Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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I used to work for a company that made pneumatic tubes! LMAO!! Ones that travelled far and near - like around factories and stuff!!!

Lots of banks still use those, don't they? At least in Texas they did - at Chase! So we aren't talking about some tiny bank here.

That is what I am wondering. What do other banks use if not the tubes? ty
What do we know that the jury doesn't?

Please cut and paste list - don't quote

JA tweets
Dr. Samuels sent her 8(?) greeting cards. (Thanks SD)
fake pedo letters
Travis and the spidies photo with his dad
Knives and gun found in hire car
JA's 2nd degree murder plea and threat to drag Travis through the mud
Interrogation tapes (majority of content)
-mumble things like "still hate me?" and giggle ominously. (Thanks amberjul)
-flipping her hair around and checking her make-up ... (Thanks DGC)
-JA Handstands
JA's parents tapes
JA kicking/killing doggy boy
Chris Hughes stories
- JA eavesdropping at door/ evil look
- JA sitting at table for further hour after Sky told her to go
plea agreement with threat to trash Travis
Some of JA's actions and her family's in court. We see close up because of the camera.s
Nurmi trying to leave the case 1000 times, okay 3 times
Nurmi's mistrial attempts
The HLN "drama"
JA spiderman t-shirt photo
Jailhouse fights ( Thank you S9)
JA potential fraud / tapping into Travis's bank account
JA previously on ticket to go to Cancun (not confirmed)
JA 'art'
Stealing pens in jail ... hiding pens in shampoo bottles ... unauthorized creams and lotions ... Thank you DGC
Sticking pencils in her shoe... (Thanks amberjul)
MS passing notes to JA's mom
JA's outside 'representative'
Dr D's laptop being stolen
911 call - Mimi and everyone else mentioning JA's name as person of suspicion
Cost of trial
ALV approaching Travis' sister (thanks Midwest Mama)
Whatever ALV was "taken to task" for in chambers (thanks Midwest Mama)
Nurmi lying to the Hughes about validity of pedo letters (thanks Midwest Mama)
JA's mom writing to Nurmi / JA's mom helping to her get hire car
JA's happy smiles when Jury is out of sight

Tire slashing multiple times of both TA & Lisa's tires??
Oh the CONTENT of the video viewed in court of TA w/ white/blonde thing on lap??

Peace is comming to Travis and Family very soon
JA changes her tune. Oh holy crap, the needle's getting closer. This is the end of The Jodi Show.
What is the amount of collateral damage to other individuals that would occur during the trial?

What does "when you consider them in the context of all parties' relationship and affiliation with the Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, they become a very big deal?"

Is Arias writing this? Does she believe that the LDS Church would be afraid of her?

What does "marriages, standing within the religious communities would be affected, personal friendships would be affected, and most of all the very poignant and cherished memories of Mr. Alexander would be tarnished," mean?

Was Arias so delusional that she believes that Travis Alexander was a prophet that also serves as President of the Church? Did Arias think that Travis Alexander was an extremely important part of the LDS Church? For example, if Travis Alexander happened to be Catholic instead of Mormon - would Arias believe that Travis Alexander was The Pope?

Travis Alexander is a wonderful person - but he was an average person (like the majority of us are).

I do not know what exactly Arias (or whoever wrote this) thought - that The State would back down because an average human being that happened to be Mormon had premarital sex?

Did Arias honestly believe that she had 'relationships' (Travis Alexander, PPL, Travis Alexander's friends) with the top echelon of society - the global elite?

Really, these statements "when you consider them in context of all parties' relationship and affiliation with the LDS Church they become a very big deal ... poignant and cherished memories of Travis Alexander would be tarnished," sound strange.

Did Arias think that the LDS church would stop her murder trial before letting "the secret" that Travis Alexander had premarital sex?

This is how the mind of a scheming, unscrupulous scoundrel thinks. The majority of people are taken aback at the likes of the JAs in the world because most people aren't intentionally deceitful or deceptive. She is a snake!
Note to self: These folks get to read the emails, texts, journal entries, reports with their own eyes and hold them in their own hands. Who among us wouldn't be reading EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. I know I would!
Good grief, I wish my husband would stfu. He just told me that if they don't come back with a verdict of Guilty of M1 by the end of today, they aren't giving her M1 at all.

I love him and I know he's just trying to discuss my interests but...ugh.

He is yanking your chain. Don't make him anymore meals until verdict come in...I have other things I would suggest you with hold but want to remain on WS:floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:
Dag Blasted All!!

