Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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I read somewhere that Dior has been notified that Arias has been tracing their ads and offering same for sale. Apparently, Dior is not amused. Strong letter to follow! :drumroll:

Could you explain this or post me a link? I caught wind of it yesterday, but could never find out what was going on. TIA
What do we know that the jury doesn't?

Please cut and paste list - don't quote

JA tweets
Dr. Samuels sent her 8(?) greeting cards. (Thanks SD)
fake pedo letters
Travis and the spidies photo with his dad
Knives and gun found in hire car
JA's 2nd degree murder plea and threat to drag Travis through the mud
Interrogation tapes (majority of content)
-mumble things like "still hate me?" and giggle ominously. (Thanks amberjul)
-flipping her hair around and checking her make-up ... (Thanks DGC)
-JA Handstands
JA's parents tapes
JA kicking/killing doggy boy
Chris Hughes stories
- JA eavesdropping at door/ evil look
- JA sitting at table for further hour after Sky told her to go
plea agreement with threat to trash Travis
Some of JA's actions and her family's in court. We see close up because of the camera.s
Nurmi trying to leave the case 1000 times, okay 3 times
Nurmi's mistrial attempts
The HLN "drama"
JA spiderman t-shirt photo
Jailhouse fights ( Thank you S9)
JA potential fraud / tapping into Travis's bank account
JA previously on ticket to go to Cancun (not confirmed)
JA 'art'
Stealing pens in jail ... hiding pens in shampoo bottles ... unauthorized creams and lotions ... Thank you DGC
Sticking pencils in her shoe... (Thanks amberjul)
MS passing notes to JA's mom
JA's outside 'representative'
Dr D's laptop being stolen
911 call - Mimi and everyone else mentioning JA's name as person of suspicion
Cost of trial
ALV approaching Travis' sister (thanks Midwest Mama)
Whatever ALV was "taken to task" for in chambers (thanks Midwest Mama)
Nurmi lying to the Hughes about validity of pedo letters (thanks Midwest Mama)
JA's mom writing to Nurmi / JA's mom helping to her get hire car
JA's happy smiles when Jury is out of sight
I think it's time to watch "Twelve Angry Men" with Henry Fonda. IIRC he was pushing for not guilty, but still a great movie.

If there is one juror holding out, I pray the remaining eleven are tough enough to beak him (or her).
I agree 1000%, I would sooner hang the jury then let her off with anything less than Murder 1. I know many see this as a win for the defense, but you get a do over...this jury will feel like fools if they give her less.

If the jury hangs there is a good chance they'll agree to a M2 plea before investing this kind of time and money for a second go.


I tried again to get into chat & then my whole internet connection froze up including my HLN!! I was in a :panic:
Try to remember we have been "deliberating" for four months. They've had 11 hours...

Thank you Schuby !!
Posts like yours are keeping me sane.

It would take a whole day just to go thru jury instructions alone.
I have faith in this jury.
At what point might the jurors decide that they cannot or will not reach a verdict? I hope that they are not deadlocked, but the more time passes, I'm afraid that they can't agree on a major aspect of the case. :moo:
Ok, I'm getting nervous! How could anyone determine this to be anything other then premeditated murder? I really hope they're just being thorough and going through the evidence carefully but I'd be lying if I said I'm a bit on edge right now..ok I'm A LOT on edge right now.

Praying Travis gets the justice he deserves and that the family has waited YEARS for. Anything other then murder 1 will be a travesty of justice IMO. Come on jury! What's the holdup!?!?! She killed him 3 times over! This was not self-defense, it was a slaughter by a jealous, crazy killer. Sorry for the rant, I'm just getting really nervous..ever since the CA trial I have a lot of skepticism about juries. I hope there isn't some jack--- who is holding out so he can be the one who makes the talk show circuit..ok, I'm totally pulling straws here..anyone guess why this is taking so long?? They seemed to have really "gotten it" so I'm bewildered as to the lengthy deliberations. :facepalm:

All that said--like poster above says, we've had months to deliberate, they've only had several hours..ok I'm feeling a lil bit calmer. I can just imagine how thevAlexanders are feeling..jumping every time the phone rings. My heart goes out to them. Theyve shown such strength and class..I would never have been able to keep composed. My brother would have distracted the bailiff while i dove over the defense table at her.. Seriously, they are amazing! Praying for justice for Travis!
Is HLN really asking this juror how the media got her 'confidential' information?????
I used to work for a company that made pneumatic tubes! LMAO!! Ones that travelled far and near - like around factories and stuff!!!

