, and so she sent this e-mail to put in record that she did not do these AGRESSIVE things to Travis. He noted that she did NOT DENY any other other things he said she did, only the things that would be seen as AGRESSIVE. So she was already planning everything at the point of that e-mail. Also, from what he sid, it sounded like that was the only thing she wrote in that e-mail...and we all know how verbose Jodi usually was in her e-mails to men, especially sympathy e-mails trying to win them back. It would be very unusual for them to have a big fight, and she wrote this short e-mail to him. So I am convinced like Chris is that she had begun planning by this point.

From what I gathered from listening to Chris, things were about to get even uglier between Travis and Jodi. I know that no one knows what prompted TA's angry text to her on 5/26, but Jodi referenced at one point talking to her attorney (which we all know she did not have, what was she retaining an attorney with? she had no money).

I am convinced more than ever that the only thing she had over Travis was the phone call and the pictures/videos of them together and she was threatening to release them, and perhaps his stolen journal contents. She was going to go full on blackmail mode on him - if for nothing else than to ruin his life. He probably threatened her with legal action if she went through with it, and that's why she said she was going to talk to her attorney.

Travis told her he was going to expose her for what she was, maybe he indicated he was going to the police, we'll never know. Whatever it was, she did not want him alive to be able to carry it out.
HLN panelists are furious that jury was not sequestered!!! I AGREE!!!
Lady judge can't understand what 'got into JSS'...
Don't like HLN or what or who's on HLN?


Don't watch HLN! Even if viewers are complaining HLN is still winning as long as the complainers watch.

Viewers (even unhappy viewers) = ratings. Ratings = $$$
My iPad isn't letting me upload the blue ribbon to change my profile pic! I am so superstitious.... What if they vote not guilty because of me!? Kidding... Sort of...

Hold your finger on the avatar pic, click Save Image. Save it to your photos, go into your profile settings and change your avatar. Worked for me!
Oh guess what?? After four months of making fun of me for my obsession... My 14-yo son said this morning, "Will you let me know when they have a verdict? I want to watch." :yesss:
TH on HLN just said that the defense offered 1st degree with life in prison and the State turned it down.

I think she is confused. Wasn't it 2nd degree that was offered?

That TH (Judge .. can't remember her name) almost always gets her facts wrong. She has a lot to say, but I really don't think she is following this trial, nor has she been from the beginning. You're right it was 2nd degree that was pleaded with the warning that if it wasn't accepted, they would drag Travis's name through the mud. The family and prosecutor said "bring it on"

I predict a verdict today ... early afternoon. This jury is so ready to get this onto the next phase (IMO). :rockon:
I had to watch this 5 times because I had no idea what I was looking at. Once I saw it, my blood ran cold and I got the chills all over my entire body. Its so deliberate. The word creepy is an understatement. What a psycho.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy sIII (so please excuse the typos!)

Oh yes. Jodi enjoyed every second of the throat slash. Evil.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Wendi's jury deliberated for 15 minutes and found her guilty of first degree. It was also a four month trial and she was on the stand for 9 days. One difference: It was either first-degree or not guilty (self-defense claim). No second degree or manslaughter (heat of moment/crime of passion) on the table.

That jury deliberated 2 1/2 hours, it was a male on trial where they only deliberated 15 minutes.
Seriously? He wants publicity any way he can get it. Using the slaughter of an innocent man to get himself on TV is lower than low, IMO. I don't care if he's gonna say all the things most of us say, I'd rather not hear it from him. I'm disappointed in Nancy Grace. She's a victim's advocate and should know better.

I despise him. And Nancy WTF? Shame on you.
AZlawyer answered that (legal thread) and says jurors recess for meals and often use the courthouse cafeteria while deliberating.

I REALLY hope NO ONE goes anywhere near them when they are in public. Do not want any allegations of witness tampering.

That's just ridiculous. Lunch should be brought in for the jurors during deliberations. That's just asking for trouble. And it would be jury tampering, not witness tampering, but that's just a small nitpick. My point is that this Judge should be keeping this jury out of public. If AZ has $2 million for the defense, they should have a few bucks for some pizza or sandwiches.
A poster said that JA removed her tweet about hypocrisy. It is still there.

Hypocrisy bugs. Wish we could shine a spotlight on all of Juan's lies,lies he's made on record over the years in a court of law

She certainly has some nerve.
It allows citizens to see the judicial process. If there were no televised trials, most of America (even the rest of the world) would know NOTHING about how our judicial system works.

Look at how many questions have been asked thruout this trial on the workings of a trial....that is not something we learn about in school unless you go to law school. I took a lot of criminal law classes, but have never sat in on a proceeding such as this. I actually have learned a lot by watching this trial. For example: I never knew that during a closing argument, the other side could "object" to anything!

I fully support televised trials for this purpose!

If one were interested in learning about the inner workings of the judicial system there are many other ways to do this like
a) reading
b) going down to the courthouse

Something like 99% of cases do not go to trial. Therefore to watch trials does not give one a good understanding of the inner workings of the judicial system. If the goal was to educate the public, why not televise hearings and mediations?

Why not televise trials of more typical crimes like shoplifting or burglary?
:moo: The answer is it is not lurid enough to capture the public's attention.
The public wants to look at a real murder and have this easy focus of it's hatred.
I want to call in sick today so bad. I cant. I wont. I shouldn't. I think i will tomorrow tho if no verdict today. Only working today and tomorrow this week. Now i just have to think of a good excuse. Does that make me a liar? :blushing:
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