If I can cook Hamburger Stroganoff,Lima Beans,Corn on the Cob and Cucumbers soaked in Vinegar...well by God you can cook the steaks!

Come on Little Engine That Could....


I want Taco Bell.....just sayin'.

I went with Wendys since its like right down the road from my house... I plan on going to grocery tomorrow morning and get the other things I need for my steaks... I forgot I was out of baked potatoes to go with them :)
The only difference b/t first and second degree murdrs is premeditation. Some don't think it's murder 1 cuz it's not planned: but if she brought a gun and a knife with her, does that already prove premediation? No evidence shows that Travis owns a gun but we do know Jodi can access to a "stolen" gun just days before the murder; also who would cut a rope in the bathroom while the rope is supposed to be tied around the bed headboard, it just doesn't make sense to me. Her grab-the-gun-in-the-closet story also doesn't make any sense. Anway, I jsut don't buy her story at all. Please, jury comes back with a guilty verdict of murder 1.
I know that if I were on that jury, I would hang it before I'd settle on anything less than what it is -- M1.

I am assuming the hold out is leaning towards Second Degree or even manslaughter.
Could anyone supply me with the Sidebar Link?? My computer froze before I could save it and it took me 45 minutes to straighten it out. TIA!!!
Just got home from work...OMG, I'm so can they be deliberating so long? :'(
At what point might the jurors decide that they cannot or will not reach a verdict? I hope that they are not deadlocked, but the more time passes, I'm afraid that they can't agree on a major aspect of the case. :moo:

WAY too early to panic. This is only the second full day. Friday was... what an hour? .... Hang in there everybody!!
I agree 1000%, I would sooner hang the jury then let her off with anything less than Murder 1. I know many see this as a win for the defense, but you get a do over...this jury will feel like fools if they give her less.

That would cost the tax payers in AZ big bucks....there would probably be a deal made at that point....and that means jodi gets what she wants...please no hung jury..praying for that.
No one has control over Jodi .. she's her own worst enemy.
My glass has surely gotten below half full.

Cmon verdict. Open open Open

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Mine is currently in a 'doghouse' TO for the same reason. He made the mistake of voicing support for jurors who might believe that it isnt pre-meditated because she had some time in the hiuse before killing TA. "Look here Mister" I said. "When you spend weeks planning to murder someone and then you drive a thousand miles to get to that person and then you actually do kill them, I don't give a crap how long you 'pause' in their house before executing your PRE MEDITATED MURDER plan. You planned it and you carried it out. The end." And then I told him I was not baking for him this week.

You go, girl! Don't let him de-edify you like that. :rockon:
What do we know that the jury doesn't?

Please cut and paste list - don't quote

JA tweets
Dr. Samuels sent her 8(?) greeting cards. (Thanks SD)
fake pedo letters
Travis and the spidies photo with his dad
Knives and gun found in hire car
JA's 2nd degree murder plea and threat to drag Travis through the mud
Interrogation tapes (majority of content)
-mumble things like "still hate me?" and giggle ominously. (Thanks amberjul)
-flipping her hair around and checking her make-up ... (Thanks DGC)
-JA Handstands
JA's parents tapes
JA kicking/killing doggy boy
Chris Hughes stories
- JA eavesdropping at door/ evil look
- JA sitting at table for further hour after Sky told her to go
plea agreement with threat to trash Travis
Some of JA's actions and her family's in court. We see close up because of the camera.s
Nurmi trying to leave the case 1000 times, okay 3 times
Nurmi's mistrial attempts
The HLN "drama"
JA spiderman t-shirt photo
Jailhouse fights ( Thank you S9)
JA potential fraud / tapping into Travis's bank account
JA previously on ticket to go to Cancun (not confirmed)
JA 'art'
Stealing pens in jail ... hiding pens in shampoo bottles ... unauthorized creams and lotions ... Thank you DGC
Sticking pencils in her shoe... (Thanks amberjul)
MS passing notes to JA's mom
JA's outside 'representative'
Dr D's laptop being stolen
911 call - Mimi and everyone else mentioning JA's name as person of suspicion
Cost of trial
ALV approaching Travis' sister (thanks Midwest Mama)
Whatever ALV was "taken to task" for in chambers (thanks Midwest Mama)
Nurmi lying to the Hughes about validity of pedo letters (thanks Midwest Mama)
JA's mom writing to Nurmi / JA's mom helping to her get hire car
That there's a Mexican chihuahua in the photo of Travis's eye
Her newly purchased gun hidden in the get-away car
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