Verdict Watch 05/07/2013

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A juror sneezed.. apparently it could be allergies there is a slight breeze in Phoenix today. But it could also be to perfume it's been reported someone was wearing Obsession today. The juror was reported to ask for pepper packet to sprinkle on their take out lunch perhaps that's what made the juror sneeze.. Keep it here folks.. We'll let you know what made the Juror sneeze after these messages from the pocket hose, AARP & teasers about tonight's line up..

BREAKING NEWS.. A juror sneezed .. Stay Tuned!

Dontchaknow that Jean C is going to be VERY upset that you stole her story! :floorlaugh:
No, no medic. They towed the car to the city impound lot. I was amazed too that she didn't arrest me. She put me in the back of her car for a while but I was so out of it I don't know what she was doing all that time. I assumed I was being arrested. My boyfriend says she probably thought I was hurt and didn't want to deal with having to hold me in the hospital. I say the donut shop was about to close and she didn't have time to take me "downtown."

OK--I have a similar story! I was prescribed Xanax in my 20's for panic attacks. It made me space out and have long blackouts that I only found out about much later.

I drove my car into a ditch and 2 Houston cops apparently drove me home! I was shocked I didn't get arrested for DUI or something--but in my 20's I was a cute skinny blonde thing, so I'm assuming I would be thrown in the slammer if it happened now!

Sigh. Those were the days!:floorlaugh:
You might want to re-read through the evidence, rather than this thread. You might change your mind.

I really just wanted to comment on your thinking her lawyers did a good job. They did what they could with the "nothing" they had to work with. What I find objectionable is the horrible, unsubstantiated statements against Travis. It shouldn't be allowed in ANY trial, let alone this trial where she slaughtered him like he was nothing, but a piece of garbage. I'm hoping that there will be a law enacted to prevent this from ever happening again.

You're probably not going to get a lot of sympathizers to your side of things.

After reading through this thread I think I'm the only one who feels she is going to get manslaughter. I think her attorney did a good job.
(whispers) Ambien. Stay away! That stuff will make you get up out of bed at night when you don't realize it and cause you to eat the frozen stuff inside the koolpac you put on an injured knee!

There are stories out there that are unfreakingbelievable!

Maybe I should be happy we don't have it .. The ad showed people losing weight around the middle .. I was hoping to pill pop my way back to my pre-trial weight :blushing:
Could anyone supply me with the Sidebar Link?? My computer froze before I could save it and it took me 45 minutes to straighten it out. TIA!!!


Just in case you haven't gotten to the Sidebar yet, here's the link:

[ame=""]SIDEBAR #2- Arias/Alexander forum - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Instead of dancing (I'm saving the energy when we have a verdict) I'm watching JM 'dance'. Smooooth....
Reads comments - takes a deep breath - and LEAVES.
Holding on by a thread here and I might just get my first TO by being uncharacteristically rude.

I wish CEO and Ponytail guy were on that jury, there are obviously a crazy one in it. Bet it's mr/mrs "Did you check the roommates alibi?" after Jodi freaking confessed.

Yes I know. The "ignore" button is working very well.
I want to order the pocket hose, but my husband won't let me.

I saw it on the shelf in the "as seen on TV" aisle at CVS/Walgreens/Target/etc.
No need to order from TV ... Buy one at local store, then you can return it easily if it's not a good thing.
(that's what I'm gonna do). :)
(whispers) Ambien. Stay away! That stuff will make you get up out of bed at night when you don't realize it and cause you to eat the frozen stuff inside the koolpac you put on an injured knee!

There are stories out there that are unfreakingbelievable!

My friend took Ambien and got up in the night and ate candy. She could not figure out why there were candy wrappers all over her house. Her doctor said no more.
NPH is cooking dinner right now :D

He thought I looked tired :blushing:

Anybody else ready for a drink?

View attachment 33521

Bloody Marys all around!

Sent from my LG Spirit using Tapatalk 2

I'll second the drink, but, I'll have my red wine. haha

My DH just started cooking recently....breakfast only so far and some salads for lunch. He is on a new fitness kick and I am benefitting. LOL
I see the autopsy photos and I get repulsed but if there are people on the jury who think like this then we can say goodbye to justice for Travis. I'm disheartened. By the time they reach a decision I won't even care to hear it.

I don't this my feelings about Travis are off. I've heard the same repulsed feelings from parents that I have. I'm not saying she's innocent I'm purely saying that as a parent it grossed me out and worried me. I'm not as emotionally driven as some on here or 99 percent from the posts I'm reading. I think she's guilty I just don't have this <modsnip> hang her mentality.
This is from the FB page

One of our members wrote to Sheriff Arpaio re Arias' tweets. Here is the reply:


Sheriff Arpaio received your email and asked that I respond. First off, Jodi Arias, much like the other 800 women at the Estrella Jail, is a pre-trial inmate. This means that they have not yet been found guilty of a crime and still have all the rights that you and I have. She has the right to use the phone to talk to whomever she wants, and that person, who is not in custody, has the right to tweet or Facebook or run a website based off those conversations.

Per the constitution of the United States, the Sheriff cannot intervene, until such time as she has lost those rights. Inmate Arias’ tweets are bothersome to the Sheriff and his Office, however there is nothing we can do at this time to restrict any pre-trial inmates access to the phone.

Thank you for your concern, keep in mind that this is something that we are actively looking at.

Sergeant Brandon Jones
Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
Media Relations Unitponse
Back to the pocket hose....why does anyone have to order one? Everything they claim is only sold on TV is sold in a lot of stores. Most stores have their own "As seen on TV" section. The only thing I've gotten....the mesh magnet screen door things which are fabulous. I however bought mine brand new for $4 at Goodwill. Dogs and cat learned to go through them way faster than the pet door, like in five minutes and they had it down.
NPH is cooking dinner right now :D

He thought I looked tired :blushing:

Respectfully snipped for space.

Lol, my first thought when reading that post was "Neil Patrick Harris is cooking her dinner? Wow, I don't know how she managed that, but that's awesome!"

It only shows that it's late and I should probably go to bed. :floorlaugh:
I swore I was not going to drink anymore until I was sitting on my dad's sallon porch with my lil sister this weekend. After today ( work wise) and dd's school not knowing how to take attendance and now no verdict - I just sent MR Red to the store for a Bottle Of Red. :D
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