Lots of banks still use those, don't they? At least in Texas they did - at Chase! So we aren't talking about some tiny bank here.

My bank does!!
I'm doing my best to stay calm, cool and collected. Perhaps my time working as a litigator, and in the court system, has jaded me, but I've come to believe that there's no such thing as a case so well-proved, well-argued and clear-cut that a jury can't completely screw it up.

I've seen verdicts derailed by juries who didn't understand THE CAPTION of a case, who decided to fill out their verdict form from back to front, who disregarded all of their instructions on the law because they "went by too fast" (around here, they don't get a copy to take back with them), who began deliberations by discussing which attorney was "cuter" or "looked more honest," or decided that a discrimination victim didn't deserve any compensation even if he'd proven his case, because he "sounded cocky."

On the other hand, I've also seen juries who took a hard look at the evidence, properly applied every instruction they were given, and did a bang-up job as the finders of fact.
The problem is, you can't tell which kind of jury you have ahead of time.

I still have faith in our system, but if I was ever [wrongly] accused, you can bet I'd be insisting on a bench trial! :)

Jurors are human, some are capricious, some are smart, some are not so smart, some are stubborn...and so on.
I live in Upstate NY too and I would go with a bench trial too, no doubt about it.
Good grief, I wish my husband would stfu. He just told me that if they don't come back with a verdict of Guilty of M1 by the end of today, they aren't giving her M1 at all.

I love him and I know he's just trying to discuss my interests but...ugh.

Mine is currently in a 'doghouse' TO for the same reason. He made the mistake of voicing support for jurors who might believe that it isnt pre-meditated because she had some time in the hiuse before killing TA. "Look here Mister" I said. "When you spend weeks planning to murder someone and then you drive a thousand miles to get to that person and then you actually do kill them, I don't give a crap how long you 'pause' in their house before executing your PRE MEDITATED MURDER plan. You planned it and you carried it out. The end." And then I told him I was not baking for him this week.
I trust in what KCL and all the other court watchers have said about the jury. I trust in what all you other websleuthers think the verdict is going to be. I watched the trial, looked at the evidence and see the premeditation, cruel overkill that Jodi has done. But, yet, as the 11th hour comes and still no verdict, I can't help but get antsy that she'll get less then 1st with the DP.

My DH hates my passion for this trial. I have not talked to him about the case (as it only infuriates him). Last night a news cast came on his channel and he said "that girl is so ugly - she actually looks a little better with glasses".

I asked him what he knew of this case and he said - "she stabbed him 30 times and shot him in the head". I asked "do you think she's guilty?" he replied "she confessed and admitted it!" . . . I asked if he thought she deserved the death penalty and he replied "yes - you bet I do and I think it is a total waste of taxpayer money to have a trial . . . just sentence her". He didn't believe TA abused her and knew of the Mormon component.

I just thought I would post what a man (who doesn't want to hear about this case whatsoever and avoids trial coverage at all cost) had to say.
I would guess everyone starts by being really patient and hearing them out etc, but after awhile- if it's 'stupid' as we would think, tempers would begin. 'I am behind here- but just heard our journalist mention, JC that the one female did leave very determined. I wonder if she might be in disagreement with someone?

Do they have a white board and markers in the room? I would think someone would start writing the facts down -- what facts support premeditation, etc., I probably would.

A fireengine at the courts, courtesy of hWild
aaacckkkk! someone just sent me 3 texts all at once - don't they know not to do that during verdict watch?????

(heart racing now)
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