Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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School girl and virginal fantasies are very common. A LOT of people (male or female) enjoy the idea of initiating someone into sex. It may not be your taste but that doesn't make it sick. Anal sex isn't my taste but I'd hardly drop sick on someone else because it was theirs.

I completely agree. Taken at face value, his comment about a 12 year old girl's first orgasm sounds odd. But now knowing the details of the case and hearing hundreds of stories about Travis and the type of person he was (even with Jodi) I have to say I truly believe when he made that comment he only meant that she sounded "innocent" and "virginal." I don't believe he was fantasizing about a child. He put his foot in his mouth - big time - even when he repeats it you can kind of hear hesitation in his voice because I think it may have sounded better in his head. To be honest, Jodi's moaning DID sound juvenile and I can understand why he would say something like that - could have phrased it better.

Again, I don't think Travis had a sick bone in his body. There is no other instance where I feel he ever acted out of line - that we know of, and we know a lot through friends interviews and testimony. I think he was a living, breathing human guy in the prime of his life. JMO as always.
“Even after stabbing him over and over again, even after taking a gun and shooting him in the face, she will not let him rest in peace. Now instead of a gun, instead of a knife, she uses lies. ” ~Juan Martinez

...And when her voice is finally silenced, she now has planted seeds that will grow in those who have grown to empathize or sympathize with her or find faulty flaws and view her murder victim as somehow deserving of what he got (whether they actually say this or bury it in denials). She will forever be trying to strip him of that dignity she stole from him in his own home, in his own bathroom, in his own shower, as he lay there naked and defenseless and helpless -- as she was armed with multiple weapons, she took his life and his dignity.

His family and friends and those of us who have come to care about the humanity of this man will not accept the unsupported faulty theories and claims of a documented liar, a murderer, and a psychopath and refuse to let her define him and his memory. And we understand that each of us is has a private life, a personal life ... that we do not expect to have thrown up on trial for the entire world to see and have it twisted and exploited without us there to talk about it and give our own account. We understand that Travis should be remembered and given respect and that dignity JA tries to rob him of everyday, and we don't need to put a clause in front of every comment we write about him like, "He was in fact a flawed man." We all are flawed.
Nobody is cannonizing him. But we are giving him the dignity and humanity he was denied and continues to be denied by JA, her defense, and their minions and I am proud to be a part of this group who is mature and kind and cares so genuinely.
I think your off feeling is correct about this audio.

It doesn't have a natural flow - there are times when it seems as though Arias recorded comments and inserted in them audio (that they were never actually said to Travis). Then "12 year old girl" comment doesn't sound valid either - at one point Travis Alexander is speaking in a normal voice, then, his voice his slurred.

I think that it Arias "put" this audio together - and it is as authentic as her artwork, innocence, words, and her various personalities from her collection of personifications.

The letters were proven to be false - the audio was more difficult to prove as false / changed / manipulated as it is a digital recording. The same way that ghost hunters can manipulate digital recordings (not all ghost hunters) - I think Arias manipulated this audio. In fact, there are ghost hunters that could may very well be able to examine the audio and determine if it has been altered. "Serious" ghost hunters do examine these types of recordings and are able to find manipulation (with their equipment).

Again - I think that you have good instincts - and your "off feeling" means something!

I agree. Jodi even said there were "Clicks" in the recording. She explained those as being she kept hitting "save" so she wouldn't lose the recording. I think it is an awfully convenient excuse to use for the clicks. I think there are portions missing.
Beth Karas ‏@BethKaras 18s

Jurors just left for the day. #jodiarias
If I were that Juror, I would not be happy with JC's reinactment of (my defiance)...per JC's description.

I think Jean is really reaching to give up something new in whatever is going on in that jury room. She's kinda doom and gloom. Agree on the juror!
Several reliable tweeters reporting the jury is done for the day and headed onto the elevator.

Another day, another waiting game.
Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin 1m
Just kidding....jurors leaving now. No verdict today. #JodiArias
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Newbie here...I do not believe TA was in any way, shape, or form a pedophile. If that is the case, there must many, many men guilty of using the "little girl" phrase. Take Bruce Springsteen's song, "I'm on Fire" with the lyrics, "hey little girl is your daddy home".

Pedophile? No way! I hope JA gets M1 with DP!

Good first post Mony Mony! Welcome and I agree with you. :seeya:
Holy smacks! I think I need help!! I admit to thinking Edward and Jacob are cute (team Edward all the way though), Zach Efron...beautiful and I think that the One Direction boys are soooo adorable...Any psychiatrists, therapists around? I'm soooooo nervous!!!!! hahaha! NOT!!!!!! I have a 14 yr. old daughter, I have no escape from all the posters and fan site blogs and just got over my slight Beiber Fever...HELP!!! hehehehhehe...
Can we send JVM into the basement with JA? She is just ridiculous.
Beth K just tweeted that jurors have left for the day.
I know. She admitted to killing him, was caught in lie after lie - there's even pictures of the murder.

Trying to remain optimistic here, failing miserably.

Not trying to single your post out....but I've seen several posts by people who are worried because no verdict yet. I'm not stressing...these jurors have shown that they are thinkers and are analyzing all of the testimony and evidence and had great questions throughout the trial. I am not surprised that they are hashing it out. If it were me, even if I went into deliberations with M1 in my mind, I would want to talk about everything. I've been able to talk about it for months on here and with my friend who is following trial, but I can't imagine what it has been like for those jurors who had to stay silent. I'd be a magpie in there!!!
testing... I just tried to reply to someone and got a message saying a moderator would have to review my post before it shows up. Am I in trouble?? I'm confused.

I got that message last night. I believe I got it because the post I was replying too was deleted by the mods. Not sure, just a guess.
Elizabeth Erwin ‏@elizabetherwin 39s

The jurors looked a little tired when they left the jury room just's been a long few days (long few months really) #JodiArias
Oh lord.... My stomach is churning...

Stenographer comes this late, jurors still in there, it's quiet in there.

I'm holding my breath, fingers crossed,

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People are a little tired and over excited today. I never said this case. I said A case. Please read the posts a little more carefully.
Thank you!

Oh sorry. It was your ambiguous wording.
There is an interesting gentlemen on JVM on HLN that said he was on a murder one case and is talking about their hold out juror.
I took 'their' to mean this case, especially because there had just been this post:
My husband just came in the kitchen to tell me that some man on HLN said that there was a woman hold out the jury...and that was why there wasn't a verdict reached yet.
and since you referred to a woman holding out too, I don't think it was unreasonable of me to think you were talking about the same thing.

PS I'm not tired it all. It's morning here. I'm also not watching HLN, which is why I'm asking questions about it. It's not shown here.

So not tired. Or overexcited. I am, however, amused. :)
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